(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

cc, hope yr breasts will heal le.. really, dun scratch, later skin peel will get worst le...when i had hives in 7th week, the dermatologist give me medicine to eat leh, make me so worried abt the baby haiz

eon, when my aunt had spotting years back, she had to self inject everyday...the scars she showed us at the hips very bad sia...maybe hers was more serious case :X

for now also good excuse for us all not to 'over exert' hehe only have 9 mths to be queen, muz make full use of it ^_^

hmm maybe i'll ask the doc when i see her next week le...for now i jus try to drag n drag so see less, pay less :p

i jus joined yesterday hehe maybe thats y i missed her haiz

when i was in sin, all our BTO nv get haiz

now husb posted to work in indo, so i'm transiting ard SIN and indo..so maybe wun be getting a hse yet ba...thats y each scan cost me a bomb, 2 air tics plus scan price T_T


ribena: think you should check with your gynae with regard to your teeth. meanwhile, take more calcium rich food. maybe you are really lacking in calcium. try to go slow on your chewing.

cindy: your aunt's case really very bad leh. yes, i agreed. so im enjoying my queen status now. hehe...

ya loz.. i also have no luck with bto so bought resale.

wah, how often you see your hubby? how often you fly over?

eon, think my aunt really think hers was too bad that she decided to terminate her pregnancy then... T_T

haiz resale also not much luck with me...asking was 60k above val, so crazy T_T until now the market is not down also haiz

hmm i'm flying once a mth for scans lor...dun wan to travel much also coz i have to lug my luggage, even 7kg hand luggage also considered 'heavy' for me haha

cindy: oh gosh! she must have underwent a trauma to have come to that decision.

yes, searched for 9 months from private to hdb to private to hdb.. until i found my current crib. damn sianz with the high cov. always banging head after each appointment.

you are now living in indo arh? so will fly back to sg for scan? wow!

eon, my fren say can advise her if wanna buy by mid of next month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, wah, your aunty's pregnancy so jia lat ah. poor thing, had to decide to terminate. sure not easy decision.

rainbow, ribena, i also thought i had decayed tooth / loose tooth in the beginning of my pregnancy. turned out it's inflamed sinus pressing on the nerves. i went to dentist and she couldn't find anything wrong with the teeth in the sensitive area. if u are worried, go see your dentist but tell him/her u r pregnant so they know what not to do.

eon, ya...maybe coz she was high risk preg due to her age thats y led to the complications...

which area u staying at?

near parents/in laws ma? 2nd hand not only more expensive than BTO, still have COV lor haha..haiz

ya i'm now living in indo, otherwise husband will be alone..ya lor i'm flying once a mth back to SIN for scans..add to my bills jus becoz i dun trust docs here...haiz

dun wow me lah, i'm so headache lor zzz

dewdew, my aunt's preg was many yrs age, but i remember coz that time she was also worried that baby might have health problems due to the bleeding plus jabs...only weird thing was she managed to have another son after that lor...by right shes even older when she had the son liao zzz

maybe the baby is jus not meant to be hers T_T

think during preg the dentist jus cant do xray on u only, like my case...now i dun even know if my filling is ok...haha

Cindy, CC maybe you gals can try going braless at home, and if you apply cream to your breast after bath, best to go braless to allow it to 'air', me belong to braless club at home too, more carefree mah... ;)

Morning Mummies,

Just had my breakie in the office. Brought in sausage egg mcmuffin meal to office. YUM YUM! I could easily gob down another one. This morning woke up a little hungry. =) Maybe baby more active this morning la. =) Usually when I have sauage egg mcmuffin sure feel damn full after that one.

How's everyone this morning? It looks like its going to pour this morning! Nice weather to just sleep in man. =)

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, it is ribena who bought her skincare from taiwan web. You want to buy DHC Cleansing oil, which web is it? Maybe I can kpo for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, I am seldom in MSN, I will PM you my mobile, so we can either SMS or talk to each other?

Eon Eon, enjoy hoh, I would love to cook that 1 day too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My mom said if man want to cook let them cook, if not next time they would not be bother anymore, that's why since we get married I have not cook much.

Cindy, poor mine, travelling up and down not easy, which part of Indo are you in now?

Your aunty very poor thing, it is your will be yours. My mommy said, baby choose whether want us to be their parents or not. So sometimes is really not up to us.

Crown, Mango has high sugar level, not to eat too much and it is super heaty also. I had 3 in 3 day, then I get very sick during my 1st trimester. My sensei said I was too heaty, that's why get sick very easily.

Ha!! Ha!! Mommies we still have braless at home club here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Really feel the freedom once off that silly bra[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw I bought some Goodwood park durian puff yesterday, tonight will eat some[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mommies who are still interested with the Compass point food fair, this Sunday would be the last day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

TGIF!!! hehe

dewdew: thanks, i will let you know by then. still sum xi xi over what baby bag to get. wahaha..

cindy: i stayed in sembawang. near my in-laws and also quite near my parents. Yah, more expensive than BTO and have to pay cash. we were desperate then le. no choice, gona pay.

yes, if im you. i would come back to singapore too.. how long will your hubby be stationed there?

lovebyte: you must have enjoyed your sausage egg mcmuffin! i used to love that too. but ever since the mcgriddles was launched. i switched to sausage msgriddles with egg. hehe.. sweet savoury taste.

stefie: your mum teaches you a lot of 训夫theories. thats good! i have been cooking for hubby since our dating days. so cant escape. wahaha..

good morning mommies: Do any of you have the suddenly need to pee feeling, and after doing the 100m sprint to the bathroom, the pee is only a trickle? Also, I'm having this funny pain feeling in my tummy today... not the need to poop feeling, but poke-poke pain. Pain started when I started to sweep the floor this morning......

Cindy: Hubby and I didn't even try for BTO. Got a resale last year at Serangoon North. A maisonette at valuation of S$410K. 5mins from my parents.

Eon Eon, cos she has been bullied by my father for all her life[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So she has tons of theories.

Muddypaws, then you better rest, don't do house work. Mine was like when i go to pee, it seems to take a longer time to pee out, cos I think the waterbag is pressing on my bladder. I try not too use too much force.

Talking about housing, we were very lucky. 8 years ago, we bought our Exe Apt Flat during walk-in-selection at $347K 11th floor. We got our flat within 1 month. Back then housing was really much cheaper than now, now the housing pricing even for HDB is very horrible.

good morning all =))

stefie, i'm currently at JKT, now travelling still ok...

but towards Oct i'll be permanently in SIN waiting the little one's arrival, then i will be away from hubby liao...really dread that period..haiz

btw, hubby said the ikan billis was great! hehe thanks to yr recommendation ^_^

eon, hubby stationed here for another year zzz

i abit sian liao haha

maybe due to the pregnancy hormones, food herew dun suit me well, so i'm taking the scan period to stay longer in SIN for the local yummies hehe

hmm i guess if i really wanted a hse dun have choice also le, but i look at the COV, really no mood liao zzz

considering the BTO prices are much much lower T_T

muddypaws, wa u n hubby 2 person, stay mansionette, who's doing the hsework now that u're preggy?

damn siong leh... T_T plus have to climb up n down stairs

wow sgoon north, near the many pet shop place with the 24hr clinic ma?

my favourite hangout hehe

muddypaws: me me.. i have been going to the toilet so frequently and to realish its only a trickle. so annoying. each time it seems so urgent. this morning i have a series of sharp pain at the extreme side of my lower left tummy. i wasnt doing anything. just standing in the mrt.

wah! your maisonette is around the same price as my 5 rooms loh. at least yours is centralised, mine is at up north still so expensive. do you need to pay any cash?

stefie: really arh, your dad is those 大男人? my mummy is a 小辣椒。。。 老辣椒 now. wahaha... so if daddy bullies her. she will snap!

morning mummies!

muddypaws, yes i get that peeing thing sometimes too. it's quite irritating but i remedy by drinking a LOT of water, so the next time i go toilet it won't be just a trickle. lol!

eon, no prob. i also think here think there but dowan to buy something too expensive 'cos dunno how much our expenses will increase with baby, so just get something nice and moderate can already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, this is the website i want to buy from


the price for 1 bottle is only S$25, and for 2 is S$46. singapore retail 1 bottle at $42! feel so cheated u know... shopping in singapore is so expensive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now i asking everyone i know if anyone's going to taiwan. LOL!

Cindy: It must be tough shuttling to and fro...

Yes, it's the Pet shop street and 24hr clinic neighbourhood. Super convenient... Well, my neighbour sold their place 6months ago at valuation of S$420K. So we noticed that the prices in my area are still relatively low. Max I saw is S$450K for maisonette. Still a bargain considering how much the BTOs are going for now. Anyway, yes, it's hubby and I in the big place... kept one room as guest room, and the other as Princess' room. Also left one room as maid's room (who's coming in in Sept). Till then, cleaning is done by me, while laundry is done by my hubby. Climbing the stairs has become my daily exercise :p

EonEon: We paid S$10K cash for my seller's agent's commission. The seller was so broke they couldn't pay their agent. In return we had a good deal cos the owners left behind good marble flooring for living/dining area, parquet floor for the whole 2nd level, a perfect full burmese wood staircase, antique lightings, cornices, downlights. We saved a lot on renos.

stefie: you are really lucky loh. we went through lots of agonies and headaches over our crib. so much disappointment each time we went house hunting. the horrendous cash the seller asking for. for some hdb/condo, the conditions were so bad yet they asking for so much.

cindy: so you will be staying at your in-laws when you are back in october? i can imagine the long distance yearning between your hubby and you.

do more cooking then ^_^. at least you know what you like and you will be happy eating them. actually nowadays BTO also not cheap le. unlike many years back.

crown: i wana go but tomorrow have 2 baby showers to attend so cant make it. dont know by sunday still have stock left mah.

dewdew: if i try that method, i.e. by drinking a lot of water. i think i need to sit inside the toilet le. the worst experience i had thus far was 5 toilet trips within an hour. i was like 'what the hell'!!! and that was when i was out shopping with hubby last week. nearly fainted from the search of toilets.

i also dont want to spend too much on baby bag but being woman, fickleminded is my middle name mah. wahaha...

muddypaws: the valuation in serangoon really lower leh. aiyah, too bad. i missed it.

you and hubby super lucky also! i paid $10k cov and $5k commission. yet i have to overhaul the whole house cause the house look like shit! not even the flooring can make it. so have to hack and lay new flooring. we were literally reduced to paupers after the whole renovation and furnishing!

Hello ladies, haven't been here for such a long time, though have been a silent reader. You are responsible for so many of my recent cravings, from crabs to bak chor mee at bedok to mee siam and all. I think this has become quite a foodie forum as well!

Just to update: The gynae says I've a 80% chance of having a girl but all will be confirmed at the detailed scan 2 weeks later. Quite happy cos the first one is a boy for me. If the second one is a girl, we may be thinking of a third boy so that the two brothers can protect their sister... but that's thinking a bit too far at the moment, hehe!

Question: Anyone experiencing white or yellow residue on your nipples? I've noticed the discharge while showering since a few weeks ago, almost as if my breasts have started milk production. But it can't be so early right?

muddypaws, so far i've only returned to SIN once myself when he cant go on leave, others all had hubby's company so not too bad i guess...

i like the sgoon north area also leh..used to go there very often on weekends for brekky, to see the pets in the shops and basically jus walk ard..haiz

u're stay home? i cant imagine cleaning the WHOLE mansionette myself esp since i'm also fussy with cleaning hehe (cant blame anyone here i guess haha)

not sure if its jus me, but walking long distances now make me out of breath easily le...zzz

eon, ya lor when back in oct will be staying with in laws..though they are nice ppl, but i'll willingly trade anyone to have hubby with me hehe...

luckily with the advanced tech. can webcam! haha

for now i'm jus craving the local dishes like hokkien mee, kway chap etc hehe anw my cookng not good...so if possible better minimise haha to avoid disappointment :p

DewDew: While I try to drink plenty of water to reduce the chance of cramps, it increases my chances of toilet marathon. Just like EonEon, I can make 5 trips to the toilet within an hour! Super tiring...

EonEon: While I'm a bagaholic, I refuse to look at any bags now cos I'm scared I can't resist!

Cindy: You seem very familiar with my estate. Did you stay there last time? I'm on medical leave for a month, so bumming at home now. I'm fussy with cleaning. Doesn't help that hubby has a fetish for dark-wood furniture so the dust is even more OBVIOUS! But now I close one eye (Princess is not complaining about the spot that I've missed!).

Well, we're all here for each other. I go for my checkups on my own as well cos hubby can't take time off. Just have to hang in there....

Yup, long distances now are killers. Hubby laughs that I go into 'comatose' state after 15mins of walking...

Morning mums,

to those mom who doesnt shop for clothes in sing, or rarely.

And those whom missed this link on the previous post.

Here a few online shop to share.






I am huge gymboree fan since my daughter turned 6mths old few yrs back,and plus shipping and all its still cheaper than some of the dresses found in sing.

I do bulk purchase once every few mths especially when they are on major sales like now.

I shared shipping with my husb as he does buy stuff from overseas too,we used borderlink as its cheapers than Vpost.

And i paid by local visa card or paypal for some.

Littlegem product is also quite good, and you can go over to her place to self collect and inspect her goods.


Cindy, JKT traffic is very horrible right. Don't worry too much, in Oct, you will be staying with your parents?

You are the most welcome, glad you enjoy it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, my hubby feels that I bully him and I very big woman. Ha!! ha!! What to do, my temper is hotter than his mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

8 years ago, the supply for flat were more than demand, so we got very good deal and this is a new flat some more. The flooring, toilets, everything done up, Just get some furnitures and do up kitchen cabinate, we moved in 1 month later. We were poor then, spend only $16K, for all the electronics stuff, furnitures, air-con etc etc. Only after 7 years of staying there, we spent another $40K for reno, so still quite alright.

Dew dew, DHC Taiwan does not do international shipping.

Maybe you can try these spree:-



Asilmil, I had some white stuff on the surface of my nipples. I guess that it is milk. It is normal, don't squeeze it.

morning mummies and daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. rashes when consuming dried scallops/dried cuttlefish

i think the sinseh meant our babies will get rashes. be it us or our babies, its still better to avoid if possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we as mummies also dont wanna get rashes right =P

btw, this morning is really not my day. i went to the ladies and when i was about the leave, i swing the door so hard and got my toe stucked under the door [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now my toe nail got bruise and its blue-black, super pain ah. pain until i gotta take panadol *cry*


i should be going to the pigeon sale. are you going there as well?

eoneon, sometime i do hv sharp pain when i m nt in the correct position (stand,sit...etc) .. so, i move a bit then talk to baby , then feel better then ..

Andrea: Yikes... do put an ice-pack or something to sooth the poor toe. Else it would hurt when you wear your shoes.

Was thinking of going to the pigeon sale, but a little worried about the stuff being old.

muddypaws, hehe i live in HG...jus a bus ride to sgoon...i'm an animal lover, so i go there for viewing alot hehe

haha use this as an excuse to bum at home...during yr 3rd tri, u'll be too tired to do anything even hehe

when yr princess is out, lagi no time le haha

haha once when my friend asked me out for a shopping trip, i had to do so many stops for small breaks to rest my legs as well as for toilet...haha

haiz how i wished i had discovered this forum earlier! made me feel much more at home, thanks to all the mummies here ^_^ cheers!

Dewdew, you want to get DHC cleansing oil? If you want cheaper one, perhaps you can search on ebay sg. I bought DHC cleansing powder from this singapore ebay seller, Rainbowhub (IIRC), her items r cheaper than what you get from Watson.

Rainbow, perhaps you want to try my dental place at Koven. It's DP Dental (http://www.dpdental.com.sg/welcome.html), call them up and check if you can just make an appt with an oral health therapist and tell them you're pregnant and have gum bleeding recently. You can also check how's the pricing like over the phone.

Yippie! Can't wait for the detailed scan later in the afternoon!

asimil: congrats on knowing the gender. good leh. makes a 好. wah! you really think far man. im telling hubby. im done with one. dare not think of another one.

thus far, my areola only very dry and keeps peeling. havent notice any discharge from nipples though

cindy: great! its always a blessing to have great in laws. haha, practice makes perfect. i cant cook fantastically but i love to cook at times. so trial and error loh. hehe

Poor mine Andrea, take care.

Cindy, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jie meis must help and jia you for each other mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, everything will be soon soon one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do share with us okay.

Cindy: Hougang is a lovely estate too! I've been staying in this estate for 27 years! Love to look at the animals there too... Do your in-laws stay in Hougang? Give me a tinker when you are next in town!

stefie, ya JKT traffic is bad plus pollution...but lucky i seldom go out haha esp on my own coz i'm bad in directions plus cant converse in bahasa :p

wats most rewarding was when hubby had the first bite he said - wow thats nice! ^_^

coz normally i dun eat my own cooked food unless its given the 'go ahead' haha

anw u're now the BIG WOMAN coz u have 2 he's jus 1 hahahaha!!

haha stefie, i'm now waking up early everyday jus to be here to chat lor ^_^ so lively hehe

really perks me up ^_^

bbribena, i cant wait for my scan also haiz but in 11 more days T_T seems so long haha

eon, i also told hubby 1 for now...my MS was enough to scare me haha plus the bad mood swings... zzz

but good in laws still will not hold a finger to hubby...not much choice for me also i guess haiz

haha i wouldnt say i love cooking, but easy dishes pls... haha!

crown: i wana spank myself! i left my mobile in my handbag without realising. haha.. missed calls and smses man.

mudypaws: haha, we are in the same situation. faint right! at home still not so bad. its when you are outside, then you will be so panicky to look for toilet and praying hard there is no queue cause ladies usually will have queue de.

haha... i understand. i have a friend who just couldnt resist the temptation of bags.

stefie: haha, im also becoming more 大女人now. really lucky! blame it on us setting a family late. everythings come with a huge price tag. super expensive and annoying.

andrea: oh gosh! *sayang sayang*.. be careful..

amelia: ya, i guess adjust the position and will be ok. i tried that before too. but this morning was standing in a sardine packed train so cant move and worst! cant talk to princess, else people think im a mad woman! wahaha..

ribena: keep us updated after the scan ^_^

muddypaws, maybe can meet u one weekend in sgoon for brekky in oct ^_^

hmm both my parents n in laws live in HG, so basically i'm a HG girl all my life hahaha!

cindy: please dont go out alone in jakarta. cause my cousin and family were there for a good 2 years as he taught there then. he said its not safe for women to travel out alone. very dangerous.

cindy: yes, of course. i love to have my hubby besides me anytime. wahaha.. can bully non stop.

11 days later you will be in sg? how about joining us in our gathering? we are meeting at crown's place on 31 Jul from 12.30pm onwards. there will be buffet lunch catering. we are splitting the cost among us. not very expensive. how?


eon, i nv go out myself other than to tabao lunch T_T not worth to cook for myself haha

i also find the culture here weird..as long as u look foreign, the men tend to stare T_T give me the creeps zzzz

haha i also love bullying hubby now esp i have a reason to! hehe best time to make him run errands too without complaints! wahahaha

hmm i wouldnt mind the gathering, will be in sin for my appt on 27th for the week...where is crown's place? maybe i can drop by jus to see u all mummies ^_^ coz i'm meeting friends that noon for tea T_T

