(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Yvaine: Sorry to hear about your problems with your maid. Kinda surprised to hear that your maid pulled your girl's hair! How old is your maid? Does she have kids herself? Hopefully your new one would be better.

Klitz: Since my maid came on board, we bring her over to my FIL's house every Sunday for family lunch, where she hangs out with the rest of the maids who work for the rest of the family. I can imagine the amount of gossip the 6 maids would be engaged in, but we just let it be. One thing I do however is that the rest of the maids would nag at mine to take care of me and the little one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine/Cindy: I really hope Liz comes out soon. My gynae says that some people can stay dilated for weeks without much action happening. However, now that I know I'm dilated, my nesting instinct has kicked in again. Told my helper to go with me to the supermarket to get toiletries etc (in case i pop, stuck in confinement and can't replenish the supply... cos my hubby relies on me to get these stuff).


Yvaine, gosh that's bad.. but ya.. i agree dun let maids tok if possible le... reallie quite jialat they will "tell stories" to one another and cause a lot of prob...

Hey mummies,

Anyone has tightening feeling at the chest area? Its not like the whole chest but like two pipes leading to the breast from ur collar bone area that sees a little rather tight. Seems to be getting tighter and tighter for me...

Got this feeling 2 nights ago when I was sleeping but it went away. Now its just there and not going off.... Can breath but its just the nagging feeling.

Stefie... haha.. I feel tired too but if no work on the next day, still ok la.. :p

Dewdew, hmm... Ya.. tinkin whether should join anot, can i confirm at later part? I would prefer carousel if go also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Esquare, Wa... u mus reali b tired out with 2 kids to handle at this preggy stage... Do take care n ask ur hubby to help out more k... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine.. Ur maid sound those cheeky up to sometin type... Mus reali b more careful in case she bully ur daughter when u not ard...

Muddypaws, i too have itchy soles at times n i thought probably becos i stepped on dirty tins or what... Haha.. din noe it's due to water retention! My fingers also suddenly goes numb at times... My feet n fingers look so swollen now.. Haha... Congrats on ur darlin's good weight... Muz b feelin very excited now cos ur darlin comin out any moment huh...

Crystal: I have to say that if I try not to be paranoid about labour, it may come faster... for the past few nights, i have been paranoid and sleeping with the waterproof sheet under my butt. Last night, i decided to sleep without it, and I've to say that I slept really well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovebyte: I have that too. I try to sit up straight, and sometimes use a cold compress to ease the pressure. It's the baby kicking upwards.

muddypaws, ahhahah maybe dun tink will really hasten the process huh hahha... in any event, what comes may hehehe... we cant control/stop/hasten the process either. we will get there.

klitz - no no the old n new will not meet. we will pick up the new maid on the same day we drop the old one at the agency. they won't have chance to chit chat... my current maid loves to chat with other maids. so much so that when we'r out, she looks out for people to chat instead of watching over my gal. very frustrating. that happens despite us already telling her off. my mom said when she's at my mom's place she even trims her nails and puts on toe nail polish!!!wah piang... and lagi worse, sits around to pluck her armpit hair, and when she hears my car (my mom is on ground floor) she scurries to the kitchen to 'help' my mom feed my gal, without washing her hands! really buay tahan... the list goes on....

crystal - i think it's really hard to 'isolate' them such that they don't talk. my maid has so many friends n relatives working here. once she had her hp she started getting funny ideas and asserting herself with my mom as to what she should do or not do...

muddypaws- my maid supposedly has 4 daughters and she's 36... she doesn't look like she knows how to coax children so my mom wondered if she really took care of her own children... sigh.

Debbie - at least you can close both eyes, hahaha... mine i can only close 1 eye, cause i'm the eployer. anything happens i'm responsible wor.. once, she dropped a bamboo pole... and i'm on the 18th floor!!! and she never did tell us until my mom questioned about the missing pole!! tsk tsk..

Lovebyte - not me either... like crystal if i get contractions i feel breathless, but not chest tightness..

Lena/Cindy: Gynae says the itch is because the skin is too stretched from the swelling.

Mommies: I'm so scared to go into labour... not cos I'm afraid of the pain, but because my hubby has so much work committments for the next few weeks that I kinda feel bad about taking him away from those things. Eg. he has to cancel a few meetings this morning to go to the gynae with me. He has biz associates flying in from overseas next week...

Since today is my last working day, just had Malay stall makan, Sambal fish + sotong + broccoli. Not bad, need to eat the sotong before popping[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Later will konz.

Crystal, ha!! ha!! I will feel bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, I have itchy legs, and looks red. My feet also very dry, need to apply cream before I sleep. And the water retention on my legs and hands are really bad, can see it swell alot. Just a little more time we will pop liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, wow you maid is quite bad leh. Better change. If not your will be stressed for your ML. Take care.

Muddypaws, Yvaine, wow you will be the next mommies to pop[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you.

crystal, haha u dun wear the maternity clothes now? why u pack so fast! haha

muddypawss, maybe follow gynae's advise to walk more, maybe will make dialation faster hehe :p

now is the start of excitement ^_^

dun worry too much abt yr hub's work commitments..think he rather push away those than to leave u alone in the labour room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheer up!

Yvaine: Your helper certainly sounds bad! Better get her changed asap! Haha, I always emphasize to my helper not to do stupid things as I don't wish for her to appear on YouTube or for MOM to come after me.

Stefie: Don't scratch the legs (in case you get scars). Gynae says that water retention is very normal at this stage.

Thanks Muddypaws. I tried to apply more cream. If not whole night can't sleep[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't feel bad your hubby has to push all his appts away. He has 50% share leh. He also don't want to miss the birth of Liz also mah. Nothing is more important than you and Liz now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws: can understand how u feel, but this is the time hb show you his priority.. just like mine. hahaha.. he loves u and Liz so much he has to make some sacrifice, gan ba te ne.. the day is near.. and Liz is such a guai gal..

dew: chiak char bo means what ah?

stefie: whoa! sambal fish and sotong sounds good...

klitz: when u get the date from the shifu, do let me know, nd to pass the dry shampoo to you somehow before you pop... hehehe..

yvaine: that's one bad maid.. poor little gal.. luckily your mom caught her doing that! I kinda shiver, can't imagine if your mom didn't catch her..

bubbly, i keep telling myself, if don't eat now, no time liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Okay only lah. Just see the sorong with the ink, buay tahan already. Ha!! ha!!

stefie: feels good on last day hoh? enjoy enjoy.. somehow, I am "infected" by all the ML/HL mood mummies here having, I also felt like delivering soon like tat.. hahahah..

i feel so sore down there these 2 days, that I have difficulty walking, now feel like doing vigorous exercise just to combat the ache.. duhz duhz.. hope I don't walk like an ugly duckling manz..


Your maid indeed sounds bad.

Better change to new maid quickly before something bad beyond ur imagination might occur.

Protect your precious one is important.

stefie, my feet also very dry.. i apply moisturiser every nite also doesnt seem to help le. swelling not so much liao now.. my fingers are more painful and swell more.. maybe type too much? hahahha

cindy, cos i have a lot of maternity clothes hahah that's y i can afford to pack and keep those that i not going to wear or wont need them kind.

muddypaws, its understandable that u will feel bad dont worry ur hubby will manage. leave it to the men to sort it out. they noe wat they can do and wat they cant. no need to fret on their behalf. next week i going "work" with my hubby cos no one at home with me and he's worried that i alone so he will bring me along hehee.. my hubby already push away all those things that he can wait one.. only handle impt things/ppl now.

there's a part of me that wonders, what if we really misunderstood her, and it was really unintentional?? but i don't want to take any chances where my gir's safety is concerned, so she'll have to go. i do't want to wait for things to happen to do so. but for now, have to concentrate on no.2 when she arrives, rest lots during confinement n try not to stress overt this first, then once new maid here, i'll say sayonara...

crystal, haha my maternity clothes so limited!

think can be counted by 2 hands maximum! haha

yvaine, think dun compromise yr girl's safety, send her back asap! :p

so scary to think of wat she will do leh..

crystal/Stefie/Cindy/Bubbly: Thanks for your words of comfort. I didn't want him to go with me for the check originally, saying that i can drive down myself, but he won't allow and he took some time off to accompany me down... Then after the check-up, Hubby got a little mang-zhang cos i wanted to go to the supermarket to buy some cookies before he sent me home, and his cellphone was ringing non-stop from work... i felt like a burden to him then. sigh.

Anyway, he just called to check on me, and to apologise for his behaviour. Now I feel better...

bubbly, I feel bad that I am not telling my boss today is my last working day. Like I plan everything without letting him know. I will just handover my stuff to my co-worker via email. But really, i can't stand working anymore. My comfort more important now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You just walk slowly hoh. I walk like humpty dumpty now, ha!! ha!!

Crystal, I find that Bodyshop the Peppermint intensive foot rescue helps. The dryness started with the toes, it heals up then spread to the end of the feet. I apply the balm then wear socks to sleep.


My fingers also painful now cos of the water retention, like the joints there. cannoot close my fingers now. Ha! ha!! like hot dog fingers[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, it is better to play safe if anything happen, maybe too late liao. Don't feel bad[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, so sweet of him. You have very wonderful hubby, so xinfu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, hahah for me i have more cos i get hand me downs from frens and sis and i buy lo hahha... that's y i have soo much and in all sizes soemmore ahhaha... DH say my maternity clothes can open shop liao cos got FULL range sizing hahaha

hhaha depending on where his meeting is lo if its offsite then i go some nearby cafes or watever and wait lo till he's done. if its in the office then i wait in his office lo. thankfully next week his working week is short.. so i dun have to "hang out" too long hahah...

stefie, thanks i will go and look for it later..

yes the finger joints hurt quite bad hor.. me too le... sighhh and it doesnt go away.

muddypaws, ur hubby very nice la hehhe... dun feel too bad okie?

muddypaws, dun worry too much abt yr hubby..since he's willing to take time off to accompany u, let him be hehe

since his work he will know best when he's able to get off for awhile, just appreciate his company [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, haha! then mine is super limited liao :p

watever i wear have to wash asap, max in 2 days otherwise nothing for me to wear le haha!!

hmm my hub nv offer to bring me to work..

only will tell me his schedule and ask me to call him if anything urgent haiz

stefie/bubbly/crystal: Hubby now teases me, saying that for the 2 new bottega bags that he got me, i now must listen to him for the rest of his life!

bubbly, chiak char bor is hokkien for fierce girl, i think.

yvaine, your maid sounds bad! send her back for peace of mind.

my parents has employed a maid too, 'cos my grandma had a fall a month back and broke her leg & is bedridden. so to take care of me + gwen, my brother's baby and grandma is very difficult without help. but i'm adamant on not letting maid help with the babies. the maid can help with housework + grandma but not babies.

my sis says i'm selfish, never think of my parents. but i think it's reasonable 'cos my grandma can talk but babies can't. what if the maid ill-treats them and we don't see? i'm paranoid about maids 'cos too many scary stories liao. i'd rather be more hardworking for the 4mths and take care of them myself than subject them to the risks.

muddypaws, i also feel bad when taking my hb away from his busy schedule but sometimes can't be helped. work is always there but the baby process is just 1 time. once miss already cannot get it back. just think of it this way, your hb is not missing out on life's real journey.

Cindy, my maternity clothes even more limited. I probably just bought 2 especially for maternity and somehow try to squeeze myself into existing clothing. My mum and MIL both shake their heads whenever they see me wear those tight fitting clothes. :p

Good afternoon everyone,


Your birth story is great!

I scare i will be like a blur sotong when my turn come. TenQ, next is your turn? Can't wait to hear your birth story. Jia You.

Went to watch harry potter yesterday. Nice movie, but as usual i don't really understand. Hahaha.

cindy, wahhh u very good le i cannot survive like that hahhaa i will be very upset if i dun have anything else to change hahhaha...

muddypaws, waahhh your bottega very "expensive" wor hahaha...

dewdew, how come ur sis say u selfish? u rather take care of gwen then to let the maid look after is better ma the maid can concentrate better on ur bro's baby, ur grandma and house work rite?

Crystal: Told my hubby "Fat Hope! So cheapskate...."

Crystal: I've very limited maternity clothes too. Mine are all regular clothes that have elastic bands or are baby doll dresses. Just like Cindy, I need mine washed in 2 days, else I don't have anything to wear. So I must always strategise my office wardrobe for the week!

Dewdew: While I agree that you should take care of gwen during your ML, you should also let the maid take care of gwen too. Esp when she would be the one looking after her after you go back to work, it would be good for your maid to get used to gwen's routines and moods.

muddypaws, hahahah ya man hehee... cannot just use 2 bottega to "buy" u hor hahah

hahaha i cant le hehehe i need a lot of clothes if not i will be very depressed ahahah

dewdew, i agree that babies cant voice their displeasure if ill treated by maid..

unless parents can be around to supervise the maid when taking care of babies, i also prefer the maid not to take care of the kid hehe

better safe than sorry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joyfulbliss, haha me also trying to squeeze into my pre preg clothes, then mum always complain whenever she sees me in those clothes, say so tight thats y tummy cant grow...

rubbish, i cant be bothered with her! haha

crystal, haha thats y my clothes after wear almost immediate have to hand wash, no time to wait for all and machine wash LOL

now hubby complaining that y i got so little clothes coz he always see me squat and wash the clothes, pity me haha!

cindy, aiyoh hahah if this topic came up earlier i could have pass u some of my clothes hahahaha

ermm if u still wan i can still pass u.

cindy: when my hb complained I always wear the same top, I'll ask him back "how come u never buy more for me le?" hehehe.. then he keep quiet.. :-D but true la, hb's heart will go all out if he keep seeing u squatting and washing clothes..

Cindy and dewdew - agreed, we will send back asap. Just that now is such a tricky period since I will pop anytime. Also, the agency was telling me that most of them won't come in dec cause of Xmas, they will likely prefer to come in Jan instead. So if we send this one back now we will be withou help for more than a month. Can still survive but I know my mom will be super tired looking after me, my active gal, my newborn plus all the cooking n housework. So after we tot thru we decided to keep her a little while more.

Muddy- awwww your hubby is sweet lah. Don't feel too bad as I agree with stefie, he has 50% stake in this! Hahaha. Glad u r feelig better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, hahahaha thanks, but no need la :p

i used to the washing liao esp now also seldom go out hehe

i always joke with my frens that i have only 3 shorts usable now, so if they meet me the 4th time, sure will see all my shorts LOL

bubbly, hubby pity me but nv offer to help!! haha

maybe i should follow yr style and say him liao wahaha..

Re: Maternity clothing

I also never find it neccessary to invest in maternity clothing.

I always wear hubby's t-shirt, and bought few cheap and stretchable pants.

Unless maternity clothing were passed down by colleagues and sisters.

Because mostly we would wear it for about 6 months (2nd trim until pop).

Maybe for first 2 rounds or by 3 rounds, then factory close.

Maternity clothings- I only have 7 pants, 5 skirt, 1 jeans and 2 short and maybe 12 tops. 1st trimester, alot of clothings, 2nd trimester lesser., 3rd trimester left with few fav and comfy one, the rest cannot wear liao. Ha!! ha!!! Even now at home, if all my fav shorts wash liao, sometimes I have to wear panties plus t-shirt to sleep. Ha!! ha!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, you really very happy mood today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!!

Muddypaws, your hubby so cute, really cheap leh, 2 bottega bags for your whole life to listen to him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, you take care of gwen better lah. After hearing what Mrs Wong said in our anternal class, really scary. Anyway I am counting down to 1 hour. Will pack and cheong to take cab at 4.30pm, then I am free liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yapee!!!!

dec_mum, lucky you. Hubby said no movies for me now, cos he worried the sound systems will shock Alexis. I also want to watch Harry potter cos I really love the series alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, since yr mum will be there to keep an eye on the helper then maybe can keep her until u get a replacement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly, now when i wear normal clothes, sometimes my tummy below can 'show' and ppl will stare, hubby dun like LOL, say i show skin zzz

like such instances when ppl stare he will complain abt my clothes liao LOL

my hub is the 'dress right' type, sometime cant tahan coz must dress according to occassion de..

in this aspect, i more nua than him LOL!

stefie, ahahha! u even can count yr clothes...actually mine also countable and i'm worst!

3 long pants, 3 shorts, 2 dress, 4 tops! LOL

Crystal, ha!! ha!! me also. My girlfriend said if I don't keng now, when keng. So I feel better now taking the HL, ha!! ha!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Shiok hoh


stefie: enjoy seeing Alexis again! hehehe.. I am also leaving office in a short while, to lah-kopi with customer and intro my 1st back-up to them.. see, I really feel like I am delivering soon.. pengz..

