(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

leely, read to bb. that's wat i do haha i go to library and borrow TONS of books haha

i also buy small books that has pictures in them for ethan too. let him touch and flip or borrow those touchy feely books library has them hehee.. take his hands and touch them.

stefie, me too me too. i jsut went to hougang food centre (renovated one) besides it has a mall? i bought tang shi (tang poems) small book with pictures to read to ethan hehee.. jialat a lot of words dunno hahah i tink i need to check up on them first before i can read to him haha. 2.50 for 1 book.

dewdew, thank goodness ur gf and her son is oki. must be worrying for u right? i was also sending emails to my japanese counterparts to see if they are oki. thankfully they are fine.


cherrry, so it's milk strike!! boohooo... i was telling my sis i so scare he slim down.. lol.. my sis says aiyoh his cheek sagging liao slim abit also nvm wat.

I wanna meet up!! but east side abit far.. nvm, let me know e dates than i see if i can go up or not.. haha

Oh I see..thot u still hv some ML left..

Ya I do houswork, pump,wash, feed, very routine so maybe begin to stone more, haha!

Yes I need ME time more but nw with 2 kids very difficult..

Wah so siok, doing facial , I long for that...well must do one soon. My hb got some facial and spa slimming voucher for me cos of his credit card promotion..I dun even gt time to utilise it, hiaz..

yugal, look at the want to sell section i've actually wanted to buy a second hand medela ones and they onli cost around 150-250 full set. some of them are reallie very new. but after i got the motor i didnt get it cos actually its onli the motor that we need.

mangogal, do u ahve someone that can help u look after kids for like 1 afternoon? if can at least not so bad can run out and do facial for a while and walk and breathe...

littlemay: me too steal some time while pumping or feeding. iphone is good if not i will have to stare at four walls liao

roz: ya man wish he would be good and take milk and sleep kwai kwai mummy will be happy.

sad bout japan as i dig all things japanese. think our problems here seem trival in compared to the big picture.

dewdew: thanks for the encouragement. me too pumped for more than 20 mins per session but decreased my pumping sessions due to boi refusing bottle, so direct latch

crystal: good that yr hubby hands on. my hubby::: better dun go there. we had many quarrels alr. i ask him feed boi cos he is refusing bottle fr me. hubby feed once, boi refused, hubby say let him be hungry he will take bottle. he din even want to try feeding him second time!!

rainbow: my boi coming three mths. also like tat refusing bottke and only take milk directly from me. and i dunno how much he is taking. i alo trying to bottle feed him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eod, through trial and error and common sense i try to make things work. glad to see the community here so united and supportive. thanks

jc_bb, mine drink 20-30ml than keep using tongue to push out e teats.. than i gotta to heat up and 15mins later feed again.. now i only give him 70ml!!! cos fm very ex.. last night left 30ml i find it to waste to throw so i finished it... lol

jcbb, unfortunately that's men's mentality ahhah. my hubby will jsut swaddle ethan up and try to pat him to sleep ahhaha... soemtimes its becos ethan's reallie sleepie and so he will sleep instead of drinking milk but sometimes he will scream his head offf and then hubby will try again and voila it works so after a few times like this.. errmm i realise that actually hubby knows better hahah so i jsut let him do it lo hhahah...

Haha Rainbow. U finished it har? Good idea, next time I shd finish up his milk too but doesn't smell v good tho. My son also doesn't finish all his feeds too, expensive milk. His last feed he left 40ml! Sigh...

i know many mums here are taking quacker oatmeal in order to 'thicken' breastmilk for our babies. i find oatmeal (mai4 pian4) a bit bland and doesnt go down well with me.

so what i do is:

@i mix one packet of milo (those 3-in-1 instant kind) and three to four tablespoon (heaps) of oatmeal.

@ add hot water and stir (add enough hot water for both the oatmeal and milo to be covered)

@ refrigerate 20 mins or so

@ u will see a sticky chocolate lump. then add fresh milk and stir. you have a tasty treat.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leely, ha!! ha!!! I feel guilty when I pick up iphone cos Alexis will give me that kind of look, Alamek, Mommy picking up her fav "toy" again, Daddy also everytime busy with it. ha!! ha!!!

Crystal, you went Kovan? I want to get some more cos very cheap leh. I bought 2 books First Steps Colours and First Steps Shapes. Yes yes it is cheap as compared to some books which is selling at $16+ for 1 book, but what you pay is what you get lah. I am still happy with my buy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just read lah, now is more bonding and teaching him the basic stuff lah. Ha!! ha!! The example for shape has crescent, give example croissant, square=picture frame, alamek so chim. So We just said the shape and not the example yet.

Mango, last time how you tahan NPL? Poor mine. Yesterday Facial was good, I fell asleep. Ha!! ha!!! Btw there is some promotion at RiverVale Mall at the Epi Treatz 2nd floor, Trial Facial (Skin Luminari Corrective Facial+ eye hydrating mask) at $38, they are using Demalogical products. They keep pushing me the more ex one, I just said I want $38 one, and end of the facial they push package to me, I just said I have sensitive skin, so can't decide now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Things will get better after you return to office lah, really work keep us busy, so will have no time to think too much. Now at home more free time so think more rubbish stuff.

Jc_bb, Don't get upset about hubby lah. It is never ending one, just do what you can. Cos men need time to get used to being a father. Some mommies here are lucky to have wonderful hubbies like Shivan, Yugal, Andy (IIRC). They have been here to learn to be good father for their wives. Shivan and Yugal have been here since their wives were pregnant. Be positive things will gets better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you.

Re: Japan

Yes, following news closely and getting updates from my friends in Japan through facebook.. It seems ppl in Japan are taking things quite easy, and they say Western news is blowing things up.. Life in Tokyo is pretty much going on as usual.. I quote my friend, "trains are running, birds are chirping, children are playing in the playground.. It's hard to imagine we are facing a calamity.".. But I think Tohoku region is really bad.. My friend, whose fiance is in Tohoku, just flew over to Japan.. Waiting for first-hand updates from her..

Yugal> the avent UNO Isis is a good pump, but if ur wife is going to pump often, invest in a double pump instead.. I hv the UNO Isis, and after using for 2 months, I decided to invest in a double pump coz single pump, even if it's electronic, takes way too much time. With a double pump, I get 20min more sleep for each pumping session, well worth the $ if u ask me.. For avent UNO, I tried using the battery option once and it died before I could even finish one pumping session! Not sure if it's because I'm using cheap batteries, but thank goodness I had the manual part with me and continued pumping manually.. I think v impt to hv manual pump as back-up all the time if ur wife is a serious pumper.. In case battery flat or cannot find power outlet.. My Sis does eping and she loves her manual avent pump.. She's the one who convinced me to buy the Avent Isis in the first place..

Roz> yep, my boy loves his bb gym only when I'm there to shake the things around for him.. It has this little egg thingy, I will open it and he will close it back.. So cute.. Recently tried to bid for a second hand Bumbo chair on eBay but failed.. Hehe.. When i finish enough Friso Gold Mum, I intend to use the tins to make drums! My Niece loves playing with drums, hope my son will love it too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew> oh yes, I always bring bb to kitchen window to look at the fluttering clothes, and look at carpark to see if daddy is home yet.. But he always stare here stare there, not sure what he's staring at actually..

Stefie> seems like ur mum v different from my parents! When i told my parents i need to turn down tuition assignments coz need to look after bb, my parents said, "find part time nanny take care of bb for $15 per hour, u go and teach tuition charge $50 per hour, still got balance!" Diaoz... But yah, I just listen and try to ignore lah.. I know they are just concerned, that in future I will hv no savings to retire.. Oh well, just take things one step at a time, and yah, can nvr make everyone happy... But sometimes really feel like gg ki siao surrounded by 4 pillars, so I try to bring bb out for walks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Speaking of kiddy palace, I always bring bb to kiddy palace to look at the toys there, but nvr buy.. Hb and I always joke that very soon, the kiddy palace salespeople will recognize me and whisper behind my back, "Look, it's the giam siap auntie here to play w toys and not buy again!".. Lol. 

I tried showing picture books on shapes and colours but my son didn't seem too interested.. Initially he looked, but very fast he get bored of it le.. Maybe he has his dad's genes, coz my hb hates reading.. Haha..

I have a nursery rhyme CD that I got free from NLB when I registered bb with them before birth.. They said if I go back to register my bb after birth, can get a welcome pack.. Anyone knows what's in the welcome pack? I should find time to go register my bb.. Hehe.. Very auntie..

Rainbow, Maybe just make 60 ml first, if Reyes finishes then make another 30-60ml depends on how fast he finished the 1st 60ml? You can gives him more like 2 hr per feed in day time (you will be very tired, more for last feed)

Alexis also like that for last 2 weeks, then now better. Maybe he hong Sim want to play. You just take his weight, if he is gaining and he is still smiling, then no worries ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, for fish oil, maybe can try GNC ones, I think more ex. If you need my help to get from my Dr Woody, let me know, I can help you to buy. $32.10 for 30 pills. I can pass to you at your office, since Serangoon north is so near my house[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, ya hhaha i went to kovan... piangs..i jialat hahah i said hougang hahah... i was there for lunch with cols hehe.. there is a book stall inside the mall so u can go and see. there's loads like animals, fruits, vegs, shapes, er ge (children songs), bed time stories etc at this pricing. but its qutie chim haha some of the words i cant pronounce from the tang shi hahah so i need to flip dictionary first haha.. but its all chinese books.

stefie, i also think he hong sim.. keep cooing and smiling at me when i feed him.. hopefully this phrase will pass soon.. if not when my mum rtn from my sis place and see his grandson nvr put on weight or nvr grow. she sure heartpain and kp at me..

lee, i also always go kiddy palace.. think the sale already recognise me.. but i spend on toys and dvd la..

lee, the only thing i miss abt working was the chit chat sessions with colleagues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i still buy things for baby though hub will nag, then my excuse will be my 'ex' money from working haha!!

since u and yr hub decide for u to be sahm then just do your best for the little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anw i agree with stefie on "no matter what option you choose there will be someone give negative comments on it" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, thanks for reminder on not tieing my hair too tight!

i tend to tie super tight so it can last the day without me having to retie :p

duno when this hair loss will end, really scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

for a start maybe have to trim my hair abit then see if it helps..if still dropping then i have to seriously look for solution haha!

Lee, i register for teh welcome pack hahaha i'm a bookworm hahah so i'm constantly hanging out at libraries ahhaha... i registered ethan when he was 3 weeks old haha my parents said i siao but then hey he has his own library card now ahha so i can borrow books for him ahhaha. the welcome pack consists of a book that charts his growth something like a scrapbook? so u can fill in his family tree etc, a growth chart, it also has a cd compilation, and a free bag that's bot it i tink.

stefie, u going back to work next week rite? would it be too much of a hassle to get? i can meet u to pick up hehee.. cos i taking leave for the rest of the week. u got my email rite? u pm me your contact number? u sms me when u get it i come over and pick up? hehee..

GNC have so many diff types fo fish oil.. hahah dunno wat to get... my gynae used to give me solaray ones but somehow GNC themselve always out of stock for this brand so i cant buy.

Leely> I hope all goes well for ur friend and her fiancée!

I think at this age bb eyesight not that sharp so they can't really see v far. And they also get bored easily...I hv a little dr Seuss book, a short poem but halfway mine will already zone out. But I'm sure for the 4-5 mins I had his attention he enjoyed it haha!

Now I see my boy smile when he looks at his sister, so cute! Really hope they will grow up to be good to be each other!

Any mummies here got bbs with very dry patchy skin? Sigh.. V heart pain see my son's skin getting worst. Last time only arms n legs. Today bathe him, saw his back also very rough oredi. His face also not getting better. I guess it's really eczema. Really v frustrated to see him like that. I'm sure it's itchy for him, maybe that's why he seems to b more cranky n have to b carried alot. Dr's Physiogel doesn't seem to work oredi now. Sian... I miss the time when my bb's skin is smooth and soft. Now everywhere feels rough, so sad..

Mangogal> I'm super stone at home! Sometimes when my hb talk to me, I'm so stoned that I don't realize he's talking.. Sometimes i switch on TV to entertain myself while nursing, only to realize 15 min later that i'm not watching, just staring blankly at the TV! Think it's lack of sleep..

Rainbow > yes, I love blue packaging quakers oatmeal with condensed milk.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie> so my son is not the only one who hates the iPhone! Haha.. 

Cindy> I miss chit chat w my colleagues too! There was one day when I was so bored that I brought baby with me to my old workplace during lunchtime, to have lunch and chit chat with my ex-colleagues.. It was super fun, everyone came over to look at the bb.. I even hid in my colleague's workstation to nurse the bb after lunch and ppl started to pop their head over to see why got bb crying.. Lol.. But a bit paiseh, like disturbing ppl's work like that.. :p

Crystal, Ha!! ha!! No problem lah, I Hougang, Bedok, SK and Ponggol siao leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will pop by 1 of the day cos I miss the double boiled black chicken soup. Tang Shi still okay. My BIL's niece started san zhi jin liao, wau lau, I only know 1-2 phrases only, that 4 years old can remember everything.

Leely, My mom is more traditional kind lah, she keep finding faults in IFC, so I just ignore her altogether.

Kiddy Palace, I also walk walk look-look see-see only cos I compare price with USA, can ask my hubby to buy from Amazon much more cheaper. Like the Mobile cot, KP is selling at S$109, hubby bought at Amazon for S$60. See so much diff right.

No auntie lah. Nothing wrong with yr behaviour. Just do what makes you happy okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, ha!! ha!!! You hao qi, you hao siao right. If he is still smiling then no problem lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now baby can see much more stuff, like last time 14" TV, now like 52" TV lah, Everything also much clearer and more colourful lah, so more thing, no mood to eat lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It is just passing phase. No worries. Enjoy yr nap, it just rain, good weather to konz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, ha!! ha!!! I also miss my Good morning greetings and Pill reminder (Miss being pregnant[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in June, I will have to say good night to you (SIN morning) and Good morning to you (SIN at night). For weather clothings it is cheaper and better to get in USA than SIN, by June it will be Summer in USA, so our clothings still can use there. I am so excited for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Juliana, your mom taking care of your baby for 1 month? May still okay, if by 6th month will be more difficult for baby to get use to IFC cos they start being sticky to their caregivers. If you need any help please feel free to PM me or SMS me. I will PM you my contact no. In office sms better mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry mommies I tried to remember who wrote what on the forum, so my replies will be later than usual[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lee, haha yr parents so cute, still calculate for u :p

just be selective listener [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do wat u think is right for yourself and baby is wat matters most!

haha once i also went last yr to office to take hand down from a ex colleague.. :p

i met her during lunch and stayed in office until 4pm, hiding at her workstation LOL!

rainbow/stefie, i read that as babies grow, they be more aware of surroundings, so will 'milk strike'..

not to worry, they will drink when hungry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, i also bookworm! haha..

but i get 2nd hand books from marine parade :p


I am super zombified by at cranky bb at mom's place alone with no help.. My place is noisy and dirty..I am tired..sitting down feeling blessed.. Coz we when to tohuko in feb during cny .. Imagine if it all came early..

So I guess we saw the best of Sendai.. And it will no longer be the same any more


Crystal> hmm, the welcome pack sounds exactly like what i received when I registered bb before birth.. But Nemmind, I will register him anw.. Bb's own library card... Cool! I'm a bookworm too!! Haha.. During my pregnancy, I was hanging out at library all the time reading up on pregnancy, childcare and breastfeeding.. My hb was so impressed with how much I can read.. He always ask me to summarize important points for him, coz he can't be bother to read.. Haha..

Lee: u're welcome, hope yr freestyle suction will b better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & yup dun worry abt yr bb having no toys to play with, I think they prefer mommy's attention even if it is just us talkin to them yeah... I also buy those cloth book cheap cheap only let bb play with n c pic, but at the moment ma bb duno how to play with toys yet ah...

Mummies, I took a break, left ma bb with mom for a while n came out to do scalp treatment... Quite enjoy but I'm feelin v tired so while she do I'm actually dozing off hahaha... But omg the lady ask me how long have I been droppin hair? I say these few days ESP drop a lot she said that ma sides r v obvious gt holes I.e patches without hair omg... Say sides more obvious Dan the rest of ma head omg... Must I really land myself at Beijing 101 at the end of the day?

dewdew, how do you bathe baby in guinness stout? mix it with water from shower or use it direct on the affected area?

does it work with nappy rash? :p

Cindy, I remember you always tied your hair so tight, (few times I met you leh) I worry for you the whole bunch will come off leh.

Crystal, I PM you liao. Today you in office? I can pass to you later before I fetch Alexis from IFC.

Juliana, no need to be sad, have you tried California babies Calendula cream? If you need some sample, I can scoop some from my huge tub for your baby to try before buying cos not cheap leh. Let me know okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leely, ha!! ha!! In no time, they will snatch the iphone from us to play game liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, where to get second hand books? i love buying books ahaha i go book fairs and HURL books home and then after that donate to library ahhaha hubby say i waste $$ but then i dun have space to keep ma heh donate better then throwing rite haha

Dew: how to bathe? Mix with water or just dab and wash off? Good for dry eczema skin? I moisturize his body twice a day, sometimes 3 times a day with Physiogel which 2 Dr's reco but not really working. I'm waiting to chg his milk to HA, hope that will help.

Stefie, I just ordered one 2oz tub waiting for it to arrive. Later will chk post. I hope that is my miracle saver.

How not to feel sad, bb supposed to have soft smooth skin. And I think it is itchy for him too. Everyday I will touch his skin c if got improvement. Sometimes got some improvement but next day back to normal. His skin like that since just b4 he turned 2m.

stefie, LOL! ya i also worry my whole bunch gone :p

jialat, i so used to tie it tight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

loose when i have to keep retie i very lazy zzz

ya i use calendula cream for her butt, also drapolene and desitin, but still rashes not heal, since sat i think, so 4 days liao haiz...

her poor butts :p

think she poo too much, like laosai leh zzz

crystal, at the marine parade food center opposite the mall, there's a 2nd hand shop..also 1 in the mall, think at higher lvls, 5th floor or so :p

i also hurl books home and KEEP it instead haha..

i like to keep books that i read b4, though i dun re-read :p

Re: eczema

I came across an article online that said a dilute bleach bath could help with eczema. Quite interesting.


(Read the comments from the many parents who disagree with the article)

Re: Beijing 101

I met my colleague the other day, he said he went for a 'free trial' at one of these hair places, and they cornered him in a room and tried to pressure him into signing $20k package!

Re: nappy rash

Try using Vaseline for nappy rash. I found that it cleared up the redness v quickly. Now I use Vaseline each time i change his diaper. Another remedy is using breastmilk but I think you hv to keep applying. I dabbed some BM on this ugly zit on my chin and it dried up quickly also.

Cindy: my boy has skin problems almost every part of his body except his butt! No nappy rash. My aunt told me to wash his buttocks at every nappy chg. I've been doing that since birth. But if weather cold or he is sleeping I use wet wipes. I also apply Avent Baby Bottom Balm as prevention. This seems to work coz no nappy rash. Sometimes I forget to chg after long while, he has reddish skin folds, I will apply Pureen cream, which I got free, just in case but touch wood so far no problem. Mayb wanna try that? Wash buttocks when u chg nappy?


Is bb allergic to something? If bm take note of the food u eat.. It maybe some food allergy .. If it is fm change to soy or HA fm

He is on formula. Not sure what he is allergic to. PD said it's eczema. Planning to chg to Nestle Nan HA soon. Still got 1 and half 900g tins of the current milk to go, he is taking Similac now, bought alot fr Msia.

juliana, after bb's regular bath, just take the stout and pour over his body. but i will put some boiled water into the stout first, make it warmer. then for his face, dip his washcloth into the diluted stout and wipe him. try to avoid his mouth so he doesn't drink it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i found another person posted that a nurse recommended it too, and to use 7 times. i only used 2x, i think. bb's skin did get better.


cindy, for nappy rash, just use desitin. i use the light blue one, rapid relief. it works really well and a little goes a long way.


oh, and dun need to wash off after that, just dab dry. can try, see if it will help your son... i did on my gal and her skin got better.

