(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


did you give supporitries? The poke backside medication when fever at 39? Monitor for 2-3 days if still doesn't go down then may need to seek doc..

Pimples= to higher chance of boy haha .. I think so.. Coz I have 2

hi pooh/stefie/milo/crown, this is not the first time i MS until got blood jsut that today is a lot.. cos its all red.. like wu xia show those ppl tu xue kind...

i asked my gynae before he said its becos i hurt my throat thru my constant MSing..

must drink more water eh stefie... hehe else wait cannot go POO eh..

Crystal how come got throw out blood?? better go check with ur gyne see if can ease ur MS or not..else v xin ku till throw blood... **pat Pat**

dewdew, i didnt le in fact jsut now was my first puke of the day onli.. but everyday i will puke la.. so its accumulated. i've asked my gynae before nothing he can do also...

Hi Ethan,

I exercise a lot before my 1st pregnancy and even after giving birth to my daughter, i go breeze walking, swimming, blading ,aerobics ,tennis etc. Now that i m still in my 1st trimester, its quite hard to stay put and not do much stuff. The only stuff i can depend on for exercising, are housework.

I swim a lot on my last trimester for my last pregnancy and i cant wait to do that once i pass this 1st trimester.

today zero work mood. Now feeling uneasy on my chest. Have to bear with it. Very tired now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh no crystal pls take care, tu xue sounds very alarming. how about second opinion??

pooh - oh dear...! that's overwhelming news i'm sure! any chance you can take no-pay leave and go with hubby?? or maybe go for a short period, then he take leave to come back close to edd? i'm sure you'll eventually be able to work out something ya. but i can imagine the disappointment. my hubby thinking of going for 2-week mission trip in sept and i'm already planning all my contingencies - pack my bag and my girl and stay with parents. so can imagine if it's few months, quite long. hope you'll have a fruitful talk with your hubby tonight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Driving - i actually prefer driving to taking public transport wor. i feel less sick cause i don't jerk and stop like bus and cabby drivers do. my first pregnancy i drove up to the day i delivered.

just last week i took a cab with my girl in tow. the cabby thought he's F1 racer, and i had to ask him to slow down cause i'm carrying baby. i told him i'm not in a rush, and gues what he said??? he said "you're not in a rush, i am... i want to leave this area fast!"... and then continued speeding... horrible!

crystal, take care k, maybe u can go GP to take MC & rest.

U gals very funny, having baby boy won't turn all of us into monster lah, I don't have big nose & pimples when having my boy, I think it all depend on individual.

yvaine... y the taxi driver so horrible... but better dun provoke them.. will hit passenger one.. so dangerous...

Amuro.. how u find the energy to exercise during P? tot will feel so tired?

me zzz god also coming liao.. tiredddd

milo - where's polliwog??? wow universal studio... would have been really fun for your boy huh! my gal turning 2, maybe still a little bit young for the rides... maybe wait til she's bit bigger, than more worth it, hahaah. i'm thinking of gymboree, i ever heard of some mommies having party there.. but not sure how it works. maybe end of the day we end up having it at home sweet home instead.... anyway i think if i just get some helium balloons and some yummy food, she'll be very happy liao....

yvaine, to him is a very good opportunity, and i know.. he have been wanting to leave that company.. going to us with him?? i doubt he will agree.. keke..

hi-5 stefie, i also zero mood to work..

ya sparkle bee, very bad right.. speaking of which, i've been meaning to call transcab to complain. will do it now. heheh

maybe i shld arh... go and see a GP and see if i can get a second opinion..

ya cabbies tend to try to be F1 drivers... i told the cab driver the other day if he's still going to speed i going to puke in his cab haha that stopped him hahaha

pooh, can go visit him in between perhaps? at least it breaks down the whole duration and you can have something to look forward to. nice vacation!

crystal, maybe your throat hurt by the frequent abrasions by vomiting ba.. must drink something ot protect the throat.

yvaine, some drivers think they own the road lor btw my husb is a F1 racer wannabe so i am used to the speeding! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had lots of pimples when i had my boy. got worse after delivery, it was horrendous!! like my 2nd puberty.

but i have friends who had beautiful skin during preg and had boys too lah .

yvaine, the polliwogs is at east coast: http://www.thepolliwogs.com/

quite fun for the kids. i think ur girl is still too young for universal studios. when my boy is 2 years old, we celebrated his bday at sentosa... quiet and peaceful... hehe

crystals: see doc n get mc to rest tmr...work + ur puke-ing will make ur mood even dwn, get some gd rest @ home...take care. *hugzzz*

Hi Feimei,

I use corning ware, using small saucer (Cos my pot not very big) then put the chicken, then the corning ware, I put in big pot with water. Like that double boil for 2 hours.

Just now puke acid again + some of my nuts. Now munching biscuits to kill the acid taste. Jia you. Me happy puking leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Siao siao one.

crystal: thanks, i go look for it at gnc. hopefully i dont forget. seems like i have a lot of things to get but keeps forgetting.

stefie: i wana move back but the thoughts of moving my stuff around also sianz. then gona share the room with my sister as the other room use to store my mum's barang barang le.

crystal: not driving now. in fact i have not been driving since i joined the current company cause im a direction idiot. this office is too far from my home, cannot remember the way to work. hubby refused to get me a gps saying its too distracting.

audrey: aiyoyo.. better go tonight if the fever hasnt subside. you have to take care of yourself too.

pooh: thats a good as well as bad news for you. good job offer must grab but the thoughts of him being away for so long can be demoralising since it also means he wont be around when you are in your last trimester. but you have us and your parents. *pat pat*

bbribena: ok, will check it out too. aiyoyo.. many many things.

haha, thats a good suggestion leh, ya.. move back to parents but make sure hubby leaves you his credit card to swipe! wahaha...

crystal: haha, thats good. your kid will be big and strong like the ang moh and you have found your comfort food.

crown: you have to make appointment first before going down to the amk clinic. must call the KKH appointment hotline. main line: 6293 4044, they will transfer you to the right line if need be. cause the appointment line is for changing of appointment de, but in case you want it, its 6294 4050

milo: nowadays i depend on hubby to dabao my meals. so i will be super sianz on weekends cause i need to dabao on my own. weekday still quite alright as i can dabao after work. and hor, when hubby is not around, i sleep lesser cause i will on the light at my walk in closet and then it will hinder my sleep. but i couldnt sleep without the light off when he is not around loh.

crown: no leh, my friend's complexion took a turn for the worse when she was expecting her daughter. breakouts, pigmentation on the face, bloated/expanded face. really really horrible leh.. so im scare i will be like that too. cause me also having severe breakouts, now spreading to my chest and back le.

crystal: OMG! are you alright. i think you better call your gynae to ask.

That's why I said, I siao siao one. Ha!!! ha!!! Never see anyone puke until so happy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you mommies, we can make it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon.. really ah.. breakout still expecting a gal!! i dun mind liao like tat... lol

I haven had a single meal today.. no appetite, dunno wat to eat.

eoneon, thank u..

rainbow, must eat something.. if not, beanie is also hungry.. maybe find something soupy??


must at least munch something or drink milk. Poor thing. Sayang Sayang[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, saw my beanie yesterday, and heard the heartbeat. Finally told our families and hubby's colleagues. Hehe. I can sense my MS becoming worse. Sigh. Now only 6.5weeks. 6 weeks more to go before the end of first trimester.

Hi yvainne,

Polliwogs is quite fun, i bring my 2and a half daughter there more often now, for her to vent off her energy and also a lil exercise for me.

Hi sparkle bee, i am tired mostly on my 1st trimester usually, but by 3rd trimester, i try to swim and exercise my muscle and also swimming its a good way to relax with the baby, infact its helps to widen ur pelvic area when you are giving birth to make it easier for baby to go down faster.

And another funny thing is, i have pointed and small stomach and i was told by almost everyone even passerby that i m having a boy. Of course its not true, as we knew we had a girl by then.

Congrats chilli, try to rest more in between and during weekend.

will i be very bad if i move back to my mum's place to stay when hubby is not ard?? cos i stay with my in-laws..

Ya ladies..more at ease now. I feel bad when my elder daughter climbs all over me wanting to play but I simply have not much energy to though. Got to roster people to bring her to the playground and play with her.

Chilli, Yeah!! Congrats!!

Rainbow, eat something spicy and sourish! It's really good for boasting appetite!

p00h, communicate with your in-laws or ask your hub to communicate with them. I bet you are more at ease resting at your mum's place. I'm not sure for ya, I hv a very good valid reason to move back to my mum's place.. that's my office is nearer to my mum's place =P

bbribena, yesyes. my workplace is definitely near from my mum's place.. just 10mins bus ride.. hee.. dunno how will my in-laws feel if i leave them alone at home.. keke.. definitely need to talk to my hubby on this..

Hi Ladies,

Went for checkup today. Managed to see the baby moving during the scan. It was so exciting, it was as if it was dancing! I took some MTBs advice and had a sweet before the scan. =)

I also checked with the gynae about cramps in the lower pelvic area. She mentioned that if you used to have cramps during your menses, it is pretty normal to get it. Even if you only get cramps on day 1, you will feel slight contractions during pregancy. Its quite normal. =)

sorry, gotta ask u ladies.. can i con't to use my veet waxing cream?? anyone has any idea?? My sis say shld be ok lei cos the instruction never state not for prenancy.


Rainbow, it's safe to use the waxing cream. I googled before, it's ok. I also got use. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

