(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

roz, haha bm seems to be useful for anything :p

juliana, after i use wipes on her butt, i will use cotton wool and go thru once b4 i put her pampers on..not sure if its enough?

dewdew, i'm also using blue desitin..think is it doesnt heal soon i have to buy the purple one, think thats stronger :p

rash seems to be spreading [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I wonder how bathing baby in guiness stout was discovered? Did someone accidentally spill beer into the baby tub while the bb was having a bath? Quite weird, right? Think someone posted before, her hubby credited his great complexion to beer baths when he was a baby.

Hmm maybe I should consider giving beer baths to my kids also, since both DH and I have rather bad skin. To save my kids from terrible acne (if I could!) except I can imagine the raised eyebrows from the people at the supermarket when they see a makcik in a tudung with a baby in tow buying Guiness, lol!

Roz, the way you say it, really funny! i'm sure you'll raise a few eyebrows if you really do that. lol!!!! but yah, i think the bathing baby in stout is a wonderful discovery. just wonder how they found out this remedy... maybe they ran out of water to bathe bb and decided stout would do. lol!

cindy, how often are you changing the diapers? and what brand are you using? it may not be suitable for your gal?

dewdew, i change her pampers after each poo..

recently shes been pooing almost 5times a day, sometimes 20mins after poo, she poos again...

very siong on pampers haha!

then i try to keep the soiled one for half hr or so in case she poo again, sometimes she doesnt poo and i forget to change :p

all the while shes using pampers, until her laosai started haiz!!

crystal, my hb's work is very busy...i need to chk with him when he is on leave..then I can take a breather..

for fishoil, I am taking GNC goldmind series

Stefie, last time my gal is still better, my mum wasnt working that time so she came up at times to help me take care of my gal..oh her bday prep 7788 liao, we only gng to hv a small celebration wif my family only n her CC, so been busy packing her goodie bag for her sch

Cindy, wah ur gal poos alot...oh no, how come she has laosai?

BTW, any mummy want to go bb festival at expo this friday?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy> I hv a tube of purple desitin, bought in Dec last year but open in Jan, used a few times only. Now stop using coz I prefer Vaseline. I can mail it to you if you'd like. No point buying a new tube if u already hv a blue one.

Leely, ya exactly! me too feel is lack of sleep :p

juliana, is ur bb eczema very serious? Can try bb organic skincare products..if u interested, I can share more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks ESquare and Dew. Will try that.

Cindy: I actually carry him to the toilet basin and splash water on his genitals and butt. Also along the skin folds. Very troublesome but it became a habit. If got poo, I wipe out his poo first then wash. Be careful the genitals, wash there first then buttocks if poo, scared get UTI if kena poo. That works for me.

mango, i duno how come she has laosai [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but her poo is very watery type zzz

worst is her poo greenish zzz

roz, thanks for your offer, but i'm currrently not in SIN..guess i have to buy the purple one if it gets worst [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

juliana, wa u really hardworking mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think i might start doing that soon and make sure it heals soon, cant let it get worst, my poor baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mango: actually I dun know if it's considered serious. So far it is not inflamed except on his face and folds on his arms n legs and neck becomes reddish. But v v dry and rough skin almost everywhere. If touch his arms, really feel rough, like sandpaper! Just v v disheartening to feel his skin like that. And if eczema, supposed to be itchy. So far he only scratches his scalp but when I carry him upright, he will rub his face on me, I guess must b itchy too. So poor thing..

Organic products? Good for eczema? Yes pls share with me. Thanks! Will try stout bath n calendula cream first, since I bought oredi.

cindy, 5x a day, green and watery? i think you shd bring her to see the PD. is it dark green or bright green? if bright green it means she's only been getting foremilk and not hind milk. dark green poo is actually common for bbs with a change in diet, eg. bm to fm. is it foamy?

Cindy: ya v troublesome. That's why after my mother left, I really no time for anything else. No time for lunch even, coz I was using the the cloth napkin. I was so scared he will get nappy rash. After awhile I gave up, use disposable diapers all the way. Haha. So dun have to wash so often. In the end no nappy rash but got eczema. Sigh...

rainbow: u finished it ah??? wow! i have tasted the enfalac, taste fishy not something that i like. i like my own BM though sweet tasting

how to put with the eggs? cooked or raw eggs?

stefie: yes sis, some man like that simply bochap i so mad at times wonder why he is like tat so i can only rant here. i purposely ask him change his diaper then he say u change can? i already know how to change *diao* to the max lo. i also taking the triplus from woody left over from preg days

juliana: if it is eczema, doc will prescribe a mild steroid cream like a cortisoid. my pd prescribed physiogel (a moisturiser: to combat dry skin) my boi had patches on his face when he was month old. was better with the steriod but i daren apply more as it thins the skin. the physiogel is ok to apply though. maybe the bathing foam u use is it too drying? my pd recommend sebamed and i find it ok too.

Cindy, dew might be right maybe thr diaper is not suitable and u try changing every 3 hours. I change soiled not soiled also change. So far ethan's skin no rash.

Juliana, maybe u can ask pd if bb can use this QV cream. My col that has excema swears by it but not sure if bb can use. U ask first? Another cream my fren use for her child's dry skin is aqurea. But her child does not have excema but over the yrs the skin is indeed smoother.

dewdew, her poo is dark green, but no change in diet.. haiz i also duno y like that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i duno how to tell if foamy anot, but very watery, coz i happen to seeit flow down while changing her and she was still pooing.. zzz

juliana, now with the diaper rash i went to get those cloth napkin, with velcro type where i just change the inserts..easier to use haha..

if your boy skin is due to eczema, try to avoid seafood and nuts if u're bfing...

crystal, day time now i change her diapers quite frequently (coz now she sometimes on cloth and pampers)..only at night her pampers last more than 8hrs coz no change thru the night :p

maybe have to be more hardworking in cleaning, see if it helps b4 i decide to change brand, coz i have 3 unopened packs! haha


Green stool when bb's diet no change is due to bb has colic..

I have this article on bb stools.. Pm me .. I forward to u..

I have other articles on stools but I must go and dig my box ..

cindy, hmmm then shld be fine. shldnt have rashes le. ethan uses pampers for 12 hours also no change also fine. but i tink he's allergic to mammy poko ones. he got a bit of rash when he was using it so i stop and it got better.

when are u coming back to sin again? i can give u samples of a lot of diapers hahah i bought many diff types heheh... to try.

Hi Cindy, don't think pampers could be the problem. My gal also has been using pampers since birth. But really very siong monetary wise when she was younger, she can poo like 10 times a day. Now at 3 months, better, only pop 2-3 times a day. And bf babies usually have watery stools, so may not be Lao sai. But green is unusual.

E square, green poo is due to colic? Can you pm me the article too? Thanks so much.

jc_bb: yup i drank.. haha taste ok la. e oatmeal when about to cook than break an egg and stir it.. taste fantastic!

cindy, my bb poo is also green cos he is colicky. pd asked me wat fm i gave and i told her is enfa with friso so she says it's normal then.

Cindy, I have been using Pampers for my boy too since birth and he poos lots too. His poo is yellowish though, mustard looking, watery sometimes with some white flecks or harder pieces. He loves to poo/pee when we are changing his diapers or right after so we use are 16 diapers for him a day!!! Xiong but no choice as we dun want him to get diaper rash.. Waiting fir the day when he dun have to be changed so often!!

Besides using pampers, we will use cotton wool with water to wipe for him & CB calendula cream. So far so gd.

Btw, does any mummies feel sleepy after drinking the sacred tea? I drank a cup after dinner n super slpy after. Not sure if it's bcos of the tea or I'm simply slpy :p

Cindy, my boy's stools have all along been watery cos he on TBF. I called PD to check once and the nurse told me bright green or orange stools are ok. Dark green means diarhhoea or something. Anyway my boy got a period of time have light green stools cos of foremilk and hindmilk imbalance due to my over supply of BM. Now ok already.

Does anyone know if nin jiom pei pa kao is safe for breastfeeding mums? The label says to consult a medical professional before consuming >.< my DH and daughter have been coughing since late last week, now I feel like I'm going to come down with it too.

mummies, thanks for your valuable replies on my baby's poo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

esquare, i have pm-ed u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for the article [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, i will only be back in SIN end may..i also dun think that shes allergic to pampers, coz before her laosai, she also can tahan 10-12hrs no change thru the night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha dun have to give me samples la :p

i kiasu, still have 3 packs of pampers, dun think i will change until its finished :p

btw mummies who use pampers, is it that Size M dun have the indicator?

littlemay, yup, she used to poo yellow, recently changed to green after her crying fit T_T

maybe like wat esquare said, could be due to colic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

rainbow, how to know if baby is colicky?

maybe i should give her ridwind and see if it helps in her poo?

jialing, i use pampers with desitin/drapolene, calendula only when change at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now becoz of the rash i went to buy her cloth ones, just change the inserts..hope will heal soon and i can be back to my lazy self :p

debbie, i trying to rule out diarrhoea though the poo very watery zzz

i tot was due to imbalance too, so i make it a point to pump out the foremilk..still green.. T_T

Hi mummies..

Been back at work since ytd,haven had time to log in... I find it sooo difficult to tear myself fr the bed tis morning... Vy tired! First day at work was terrible... While my colics r vy glad to c me back ( can dump my load back to me ) , I'm missing my gers a huge load... Got Teary seeing their picture on my hp... Called home 5x to chk on them,my elder gal was so sweet.. Told me she will watch meimei and even drew a picture of herself n her sister n ask me to look at it when I miss them... Awwwwww....

Btw,Mummies on Facebook, can add me at [email protected]?

Mangogal-will there b anything much at the expo? The last time I went,it was pretty disappointing...

Stefie-u not bad lei,can 'fight' off those hard selling by the beauticians!I'm vy weak at tis... Go manicure always been asked to sign package n top up some more... Tats y I'm still looking ard for good facial places..any recommendations for the west?

Mummies, just came back from PD , Darius got stomach flu, the poor baby, yesterday temp started going up though not fever yet but ard 37.3 and also poo twice more watery than usual (usually its once a day or every 2 days), today morning was ok , left him at my mum's place in the afternoon as I got facial appt. When I went back in the evening, mum told me he seem very tired, also poo twice and couldn't finish his milk. Decided to bring him to see PD after waiting for hubby to come back. Super long q at PD, at the clinic, his temp was 37.5 and while waiting he poo again. After waiting for another hour, he got cranky cos I think he got hungry. Ask hubby to help cos wanted to bf him and he got impatient, ask me to bring him back tmr morning instead as long q. When I did not agree, he said ' u want to go out with your friend is it?' , I was quite angry. Anyway with maid's help, I bf baby for a while in handicap toilet. Never imagine I would do that but well desperate times call for desperate measures. Luckily, hubby said sorry in the car, or else I would still be fuming. Fed baby, change to pj and feed him medicine and let him sleep, thot everything ok already but alas, after half an hour, he vomitted. Helper was bathing so good thing hubby hands on and help me change the mattress, while I change for bb. Now so tired, waiting for my hair to dry, just hope that Darius will recover quickly.

Read that some mummies use cotton and water to clean their babies after poo poo. I use pigeon baby wipes all the time. Is it ok?

Oh dear, Sharon, hope Darius get well soon. Btw what made you see the pd? Temp of 37.3 deg, watery stools, no appetite, and tiredness? My baby displays all of this symptoms sometimes but I never thought of bringing her to pd. Thought it's normal..... Clueless mom

Littlemay, think as long as your baby don't have rash, using wipes only is ok. My baby tends to have some redness at the anus area so I'll use cotton with water after pigeon wipes.

I'm also clueless n think julien's just cranky when he displays those symptoms too :p

Jialing> Your bb sounds just like mine.. Always pee/poo during or immediately after changing diapers.. I often use 2/3 diapers for each diaper change.. So hb and I always use cheapskate housebrand diapers in the day time.. At night then let bb wear pampers to sleep.. Not so heartpain when dumping away diapers one after another.. hehe.. So far so good, thankfully my son doesn't have sensitive skin, can take any diapers!

God's child> You are such a sweet mum! And your daughter is just like you, so sweet.. That's why I like daughters.. Too bad I got a son.. haha..

Hi Good morning Mummies!

Long time no chat!!!!!!!! Hope everyone is doing great!

I'm finally back at work, went back to work last wed. Working plus looking after BB after work is damn tiring..I'm like a walking zombie every morning.

Kayleia just turned 4 months and she has been crying non-stop for almost an hour few times a week from 9plus 10pm onwards..I dunno if her gum's itchy or its colic but it seems so late to be colic. The moment we carry her out of the house, or go downstairs for walk or car ride, her crying stops..sigh..

Regarding flipping, I try to give her tummy time a few times a day, the funny thing is she flipped once when she was crying frantically, but now instead of flipping from front to back, she flips from tummy time to her front instead..so now its hard to give her tummy time as she will turn herself back to lying position..very weird as she's doing the opposite instead!

Dropping hair - I'm dropping hair too!!!!! Very sad!

Debbie - my bb recently sleep thru the night too. Her last feed will sometimes be at 9plus 10am and she will sleep through till 7am with no feeds in between. Think I'll ask my pd if its alright next week.

muddypaws - glad that you've found a better job!

Jiayou everyone!!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning! Kieran just had his first drunken bath. Haha. Hope it will help with his eczema.

Crystal: I did get the QV cream doesn't work on him. :-(

Hello Melissa. Kayleia is oredi 4m, so cannot b colic right? Maybe teething? She's already sleeping the night thru? Sigh waiting for my boy to do the same. Btw, she such cute pink clothes! V hard to find nice ones for boys. :-(

Sharon, hope Darius will recover soon! Take care, yeah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa> when my girl was abt 3-4 months she would cry every night at 10pm like clockwork. It went on for 1-2 weeks. It was loud, high pitched and inconsolable. Then it stopped just as abruptly.

Juliana> agree that it's easier and more fun to shop for baby girls! Update us on the drunken bath!

Juliana - I'm not sure, maybe teething cos she drools alot. Dunno wat's wrong with her too. Yup she's sleeping thru if I give her a last feed at 10-11.

Hehe all her clothes are pink! There are some cute clothes for boys too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whats a drunken bath?

Roz - I dunno wat's wrong with her too, I get phobia when it comes to night time!

wow.. i didnt know can apply library card for bb liao... mayb i hav outstanding fine record w NLB so i dont bother ... but i think its time to read to bb... cos nowadays my frens send bb to enrichment so early n my hubby say no need lah..let bb enjoy .....

Cindy, i've stop giving my boy ridwind when he's 2.5mths cos i'm adding friso comfort to his formula which shld help in his colic. Sometimes half way asleep he'll cry loudly and when i carry him, he'll let out few farts so i assume he's still colicky but not as bad as b4.

Bb hair fall:

Mummies is it common? My boy's hair has been dropping lor till now i see 1 patch bald on his left head..

Hi Mummies,

I have a brand new , unopened, unused Philips AVENT Steamer and Blender for sale. It is very useful and convinience for babies who just start weaning. I am willing to let go at $130. Kindly PM me if you are interested. [email protected]

Thank You.

Good "morning" (Afternoon) Mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just woke up from my morning nap after sending Alexis to skool. Trying to catch up with my sleep cos left with 2 weekdays, 2 weekends (Hubby and Alexis time). Lazy me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, I think better up Clarice Diaper size, IIRC she is wearing S size right, now up to M size lor. Alexis can wear L now. Maybe too tight fittings will cause Nappy rash since the diaper is so tight at the butt. If you find it sayang to throw away "newly" soiled diaper, can add Nappy Liner, just wipe away the little bit of shit, then add the nappy liner. Air her butt more often, maybe just let her wear her diaper loosely by not tightening the velco too tight. Hope her butt recover soon, sayang sayang.

I am using Pampers Active, no indicators for Size M and L leh. I just touch the bottom of the diaper, if very jelly then I change.

God's child, I am very "seasoned" to hard selling. Cos I have tons of reasons to keep them off. My Li you more than Bak you (Reasoning more than Meat fat in Hokkien) leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] West side I am not too sure, IIRC there was one in CCK home facial like not bad, I find the address I will PM you?

Yes we will be sad when off to work, that's why I also put Alexis to IFC earlier so I can get use to it, i can imagine, if I put her to IFC on the day I goes to work, how to settle down in my work. Just remember we work is for our kids to have better life. Just spend quality time after work and weekends. Once off work really means "off" work. Don't bring work home as our kids deserve 101% of our time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, it is normal. My friend did mention once we start dropping hair, baby will also drop.

Sharon, poor mine, hope your Darius get well soon. Sayang Sayang.

Melissa, your Kayleia super cute, I see liao want to pinch her cheeks. You should celebrate since your dear is sleeping thro the nights. If they are hungry they will wake up for milk. It is normal their night sleep will stretch as they get older. No worries if she is gaining weight, then go and open a bottle a wine and celebrate[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby hair will grow back on us. No worries[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, Still check-in here when On leave[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have a nice super long weekend hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lee, Haa, think our babies pop on purpose so as to get more diaper time attention :p julien always smile when it's diaper time!

I'm also considering using cheaper dispers in the day but my hb says since he likes pampers, we should stick to it. But Jul doesn't even know the brand! Haa...so thinking of trying some other brands. Which brands r u using?

Jialing, there are few cheaper brands like Pureen, Drypers and Pet pet. But their sizing is different, maybe have to see the sample displayed beside the diapers?

Jialing, my boy loves diaper time too!! Full of smiles during that time. Haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have an attention-seeking baby.

Re: cheap diapers for day use

mummies, I use this brand called Fitti diapers for day use. It's quite cheap. M size is 72pieces for $11.95. Only NTUC sell this brand. And the funny thing is only the NTUCs at NeX and city square mall sell this diaper at $11.95. The other outlets more ex. I find quality as good as drypers. It's not Velcro but sticky tape type however it's not as noisy as drypers in my opinion.

stefie, yah must log in hahaha... i going to zzzz now ahaha later going out hehe.. today is a slow mo day somemore now raining ... nice to zzzzzzz.. hahah

Crystal, enjoy your nap hoh, I am going out to buy stuff for hubby to cook tonight. I "rain god" loves to go out when raining[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Very lomatic[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow, i tried giving her ridwind ytd, she spit out half of it.. zzz

so difficult to feed her medicine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so far she has pooed 3 times today until now, last 2 was yellowish liao..

hope its a good sign [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, ya Clarice still using Size S :p

last 7 pieces then i will upgrade coz my 3 packs are M size haha!

hmm i never thought of adding liner to the diaper! good idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coz many times i change and within 5mins she poo again..duno y she has the habit of not finishing her poo in 1 go zzz

hope once her laosai ok then rash will heal also when she poo lesser haha

thanks for confirmation on the indicator haha! i was looking ard the pampers for it :p

