(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi Cherrry: Wa... your appt so early in the morning, tin you are the first one to do it.. hehe... i did request to the clinic asst to put it in the morning too but they have yet to call me to confirm the time... Scarli if i manage to be the second one, den can c you le hor... lol

I also heard good feedback about Mt A but i'm not sure... Any mummies know the price between the 2 hospital (Thomson & Mt A)... Cos i got tite budget... I did heard of good feedback about Dr Woody's stitching.... Most of the feedback i read says his stitching is neat and nice.... But i'm not sure cos i nv try before... :p

Wa Stefie, i drooling for cheezels now liao... I used to be a junk food lover and always stock up my cupboard with lots of titbits, but now only dare to eat a bit... So Xin Ku...

Hi BBribena: How does heart burn feel like? I thought we will only experience that at later stage... I did read that drinking watermelon juice can help to ease it but i tin not advisable to drink now...

Hi Yvaine: Yup, i also happy to hear that i advanced by a week cos means 1 week less to 2nd trimester, haha... Your ger ger's fever like on off de hor... Could it be like the chinese sayin (Mo Tan)? How long izzit le? Good to hear that your ger ger very cheerful although she's sick... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clover, if i am moving back to my mama place in july, bishan is too far for me.. hmm..

bbribena & dewdew, its true.. good if can dun stay together.. but hubby is the only son, so no choice for me.. touchwood, so far my relationship with in-laws are ok.. hope it will continue to be like tat..


Thomson has a tour of their hospital rooms everyday i think at 11am and 2pm. They will show you the various rooms and also give you a pack about the various prices. =)

dewdew, LOL! Run to mummy!! Just gotta close one eye, and turn deaf ear sometimes, easier to live together. I dropped hints to my hub before we got married that I will be the one living with him for the rest of his life, not his mum; but of coz not telling him to be infilial lah. XD

Lena Sun, the feeling is like when you play roller coaster or viking, you feel your heart is "dropping" or "sinking".

p00h, it's always give and take, one eye close, turn a little deaf, and act blur. That makes a slight better relationship with in-laws. XD

Hi Dewdew: Haha... i also wonder what izzit going to be like.. Cos i also feel paisey to move over, his elder brother and sister will hav to share a room... Luckily we have apply for flat liao which will be coming in 3 years time... My own house is in Hougang and his in Sengkang, so tin i will really go home at times as what i told him... haha... His father smokes at home so if i go home, can escape from ciggarette smell too... Dunnoe what to do when i stay over, i avoid the smoke by stayin in the room also no use cos the smell still comes in... hai...

Hi Pooh: Good to hear that you can get along well with in-laws cos i heard of too many bad stories, especially those who stay together....

lena, maybe can ask ur hubby to tell his dad to smoke outside.. smoke not good for bb.. my dad also smoke, but now he go outside smoke.. hee..

bbribena, yah, i need to learn to give and take lor.. try not to interfere too much.. anything tell hubby lor, then he go settle.. wahahaha.. i learn tai-chi.. :p

Yeah, parents are the best! Hubby and I stay 5mins away from my parents, and daddy dearest comes to my house every day (while we are at work) to boil water for me, refill my fridge with fresh milk, eggs, yogurt, milo, fruits etc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lol, pooh, u can taichi that's good. i feel bad when i complain to my hubby but sometimes really buay tahan. it's difficult to get used to another set of parents when we've stayed with ours for long.

yah lena, since you're pregnant, your FIL shouldn't smoke in the room. he should go to the window at the very least. ask your hubby to tactfully point it out.

Rainbow, hi 5!!

I also act mute & watch TV when at in-law's place. When my MIL talks to me, I just smileeee

muddypaws, my parents do that for my brother and his wife too! they stay just 10mins away. i also think they're very xing fu... how i wish i also!

muddypaws, that's soo nice of your daddy!

p00h, tai chi is always the way to go! LOL!

dewdew, you will get used to their way of living and communicating eventually!

Lena, dewdew is right. Not only 2nd-hand smoke is bad for our lil beanie, even 3rd-hand smoke is bad, could be worst! Especially after the baby is born, the smoke that still lingers on your or your hubby's clothes might be inhaled by your precious.



muddypaws, u are really xing fu.. lucky thing is my FIL filled the fridge with FROZEN food.. hahaha.. dunno why, NTUC is just 10mins away, and dun understand why fridge got so much food everytime i open..

Rainbow, LOL! Mute!! Luckily my in-laws family sometimes talk in their dialet which I'm not very familiar with, so that's the time I can act blur. =D)

Win, when my mil talks to me i also just smile or say dunno. When i wanna drink water, will ask me hubby get for me.. once sitted on the sofa, my butt is stuck there.

Before marriage, i already told my hubby i cannot stay with yr parents unless he wants us to quarrel everyday. Really different culture...

Rainbow, you know old folks tend to be alittle stubborn. So they prob think their way of doing things and communicating is the only way to do it. I didn't even realise I talk very loud until my hub told me so.. apparently, my mum talks very loud, so naturally that's our tone. XD

Well, at least you know the way to avoid conflict!

Just puke acid again cos I smelled my bestie durian sweet smell.

Actually it is not easy to maintain relationship. I had not visit my parent-in-laws ince I had M/C in Oct-09, cos my MIL blame me for not eating enough that's why my 2nd baby was deformed, plus my SIL was pregnant. They don't know I am pregnant, Till now I try to avoid contact cos of "unneccessary" advices and negative words from MIL. But My hubby still joins them for lunch on Sundays. I know I am bad, just that I need my own space and comfort. As long as I don't stop my hubby going over to in laws.

Hi p00h,

not sad lah. Just give me enough reasons to avoid them at all cost. She didn't said it directly at me, but told my hubby. What to do I am not their daughter, not as precious.

Thanks dear[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, i can imagine how that came as a double blow to you. Really insensitive of your MIL. But yes, most impt is to maintain a positive mind now, don't care about the small minds of others.

stefie, don't worry too much. Have plenty of rest. It's perfectly fine to have your own space and comfort, don't feel bad abt it. Right now what's important is rest, eat well and happy tots! =))

Ha!! ha!!! dew dew,

That's why I stay away from negative people like my MIL. My hubby didn't say anything, cos his mother also maintained such relationship with her in-laws.

Hi Lovebyte: Thanks, will take the tour when i go for my Oscar scan... Hehe...

Hi BBribena: Wa... Sounds scary... The feeling is like de that ah... for how long does it last?

HI Pooh ,BBribena and Dewdew: Actually i used to stay over at my bf hus at times... But i noticed that although they know i pregnant liao, the father continues to smoke in living room (no avoidance at all)... Since then, i stay at home tru out... My brother smokes too but i still can tell him to smoke outside which he did so too... I have told my bf to tell his father to smoke at window or outside when i go over but not sure if he will really do it... Wonder why his father din auto do it lo... Commom sense that ciggarette smell bad for BB mah... In fact, i used to be a smoker too, but i quit immediately once i know i'm pregnant... So i'm feel worried at times, hope it wont affect bb.. Now prayin hard that the oscar scan will show my BB is healthy and normal...

Hi Muddypaws: Your daddy is so nice and dote on you so much... Good for you!

Thanks ribena[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Everything will work out eventually[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So now need to be extra positive and Jia you together with all my dearest jie Meis[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Later will have korean grilled saba fish. So hungry now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, your husband ok with u not going to in-law place?

Mu husband face will turn very very black whenever I tell him I am not going to "see" his mum. We quarrel few times over this matter, I simply can't understand why he must drag me along, all I do is sit there & watch TV. So I always suan him, don't go must take MC de, don't play play.

Hi Stefie: Hope you feeling better after the puke.. Rest more and rmb to eat k... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your MIL so bad... it's not your fault that it happened so i find it unfair to put the blame on you... No mummies would want something like dat to happen de lo... I believe you are a strong gal cos you remained so cheerful despite having those bad encounters... Jia you Jia you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Win,

Cos I don't force him to go to my mom's too. He know if I don't like, I will pull long face. My MIL is a difficult person to deal with. So he rather I don't go over, if not have 2 black face people to deal with.

Ha!! ha!! Me very bad hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

win, that's funny..

stefie, grilled saba, sounds good.. but today i no appetite.. hungry, but dun feel like eating..

time to go home, see ya tml again.. mommies, rest well.. enjoy ya dinner..

Hi Lena,

Thanks. She is just too insensitive. I just ignore all these now. Cos need to be happy and positive for baby mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes, need to be strong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, I lurrrvve saba fish but ever since preggie, i can't stand the taste of it. Not even fish cakes!! All my fav....

Lena, mine lasted on and off for a week plus. I tot my gynae abt it, she said it's pretty normal for it to happen but if it happens too freq, i must tell her. So far, no heart burn from week 7 onwards. I think our body is trying to get used to the changes of our body, don't worry too much. Keep off oily and deep fried stuff for a while if it happens too freq. I read and heard from friend, when we sleep, try to sleep on the left side to improve our blood circulation. Perhaps you can try that.

Today just came back from gyane.. I have high blood pressure?? Ahaa..

This gyane that I see is not bad Judy wong at tmc..

Tmc vs mt a

frankly I would prefer mt a .. Coz tmc has serious parking problem..

My little beanie is only 5 weeks due to my irregular menses..

Btw does anyone feels hot sensation in body all the time? This pregnancy make me so tired that I felt I have neglected my boys...


staying with inlaws is a nightmare for me. I used to stay with them for 4 year and during that time I had 2 miscarrage and when into depression. That was why we shifted out.. So bye bye to monster in law

stefie, agree! Just ignore her lor. We can't control what comes out from ppl's mouth, but we can control how to react to it. Simply by just ignoring them lor! LOL!

Stefie, nice choice! I've having hokkien prawn mee and satay from geylang lorong 29.

Today's appetite not bad. Afternoon had ru ya (soya sauce duck) with porridge from whampoa market...

Hi rainbow, do u stay whampoa area? i pretty like the food there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha!! MIL = Monster in law

Duck porridge sound yummy to me. Nowadays I tend to eat supper but nothing nice around my blk, in the end always eat bread, so boring. Do u all feel hungry in the middle of night?

envy u, rainbow.

just wondering...for 6 weeks mom, do we have to purposely eat more consumption? for me, i still eat per normal but will choos those healthier ones like fish, veg etc...protein...good for bb. like tat can?

E square, LOL! Monster in law!!??!! Too cute a name for them! Take care of your high blood pressure! My friend has high blood pressure before she was pregnant, when she preggie with bb, she measure her blood pressure everyday just to make sure. Take care ya! =))

Ethan, actually lotsa books recommended not to overeat during the 1st tri. Moreover, the lil beanie won't be absorbing all the things you eating right now. But the thing is that we tends to get giddy or tired easily, so we need more calories to give us energy. As long as you feel you are eating enough, it should be alright.

Time to go home to mummy's cooking for me! Tata mummies, chat again soon!



Ethan, make small portion of egg wholemeal sandwich to munch on when you feel giddy. Egg wholemeal sandwich is a good combo of complex carbs with protein. Remove the yolk if possible, you want the calories, not the cholesterols.

