(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

bubble, thks for the encouragement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will jiayou!

sharon, no call maybe its good news? tat was wat my gynae told me, if no call means small matter, so when i saw the clinic's no, almost fainted!

crown, ur appetite so good? envy envy... i hardly eat much at night. last night puked out my dinner also. started whinning at my own pathetic state lying on the bed! my hub still dare to ask me how come got cat in the hse!!!!


sorry mangogal, I'm stuck in ayer rajah crescent. Lunch is an uninspiring concoction of chicken broth with chicken breast, carrots and bak choy, and dessert is an apple. Cooked that this morning...

Wow, i just search on body pillow on the internet, it looks so comfy, I want one now!!

mango, I also headache over what to eat for lunch.

Hi babe,

oscar is optional.You can opt not to do them at all.

But most moms like us, just want to have a peace of mind, thus we go through oscar. Its blood test and scan mainly focus on the neckline,nosebridge and their spine for spina bifida.

Its not wrong to term as 1st trimester test because the sonographer do check the skull structure,the heart beat,the spine,limbs.

Folic acid is to be taken until week12, and by week 13 you can start on calcium pill.

Usually oscar test result is readily availble within 2 hours then they ll fax the info to your gynae, and they ll call to inform you the very next day.

I called my gynae this morning and baby is normal and at low risk. Nw can take a breather till detailed scan at 20weeks.

mangogal, i'm stuck in serangoon north.... also nothing to eat... no inspiration for u.

tenq, the body pillow is reallie comfy. i bought one over the weekend so i was recomending to the mommies yest.

Milo, Me dinner also landed in Mr Toilet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess baby only like ex dinner[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your hubby vey cute hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha Milo, ur husband so funny LOL

yalor mummies..me too so fan dunno what to eat for lunch, hungry and yet no craving..:p

haha Milo, ur husband so funny LOL

yalor mummies..me too so fan dunno what to eat for lunch, hungry and yet no craving..:p

crystal, crown, tenq, mango my hub drive me crazy at times! so hor i am like having 2 kids and a dog at hm and expecting my no 3 now. i am the fat garfield at hm... MEOW

stefie, same here.. my baby like exp dinner. only puke out my cooking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] naughty baby... teriyaki salmon.... *drool drool drool*

mummies who are thinking of lunch - suggestions: mee rebus, mee siam, nasi lemak, kuay teow dry, beef noodle, tom yam ban mian, wanton noodle.

i'm thinking of tom yam ban mian for lunch today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, jia you!

stefie, jia you too. your MS now become NS, gradually will become No Sickness (also NS) so tahan, baby is growing!

i overslept this morning! thought i got up at 7:40am when it was 8:40am. my hubby panicked 'cos we left the house at 9am. LOL! my hp failed to wake me up. :p

milo, hahahhhaha u shld be the puss in boots in the new shrek movie hahaa... have u seen the trailer? i tink that cat is CUTE!!!

did u get your teriyaki salmon the other day?

dewdew, you are making me hungry sia. those things you listed are food i like to eat now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, i will jiayou!!! thks for all the encouragement!

crystal, i watched the movie le... puss got as fat as garfield bo? haha puss seems more nimble leh. i like too ben zhong cannot hop liao!

yeah! ate my salmon tat day and surprisingly tat night no NS wor??? u see la, baby expensive taste! cham lo, every meal eat 20 bucks, mummy gonna wear PJ to work cos no money buy maternity wear!

milo, hahha u can aspire ma hahaa.. from garfield become the nimbler puss and then slowly go back to garfield again as we progress hahaha

hahhahaa i also tink so le we eating ourselves poor hahaha...

dewdew, thanks. I take puking as normal. Just "enjoy" the process. So I will eat all I want in morning and afternoon, by 5pm will stop thinking about food. Just eat whatever cheap food, cos will land up in toilet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, you have 2+1 kids and a dog. I have 1(hubby) + 1 kids and 2 dogs. Yesterday hubby playing ginger with her fav dolphin toy, wau lau so cute. Ginger on her fav foot stool, then my hubby trying to get ginger's attention by holding the dolphine like it is swimming to and fro ginger's body and mouth. Ha!!! Ha!!! They had a good time, me laugh like nobody business. So silly hubby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, i have a maternity pant that fit size S-M, with elastic band, selling at $15 include normal postage. this is brand new. pls pm me if u are interested.


crystal, wat to do??? our greedy little tiger (or is it greedy mummies!)

stefie, have u ever wonder if we have time for the doggy after the birth of our baby? i am finding myself getting easily irritated with milo lately and felt bad. abit worried whether i can cope after no 2 is out... sigh

milo, me too! i get irritated by my dogs easily these days, but i think it's our hormones. also two of them are naughtier than the other, so i tend to discipline them more nowadays. i think will need more help from family members when baby comes, 'cos won't be able to play with them so often yet dowan to neglect them.

milo, i tink we will still love our doggies ba even when bb comes along? i neglected my doggy lately cos i cant carry him... but i try to spend time to play with him as much as i can. but i tink he miss me carrying him ba. feel so guilty now.

Milo, I would cos seeing them playing together and all the silly body language would be funny[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I do feel guilty at times when I can't bring them out for walk, cos very tired.

So at night I will sayang ginger on her fav foot stool and asked Ebi to come to the bed so I can sayang her, cos I can't carry them and no sitting on the floor and play with them (cos they will get excited and jumped on my belly, last friday, ebi almost want to step on my belly. Hubby said no more sitting on the floor and play with them). Hubby seems to bond with the dogs much better now.

I guess is just your hormones. Things will get better with Milo. Maybe get more of his fav treats and praise him when he is guai. My dogs loved it when I called them good girl and who want sayang when I reached home[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So sweet right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi noon all!

Been missin out a lot.

Talkin abt mee siam, i had it at Qi Ji (bugis) yesterday, not too bad. Din managed to finish though.

Amuro: My gynae still ask me to continue folic le, he said shd continue.

dewdew: if u ever go to Jurong Point, there is this Banquet Foodcourt at Basement,the tom yum ban mian is the best i find so far. The taste is pretty diff from those normal tom yum taste, but it's reali 'gao' and nice!

Milo: Can add me to table pls? Edd 17 Dec Gynae:Dr Ong Hospital: Mt A(most likely i think) THanks!

Crystal: wat body pillow r u recommending ah?

Btw,anyone had a drop in haemoglobin lvl huh? my went down a bit, already below b4 i was P, now even lower...jialat. need to double up my iron pills...sian..more pills..sigh.

dun worry milo, you're not alone. i still pick up their poo when we go out for walks - they dun do their business at home except for the occasional accident - those my hubby or FIL will clean up.

i can't really play with them now 'cos they like to play tug of war - a bit difficult for me to bend down and tug with them, or play catching with them around the house like i used to. my hubby is also working like a mad man recently so they dun get much play time now. i try to sayang them or give them massages to make up for it. and maybe weekends will go for longer walks.

CC, i was just at Jurong Point last Sunday! But I didn't know about the food court or tomyam.. will go eat it next time I go. It's a bit far from me 'cos I'm staying central area. Haha...

CC, my colleague said should continue with Folic acid throughout our pregnancies, cos baby will be smarter and of course must eat fish oil too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, My 2 dogs also sleep the whole day whether we are at home or not. I love to sayang Ginger when she sleeping at her day sofa, cos she will sleep in all kind of manners, ha!!! Ha!! very cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess Milo is okay, just taking his dog nap bah.

Now have to close 2 eyes wit the cleaniness at home lah. Really don't over work. At least hubby helping, better than nothing right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies, lunch time liao. Enjoy your lunch.

Me just had mixed veg + egg + rice+ HL milk. Really no appetite to eat meat today, cos yesterday, all my 3 meals I had chicken. Really sick of chicken now.


are you using dr thong at rh? How are her charges? Does she has any package? I was thinking of using her...


Hi CC, i changed to calcium, multivits ,fish oil by 2nd trimester.

Which is why maybe i dont need the folic acid anymore. But folic acid is readily available is beans,and green vegetables like spinach, or bayam you called it.

We might deliver around the same time CC.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mos burger is my current fav ,and kuay chap and wanton mee. And any spicy food!!

hi, tot most multivit, contain folic acid already right ? my oscars results are good, very relieved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im back from lunch too. Had yeemee, ate the whole plate of noodle only, didnt touch the meat at all. Thought of eating more for lunch, cause scare later dinner time no appetite again.

Stefie: I also stopping folic acid after I finished these last few pill. Gynae started me on multi-vitamins once I finish them cause those multi-v also have folic acid inside. I was praying so hard that I don't have to eat anymore pills once I finish the previous batch. Sigh.. really dislike pills. Will there ever be a period that we can be pills-free before the EDD?

Muddypaws: I also stayed around that area. Got good food ? Im cracking my head every evening on what to eat for dinner. Maybe its not the food, its me that's with problem.

Milo: I also like to whine to hb on no appetite, body ache, puke discomfort, etc etc. Think it make me feel better, at least don't have to keep them inside me. Hee.. your hb very cute to make that comment.

Amuro: Congrats on the good oscar result. Can rest your heart.

CC: I tried that tomyam ban mian before. Quite nice, but I think they put alot of msg, cause each time after I return, I'll feel very thirsty. So I try not to take too often.

How to measure Haemoglobin level? I don't think I measure that before.

Dew: hope it suits your taste! it has been my fav since i stay @ jurong west, but i have shifted too. so whenever i go there, will def order it. yummy!

stefie n amuro: when i ask my gynae abt fish oil, he told me there isnt a need. in fact, he said it's too commercialised and too many pple tot it's gd for baby's brain, but it doesnt really help. in fact, will cause bleeding to some MTB, there's wat he said, so he told me he didn't give to any preg woman. but i m taking multivits , folic and calcium plus my iron cos a bit anaemic lo. hate the calcium pills most..everytime after the calcium, sure feel like puking. but i gues since i m pretty picky with food, best to take watever pills i m given lo.

athena: the folic acid in multvit contain lower % compared to a pure folic pill.u can awas check the label for the mg or mmg content.

me just cooked some mee suah..actually wanna eat wanton mee..but raining. have nice lunch mummies! b4 our ES sets in..

Crystal: Did you watch the movie, The Backup Plan? I think that pillow looked like the one that was hated by the hubbies in the show when their wives bought it during their pregnancy. Hee..

Raspy, the estate has everything that I was craving for... the char kway teow/hokkien noodles/zha-jiang-mian/western at Blk 107 is good, soup+chicken rice at 147 is good, lor mee at 151 is good... i'm doing coffee shop hopping each evening!

Actually how much folic acid we need to eat per day? Unity selling only 5mg per tab. the one i bought from GNC is 1000mg leh

athena, Congrats on the good Oscar test result. most of you have good result. i am so nervous cos my turn is this fri.. quickly come leh

raspy: i usually don finish the soup and ban mian cos too huge portion, so maybe don feel as thirsty.haha. but it's quite nice rite?

when i went for oscar, doc draw additional tube for blood test cos i had very low ferretin(Iron reserve in our body) b4 i was P, was anemic also. So had started on iron pills b4 i was preg, so he did a check to see lo. then nurse called to say ferretin went up but haemoglobin(Red Blood Cells count) went down. think maybe bcos baby forming lo, tat's wat i tot la. So was asked to up my iron pill if i m not constipated.

in fact, was thinking the same thing as u, when can we don take pills..haha. But stefie sure say, for healthy BB sake, hang on. Rite, stefie? She is super +ve mummy here! =D

btw, think my hubby oso got preg symptons like us..headache la, farting la, feel nausea la...but he never wash toilet bowl like me le. lol. guess he can somehow feel wat i m going thru , just tat maybe his is only 20% of our sufferings...anyone's HB also?

Hey C C, my hubby also has preggers symptoms... haha, his symptoms are primarily cravings! I'm stopped my cravings and he's often on a hunt for chocs, cheese etc.... :p

Hi Crown,

thanks. Yours will be fine too, don't worry. But think yours might take a while, since have to measure two babies... my gynea was like fighting a battle with my baby when taking the measurement ...haha ... coz of the baby's position. You might have to turn your body here and there to get into the right position for your gynea to measure, Good Luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws: The blk 107 western and hokkien mee is nice, but ever since preggy, I cant stomach western stuff. I had blk 147 chick rice+soup several times already, hope Im not getting sick of it. The lor mee at 151 is new right? I just tried it 2 weekends ago, but I don't like that they used fried fish. I think its really me with the problem. Nowsadays, I think everything also don't really taste nice. Sigh..

Hey C C, my hubby also !! haha...

thread moves too fast, can't read every single one..haha see FOOD is the most rave topic still. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so envy you all can eat spicy stuffs, even the mildest - curry puff... the moment I eat, i realise I will get heartburn & nauseous again...

