(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hey for moms with babies on milk strike... How long did it last? My gal has been on milk strike for almost 2 weeks. Each time she cry while feeding. Not sure if there's anything wrong with my breast milk.


Dec mum, sorry for the late reply. I went to see dr Tan @ kidslink. I went on Monday 9am and waited only for 2 hrs. Was given nasal spray and green colour cough drop vascin. I prefer going to kidslink cos the walk in waiting time is not as terrible as kid's clinic. Kidslink charged 45 for consultation and medicine only 13( exclude gst) what I will do now is to take note of the medicine given and next time will see gp for the same sickness.

Mommies, do you feel stress about bring up our babies? I cried again this morning cos I was stressed about IFC and wanted my hubby to go to see the environment and give me opinion. My hubby said just let me do the decision. I was very upset cos the 1st 3 days he wasn't with me or take turn to bring her to ifc. Unlike another baby parents who take turns. I feel so lonely. I am upset last Friday the IFC never put Alexis in bumper cot. Placed her cot under the cd player rack (quite high)and music was playing loudly ( Playing time) and she was not cover with blanket ( aircon cold) I have put in remark column for them to follow if not she will get sick again, deaf in long run, and kena baluku on her head. So I was hoping

hubby to be there and give me feedbacks instead of me doing everything alone. Few weeks back hubby was commenting, all along I want baby he is fine with or without. I was so upset. Feeling like sometimes he is not really involve in parenting role. If I talk to him, he finds that I am giving him stress. So will not ttc soon until my hubby is ready. I am happy with just one, no point getting upset with hubby about whi yo do what for the baby. I Worried that Alexis will grow up like me good for nothing and low self esteem. Haiz really OMO now. Sorry for the rants, having some baby blues now.

Littlemay, my boy's milk strike lasted slightly more than a week. After that his intake reduce though. But he seems to be putting on weight well still.

Hey stefie,

Don't feel so bad... We all get into depression once in a while. Me too... Sometimes wonder why I decided to have my baby ( bad thoughts). Hubby will also say it's me who wants. It was me who persuaded him to have a baby. So I've to be tough and do and decide most things on my own. Mothers are tough and its really not an easy job.

Littlemay, it may take another few weeks. As baby's vision gets clearer, they are distract by surroundings. Nothing wrong with yr bm. Just that they are getting mOre hong sim. As long as there are out puts and baby gaining weight. Everything will be back to normal after they see surrounding sian liao.

Littlemay, thank you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess it is nature bah. Men enjoyed Liao, we get pregnant, giving birth and bringing kids up, is our job. Haiz. Animal kingdom also like that it is the female that take care of their young, male only enjoy the sex part. That's why mommy more Wei da. But I do see some really nice daddies ( we have few here in this forum), just we not so heng to meet men like them.

At least we still have jiemeis here to support each other. Really glad to join this forum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, sorry to hear that u feeling the blues. Maybe its just teething problems? Adjustment cos it's diff looking after on our own compared to letting outsiders look after? Sayang sayang oki? Tok to hubby tell him how u feel lo. Hopefully he will listen.

Mummy Lian, welcome. Glad that u overcame ur woes now dun feel bad just enjoy motherhood. That's wat I tell myself whenever I feel very vexed and down cos I'm sure we are mostly try and error dun fret too much.

Stefie dear cheer up..

Well men are always men.. Especially when they feel that they have independent wife .. They will be more Bo chap..

At times I do feel upset when my boy wants to go zoo or cycling .. Hb will say u bring him lor .. But boys want daddy to go too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my first kid , hb help a little 2nd kid a little lesser,3rd kid fat hope[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

stefie my husband was quite clueless, helpless and hopeless when my girl was v young but as she got bigger, he also grew into his role as a daddy. Daddies just need a bit of time and encouragement. i can honestly say he's a better mother to her now than i am, embarrassing but true!

Crystal, thanks. I already SMS hubby what I feel, he never reply. I guess things will gets better. Hubby left early today, maybe find me fan bah. Now will have to try to make every decision myself. Really if he is not interested, everything will be between me and Alexis. If my mil is going to say anything I will just say, I do every decision myself, your son don't want baby in the first place. I grown up in an environment where my father never take care of us, he was busy with family business. So I really hope Alexis grow up where father also involves in parenting. This phase keep ringing in my mind, I married my "father" haiz. Have to take everything 1 baby step at a time Liao.

Hi Debbie

So now he drinks less than before? My gal used to drink 800-900 ml at 1 month. Now only 500-600ml. And cries at every feed. Sigh... And her weight has been stagnant.

Esquare, roz, thank you. I guess he find me too depended on him plus now with Alexis, he feel More stress. So he just ask me to get another car, just help to pay 1/3, so everything I have to take care. Fetching Alexis to and from IFC, bringing Alexis to see doc. Cheap price for freedom. Maybe things will gets better when Alexis gets bigger less troublesome to take care.


This morning i went the kid clinic to register already, now back home waiting for their call. Was told that today waiting time will be even longer cos dr tan on mc only dr lim around. I really very tempted to try the kidlink next time cos the kid clinic waiting time is damn long. My ke lian the bb is coughing very badly.

Don't feel sad. My hubby also never help much. 1st mth still ok, still got help out a bit. Now sian already, I am doing almost everything now. In the end, my girl don't like him to carry. If i leave my girl alone with him, volcano will erupt.

Hi stefie,

Cheer up yeah, men r lidat, they did not go thr the whole pregnancy like we did, they did nt experience bb moving inside us, carrying bb with us everywhere we go for the 40 wks, nv go thr labour pain, thus they dont feel so much for bb... U r not alone, ma hubby also lidat...

In fact my hubby told me he finds it weird to bb talk with his son...Like him talking to bb n no reaction from bb...I told him bb is young still a bb, he can't talk but he can feel yr presence and if u dun carry him often enough he will dun wan u...N he told me of then that's better I dun have to carry...Pengz... But whenever he see tt i am stress or tired he will still help to carry...He told me that once bb is older, can play with him le dan he will look after n play with bb...The first time i brought bb to stay over at ma mom place cos hubby got fever, so he was quarrantine by me for 3 days, he came over to ma mom place n when bb saw him n smile at him, his heart melts, he immediately when over to carry bb n say he v happy bb can play with him le... So i think maybe yr hubby haven felt the not seeing a few days kinda feeling so he take it for granted and dun wan help in lookin after bb...Now tt bb back at home, ma hubby also can siam he will siam...

I think men r all lidat, mayb like wat ma hubby say, they cant bb talk like us women n thus will only play with bb when they r older...shall wait n see...

Also, i think the biggest prob is they r nt so attached to bb like us mommies, cos we went thr so so so much to give birth to them so we also a bit paranoid everything also worry...But nvm mommies are the most wei da on earth tt y children tend to celebrate mothers' day n not fathers' day haha... I also tell everyone tt haven given birth tt u will nt appreciate yr mom n find her naggy only until the day u yrself give birth to a child...Only then will u understand how much pain yr mom went thr to deliver u... We mommies are GREAT...Mayb tts y hubby leaves all decisions to us cos they know we can handle n probably make a better n wiser decision for our darling than them =)

I agree with Roz, think daddy needs more time & encouragement... =)

dewdew: OMG 6mths? By then duno if I'll b botak...I have been spraying hair tonic le, went jean yip for hair treatment n they ask me to buy this Ginseng hair tonic...Hope it helps...

Littlemay: Will jia you in pumping...Pump at 8am (130ml)& just at 11.30am but only 60ml..pathetic...Nvm shall jia you...Thanx for yr encouragement...

Rachel: I brought ma bb for shave when he is exactly 1 mth old...Brought to those shops that specialise in cutting bb hair cos felt tt they should b more experience & confident when holding bb but omg i see le very scary cos she carry ma bb by the neck n turn here n there...Tt time was 'tai mao' so they charge me double the price say its company rule... But luckily my bb was only 1 mth so still blur blur n he was so deep in sleep that he was passed from ma mom, who initially carried him while the lady shave to eventually the lady carry him by his neck using 1 hand n shave using the other n my son still sleeping...So the whole process was v smooth cos no fidgeting n no crying... But quite long ah abt 10mins to shave... I gona bring him to shave again when he is 4mth cos now super uneven ah duno y behind one whole patch like a 'road' no hair dan everywhere else got lotz hair grow le...So tot shave botak again n let the hair start to grow all over again...

Btw mommies, wat is milk strike?

Littlemay-my ger also on milk strike now,v stressful.. Feeding time seems like a battle.. Latch she dun want,bottle oso dun want.. Fr 650-750ml to recently 450-550.. She looks happy n active still..she is same like her elder sis ,not a milk fan..I gave my #1 rice cereal at 4mths cos she was drinking too little.. Might start soon for my #2 too..wf her rejecting milk,freezing the ebm also dunno gt use for it or not... Sian..

Stefie-when our lil ones are unwell,our mood swings to the extreme worst.. I am one gd example..my family n colics all know if my bb is ok or not fr my 'weather' hee.. ESP when bb is sick,we get reali upset n cry easily cos we feel helpless.. N guys been less sensitive dun express their concern in the way we want so we get more upset wf them.. But I'm sure they do care for their lil ones too,just not as uptight as us..

Rachel-I din shave both my gers' hair..my #1 had little hair too at birth but wf no shave,she's having a whole head of hair now..

stefie, i agree with the other mummies - think daddies need more time, and they are more for playing with bbs. ask them to do anything more, they sian already. i already few times give black face to my hb 'cos he rather play on his laptop than take care of bb, until i bought a small white board, stick onto our wardrobe and list down the duties that must be done. lol! then i stuck a polaroid pic of my bb on the whiteboard so he'll look now and then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least now he'll help with the sterilising and washing of bottles.

mummy lian, i also told my colleague that if drop for 6months, i'll be botak by then! just sit down feed my gal, strands of hair will drop. really can faint.

rachel, i dun intend to shave bb's head at all. :p now my mum helps to brush her hair/scalp every morning to stimulate the growth.

littlemay, my gal still cries in the middle of her feed but i just let her cry for a while, then put bottle back in her mouth and she'll drink up. i'm still waiting for the day that she'll finish a whole bottle without crying. :p it's been about 3 weeks already.


hope you're feeling better.. abt IFC, I always say we should trust our mother's instincts.. if you don't feel comfortable with some of their practices, do tell them about it and if still no change, i suggest you look for another CC? I know its very hard to find IFC now with the limited spaces, but no harm looking elsewhere.. In the meantime, you may want to give yourself and Alexis a bit more time to adjust to the idea of IFC.

As for your hubby, I guess he may need a bit more time to get used to the idea of being a daddy.. sometimes it doesnt come naturally to men..

we're all here to support you so feel free to rant, you'll feel better after letting it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies I went to thr taka fair I didn't get much except avent bottles and I manage to change for free a platter bottle but that's it. Quite a bit of cheap rompers home wear etc but cos I just ought so I didn't buy. The big items I tink most of us already have it so nothing much to get.

Milk Strike,

My PD mentioned that most babies at 3 months old will drink lesser, up to 100ml lesser than before.. Not because of milk strike but because their weight gain from now onwards will be much less than the first 3 months.

So mummies, not to worry if your baby is drinking much less, as long as they are still happy and active, they are fine.. Weight gain from now on will not be so much..

If still worried about weight gain, PD mentioned that we can start giving cereal at abt 4 mths plus, also for babies who have problems pooing cos a change in diet (cereal) will help them to poo better..

I don't know why some PDs here seem to recommend diluting the FM, because my PD says we shouldn't dilute it because they would not be getting the proper nutrition. If baby is constipated, to give more water or diluted apple juice.

Stefie, sorry to hear ur blues today HUGS!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thot ur hb quite involve in Alexis during confinement? Dun worry give him time to involve and adjust[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding IFC, does Alexis hv her individual cot and bouncer? Cos my gal had it, n is her own n her name was even written on, IFC must label their name for everything, ur IFC does that?

Ya feedback to them anything you nt happy, I feedback alot until teachers cant tahan me:p LOL

Taka BB Fair

Ya, can haf updates frm Mummies who r going later on?? The early bird gifts seems nt bad, hope to be the first 50 om fri... (but i doubt so)


Men are generally like tt, like most mummies commented. They are more 'onz' when u ask them to play with BB but when it comes to sterilising btls, feeding, bathing, pacifying, singing or any other matters, i doubt they can handle. Esp when now we, woman are more independent, HBs tend to be more 'bo chap' like wat E Sq says..

My HB also like tt. #1, he helps out a lot. But partly also cos at tt time, his job nt so 'siao siao' and less taxing on him. So he normally help with the last feed of the day before he slps. And #1 also more 'guai' in the sense tt she slp, drink, slp, play on her own, drink and repeats. So i haf more time to rest n relax n need little help. And most impt, slp thru frm 2M w/o nite feeds.

Now #2, more taxing. Still siao siao feeding schedule which i also cant chng. HB job also keep flying n flying, meetings n meetings.. Argghh.. So i do most of the hsework, on top of cooking & caring for both child. Lucky for me, my grandma helps to 'see see' but nt much with BB cos BB only wans me when cranky or slpy.

Sometimes envy the wife of the few Daddies here who are so hands on.. Its their good fortune to haf such support frm HBs esp after preg & birth. Keep it up!!

But mummies, everyone good in their own ways so there might be some other ways tt ur HB is good at!?! Mine, can allow me to splurge & spend $$ on online shopping though i am SAHM asking for $$ everytime.. So, good n bad..


I also nvr BF and stop at 4Wks cos i cant cope though my supply is very good. So i believed so long u r a happy mummy, u can also make it up in many other ways.. My #1 was BF til 6wks n i make it up by making nutritious home-cooked food since she starts on solid n give her a well balanced diet. And i can says, her immune not bad and seldom fall sick. Dun even haf any fever frm all the jabs.. So mummies, its not abt BM then good, if u dun then u are a bad mummy.. FM also equally good. But of cos BM also gt it pros, and bonding time too.. So no need compare ba..

wow lively discussion!

FM or BM

i also agree, whether fm or bm, i think all of us essentially want the best for our kids, and we also do what is best gievn our abilities and resources at the point in time. actually, many of us (our generation) grew up on Dumex, and i think we're not too bad lah hor... hahahah... our parents time, they grew up on 'ang zi gu ni' (condensed milk) but look at what they produced (think Mr. Lee Kuan Yew)... heheh.. so ya, FM is way better than ang zi gu ni and just as good as BM for some babies. most importantly, whether FM or BM, we'll need to remind ourselves to enjoy our little ones, just spending the moments with them and enjoying and taking in all of those moments, cause they just grow so fast. take in all those smiles, lovely gazes into your eyes, batting at you, putting their tiny little fists into their cutesy mouths, kicking, and even, wailing when hungry or distressed.just take in those moments, cause before we know it, they'll be gone and will be part of our beautiful memories. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and really, in a year or two, most of us will look back and realise, BM or not, our kids have grown and caught up on their weight, height, head size (hahah) etc... so don't fret, just enjoy your little ones ya!

stefie - oh dear, so sorrythat alexis is down and you feel so alone. but i know you're a fighter, and i'm sure you will rise above your challenges. i agree with the other mommies, hubbies generally feel less competent with little babies. so they feel more helpless when the babies cry, etc, and prefer to pass back to the mommy. but as the child grows and can interact with the daddy better, that's when the daddy-baby bonding really gets going. meantime, it's true that the baby's needsare mostly if not solely provide by the mommy the nurturer. daddy plays an important role in playing cause thru play the child learns a lot of things about his/her environment and world. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep the faith and hang in there ya!

hi mummies.. my boy going for his 3rd mth injection on fri. i called my PD to ask whether is the vacine the affected one. she said vacine is different version. the one affected is version 9 but the one my PD is using is version 13. so those mummies's baby who have taken the vacine, maybe is different version?

Hi stefie,

hugs. Hope u r feeling better now. Sometimes, our hubbies maybe overwhelmed with the responsibilities. Give him some time. When #2 was born and he was tired of waking up in the middle of the night (he's a light sleeper), my hubby also commented that I was the one who wanted #2. however, later on he apologized n tried to spend more time with her. I'm very thankful that my hubby is usually very hands on n will help to wash n sterilize the bottles.

Perhaps when Alexis is older, he will find it easier to care for her.


when my colleague say hair will drop until bb start to grow teeth...i was shocked but since yr colleague say stop at 6th mth den we gt no choice but to tahan till 6th mth later lor


last mth my gal drink halfway will suddenly cry den gt to coax her vy long den stop crying den after she calm dw she dun wan to drink e bal of e milk le...i told my sis abt tis she ask me to change e teat after changing she dun cry le...so izzit e teat u using dun suit yr bb ardy?


my niece's hair dun grow vy even when she is a bb n my sis didnt shave her hair n nw she is 16+mths ardy she gt so much hair


sayang sayang...sorry to hear tat yr hubby nt helping u. like wat other mummies say guy r like tat. in future if yr gal is closer to u n yr hubby complaint den u can say him bk for nt helping u when yr gal is stl a bb. initially my hubby aso dun help much after i warn him tat if our gal is closer to me he better dun complaint otherwise he will gt it frm me.

Hi mummy lian,

I went to Jean yip yesterday for the scalp treatment too. Also had the ginseng hair tonic. Hope will minimise the hair loss.

Hi mummies,

re: shaving baby's hair

din shave my gal's hair this time. Hope her hair will be as nice as her bro (shaved his hair @ 1 month). My parents said they din shave my sisters' n my hair too. My eldest sis n youngest sis's hair are thick n black unlike mine so I guess it's not a matter of shaving babies' hair.

Tantan/mummy lian- does the hair tonic contain alcohol? Ok for bf? I'm starting my hair loss too,hope it's minimal..I dun hav much hair to lose!

Stefie: **sayang sayang** it's ok to have blues once in a while, but do remember the good stuffs your hubby did for you and Alexis too.. :) I agree with e-square, that because you are independent, then hubby tends to lax.. think positive k..

tantan: went jean yip?!? mai very ex lor?

klitz/tenQ: do update us on taka baby fair ya.. :) Kinda remember the time we were preggy and Klitz still found time to go town every other day.. :p

Thank you very much Mommies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] babies are God's gift. Since He give me such a wonderful gal, He would give me strength to go thro everything. I am so glad that she is besides me sleeping sounding and smiling in her dreams. I just do what I can. Imagine next time we can go shopping together and share secrets with each other and daddy can't get involve[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sweet!!!

IFC, I will feedback to the skool tomorrow. If they don't do anything I will just change to another centre which I am more comfortable. No point getting upset since mommy knows best.

Welcome Mummy Lian!

Esquare: yup I'm planning to chg to Nan HA soon. I still got 2+ tins of similac. I stocked up fr msia during CNY coz way cheaper there. I also read that eczema could allergy to cows milk.

Stefie: better feed back to the IFC on what u noticed.

On hubbies, well I think I'm considered lucky. My hubby is quite hands on. The only thing he hasn't done is bathe the little one. If he is ard I will ask him to clean his poo coz he got blocked nose. My boys poo is explosive! So impact on my hubby not so bad coz of his nose. Haha. But my son seems to have a pref for me at times, made my hubby feel abit dejected. I still got complain abt him when he do things wrongly but my mum remind me tt he is considered v good dy. She said my dad last time never carried us when we were young. How sad...

Yay! My boy did not dvlp any fever fr yst's jab.

Btw, can I know those mummies giving FM, how much r u feeding ur babes at 3m? My boy is a little on a light side at 5.9kg, 10th percentile. He doesn't look thin but normal. He got pretty big thighs tt we all call it chicken thighs. Lol!

Juliana, my girl is 5.73kg at 3mth, but doct and nurse from polyclinic did not say she is at the light side leh. Her weight is consider average.

Juliana: sorry, was reading on the posts last nite when I woke up for pumping.. and I thought I posted the welcome message.. nice of your mom to help you take care of bb for time being.. :) time flies right.. the last time we were talking about was your mom wanted to bring confinement herbs/stuffs from hometown.. :)

hi mummies.. i need to let it out~

last nite, had a cold war with my hubby. yst i went to my dad place by bus & usually my hubby will pick me up from my dad place. i did mention to him no need, as i can take bus back myself. but he insisted he wanted to pick me.. fine, i appreciated it. but when he reached, his face is always black like charcoal and during the car journey, he will drive fast and me and baby will rock here and there. in the car yst, he said he is busy, so many things to do at work, nobody understand him and not even me. i know he is busy that's why suggested to go back myself. maybe that's not good enough to him? previously i went my dad place on monday and he is angry saying monday is the most busiest day of the week. ask me go other day. so i asked him when is he less busy day? he said tuesday. so i went on tuesday lo.. he still not happy. i remembered when we first got married, i was sad cos i cant bear to leave my dad. he promised me that he will bring me back whether i want. but so far, when i go back, i go back myself after work. then he will wait for me downstairs and ask me faster come down. yst in the car, he said he got competition thingy, going back to reservist in another 1 week time and is so busy that i cant understand him. fyi, i didn't know he got what competition thingy at all so how can he blame me? i kept quiet in the car the whole journey, don't wish to argue with him.

when reached home, i tried to coax baby to sleep but baby was screaming and don't want to sleep. so he is hot and starts to sweat. i on the fan and aircon trying to help him to cool off. all these while, my hubby don't like me to swaddle the baby. saying it is bad for baby's development and etc.. but i felt swaddling him, he can sleep better. though it is hot, but i do on aircon. he said on aircon waste electricity, why i want to swaddle him till hot hot and then on aircon for what. all i want is baby to sleep well.. what's wrong? so baby was crying and kept on sucking his mittens. so i tried to feed him with more EBM but he refused.. im completely loss and dunno what he wants. then my hubby came and carried him, carried him in front on the fan and screamed at me. swaddle him for what? he is so hot. idiot. i didn't swaddle him at all at the moment... im so sad! he scolded me idiot. OMG.. so i threw my temper. i started to throw things in the kitchen. i told him, fine, i don't want to take care baby le. ask ur mum to resign and both of you take care of him. i dun care. so i went to bathe, took my pillow and blanket to another room to sleep. he coax the baby to sleep in yao lan without swaddling him. if by just putting baby in yao lan to sleep, i also know. usually night time i put baby in bed not in yao lan. yao lan only use in daytime. so he put baby in yao lan, on the fan at speed no. 2 blowing directly at him. i got up in the middle of the night when he is asleep and made the fan turn + reduce the speed to no. 1. do you think it is good for the baby? the yao lan is in the living room and it is night time, shld be cooling. he on fan speed no. 2 and blow directly at him. just touch wood hope baby won't catch a cold or something.

this morning before he go to work, he sms me saying sorry abt last night and informing me that he is going to work. later part of the day. he said baby slept soundly last night.

mummies~~ did i do wrong by going to my dad hse? im looking after the baby myself, facing the four walls myself w/o anybody help. cant i go to my dad hse and get some help? he is busy but i said i can go home myself. if he insist to come, then ok.. but always show me face. what's wrong? when go his parents hse. he want me to tag along. but when go my dad hse, like want him to die. do your hubby like that too? i feel like challenging him later, asking him w/o swaddle the baby, let the baby sleep on the bed at night to see whether will he sleep through the night or not. i have decided to continue to sleep in another room tonight as well.

i dare to say that im not a bad wife. he is a teacher so he woke up early every morning to go to work. i woke up earlier than him to prepare the food & coffee for him. even during my confinement. not good enough? mummies.. during my confinement! when i supposed to rest, i still serve him. the food can be just a bread.. cant he reach himself to get it? i don't think his mum last time got wake up and make breakfast for him lo. at night, i cooked dinner. he likes soup. so i got to cook soup sometimes for him. so far, he never feed or change a diaper or wakes up to help at night for our baby. he just play with him. all the things are done by me. got one time, i asked him to learn how to change baby diaper, he walked away saying he is busy.

i really stressed up and going into depression very soon.

Juliana - ops sorry. I think I also missed on the welcome post. Welcome back!! R u able to join us on fri? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thx for sharing so candidly abt ur struggles. And glad Tat u decided to come back so we cal all support one another here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hw can yr hubby scold u idiot...u r his wife lei...n since he insisted on fetching u hm den he shldnt complaint

during my confinement my mum cm over n stay wif me...after confinement my mum go bk so i gt to look after my ger alone...e feeling of staying at hm n facing e walls n bb can make us crazy smtime...in order nt to gt crazy i will bring my ger out to shopping or to my mum's alone...go i will juz take cab hm

Pauline: I feel so sad reading your post, I hope you'll feel better ranting here.. for baby's sake, please cheer up so they are not affected by our mood ok?

pauline, ya i dun tink there's anything wrong with u going over to ur dad's place. frankly for me i expect my hubby to pick me up wheveever i am so i tink he is very lucky to have u as a wife already. not like we are trying to create a wider rift but i also do not tink that it is right for him to call u idiot no matter wat.

pauline, i'm sorry you had to go thru' that last night. it's not easy to take care of bb yourself and since you've been doing it all these while, of course you know bb's pattern better than your hb. and of course, hb is wrong to scold you idiot. to blow the fan directly at bb is not right! at night some more... tsk tsk... what if bb catches a cold? haiz...

if he offers to fetch u, then really, he shdn't complain. if he complains then insist that u can take the public transport home. take cab also better than seeing his face colour. i think u shd talk to him, make him understand that just because you're on ML doesn't mean you are very free, as taking care of bb is a full time job.

i don't know how to tell u to calm down and dun fight... 'cos if my hb calls me an idiot over taking care of bb, i would've smacked him. for someone who isn't hands-on in the daily care of bb, he doesn't have the right to criticise u.

right now i'm still staying at my mum's and i only go back to my ILs during the weekend - so that i dun go crazy with taking care of bb all by myself and have to listen to useless advices from ILs. :p

oh, and if i were u, i'd stop with the breakfast thingy - he can jolly well do his own breakfast since i'm such an idiot of a wife. :p

and i agree with bubbly, must control our emotions so bb won't get affected. u can come in here and rant and seek comfort from us, we support u!


Klitz mention that she saw your name ..

At the playtax counter..

Avent small bottles ans size 2 and 3 teats

I have plenty to sell.. Willing to let go avent bottle at half price

I have 3 piece.. For the teats at 30%.. I bought too much and bb using pigeon ..pm me if interested


why do you say your baby at 5.9kg is 10th percentile? Which chart are you looking at? I tot 5.9 is pretty normal.. not sure about baby boy, but for my baby girl she is 5.68kg at 3 mth and according to the chart, she is 50th percentile.

Osh gosh... Don't think the chart is right? 5.9kg at 3 months is 10 percentile? I thought it's normal. My gal only 5.2nd at 3 months! Haha!!

i think dads mostly dont really want to play a part... my hubby also never ever once change bb diapers and bottle feed him.. when i ask him to learn .. he will say got u, mil and helper so no need him to do it.... actually i dont feel comfy getting helper to bottle feed him now cos i don wan him to feel too close w helper....

E-Square: if only you posted earlier.. we just bought 4 pcs size 3 Avent teats at Isetan.. hehehe..

Oshgosh: thanks for sharing the calculator.. it's very user friendly..

re: ranting

Actually I have a ton of weight in my brain, mind, body, you name it.. about work, but I can't rant in public coz if get caught, I'll be sued for breaching our ethic code.. but I want to look for job!!!!!!


Pauline, hubby apologise already. You know that he said it in a moment of anger and out of frustration and probably regretted it the moment it came out of his mouth. Tell him to not bring work and work related bullcrap home, that you have already done a lot all day.

Can cold war a bit if that's effective on ur husband, I think some men enjoy it coz don't have to listen to wife nag haha.

Cheer up, ok? (but you can wayang a bit and still show him black face lah)

