(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


Poor thing.. Sometimes also haf a bit of conflicts with HB abt ways of doing things or caring for BB. So far, i jus ignore n do my ways cos i am the one doing n thus it shld be to the way i wan at no expense of BB la.

Seriously u r very nice liao. On ML, take care BB alone, offer to travel by public transport & even make BF for him during ur confinement.. I on confinement, machiam queen lo.. But dun angry la, i guess he sure haf his own good points n dotes & love u thus u marry him..

A lot of ppl always says a BB can spoil or make better a marriage. So we shld always cool down n think n reason with facts. I always search n show HB facts to support my actions so tt he knws tt i did search n knw wat i am doing. Cool k?

Anyway i think shld still slp together n explain why u swaddle BB again n try with & w/o & get ur HB to see the diff. But of cos u can pretend to be still angry if u haf cooled.. Anyway he aldy apologise, then lets be the magnimous one!!


haha.. my sis gave birth to a chubby gal!! went to RH to visit her just now.. aiyoh how i wish my boy is still a baby... eat sleep and sleep and eat and sleep.. lol

She was telling me tat when she's was at the delivery ward this morning, next room had an emergency case!! apparently, the mummy was unconscious before bb is out! scary man...

esquare, oic. i believe in enfa tat's y i insist not to change milk powder even thou my boy constipate. I bought a dozen tin!! lol... kiasu hor.

stefie, sometimes men have their moody period too. maybe he doesn't know how to express himself and deep down his heart.. alexis and u are still in his number one placing.. ;)

Hi Mummies. I went MIA for sometime. I hope everyone is coping well with the little ones.

Stefie & Pauline: Hugs

Stefie: Don't be upset. Happy Mom (Stefie) = Happy Baby (Alexis). I guess your hubby knows that you are an independent lady and that could be the reason why he expects you to make the decisions when it concerns to Alexis well being. Try talking to him again when both of you are in better mood so that the conversation would not be too heated up. I always feel that communication is very important. As for IFC,do let the school know about your unhappiness and do a follow up to see if any action has been taken.

In fact I wanted to send my son to IFC called Champ Kids becos my hubby felt unsafe to leave my boy with domestic helper. The moment I went to the centre my heart broke because my son was the youngest there. All the other kids could either sit or walk. Moreover the curriculum that was mentioned on the website did not match with what the supervisor was briefing me. I found the place not appropriate for infants below 5 months. I was also concerned about my baby falling sick and did enquire about their rules and regulations. The supervisor told me that as long the kids are not having fever more than 38 degrees they can attend school. Upon hearing this, I told myself I did rather leave him under my helper's care than IFC. I was firm with my hubby and told him that I am not going to send my boy there. He had no choice but to agree after personally seeing the place and infants there hehehehe...

Pauline: Whenever you are sad just take a look at your little one. All the saddness will fly away. That's what I normally do. You have to be healthy in order to take care of baby.

I went to the baby fair earlier on. It is more for mothers to be. There is medela, pigeon and avent booths. There is Maclaren, quinny, combi, aprica prams and car seats. Fisherprice, Leap Frog, babysafe etc toys and bouncers. Clothing wise, it is more for newborns and not that fantastic. It is better to go on weekdays, lesser crowd.

Pauline, maybe your hubby is stressed and busy at work but still tries his best to take care of you and bb. He fetches you after you offered to go home yourself shows that he cares for both you and bb. Sounds like he is a bit stubborn on the swaddling issue and does not understand baby's daily routine. Just talk it out when both in better mood? He prob just don't know how to control his temper that night. However, by him sending you an apology sms is an indication that he regretted his words/actions (better than him not sending at all). The clouds will clear soon.. =)

Stefie, my hubby also like to say 'up to you' when i need his opinion. Quite irritating. So sometimes i will force an answer out with 'if not'...(choose the option i think he will not agree with) Haha! Being seen as independent does has its disadvantages.

Jie meis, look on brighter side too. Will make us feel happier. =)

Juliana, my gal is 5.95kg, 62cm at 13th week. quite similar to your boy n I thought my gal is heavy! ya.. chubby thighs but can fit into bumbo seat. =)

Re: Shave BB'hair

I brought my gal to hua xia for a shave at 1st month. The hair was used to make the 'Tai Mao Bi'. Her hair is growing in patches. And has got a no. '6' on top! haha My niece also had her hair shaved at 1st month but did not grow fast. So i don't think shaving does help hair to grow evenly or faster.

thanks oshgosh baby, used the calculator immediately! Think the formula is based on US baby samples.

Roz, you mentioned the articles for bb eczema? can pm me too? I thought her skin is rather sensitive. Her neck is red with spots and knee is rough. =(

How I wish my bb could be on milk strike!! Drink too much...


I am a believer if enfa too.. My 3 kids drink enfa since young.. Only change lately coz of allergy

hi mummies.. thanks for the advise & encouragement. i not talking to him now. he off work liao.. nw sleeping. yst in the car he also said, u go stay at dad hse. we stay separate. shld i just bring baby go over to my dad hse and stay?

yufizz, pm me and i'll email the pdfs to you..it's from Mind Your Body 2-3 weeks ago.

pauline, whatever your dh said yesterday, I think he didn't mean it. but it was still hurtful, you should tell him that. men are very thick, not very good at non-verbal communication.

Mummies I am thinking of buying Maclaren XT. Any feedback from mummies owning it?

Pauline calm down and think wisely before coming to a decision.

pauline: i dont think stay separately is appropriate.. Come to think abt it, could it be your hubby jealous of your dad or bb reacts more to your dad than him? I agree, should think properly first.. :)

E-Square: your bb very cute and chubby, why wish him on milk strike? Hehehe...

Candy: Oh. Maybe it's more becoz he dropped form 75th percentile at 6 weeks to 10th percentile at 3m, so that's why they were concerned? They asked me to up the feed.

I think initially I overfed my boy coz 2 of my cousins said they didn't give so much. So, I reduced by 10ml. I was giving 90ml when he was around 1m, then I up 100ml, he was drinking ard 8 feeds a day. Then ard 2m, I was told the amt seems alot compared to their kids, I reduced to 90ml back again and at the same time, he reduced his feeding time to 7times coz he was sleeping longer at night. So maybe that's why the percentile dropped. Now I up to 120ml.

Bubbly: Thanks! Yes, I'm so grateful to my mom. She's always ever so willing to help me. That time, bb 1m and she went back mlk becoz of CNY, to clean up the hse, she also did say, if I cannot tahan, she can rush back. But I persevered and managed to tahan. After awhile got used to bb's schedule or rather, non-schedule.

Yvaine: Thanks! The gathering this Friday? Are u all bringing bbs? I'm not confident in bringing him out alone yet. I stay Sembawang, drive also will take at least half hr to town and I scared to leave him alone in the car seat. Unless my mum still ard on Friday, I might join ok? Not sure when she plans to go back. GWP right? What time?

Oshgosh: It's the health booklet lor, got different chart for boys and girls.

Yuffizz: Yr bb can seat on bumbo seat oredi??

Pauline: So sorry to hear abt your argument with yr hubby. I think both of u prob tired and stressed too. I think it was in the heat of the moment that he said those words. At least he apologized. :)

Re: bb hair

I didn't shave my boy's hair. He kinda got a hairstyle now, so funny.. there's this patch infront which is thicker than the rest of his head. Looks like those image of olden day kids with the patch of hair on top, not sure if u guys know what I mean. Ppl tell me, putting olive oil supposed to make the hair grow longer. My SIL swears by it.

Re: Hairloss

So far mine still ok, maybe not yet. Only once my hubby saw afew strands in the kitchen, quite scary. When I was pregnant I started using Phyto shampoo. Now I still use it alternately. My issue is itchy scalp!

I decided to go down to the Taka fair since my mum is ard, can help to take care of the boy. It's the same things that they have every yr I guess. I didn't look at everything, just looked at those I'm interested in. Bought Avent bottom balm at 20% off and afew other knick knacks.

Then I went to Novena to check out bb slings but I was introduced to Manduca bb carrier. OMG! I'm so so tempted to get it but it's like $200+. I oredi have a Pupsik sarong. Someone pls smack me! My hb said wanna buy for me but I still feel it's abit pricey to spend on it. What if bb doesn't like it and we oredi have stroller. I bought Pupsik one recently only and I oredi regret it. Now this one is $200+, what if end up white elephant, an expensive one?!

Anyone using bb carriers?

Pauline, I think you are a fantastic wife! Taking care of baby alone and also taking such good care of your husband. Mb you can stop doing these for a while and he will learn to be more appreciative.

I dunno how I can cope if I am taking care of my baby alone. It's so tiring even though I have help from my mil on wkdays now. So I always ask my hubby to help out when he's back from work, asking him if he wants to bond with baby and things like baby wants to be fed by daddy. Always remind him that he's the one who wants baby to be with us everyday when I return to work, so he needs to help as I will be very busy with work too. Sometimes, I will show him black face and snap at him too, when he procastinates. Think mummies tend to be more anxious typically so my hubby always say I'm too kan cheong about baby.

On moving, don't think you should move in with your dad, if anything your hubby should move out (kidding). On a more serious note, I think your hubby is just too stressed at work and for some reason, many people seems to think that we are very free when on ML, unless they are mothers themselves. Perhaps you can let your hubby take care of baby tonight as well? I think husbands tend to be more appreciative after they experience first hand the challenges in taking care of a baby.

And mention that baby may catch a cold with the fan blowing directly at him so he wont do that tonight. Men tend to be more insensitive.

I tend to say things in a fit of anger or when arguing with my husband too, so don't take it too hard and give yourself a rest, let hubby do his duty in taking care of baby. With regards to your dad, perhaps you can discuss with your hubby to let him know how important your dad is to you and how you will feel if he visits him with you.

Juliana> my husband made a fuss about getting a carrier with #2, so we bought a bjorn before i delivered. but the bjorn minimum weight was 3.5 kg and my son was quite small so i ended up using a sarong sling.

then i saw someone selling a beco butterfly carrier with a print that i really liked (very shallow, i know!) and i knew i had to have it! so i bought the second hand beco at $150. Sold off the bjorn to 'minimise our losses'. but i've heard lots of good things about the beco and really enjoy using it.

juliana: ur mum really nice.. N u are good too, to let her go back without worry. Bravo! Many mummies here using carrier and sling, very experienced.. But i'm still stuck with pram coz heart pain to buy.. :p

Re: shave hair

Coz zaizai is born wit a small patch of blood vessel rite on top of his head, i dare not do anything to his hair. Coz pd say will bleed even if it's combed, dun want to take risk.. But cant avoid forever..

Tigger2010, I have a Maclaren XT too and I find it challenging to handle the stroller while carrying the baby as I will need to use both hands to close and fold the stroller. If you intend to bring the baby out alone often, perhaps you may want to consider the combi strollers that can be closed more easily. Peg Perego was a little too heavy for me too.

Roz: You should go look for Manduca. Very impressive! Not to tempt u lah but it's so so good. But I don't want to end up not using it at all next time. But this Manduca, the support is on the hips, so it doesn't strain the shoulders/back. Front, side and back carry. Only thing, it doesn't have front facing. How do u find using sling and carrier? Did u get the pouch or the ring sling? I got Pupsik one but now thinking of getting the ring type coz it's adjustable. Don't know why it's so hard to put my boy in the Pupsik and it seems very tight eventho I bought within the right range.

Bubbly: I can't keep her here for long. Plus, I need to get used to caring for the boy alone. I think she also feels abit restricted when she's here. In mlk, she got her own things she can do. Here, like nothing much for her to do. She can't watch her shows back home.

I got a pram too but I wanted to get a sling or carrier becoz sometimes pram abit difficult to move ard when alot of ppl. Also wanted to use when I go nearby to buy my lunch. And my boy now loves to be carried or sit upright. I also dun dare to buy expensive one, so I got the pupsik sarong only.

Juliana, I just started to put her on bumbo for a few mins each day as she can only hold her head up for a while. 

Re: carrier

I have both a sarong carrier and BB bjorn synergy. Will use BB bjorn when her neck is much stronger, so using a sling now. Wanting to use bb bjorn soon as its more friendly on shoulders. I started using the sling in her 5th week as I wanted to go out! Haha being a SAHM alone w BB can be quite monotonous. ;)

Hi Jialing tks for the feedback. In fact I was deciding between combi and maclaren. Combi is light but pretty worried that it might topple if I add more weight to it.


I gt a MIM Ring-type sling but i dun knw hw use.. Tot of buying Pupsik.. Wats the sz of ur Pupsik?? Y dun we make a swop? Mine is Sateen Material, Purple col. PM me.


I'm also using Combi but nt very good at it.. I still cant managed to open n close with 1 hand.. Think most impt is u haf to be comfy with it ba..


Btw any mummies gonna buy a Pink one?? I tot of selling my pink one used by #1 & get a new one in Blue for my boy... Hehee..

re: carriers

Yup the manduca seems to be quite highly commended but my beco is prettier HAHAHAH! Beco, Ergo and manduca are all from the same 'family' of structured support carriers (SSC). Price range also more or less the same. Maybe can consider a good condition second hand one, if you are not sure about buying a new one.

Mine was a sarong sling...I thought a pouch would be easier to use as no need to adjust so much. With the slings usually it feels a bit weird but if baby is not complaining, then I take it that everything is OK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But a carrier is definitely easier if you just need to nip out for a quick run. Also, it keeps both hands free so can hold on to other things.

re: strollers

we had a combi, and once it toppled over with my girl in it when I was going down a slope. we had some packets of rice hanging off it. Lucky everything was OK, we didn't lose our dinner :p and my girl was just a bit startled.

if you want a stroller that doesn't tip over then get a Peg Perego. It doesn't tip over even with tons of shopping bags hanging off it. It's built like a tank, and weighs like one too. I remember back when we first moved into our flat, the lift hadn't been built yet on my floor. I had to carry the PP and the baby down 2 flights of stairs. SIONG!

but a maclaren is a good compromise I think. We have a Volo that but it's only for 6 mths up as it cannot recline. I find it light, easy to fold up and handle.

Stefie- *hugs* , can emphatise with you cos my hubby also very hands off and all decisions regarding bb leave it to me, sometimes I also get fed up at him , y everything also I am the one doing the research and planning. But I remember at least your hubby quite hands on during the 1st month and even help to bathe Alexis? Whenever you feel upset, take a few deep breaths and look at Alexis or her cute photos , that will surely make you feel better. (at least that's what I do ;)

Pauline - Sayang, is your hubby very quick tempered? It sounds like he said those words in a fit of anger and he said sorry the next day. My hubby seem to have difficulty saying the word 'sorry' though aft a quarrel, he is usually the first to make up and will come and talk to me, disturb me etc. It's definitely not easy taking care of bb alone and you are doing a good job , even volunteering to take cab back yourself. I don't think it's wrong to want to go back to your dad's place. Maybe tell your hubby firmly that if he want to fetch you back, do it willingly or don't do it at all. Come in to talk to fellow mummies when you feel down, don't bottle it up k.

Bubbly, I would love to hear about your rants on work, a pity you are not going to the hi-tea this fri ;)

Btw Hi-tea confirmed at GWP?

Talking about carriers/slings,

I have so many!

Bought Pupsik pouch, Balboa sling, Baby Bjorn and Hanamugari during no 1.. and Beco when no 2 was born, haha..

ANd the worse part is, i can't use Pupsik for either of my 2 babies cos very hard to put them in..

So far I've used Baby Bjorn the most.. and now Balboa for my 2nd baby.. not yet try the Beco..

Actually i dun hv much chance to carry my babies in either the sling or the carrier, when do u mummies use it? Maybe cos i lazy, so i seldom go out for walk with baby.. ANd when i do, i usually drive, so i'll just carry baby down to the car.. and once reach my destination, i'll use the stroller..

For my no1, the same too.. we only really used the Baby Bjorn when we holiday in Perth, and by then she was already 16 mths old.


i can imagine how upset and hurt u must be by your hub's actions and words.. maybe when you have both cooled down, do talk it over with him..

A baby really does test a couple's marriage.. i too feel that b4 we had kids, our marriage was a lot simpler with fewer arguments and quarrels. But do hang in there, you both just need to adjust to having a new baby in the family, I believe it will get better.

I had lots of heated argument with my hub too when we just had my first gal... Sometimes it became so bad that I will get all carried away and entertain thoughts of leaving him ( very dramatic i know!), but at the end of the day when we both cooled down, we realise that often it was either the hormones (me) or the tiredness that led to all these problems..

It got much better when we got used to the routine of taking care of a baby and soon we were really enjoying our little family of 3.

Now with the new addition, again I find myself getting upset easily with hub over many many things.. but i tell myself that we're all getting used to the new dynamics again and to give ourselves time to settle in..


The Maclaren while light is easily toppled over.. I know I can't hang my diaper bag when I use my Quest because it will definitely topple if my girl comes out.. (btw, i use it for my older gal not for baby cos it can't recline flat enough).

I'm using the Bugaboo Bee and because its so heavy (7 kg), i can hang my very heavy diaper bag plus some shopping w/o fear of it toppling..

sharon: thks babe, wish i could join the hi-tea too, but will not bore you with work stuffs.. Got so agitated and disheartened today, and also ends up with high fever, i suspect engorgement cos pump spoilt, didnt manage to pump properly and breasts are so painful!

Oshgosh: i remember we wanted to get bugaboo coz it came well recommended by a young mum i met in malta airport. She told me her stroller is so good that she is very mobile with it. At that time, i didnt know the brand, just the few circles logo. Came back hubby n i went to mothercare to buy cot n stroller, n i searched for the few circles, wah piang! It cost 4 figures ah! Think my hubby got so shocked that he refused to shop for stroller until much later lol!

I've been using mclaren quest for my boy since both and closing with 1 hand is quite easy.

Pauline, my heart goes to u. U've to talk to him otherwise yr hub will nvr change. It takes time to change too. He is e man u chose so just endure k... 夫妻没有塥夜仇 (dunno my chinese character corect or not)hehe


Oh no..sorry to hear that you had a very heated argument wif ur hb, guess he is stress or bad mood frm work that is why scolded you and taking you for granted[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] It is normal to snip at each other when parenthood started..

Me too I can recalled the very beginning after my confinement, I was still adjusting to taking my #1 cos eveything is so new, my hb machiam treat me like his soldier and he super independent lor (he work in SAF) told me: what if I am nt at hm? I was crying and told him I feel overwhelmed and need support nt treating me like ur soldier! THink my cried and these words sort of waking him up, communication is very impt thus he help out involving our kids frm then on, we so far do everything ourselves, very hands on esp now with 2 kids n no maid cos we dun like strangers in our hm[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So cool dwn 1st, then talk to ur husband, communicate if nt everything bottled up n keep snapping at each other will continue to strain ur marriage and parenthood. Take heart ok my gal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HaA I am 100% support to hv one! I been using BECO butterfly for my boy after confinement, I use this to carry him everyday AM and evening when I bring my gal to CC and fetch her back at my neighborhood.

Yup and my boy love it, each time he is in carrier, he always fall asleep! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So mummies regardless what brand of carrier u using, buy a suitable one for ur baby. It is so convi to use it when u need it for running errand at ur neighbourhood.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E square, Klitz, hahah yup that's my name at the playtex counter. Wanted to get rid of bottles that we can't use so just brig and change haha.


I am also a supporter of carriers. I have a bjorn one which I totally adore. I'm a bjorn fan hahah even rocker also from them. Anyways it's very convenient like wat mangogal said for errands etc. I dunno how to use a sling haha keep tinking bb will drop out.

Bubbly, if u need to rant anytime u can pm me oki? I realise that since preggy stage till now u seem to have a lot Of things that u encounter but can't rant. We are here for each other so dun be afraid to load us with ur woes. We do not judge or look at anyone differently.

Thanks Mommies. Everything is okay now. I guess hormones ki siao that make me super sensitive about small remarks that hubby makes plus my sweetie pie sick. Overwhelm about ongoing stuff now. My Jie meis are so nice to hear me out, is you all make me go on, thanks again.

Pauline, it is a huge move to move to yr dad's. It will make things worst. Maybe just talk to yr hubby when things cool down? For baby's sake just bear with it. Things will gets better, be positive. Next time just go home on yr own better, yr hubby may be stressed after work. Sayang sayang, now hormones ki siao easier to get upset.


i think u may be having engorgement if you just have high fever and chills with no other flu like symptoms.. quick massage and make sure you press out any lumps that may be forming.. also look for any redness or heat at your breasts cos it may be a sign of infection. You may want to see your gynae/GP to get the antibiotics for the infection..

i got my bugaboo from US the last time so it was about $300 cheaper than in SGD.. also, it was a gift from my bro & sis in law [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm up so late cos waiting to upload a video of my elder gal on my blog but its taking so long!!! arghh, think i shall just cancel it and go to sleep before no 2 wakes up for feed.

Any babies have less appetite after their vaccination? I think both my kids the same, every time after injection will drink lesser milk and become more cranky.. Since yest, my baby has been fussing a lot when it comes to milk time and leaves about 30 to 40 ml of milk, hope she feels better soon, sigh

Carrier, I'm a Bjorn supporter! Didn't know carriers were so popular! My cousin refused to use carrier cos she scared affect groin area of her son when he was young so I was like a bit doubtful on that but since so many of you ladies use or intend to use carrier, I'll get baby bjorn from my SIL's friend soon! Will use when my boy's neck support even better

Pauline, me too like mangogal when she have her no.1 and in confinement that time. I think communication is impt. Your hubby seems to have a bad day. Have a good nice loving talk with him and maybe both of you can share each other's troubles. Last time I also feel so overwhelmed cos not used to the routine and all. Then my hubby like whole day at work never help me at all!! I totally broke down and talked to him about how I felt and he realised that I needed more love and support and eventually now he's much better! And now my boy likes to play so my hubby also like to play with him and started to bond with him. So ya, I feel for you. Just calm down, cheer up and have a nice good friendly talk with hubby k? *hugs*


I think mommies here have talked about this before but I forgot. From when can babies take gripe water and can we feed direct? My gal cried quite badly because of wind in stomach. Any other remedies?

Yvaine: Thanx for the invitation...But I can't make it for the high-tea on Friday...My part-time cleaner is coming to clean the house, pre-arranged so not nice to change...

Baby Carrier:

I had a sarong carrier those with rings de but haha duno how to use, then went mothercare ask them to teach me but they keep saying the way i put bb in is wrong dan bb get a bit pissed off with me for carrying him in & out of the sarong so I gave up on tt, its from mom s' rus', wasted $$$...Like mangogal & crystal, I love ma bjorn carrier =) I started my boy on bb bjorn carrier since he was week 10, cos went mothercare and the sales told me its actually suitable since newborn (u can adjust the strap n make bb's head really close to u so it won't like topple left & right)...First tried bringing him to pasat malam downstairs cos only a while & if he cry I can rush home asap...Think he like cos he actually look ard & i tot its gd practice for his neck since he will stretch to turn to look at things & gosh he fell asleep while i walk ard... 2nd time tried when I went down to see my gynae, he ok also so last sat i dare dare bring him to habourfront mothercare fair in the carrier...Dun like stroller cos firstly ma son dun like to sit in it, only sleep inside he prefer to b carried & 2 its v diff to manage a stroller at shopping centre with escalator & forever fully-loaded lift...So i tot with bb carrier i still can shop n look at stuff, he was a bit cranky when we queue to enter mothercare but duno from when he actually fell asleep haha, i even went republic food court to eat after tt n he still sleeping...Manage to go toilet n pee with him sleeping in the carrier also haha... Now I really love the bjorn carrier, it was a pass down from ma colleague... Mayb mommies u can try the carrier at home and see if yr bb like, cos if u tighten the top part of the carrier its quite secure for bb de head so no need to worry abt his neck... Debbie, u can start using it now, dun worry bb neck can stand or rest against yr chest...The sales mentioned tt bjorn synergy give even more support than bjorn air...But all bjorn can b used from birth...Mine is bjorn air n it works perfectly...1st few attempt u will need assistance la to put bb in but with practice u can handle alone le, I can carry bb in & out of the carrier myself now...Just make sure bb is inward facing n he can lean against our chest...Oh ya rem to put a bib, cos 1st time I din n gosh when im home ma whole top gt one big patch of saliva haha

Gd morning mummies. Tks for the feedback on strollers.

Littlemay: Babies can consume gripe water from 1 month onwards according to the instruction in the bottle. I normally give my son gripe water directly instead of mixing with water. Another alternative is to give ridwind. You can get both these products from either guardian or Watson.

Tantan: Babe u did the treatment do u think it works? My hair still drop like nobody biz so i also duno if its effective =( I also bought the coffee,ginseng scalp shampoo...The person say it will work la but i wash le also lidat...Just keep using ba & cross ma fingers n pray tt I wont b botak soon hahahaha

God's Child: Dun think there is alcohol, i stayed over at ma mom place last nite, can go home and check tonight & update u again...I am also breast feeding so should b fine =)


Mommies, i read on this forum, gt a vendor sellin Dr Lily's Aloe Vera Gel...Many mommies r repeated customer and said that they apply the aloe vera gel on their bb n it works...Bb skin improved...I email the seller n she replied saying their pdt r natural n safe for mom n babies...Pregnant or breast feeding also can use..Got mommies say they apply on their bb when they kana attack by mosquito also effective, bb fall down gt a cut also can apply...Mayb u can grab a tube & try see if the eczema improves?

Re:sarong slings

I learnt how to use my sling from watching YouTube videos! Also same with my beco, and bjorn, which I ended up not using.

I think the sarong sling is the most versatile carrier as you can hold so many positions and can hold up to ~16 kg. it's also the easier to breastfeed in, and you can use it as a nursing shawl also. The material makes it easy to wash and quick to dry, you don't have to worry with all the buckles. Takes a bit of getting used to but I do enjoy using my ring sling.

Juliana, I have bought Pupsik sling earlier but i also have the same problem it seems very tight eventhough I bought within the right range.

That is why me and my hubby decide to buy Baby Bjorn from the Mothercare sale, they are having 15% discount. As my hands are very aching to carry my girl, she is coming to 6kg. So far i have not try the Bjorn yet, only test test carry her at home

pauline, i also dun think u shd move back to your father's place. moving is a big decision and it shouldn't be made in a fit of anger. i moved back to my parents' place 'cos it was a mutual decision made btw my hb and i. it was easier 'cos my mum's taking care of my gal when i'm at work, and my hb sometimes cannot fetch us over in the morning, so it works out easier. i agree with the others, yr hb could've been tired and cranky (just like a big baby) and said things out of anger. and yes, maybe he was jealous that you're spending so much time with your dad and baby and there's not much time for him? still, it's better to talk things out with him when both of u are calm. i usually wait a day or two, until both my hb and i are in happier mood before broaching on sticky issues like these.

re: carrier & stroller

i'm using Lascal carrier - supposed to be made in Sweden like Bjorn and works like the Bjorn and it's about 1/3 the price. but of course, u pay for what u get. i find Bjorn easier to use but Lascal is good for the price i paid. my bb likes being in it when i bring her go walk walk so that's good enough.

i also have the pupsik pouch sling but after our mummy's gathering at muddypaw's place, i haven't tried it yet. the carrier is easier to use, IMO.

stroller - am using Graco Citilite Stroller. it's easy enough to open and close with one hand and light enough for me to carry. but it's not an umbrella fold so it's bulkier.

wind in stomach:

littlemay, u can either give gripe water direct or dilute. i dilute 5ml with 30ml water. alternatively u can give Dentinox. also apply ru yi oil - put a drop or two on yr palm, rub both palms together to create heat, then put palms on bb's tummy. repeat a few times. can do it for her lower back too. carry her in superman pose, with her front resting on your hand from wrist to elbow, face in palm. that will help her pass gas.

Oshgosh, Any babies have less appetite after their vaccination? My girl also, i brought her for vaccination on monday, she was ok on monday, she look tired and keep sleep, but tue nite she refuse to sleep at nite, and get cranky till 12+am. Have a hard time coaxing her. Last nite, after her 5pm feed, she suppose to have her next feed at 8pm, i waited till 8.30pm, but she only drank about 20-30ml, then fall asleep. i thought she was tired, so i let her sleep, but she woke up very soon, i fed her again, she refuse to drink. By 10pm i let her drink again, 75ml, but she only drank abit and refuse to drink and keep cry. Cranky till almost 12am, then fall asleep, till 2+am then wake up to drink.

Imagine i still have to work today, really very tiring

I dunno if my gal's decrease in appetite is because of the vaccine. It has been 2 weeks since her milk strike. About the same time as her vaccine. She drinks about 60ml now only then will start crying. Very sad to see her like that.... Now I don't even feel any satisfaction when pumping.....

Thanks for the tip on getting rid of wind.

Mummy lian, crystal & Debbie, yalor I even use carrier when I go town for breather when I am lone out with my boy. The only disadvantage is cant go toilet, so I dun drink alot of water in case urgent LOL:p

I only use pram when gng out with hubby and my #1.

Mummy Lian, free to join us for hi tea tomr?

Kitz, u bk liao confirm?

Littemay, I always add gripe water in my boy's milk, been doing this since my #1, works very well and good for burp and reduce gassy tummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mangogal: can ah, I manage to go toilet while carrying bb in ma bjorn carrier... Wear pants easier Dan slightly lift bb away from my body to pull down pants... No prob ask bb tahan a while so tt mommy can pee haha but I also try nt to drink water so whole time out only pee once... Hahaha but doable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya mangogal sorry tml ma part time cleaner comin to clean the house, can't join u all... Another time? I live in Punggol, anyone living nearby? Can meet compasspt haha

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just sent little Alexis to IFC, so now having my breakfast and surfing internet. Later will check on my pre pregnancy clothing see can wear or not, may have to go shopping for clothings before I start working on 21 Mar.

Tigger, thanks for reminding me Happy mommy=Happy baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], I really miss being pregnant, now we have much more responsibilities and less time for ourselves. When pregnant, babies in our bellies, so only worries is the progress.

Btw IMO you can't expect much from 2-6 months, what the teachers will do is to let them sleep, eat, play music. They will call baby's name and talk to them, so babies will know their names. Like this IFC, there are 2 malay teachers and 2 chinese teachers. The chinese teachers will call Alexis her chinese names and speak to her in Mandarin and likewise the Malay teachers will speak to her in English and call her by her Christian name. Music wise, alternate days with Chinese and English. As long as there is safe place for Alexis to sleep, and the teacher feeds her and change her Diapers is good enough now. It will benefit the babies more when they are crawling, walking, cos they will learn from each other, they learn very fast. I have seen 1 babies using bumbo chair to aid her walk.


We are using Combi Urban walker. I find it good value for $$, as we bought the 2009 range at $290. It weights about 7-8 Kg, can use 1 hand to handle it, very easy to use. Only cons are, it cannot goes up the steps you need to carry the whole pram. we saw some ang mos in KUL using Mclaren can just goes up the steps like very easy. And it is not umbrella type, quite bulky takes up alot of space.

And if you are bring it on aircraft, only umbrella kind can bring in to the aircraft. Mine kind will have to check-in.

I also love MIM Slings (Thanks to Mango)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], I like to put her in cradle position. But as she gets heavier, very bad for my back, will try snuggle hold position soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh, bugaboo prams very nice, but super ex. Our friend bought the $1.5K one, and another one bought the 2 K one, I almost faint. The wheels are very steady, some more can put shopping bags. But for the price, we give it a miss. Saw alot of ang mo using it. We kpo at Mothers work, they seems to have more range there.

Oshgosh, C@ndy, it is normal. They will gets more cranky for 1st 3 days, also drink less. Just bear with it, as their little bodies are getting use to the vaccine and their are not feeling very comfortable, only way is to be cranky to express themselves.

Littlemay, what Milk bottle is your baby using?

Littlemay, Alexis also like your baby after her jabs (1 week), I called the clinic, the pd said it is not related. Just that her appetite getting smaller. As long as she is happy, and gaining weight, then don't worry about it.

Mummy Lian, I am living in sengkang and a few mommies her living in either ponggol or SK. I would love to meet up too before I start work on 21 Mar. I will be alone cos Alexis in IFC.


Its Day 3 since her jabs on Tues and she is still cranky and drinking very little milk.. sigh, hope it will pass soon! Her last feed was 6 hours ago and she still doesnt want her milk....

