(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hello mummies! How's everyone doing? I've not logged in for a very long time. Mind if I rejoin? :D

Well, actually I was a silent reader after we left the hospital but I kinda stopped going in becoz I was abit demoralized. :-(

My milk supply was so so pathetic and when I started reading how successful the mummies here are, I felt so down and hopeless. Bb doesn't want to latch on, so I pumped. One whole day pump get only 20-25ml, and 30ml on good days! So sad hor? I tried so many things to up the supply, salmon papaya soup, indian recipe, malay recipe, nursing tea, drink lots of red dates tea, warm compress but nothing helped. I broke down quite afew times coz I felt very useless, cannot provide for my son. So he was mostly on FM but I still pump whatever I have and give him.

Then after his 1 month, my mum went back, so i was alone. I made the decision to stop even pumping coz the % of his total feed was so measly and v difficult for me to cope pumping, feeding, washing and caring for him.

But anyway that's really old story.

Today he is 3 months old exactly. He just went for his first DPTa jab. My mum is here to help out in case he falls sick. Sigh.. his weight is abit on the lower side, 10percentile at 5.9kg.

Oh, my bb also has eczema apparently.. so sad also. Went PD, she said his skin is rough coz of eczema. SO she gave Physiogel to apply which worked for awhile, less rough. Then recently my mum came over, his skin got worst, i think could be the Sebamed wash my mum bought. I have been bathing him in just water all these while, following PD's advice.

Today went for his jab at poly, the dr also said 'most likely' to be eczema. Thot wanna bring him to skin specialist but since 2 drs also said it's eczema, must be right. Oh well, will continue with the cream, see if it will get better. If not, will bring him to skin specialist.

Will need some time to catch up with the happenings. Bb is taking a nap now. If i'm lucky he can nap for 3 hrs str8.

How's everyone doing with their new bb? For me, initial stage was tough, no time to eat lunch or do anything but it got better gradually. I managed to get him onto sort of a schedule but since my mum came schedule got abit screwed up.. maybe coincidental.


On the Pneummococal vacine, I didnt' opt for it today. I happen to read one of the threads here last Sunday abt harms of vaccine, so I decided to wait first. I was doing some research abt the 5in1 and 6in1 and chanced upon the thread.

It is not compulsory in sgp. The only 2 jabs that are mandated by law in sgp is Diphteria and Measles. The rest are recommended but not compulsory.

Klitz, sorry for not replying earlier. I bought Darius to stay over at my mum s place last nite so no Internet assess. Now still here as he is sleeping dun wanna wake him up, using I phone to post but a bit difficult to copy n paste e list.

Yes I would like to join in e high- tea! My first time joining u gals so excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pl let me know e details , my pm cannot work maybe thru FB?

Btw will we be getting e tea fr u this Fri?

Debbie: My PD recommended Dentinox Cradle Cap shampoo. I bought from Guardian. It seems to work. Last time, his was really thick and stubborn. I put olive oil also doesn't work. Initially was very mild but got worst after 1m+. Now, left abit infront. He scratch until got abit blood and his hair also fall off the same time as the crusts. :-( I feel like scratching for him also.. heheh...

Yurieve, I have the recipes from TMC and for Fish Head & GreenPapaya Soup, this is what they had indicated.

200gm Green (unripe) Papaya

1 Fish Head

1 Slice of Ginger


1. Scale and clean fish

2. Simmer together with pieces of papaya and ginger for 4 hours or till soft and appearance milky in colour.

3. Do not stir soup too often, remove papaya and bones before serving

You are all so hardworking. I am lazy in making soup for myself...

Juliana, we all want the best for our kids but it's important that you take care of yourself too. A happy mom will raise a happy child so dont worry too much about not giving bm.

Juliana, welcome back!

Wah so long never see you, dun worry u are a good mummy to ur boy and also giving him the best[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 is nt compulsory?

Roz, wat is PVC?

Yurieve, think no lunch le. Didn't get your pm leh. Nvm I pm u my hp u sms me k.

Yurieve/Esquare/Kiltz, this wed meet at Taka square (outside crystal jade) at 1.30pm ok?

Jia ling/mango: thanks! I feel better these days but when I see someone BF I sometimes still feel abit sad coz I think BF is really v wonderful experience.

5in1 and 6in1 confirm not compulsory. By law only diphtheria and measles. But what I read is that some jabs r required by primary schools, not too sure how true. I just took the basic DTPa jab only. Heb B also not compulsory apparently but at birth and 2 months gave him oredi so no choice but to continue the last dose? I only read abt the immunization over the weekend. I also thot everything is compulsory but it's not, just recommended only. Some polys assume it is compulsory I think.

juliana, welcome back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry about giving fm - some of us here are not very successful with bf either, and have taken to giving our bbs fm. i think all this hype about bm is actually very bad for mummies who are unable to bf. i too felt demoralised for a while but i'm sure there are lots of women unable to bf else all those fm companies can close shop liao. hahaha... so dun feel bad, k?

re: pneumococcal vaccine

i heard it's better to get this vaccine, but now that there's a problem maybe better to wait and see how the investigation goes...

Mangogal> PVC = pneumococcal vaccine

5 in 1 and 6 in 1 are just different versions of the free jabs you can get at polyclinic, plus influenza shot, if I'm not mistaken. Their main selling point is that your child doesn't have to be poked so many times.

Dew: Yup, yup, very demoralizing. Among my friends, so far all of them managed to BF. I realized this when I wanted to ask someone abt FM, how much they fed their kids but no one to ask coz they all BF. I feel much better these days but just a wee bit sad when I see ppl bf.

5in1 and 6in1 not free at polyclinics leh. Only DPT and Oral Sabin (for Polio) is free. If u take 5in1 it is $200+ and 6in1 is $300+ I think, cannot remember exactly how much.

Basically 5 in 1 is DPT + polio + influenza in 1 jab, 6 in 1 includes Hep B. The cost of these combination vaccines is not subsidized by the govt.

As for PVC, the number of doses required are lesser as the kids get older, so you can wait till after 1 year to take fewer doses.

Juliana, don't have to beat yourself up about not being able to nurse your child. Bfing is actually really difficult, especially if it's your first child and if you don't have a support system. We all will do what's best for our child, and at the end of the day that's what matters most.

Also, there were some good articles about eczema in children in the papers the past few weeks (in Mind Your Body), with mums sharing their tips on how they helped their child cope with it. If you want I can email you a copy to read, I found the articles quite informative.


There is nothing to feel guilty about not bfing.. I have 3 kids and I dun bf them.. I can't catch up their demand..

And due to c section and with no maid at first.. Bfing was a total stress .. My tots are even if u dun bf.. It doesnt make up a less mummy.. There are many mummies that I know insist on bfing but they dun even bother about their kids welfare and brought up.. So relax


dun blame yrslf...BF is nt easy...i bf my ger less den a mth my supply is low, i like u aso blame myself but lucky hubby understand n support me otherwise i will hv depression. FM is aso another way to giv our bb nurtition.

Juliana, I miss you so much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also have low bm, 30ml when pumped. I was so upset and down cos Mommies here can pump alot leh. I was also too stressed, try all the recommended ways. My bm still 30ml. In the end I just give what I can and Alexis is on mainly fm. I also silent reader cos seems like alot of topics on bf which I feel out of place. I guess it could be blessing in disguise. We don't have all the bf problems, no need to worry about pumping schedules, milk supply etc. Currently I still give what I have. May stop soon. Now my concern is putting her in IFC, haiz really heartpain.

Your son skin problem may recover as he grows older. Maybe you can bathe him in cetaphil and apply moisturing cream.

Do pm me if you need someone to talk too. Remember you are never alone.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Roz/Esquare/PSH: Thanks ladies. I thot I'm the only one that's not BF. I did have some support fr my hubby n mum. He encouraged me in the beginning. Then after that he also asked me to stop once my mum leaves. My mum also encouraged me, she cooked alot of different things for me, anything that she see supposed to help with supply, she cooked for me. But alas, realy dun have, no choice. Well, I was also on FM mostly last time coz my mum's ss also v little and I turned out pretty ok.. hahah..

Roz: Yes pls.. would love to read it. I've been reading up alot on eczema on the internet too. Any article I can get I would read, for any additional info. But when I look at pics online of eczema, doesn't seem the same as my son's. Hmm.. They say it's inflammation/reddish patch, but his is like bumps on his hands and legs that r not inflamed, only afew bumps r red but it's sporadic, not clustered together. Also very tiny bumps on his face, almost not visible when looking at him and they r not red.

The other problem he had was the neck and behind his ears, so so red and wet. After awhile it turns like flakes. That one seems like eczema and I think yeast infection. Now better, it's just pinkish. I used some antiseptic wash and daktarin, when ok apply physiogel cream.

Anyone else has such problems? Thinking of going to skin specialist but my mum said, dunnit, since PD and the dr at poly also said it's eczema. I suspect some parts r eczema but others are not.. I'll wait another week or so, see if it goes off after applying the cream.

Hi Stefie!! Miss u too!! Initially I also silent reader, read abt everyone's pump alot alot or complain abt little but the little is alot compared to mine. Felt out of place too. So I stopped reading.. now feel better oredi, so it's time to rejoin.. hahaha..

You send Alexis to IFC oredi? Me supposed to send in April leh but I heartpain also.. plus now his skin like that, I scared they can't take care.

The IFC all aircon but I read eczema is dry skin. Aircon will cause it to be worst. Now, I dun on aircon when he sleeps at night.

I dun dare put any wash in his bath. Coz that day my mum brought Sebamed for sensitive skin. Then his skin after that got worst. I also used aircon 2 days in a row and tried new QV cream which i read online good for eczema. So don't which was the cause. So now back to bathing using plain water. Let me wait till his skin stable abit, then I'll try cetaphil. Any particular type?

My mom offered to come over to help take care afew more months but I scared if i delay IFC, then later no more place for him, lagi headache.

Thanks for the support, girl!

Roz: I'll PM u my email add for the article ok? Thanks!!

Just to share on the Pneumoccal vaccine I got from Polyclinic.

If take below 1 yr old, 3 doses at 3m, 5m and 15m. If 1y-2y, 2 doses at 15m and 18m. If 2yr-5yr, 1 dose only required.

Juliana, remember 人比人气死人。and baby progress also. Some faster some slower. So just take everything as a pinch of salt.

Have you book IFC for yr son yet? Better check for vacancy, cos IFC has limited space per centre. I booked when I was 8 month pregnant.

If you are planning to put yr son in IFC, better send him few weeks in advance, so both of you have more time to get use to the new arrangement.

You can tell the teacher that yr son has very dry skin, bring yr own bathing stuff instead of using the centre one. The centre will also give mommy a form to fill about yr baby habits etc, you can make a note in the form.

It is better to send yr son to IFC before 6 months, cos once yr son can recognize people, it would be harder. Now Alexis still gong gong will get use to the IFC faster.

I can share with you IFC info if you need, just pm me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw Mommies who are givIng their babies nan pro 1.Now nestle just change their packing to 800 g, last time was 900g. And still same price. Really KNS.

Juliana, dun feel so bad abt not giving BM. Both has their own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes i wish tt i'm not BFing, there was a period i really wanted to stop. bcos i felt so restricted BFing. Had to keep my outings to 3hrs, or i'll feel so much pain from engorgement. I felt tt i had no life after i gave birth to my BB. Being forced to wake up to pump cos i couldnt breathe properly in my slp cos my breast were rock hard.

My girl is having a cough. I feel so bad cos i already suspected it on sun. I shld have wake up early to bring her to pd on mon, but i did not. Today my mil bring her to see gp, but he only prescribe her nasal decongestant for blocked nose, no medicine for cough. Tml morning i will bring her see pd. Her cough seems worse.


Which pd u went? The kid clinic or kidlink? What kind of medicine did the pd prescribe?

Hi Juliana

I can understand how you feel. Initially I only pumped about 20ml each side. Was super depressed... Cried and cried... And my pd said I need to give formula as my baby has jaundice. And one of my hubby's friend keep saying I should not top up with formula. I was so stressed out. Later I sorted out my thoughts.... Breastfeeding does not necesarily make you a better mom. There are many other more impt aspects to motherhood. I felt better after that. Thank god I keep pumping day and night every 3 hourly to stimulate my supply. Though still not enough and need to top up, I'm already very contented. Remember motherhood is more than just breastfeeding. It is over hyped!

Mummies, brought Darius to stay overnite at my mum's place to orientate him with me around. He cried and had to be carried and coax to sleep but at least still managed to sleep from 9 plus till 3am. However I find that he get startled very easily, even when going to sleep, he got startled when his own hand touched the cot. Any mummies's baby also the same? Any remedy for this? I heartpain see him want to sleep but difficult to sleep cos he keep getting startled.

Jialing, thks for the recipe!

Me not hardworking lah... It shd be considered greedy cos I love the soup when I delivered in TMC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, I've not engaged mdm rokiah before but have read gd reviews abt her. I rmbr reading abt Debbie engaging her service b4 too.

Sharon, u may want to try swaddling ur baby at night?? He'll feel more secure n slp better this way... I think quite a few mommies here also swaddle their babies at night. Hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec mum, oh dear, hope ur baby get well soon. Its not ur fault tat he's sick... My sons are seeing the pd at kid's clinic rivervale mall. The q there is v long though. Usually what I do is to go register early at abt 8.45am then go home 1st to wait for their call. At least dun hv to wait at the clinic. They'll call once it's near to ur turn then u can slowly make ur way down. But note tat they dun accept walk in registrations after 10am.

Hmm I wouldn't say breastfeeding is overhyped. No one would dare say that breastfeeding is not good for the baby. Studies show that breast is best, not only for the child but also for the mum. Those mums who did not breastfeed their children, would you tell another mummy to NOT breastfeed?

That said, breastfeeding is hard work. It's natural, our bodies are engineered for it, but it's not easy, and coupled with the stresses from our everyday lives, the pressure from people around us, the sleepless nights, sore, cracked, bleeding nipples, backaches, feeling like your body doesn't belong to you anymore...I'm not surprised that 50% of mothers in Singapore stop breastfeeding after 2 months.

I do, however strongly believe that if there is more support for breastfeeding moms, that more will be able to keep nursing for longer, because it seems one of the biggest obstacles to being able to breastfeed for a longer time is self-doubt and lack of confidence. For me, I certainly felt better prepared and at ease with nursing my #2, after going through a rather turbulent time with my #1.

But like someone mentioned earlier, breastfeeding is just one of our "job scopes". We are now mothers for life, and there's a lot more to be worried about than how long we were able to nurse our kids.


My gal always see the dr lim there. I know muz go very early, that's y by the time i woke up around 10 plus on mon already too late liao. Last night she sleep in my inlaw's place, so my inlaw bring her see the gp near their place. I better set my alarm clock to wake up early tml.


Yes bfing is good for the child but that is provided that mummy's health is good.. My friend bf her kid but her kid is much weaker than mine.. Normally if ur bb is tbf .. Bb will not fall sick easily from 1-6 mths ..

In general, its good to breast feed but why force it on mummies who do not have bm and give them mental stress .. I believe ur supply is alot, if not then ur bb is a small drinker.. How about those mommy whose bb drinks 4oz 12x a day since 1 month.. And no matter how hard they try each pump only has 30ml?

Our forum here encourages mummy who is trying to bf and do not look Down on those who don't ..

Every family has their own story...Does it mean that if mummy dun bf , they cannot have friends or befriends with mummies who does or even be in this forum!!!!

I am not sure if other mummies agree with me..


My gal is also like your Daruis. Cos i will left her in my mum's place some sat. After i come back, my mum will complain that she keep crying, keep startled after sleeping for 10 to 15 min only then cry again. But when i am around she is ok already. Hence i conclude that she miss me. Haha. Guess it take time for Darius to get use to the new environment.


My no3 also get scared easily .. And can't sleep well.. I swaddle him in the night and it is definately better.. I seek advise from a friend whom swaddle her kid till 4 months.. She mention after few weeks of swaddling then let out 1 hand .. Then slowly the other hand..

So far it works well.. Tonight I am letting 1 hand out..


Tanking method worked well for my no2 but no3 still can't.. I will try my luck again

Dec mum..

Is bb on fm or bm?

If bb on fm , during the cough and flu period Change milk to soy milk to prevent productive mucus.. And bb then to recover faster.. If bfing avoid fish and sweet fruits and cold drinks ..


If u are bfing take note of the food u eat and when bb's rashes occur .,it may be some food that bb is sensitive to.. 1 of my friend's kid is allergic to eggs and whenever mummy eat eggs , poor boy has rashes..

If bb on fm.. Change cow's milk to soy milk or HA milk..

Recently I found out my bb may be sensitive to cow's milk coz he passes alot of german gases and feels pain each time he passes.. So we change to soy milk.. It cuts down but still in pain.. So pd advise to give nan HA.. So far so good..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Well roz ,

Please dun get upset over my comments but for my case, breast milk is definately not the best.. My no1 is allergic to my bm.. Coz I am allergic to 20 over types of medication and I have many food allergies .. My son too have many allergies as well.. And each time bb drink bm .. It trigger his allergies and he almost can't breath..

There are many different situations and reason if mummy doesn't bf..

I dun discourage mummy who bf.. I will encourage them and if those mummy dun bf.. It's ok .. I comfort them..

That is what this forum is for.. Comfort and encouragement coz there is no right or wrong in motherhood..


Frankly , I am not sure too.. Doc say he is not colic but he his tummy produces alot of gases.. I have decided to either change back to enfa or enfa HA.. Ah .. Man's powder is too dilute and base On his age on the can , he should be taking 200ml?? But he can't .. HIs tank is only 150.. So milk wasted and his frequency is 1.5hr instead of 2hr..

It's killing me especially at night..I miss enfa.. At least a 3-3.5 hr..

Esquare, sorry to hear about your son's allergies, it must have been a trying time for you. Breastmilk allergy is extremely rare, but not unheard of, especially if there are other sensitivities.

But what I'm trying to get at is that mums shouldn't feel like they're shortchanging their child or missing out just because they did not breastfeed. Like you said, there are many reasons why a mum does not breastfeed.

However, I did take offense at the 'bfing is overhyped' comment because if anything, I think bfing doesn't get enough attention or hype.

Ok I hv to feed my girl her breakfast...school hols next week and my mum is going to KL so I'll be on my own with both kids @.@ peenggz.

Hi mummies,

I am new to this forum, I'm also a dec 2010 mom and like all of u, my son is turning 3mth tomorrow... Busy with work, I din join the forum when I was preggy & been a silent reader since I delivered. Din dare to join in the conversation cos I look after bb & cant login everyday, so was worried tt I cant follow the conversation so tot just read....But I really envy the support & encouragement tt I c in this forum & wow u all r going for hi-tea...Shiok can see so many bb all ard same age... now tt mom is assisting with lookin after bb to slowly transit bb to accomodate when I ret to work, I got more time to surf the net & I guess to join in your conversation...Hope I am still being welcome here...

Regarding BM:

I am only on tbf for 2+ wk and gave in to fm le cos back then bb had a bit of jaundice, not severe to undergo phototheraphy but pd keep asking me to feed more, but i know ma bm is limited cos i pump only 30-40ml if I am lucky...But i'm stubborn n refuse to give fm or water & my poor bb suffered cos he is hungry & thus keep crying n crying esp at nite... Wat made me gave in to bm was when pd said his weight gain is not rapid enough at 2wk & thus gt me worried cos he was only back to birth weight at 2 wk...Pd suggest i go c lactation nurse again, mayb latching got prob or supp with fm... lactation nurse reassured me tt i was doing fine & DO NOT supp with fm... But guess at tt pt, my only concern was to let bb fully recover from jaundice asap, the blood test every wk is terrible, seeing ma poor bb kana poke every wk, no joke...So i fed fm & pump out watever I have for him...V quickly pd say during the 3rd week check that bb jaundice is ok le & weight gain also ok...I felt guilty, y am i so stubborn...y do i refuse to supp with fm? Make my bb cried for nothing at nite & din get enough rest, make he go hungry at such a small age & took so long for jaundice to fall...I was also emotionally v unstable then, forever asking myself y i got no bm? Y? Almost went into a depression...Back then, I have nt started reading this forum, guess i should & if I did n learn from you mommies de sharing I bet i would have felt better & bb wont suffer...

My bb weigh 4.86kg @ 11wk...My friends who delivered after me, their bb all so much heavier dan my son..I read here tt some of yr bb (son) r also much heavier @ 3 mths...So sometimes I wonder isit the 1st 2 wk of life ma bb was deprive of milk & always go hungry tt y he is lighter dan many others eg ma friends who gave fm since day 2 at hospital...But I learn to take things lightly now & as they come..I tell myself diff bb grow @ diff pace, so long as ma bb is healthy, i'll b happy & contented...Now i'm definitely a happier mom =)

Sacred Tea:

See tt many of you wana try the tea...My colleague recommended the tea to me when bb was abt 2mth old...Passed me 1/2 a pack & After drinking TOTALLY NO EFFECT...And the smell is bad, really dun like it cos i'm someone who dun drink coffee/tea...But I force myself to drink...I din follow the instruction to boil over fire cos ma colleague taught me to put the leaves into a bottle and add hot water dan drink from there, can always top up water into the same batch of leaves, she said tt its ex so she dun just make a cup & throw away the leaves its too wasteful so I followed her instruction... Though no effect, I went online to order more of the tea & tot mayb cos the pack tt she gave me only lasted a few days so the effect haven kicked in, thus I tell myself to give more time, drink for another few wk b4 i give up... I'm a lazy mom, i sleep thr the nite & dun pump, after drinkin the tea the 1st morn pump after a whole night i can fetch 120-140ml depending compared to 80-100ml b4 so I tot the tea is still useful..But day time, 4 hrly pump i can only get 60-80ml...Thus, I do not believe wat is written on the pack tt some ppl have more ss few hr after drinking the tea...But reading wat Crystal wrote here tt her SS doubled after 1.5 cup, and now has blocked ducts & engorgement, i concluded mayb the tea works for different ppl...Sadly, it is nt as effective for me...Right now, i can only produce less dan 500ml per day & as bb sleeps thr the nite & is hard to predict when he will wake up for milk (Normally once- twice a nite & I already pour away many bottles bcos I warm milk n bb cont sleepin & dun wan drink...Heart pain to pour away the bm esp when i have so little) & my bm is really precious so i feed ebm in day & fm at nite... So Juliana, my bb is also on fm since 2wk old & I'm glad I convinced myself to give fm, if nt really duno how long more ma son needs to suffer under me, this stubborn mom...The rest who are gona try the tea, let me know if it works for all of u yeah...Or mayb it doesnt work for me cos i'm not v regular in pumping n skip the pumps at nite?

Like yesterday, I only pump at 7am, then bb latch at 12noon, 2.30pm, I knock out for nap then 7pm & 9.30pm...Afterwhich I pump again at 12midnight & head off to bed...This kinda routine very 'luan' right? & not enough yeah, i should pump more often right?

Hair Loss:

Lately ma hair is droppin a lot a lot...So much so until as i am sitting on the sofa typing this msg, I dropped many strands...The hole in my shower cubicle is full of hair, wash also drop, towel dry also drop, blow dry also drop..I duno will I become botak at this rate..It started just a few wk ago when the dropping become a bit too much..The stylist at salon told me as bb grows up, our hair will drop more n more OMG...

I was the one who made the statement that bfing is overhyped. Well we could get into a whole lot of discussion on that. Of course I agree that bfing is good for the baby, I'm bfing too. But what I feel is that some articles and books make moms who can't breastfeed feel very bad and guilty. It's as if bfing is the only way your child should grow up on. Hence I feel this way, no offence.

Hi mummy lian, welcome!! I can so identify with you! My gal also had jaundice and pd ask me to supplement. Lactation consultant also keep saying I've enough milk and I was very reluctant to supplement because books and articles always say never supplement with formula. So I was confused and broke down many times. Thankfully my pd sort of counseled me and I did top up with formula. I'm sure your baby's weight now has nothing to do with the 1st 2 weeks. As long he's healthy now, it's fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

uh... Mommy lian... To increase supply, you really need to be diligent and pump very frequently, even throughout the night. For the first 6 weeks, I woke up every 3 hourly to pump. Now I wake up every 4 hourly to pump. That's why got time to log on everytime I pump. But I must agree its very tiring and I feel like giving up at times.

Mummy lian, welcome! Your baby is doing fine, and you sound happy too. You're absolutely right about taking things as they come.

littlemay> I know what you mean...perhaps 'overhyped' is not the word. iPads and iPhones are overhyped. BFing is...is...hmm..actually I also don't know how to say.

When I had my first baby and was looking online for info, I signed up on the La Leche League forums to find out more info on BFing. I think my second post I mentioned I gave my girl a bit of water. The reaction I got there was as if I was drowning puppies or what..the things they said was so demoralizing and I never went back there again.

And you are right, we could get into a long discussion about it, LOL. Change topic, OK? Taka Baby Fair ad in the papers today..just including the bit about the bottle exchange & GWP here:


good morning mummies,

wow, all these discussion about bf... anyway, whether we do so or not does not make us a successful mother or a failure. ultimately the main goal is for bb to grow well, be healthy and happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, who's going to the taka fair today? can update on what's available?

Little may,

At least there is some increase.. I pump every 2hrs and get only 20. Let bb suckle.. It's like fighting and need to feed ever 15-20mins.. So only than for 2 weeks plus it's my 3rd csection plus I went for ligation so the wound is very pain and tough to heal

hair cut: hi mummies, like to check if u bring ur babies out to salon for a shave already? i only use scissors to cut a bit here and there but my mum tell me i need to shave bb hair so he can grow new hair.... my bb hair little bit only...like not really growing...

taka fair: wow the offers look good.... so tempting,,, feel like going tomor ...esp the early bird special n the rocking bear ... hee...


mummy lian, a colleague just told me the hair dropping will stop at 6th month. so we just have to tahan for now and maybe try out mangogal's suggestion.

bbribena recommendation was to use Regan and Goldwell shampoos - she said it worked for her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

question: anyone feels as if their eyesight is worse now? i'm wearing my contacts and it feels as if i'm still straining my eyes a bit. haiz!

