(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hello mummies!

am back after a full day of being out shopping and dining with friends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if walking will help with bringing Gwen out earlier, i'll gladly walk everyday! i just want her to come out soon.

congrats to lovebyte!

crystal, jia you!

i have a fren who asked me why i take leave so early when my EDD is next week. she only took leave a week earlier from her EDD. i hear already buay song, macam saying i lazy to go work like that. hmph! anyway, dun care her... :p

sharon, dun walk around too much after birth. u need a lot of bed rest and sit down if u can. really must rest otherwise your uterus will drop and your backache will be very bad. take care hor, dun overwork your body.



Need to rant at tis hour.. Really burst out in tears jus nw.. HB volunteered to help feed for weekends as let me rest. End up 1 feed at 12am then jus nw when i wake him to feed BB at 3am, he didnt wan wake up & commented he is tired. Who isnt?!? Keep asking him up as i still need pump in a while but he refused. I ended up in tears as was hurt & disapointed.

Realised my boy's diaper leaked & bed sheet + protector is wet, i wake him so i cld take a new bed sheet, he dared said 'why i like tt?'.. I cldnt control & burst out in tears. He heaed & said, 'wow u goood hor'

He still cld go bk to sleep & leave me to do all.. Damm TL with his sleeping habits & i'm utterly sad. Nw jus pump milk finish & gonna slp back.. Very emo!!

Haiz... Cannot sleep!! Arrgghhh!!! My hub's sergent sms him at this kind of wee hrs to remind him of his manning next week!! Siao right!!

Dew, just ignore yr friend.. It's up to us when we wanna apply ml ma... At least u manage to rest, shop, eat before bb pops.

Damn pissed with hub just nw! He again stop me from assembling bb's playpen and a table we bought from ikea!! Say if anything happens to bb,who gonna take responsible!! Dunno who idiot inherit this kind of mentality to him! 气死我了!

Dbaby, is yr hub working in e day? Do u hv a cl or maid to help out... Dun be angry, will lead to post natal easily one.. Since u manage to complete e task yrself, thou it's tiring but isn't it 为大? at least no need to rely on man... Haha.. Mother's love! 天下的妈妈都是一样的!

Dew, dun care abt the comment. My colleague also suan me say why I take 2 weeks ML, so early etc... It's our entitlement, happy 就好。

Dbaby, dun be upset. Men are like tat. My hub volunteered to do night feed too but I have to wake him up to do it and by then I might as well do it myself. In exchange, y not get him to do it in the day so tat u can rest? Anything jus rant here. Forsee myself facing prob when reality start once I reach hm tomorrow.

Rainbow, haha his sergent got prob slping ah? SMS ppl at wee hrs of the morn! Crazy fellow

Esquare, really ah? Sleeping bb is fine? But I do realisd tt when she sleep enough and wake up she is more patient when trying to latch. CL feed her EBM at night so she only needs two feed.

dbaby, u may want to try bottle feed at night. And some people are deep sleepers. Don't think it's possible to wake them up At night. So probably ur hubby is one of them.

Rainbow, ur hubby's seargEnt win le. But u also v light sleeper Hor? SMS u also can wake up. Nxt time put phone on silent mode?

I've been awake since 3am pump. Always feel damn hot after pumping. Milo did u try massaging ur breasts while pumping?I will massage all angles to make sure all the milk come out. Find tt when u massage while pumping the output volume is different.

Milo, forgot to add that breasts become super soft like dou hua after pumping. Shouldn't be hard one. If u still feel hard means u have milk in the ducts somewhere. Massage or put warm wet towel to ease it out. That's what I did in hospital, massage with warm wet towel before expressing or feeding. But at home lazy, just massage with bare hands. When I got Nothing to do in between feeds I also massge. Haha.

Tenq/milo, my hub bo chap one... I've been quarrelling with him over this silent issue for dunno how many donkey years.. Than for few days silent after tat same again..

Just had a cup of milo with 2 slices of bread..

Oh ya, anyone using avent bottles? I realise e for e small bottles, e teats are for new born but i've not gotten any for 1mth+.. can we just cut e teats?


Ya, i agree.. Tts y only gt the song 世上只有妈妈好 and not for fathers!!! But really am hurt & very sad thus CRY liao.. Buay tahan lo.. He works in the day, frm hm but cant really help much... I dun haf CL nor maid.. Jus my grandma helping out to cook, bath BB & laundry.. With my gal, i haf to feed her at meals, prepare her to nap. Sometimes i even pick up the broom n sweep lo... HB's work too hectic on wkdays n sometimes cust support til 8-9pm..

Tml he gonna clean up the hse & i sure make he make it up to me by using him as MARIO!!


Yes, i am btl feeding at the moment cos cant latch properly & end up with sore nipples.. Fixed an appt with LC cumin tues to fix tis prb..


Same here, i haf to wake him up n he keeps on askin qns.. Only plus point is i dun haf to get up frm bed..

Haf told myself tt I haf to endure & perserve til the end for my boy..


Btw hw long u all pump each side & what is the interval between each pumping session??

dbaby: sayang sayang, later when hb wakes up, he'll regret his doing. Prolly Grandpa Chow just din let him off their appt. Like milo, i believe mine wil be the same my turn comes.

Milo: last nite, i read ur blog, was especially touched by ur boys brought flowers to ur workplace on ur anniversary. Also happy ur hb bought u a bouquet aft delivery. My hb is not tis romantic, the only bouquet i received from him was wedding day handheld... Hehehe, other than tat, single stalk of rose in sms form. When asked i want real one, he says wait i give birth 1st. Hehehe so diff to get flower from him though i'm not exactly a flower person la...

rainbow: ur hb prolly too gan cheong abt bb, thus refused to set them up yet... We've got our cot assembled in july but shall wait till almost time to set up. I cant wait to do the cot up :)

Rainbow/DBaby, I also argue with my hubby in thebpast abt housework. Not so much bottle feeding at night coz he sleeps more deeply than me. Last time ask him do housework he will do unwillingly. But yday he suddenly says he wants to vacuum the house. Then I happen to read the whattoexpect.com and they said that men will also suddenly have a nesting instinct. Quite shocking for him to take a simple initiative like this. So I'm sure your hubbies have this side to them as well just that perhaps not in the way u hoped for.

Dbaby, I pump ard 15min for both sides at the same time. Some times less if I see no more milk drip into the bottle. I dun pump regularly coz I also latch her (with my hands to Ucup my breasts until they quite deformed to fit her mouth) Haha. I find tt she can't latch without assistance. If I don't direct latch think I have to pump every 4-5hrmax. Breasts will be super hard if I don't.


Avent small bottles no need to cut teats .. It is for 1 month.. If after a while flow is too small or you see that bb is sucking too hard then you change to no 2.. No need to cut on your own coz if hole too big bb will get choke..

Rainbow.. Ask ur hb to assamble the items then u go for a walk.. Tell him when you come back all has to be done.. As long as you are not in the house it's ok.. Aiyah old wives tale lar.. But he is concern also about bb so give and take

rainbow,ur hb can assemble the cot when u in hospital stay,dun argue wif him la,my cot also nt fix yet cos my gal still sleepin

dew,aiyo ignore ur fren! Is our entitlement n just njoy =)

dbaby,aiyo sayang n hugs hope u feel better after ranting here,think the guys also stress wif 2 kids at hm,nw weekend maybe ask him to help more since he is nt working,weekday maybe difficult since they working

mummies who breastfeed:

how many holes frm ur nipple shoot out milk per side ah? Hehe just curious! If gt 6 holes shoot out boobs shld be soft after pumping

I dreamt last nite i pump out 300ml per side n 8holes shoot out milk! Haha think i crazy over bf liao, if reality i can pump so much will be grinning widely everyday cos i woke up smiling! Haha :p but scared in reality is opp,hiaz

stefie, lena,cindy: hehe hope all ur princesses guai guai come out this week!

Stefie, u n ur hb must take turn to rest n do shift work cos nt easy but jiayou u both can do it!

Sharon: ya dun walk too much cos uterus will be loosen so lie dwn as much as u can,njoy ur post naatal massage as that is the only luxury during confinement!

Mummies, he die die wanna wait till i pop than assemble.. He doesn't believe in doing it when i'm out.... Stubborn la he!

Esquare, e avent teats i've gotten goes by mth not mumbers lei... So does it mean i gotta go get 1 mth+ teats... Haiz..

rainbow, haha it's ok just let him assemble when you pop la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If he's concerned over the old wives tale then letting him assemble when you pop will put his mind at ease [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal, hahaha your dream very funny leh!! You successfully breastfed your baby no.1 right? I think 2nd time mothers have better bm supply than first time mothers..

Rainbow ,

The smAll bottle comes with 1mth teats.. Actually they use to go by number now by months but it's the same .. The only have 4 types 1mth , 3 mths, 6 mths and 1 is the variable(dun get this..)

My 2 kids are both avent users..

morning mummies,

rainbow, if he wants to assemble during your stay in hospital then let him be lah. you'll be in the hospital for 3 days anyway, he has enuf time to assemble and wipe down the cot. just tell him, if cot not ready then he prepare to sleep on the floor while baby sleeps with u. lol!

i wonder if crystal has popped already... no news yet right?

dbaby, sayang sayang... hb must be very tired also. talk to him properly, ask him if he's serious in helping out at night 'cos u get really tired out doing both day & night shift. it's like 24hr shift and u won't get much rest in btw. how to survive like that?

mangogal, wahahahhaa, your dream very funny! i had nightmare that my left leg had water retention until it swelled into an odd shape, like elephant leg! aiyoh... then semi-conscious i felt around for my extra pillow and put my left leg on top of it. lol!

dew and debbie,yalo i was surprise to hv such a dream! Hopefully can succeed in bf this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew,haha so is ur extra pillow makes u dream to hv swelling elephant leg:p

ya i also how crystal now n her ethan?

morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what a saturday, woke up early and yet hub refused to go to the motherhood fair =.=


chill chill ya. let him assemble during your hosp stay since he is so persistent. dont let this affect your mood k *hugs* my case even worst, haven gone to buy the cot yet =P just few days back, he started to ask me if i went to order the cot already or not -__________________-''


congrats!!! and what a good weight your bb has ;) enjoy your bonding time with him! do share with us your birth story soon.


so poor thing, u!! *hug hug* i guess 2nd time dads not as enthu as 1st time =X i got a feeling mine also somehow be the same and he told he hes going to sleep in the study room during weekdays cos he needs to wake up early to go work at 4am. hmmmm

anyway,, not sure if i should bring my breastpump to hosp or not. my steriliser is not yet to be seen anymore. not sure where is it hiding cos after we brought it back from perth, we did not use it at all =\


I didnt expect HB to help on weekdays cos i knw nxt day gotta work. And his work is rather hectic, nt those 8-5 kinda job.. Need work late too.. But today sat le, and he is the one who sugg.. Haiz.. Nvr mind la.. Over liao..


Think u too stress abt BF-ing liao.. Hahahha.. Can also dream abt hw many holes spurt out milk etc??!! Hahaha.. Seriously i also very stress abt BF-ing cos i am very determined to suceed!!


Ya, been on 24hr shift since Day 1 of labour.. Aldy tiring & either i'm sleeping or i'm feedin my elder one, getting her to nap/sleep, or am pumping or feeding my boy!! Tiring job!!!


Tks for ur motivation!! I dun knw why but i jus went to latch my boy jus nw to try again.. Like wat u said in a 'U Cup' deformed breast.. Seems like quite successful cos breast soft after tt.. I wonder hw much he drinks.. Later gonna alternate the nxt breast n try. I ownself develop a posture with BB tt is comfy for BF & offer breast. The position in the book & taughy by LC, i very not 'shun'.. Hopefully i master it & then dun need wake up pump & feed at nite. Jus wake up n offer my breast!!

Updates on guilty HB

Faster come apologise first thing & i tell him go away cos i still sleeping. And he nw preparing to clean up the hse cos last nite told him hse is very dirty liao. So he dun dare dilly dally today!! Else than his irritating sleeping habits tt gets on my nerve, he is a very nice HB la.. But.... At time really buay tahan!!


Btw did u all buy aldy?? I'm diligently storin all my excess milk into milkbags in the freezer.. Wan to haf backup incase i drink on xmas, new yr etc.. I initially bought the Pigeon ones and its $15.90, supposed to 'stand' but very wobbly.. End up i ordered & shared half with Klitz & 1 box with mangogal the Nanny Milkbags at $7++ with the same amt of bags & size. If its good, i will update n u ladies can buy cos almost 50% savings.. Tts my good buy at the moment.


Ya, HB also sleep in his work room on weekdays. Last nite wanna help so sleep on mattress in our room.. But still, nvr help n snoring all the way!! Guess jus haf to 'ren ming'!!

Moon Sky,

u dun need to use glass bottles, can just buy those BPA-free ones.. the bottles will be yellowish in colour, unlike those clear plastic kind which has BPA.


the teats that come w the Avent bottles are for 1 mth plus if i'm not wrong. I actually bought a pack (2 teats) for new born in case the hole too big for bb in the first couple of weeks.

I dun cut the teats, i just change it whenever i find tat bb becomes impatient when sucking (means the flow too slow liao).

Sigh just heard my hub will only be back on 5th dec.. i better not move around too much, wanna make sure hub is back b4 i deliver.. and also want no 2 to come out on 7th dec as scheduled so tat she will be exactly 20 mths apart from her jie jie who was born on 7th april [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno wat to eat for lunch or dinner.. can't decide if should get helper to cook or i go tabao food...

mummies, any interesting ideas for food?


happy 7th year anniversary! enjoy your buffet tonite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i would be as angry as u if i were in ur shoes... but wat i hv learnt after hving my gal is mummies always have that instinct to wake up when bb cries, no matter tired we are.. whereas, daddies can just sleep thru if they are tired.. i also give up on asking my hub to help at night cos by time i shake him awake, i might as well do it.

like wat the other mummies suggested, get him to do the day feed while u just pump and sleep... also make sure he handles ur girl so u can rest more.. since he works fr home, i guess he can spare some time in between to help rite?

remind him the baby also belong to him wor..

esquare, now than i realise e new bottles comes with new born teat.. think tmr i got to make a trip to philips to get e 3mths de.. or shld i get 1 mth huh? very luan lei..

dew, i already told him to get it done. anyway i've asked him to sleep in another room cos my mum will be sleeping with me.. cos he gotta work and i dun wan bb to disturb his sleep.

andrea, he everything also cannot than still tell me not say he pantang! i just swallow my pride!

Dbaby, think my hub will be like yrs lor. same pattern. i told him if next time diapers not enough, help me go buy than he can reply ask yr mum la. WAh kaoz.. he think my mum is full time maid lei. Again, i swallow my pride and kept quiet.. dun wanna argue with him...

later boarding my baby.. so sad.. she doesn't seem to know anything even thou i keep talking to her.. hopefully able to see her in a mths time.

tmr is my last day of freedom..

Hi mummies,

Jus got back from seeing woody.. Kinda buay tahan his attitude! My piles hav been bleeding, ask him if it's a sign of recovering, den he say if u worry, go see a GP loh?! If not wait till give birth, den see how... Faintz sial!!!

Ask him abt my edd as is just 3 apart.. He say u wan induced not, if wan den go TMC on 2/12 or 3/12.. Which day u wan?! He super bochap attitude sometimes really pissed me off.. Although I do trust his experience.. but.. Haix.. Now jus hope tat BB can come out within Tis 2 day..


Mummies.. Can shared with me on the induced part will it speed up my delivery process? Woody ask me to go TMC and let them insert the pill den stay in hosp till birth.. Cannt go home.. will it take very long time?

Rainbow, ur hb gt car right? He shld do all these logistics like buying diapers/milk powder etc... n help out housework like washing bottles etc..that is the basic thing hubby helping out as fatherhood...dun worry la, when ur bb out, he will change his attitude n habit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh,hee thks!

Tell my boy can come out anytime after tonite buffet :p

Dbaby...hee good ur hb apologise to u liao! think he nt in the mood in middle of nite lor...at least nw ur hse clean n span...u want the part time cleaner contact? I pass to u this wed when i collect the mlikbags frm u

Haa I was surprise to hv this dream last nite too :p

Moonsky, use BPA free bottles, easily available at most places...popular brands like nuk, medela, pigeon are BPA free, I am using medela

Kayden's mummy, did Woody do any VE for u? If ur cervix dialte, then induce will be quite faster..if cervix nt dialte then u need to insert pill and drip to fasten the process...ya normally hv to stay in hospi to wait or labour, cannot go hm liao to be safe as they need to monitor bb heartbeat n ur contractions etc..

I was at ntuc trying to buy young coconut. Saw 3 types. 2 types were smaller, more round,looks pre opend. Another type bigger and not opened. Which is correct huh?

Good afternoon Mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water.

Woke up 5 am, eyes gim gim, can only sleep at 7am. Hubby went to giant with mil to get the whole salmon fish, whole tray of eggs, and some veg. He said can freeze some fish, so he can cook for me during confinement. Salmon is good for milk supply and dha. Really really wonderful of him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby don't get upset okay. I guess your hubby must be tired. Maybe ask him to help in the day time, then you can rest more. So night time you just take over. Be happy and positive okay. Things can work out nicely. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, just ignore these remarks. Really diff people duff pregnancies leh. As long as you are comfortable why bother. My male colleagues all asked me to rest earlier, cos they see me walking around with huge belly very xinku. Maybe man and woman have diff views bah. That is also why I prefer male gynae to female one.

Cindy, year end is off peak period for hubby, so requested to work from home during my confinement. He is working for my brother so easier to work things out.

Kayden's MTB, dr woody is sometimes like that. He also ignored me when I said I want to induce earlier. He is more pro natural lah. I think since we are going to pop anytime, if give you treatment to your piles may be useless. Cos once pop, it will go away. Maybe take more fruits and drink more water. I find it helps.

I would prefer natural cos induce may take longer time. Or ma y even kena emergency csection cos baby is in distress. So would be double the cost and may take longer time.

So it depends on individual.

Dbaby, glad u feeling better today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheer up and enjoy ur weekend. Jus now the LC came and taught me how to massage my breast and latch on, now feels better le, hope can continue with this at home.

Rainbow, I was like ur Hubby not fixing up the cot till I am in hosp but gave up the idea seeing the way my hub clean the cot! we set it up 1 week before my csect date. Thankfully bb is ok. If he pantang then better not cos like me, do liao kept worrying ;p

Hahaha... see BPA banned only I panicked (maybe giving birth soon, anything about baby causes "panicky"), thought I bought BPA bottles, actually is BPA free bottles!! :)


No need so kan cheong.. But if you have Robinson then go get 3 mth and 6 months teats coz 20%..

other than that you can wait coz every bb is different and it's convienent as ntuc also sells them..

But do note when using aven bottle.. After closing try the bottle in tilted direction before giving bb coz sometimes may leak ..

Mangogal: dr woody won't do any VE.. Not his 'style'.. Guess I hav keep going for walk n persuade BB to come out soon..

Stefie: if till ya edd is up Alexis still dun wan to come up, will u induced too?

Lena, to check dilation hav to put their 2or3 fingers all the way v deep in de. We can't check on our own one. And ya woody don't do VE check to estimate when will we be ready.

Dewdew, ignore ur tat frd la. We need rest and relax before we pop also ma.

Dbaby, lucky ur hb say sry le. Hehee or not u can pull his ears Liao. Ok la sometimes guys r like tat. Now my CL still ard, my hb sleeps like everything in the world is shut down even when I'm just bf beside him with bb crying! Don't knw will he be able to wake up and help when CL is gone anot.

Rainbow, let ur hb be then. Haa.. My hb super busy and tired over my 3days stay in hospital. Maybe then ur hb will also kan cheong to setup and he will understand where u coming from. But if he want to only set up after tat then let him be. Both me and Jill set up before tat though.

My hb rush during my stay from place to place to get things, pick my parents, go for his appt, rush to hospital acc me and entertain his frds and also do up the whole house clean but actually is no need one lor.

Now only 1wk and both of us see our kitchen also so heartache with all the cooking! Super oily, everything in a mess and as it's to the CL way of doing. I jus can't wait to get well soon and confinement to be over and bring my house back to shape again!

Congrats once again lovebyte!

Congrats Lovebyte and Milo! Must rest well despite having to be moomoos ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just got back from parenthood fair. Got Goon and Nepia diapers. Regardless of size and number, each packet for both brands is $14. Goon newborn is quite worth it cos normally it's $21 for a pack of 58, but now it's $14. I bought 2 packs.

I also signed up for Motherhood magazine and paid $138 for 3-year subscription and got a lot of freebies (eg. full size Kodomo shampoo, bath foam and really a lot, a lot of other useful items in smaller sizes) and a DooMoo baby beanbag seat.

Just sharing with mummies who intend to go. But one thing's for sure, parking is a nightmare because of Sitex.

Hello mommies... no news from Crystal yet?

Lovebyte: Congratulations! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just got back from the gynae. Liz is 3kg now (up 200g from last friday's scan), and my amount of dilation (1.5cm) has not changed. No change to my weight and blood pressure/sugar is good, but gynae was surprised by my water retention (face, hands, feet are swollen). Told gynae that we want to induce and so, we would be checking into Mt A tmrw 1130pm to start the process. The nurses would insert a pill to start the induction and gynae would check on me on Monday morning. Liz' ETA: Monday afternoon.

So excited and so apprehensive.....

Mummies.. Watever he wanna do.. But i tell him make sure everything is in place when i get home!

Muddypaw, me too seeing reyes boy on monday!! Hehe

Hello mummies!!

I just came back from gynae. My baby is 2.6kg at 36weeks. Finally got growth spurt so happy! Haha cos baby put on 700g in two weeks and caught up with the growth chart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All the late night supper and stuffing myself with food helped. Relieved that i gained 1kg only. Baby also not engaged but my doctor say doesn't mean won't have labour symptoms. So he ask me to monitor if got any cramps that occur frequently. The sad thing is i got minor yeast infection again and had the pill inserted into V.

muddypaws, wow so you would be seeing Liz soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All the best and hope you'll have a smooth quick delivery! Do update us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to Lovebyte!

Good to hear far Debbie! See no need worry right. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] baby is at gd weight now le! I'm so looking fwd to all of u pop one by one! ;)

Kayden MTB, be prepared tat in labour ward, woody also will carry on with his attitude and same for after labour visit. I also super sian abt it

hi mummies...haiz..now im so confused and i think i'm getting pre natal blues liao...suddenly no reason feel like crying then tears just kept dropping..maybe too worried and nervous abt delivery...

bb's big..engaged but cervix not dilated yet..doc ask to induce but i'm not keen cos thinking of inserting pill..doing ve...very very uncomfortable for me..=( and somemore i heard induce not confirm can natural deliver..might cause bb distress and end up emerg csect..then got to suffer plus spend more!!

just rcv call from clinic say got v infection..asked me to go collect antibiotic and pill to insert..=( is the pill to insert same as the pill to induce??? as in the size of the pill?

now im thinking maybe i should just tell doc i want csect to avoid all the uncomfort that v have to go thru..

i feel so useless..why others can do it and i just can't??! my bb must be thinking his mummy very "hum". haiz..i hope the doc will allow me to do csect..i don't want to go thru another ve..thnking of that makes me don't want to return for my next checkup..

or mummies that have deliver by csect..after injecting epi..do u feel anything when the doc cut you up or sew u up?? is it completely numb?? as in u didnt even know that they have opened up your tummy??

and after the csect op..will u have any unrine prob? is baby born by csect as healthy to those naturally borned?

Debbie: my latest strep b test also showed tt I got yeast infection. First test dun have. But my gynae dunno whether he saw the report or not. I had to ask him for the report, then he said he will ask the nurse to dig it out. Then just tell me to pass it to dr woody, his replcment gynae when he go hol next week.

Must it be treated immediately?

KaydenMTB: I think alot of gynaes like tt one lor. Mine also very bo chup esp now tt he is goin on hol and pass my case to his fren. He didn't even bother treating me for the yeast infection. Last appt I asked him how come my strep b test is done so early when most ppl do week 35-37. He explained why, then tell me, 'Do u want to do it again? Ok since u r concerned lets do it again.' Like tt oso can, then first time do waste money only.

He also tell me afew times to go see GP. Only when i show some concern or ask question then he will show some concern. His reply also always like very Bo chup everytime, quite sickening esp for FTMs like me.


Shirley, don't cry don't cry!! Must be the hormones ya... Anyway, maybe you should just consult your doctor and ask him on the chances of successful natural delivery upon induction and see what he says? Don't worry about VE so much k? Just relax and breathe deeply while doing VE. Anyway, the pill to insert into the V for infection is a different type of pill for induction. I suppose you are referring to yeast infection right? As for the size of the pill inserted for induction, i don't know as i have not seen before. But the pill to insert into V due to infection is not very big, but can cause discomfort when gynae help to insert into our V. The issue is not the size of the pill but more like the size of the fingers of your gynae/nurse. What you need to do is just relax, and take very very deep breaths when the pill is inserted k? I have the pill inserted into me 3 times already! First time a little bit painful as i wasn't mentally prepared. Second time onwards i just relax and do deep breathing and not pain. Don't scared k?

After csect op won't really have any serious urine problem as your birth canal wasn't expanded due to natural birth. And baby born by c-sect can be very healthy too! Natural born also healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juliana, best to treat immediately. But i ask my gynae if yeast infection dangerous for baby if give birth naturally, he say not so serious compared to Strep B infection because sometimes our waterbag burst can act as a flush and flush the infection away. But of cos if detect, best is insert the medicine pill into the V and apply cream or use special vaginal wash to wash V and get rid of infection. You might want to try eating yogurt everyday? I think it helps to keep the infection away and reduce the infection.

cherrry, ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope at this rate, baby will be about 2.8kg to 3kg when pop, just like your baby 3kg. Haha but doc say most likely need wait two more weeks then i will pop. He predict mid december [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope you are coping well with your sweet princess and moomoo career! Jiayou!

