(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

PTB7476, yah, I agree w/ u.... dunno wat that auntie was thinking abt. But then again she always say this kind of thing. Normally I dun say anything, but during pregnancy, I think I dun take nonsense from anyone. Anything she say, I will reply back.


irene: i also had persistent shooting pains at v area two days ago that last like 1 second each...they were really *ouch* but it went away after half an hour...glad to know that your gynae said its most likely due to baby pressing on it...i also guess its because of that cos' my baby was very active tumbling here and there at that time that i had to tell her to be patient and move slower...hahahah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fortunately its a false alarm but i wonder if real contractions feel that way? if so...it feels really painful to me lor...:p

whim> don't worry, me also same as you..have not buy many things as i'm still waiting for my house to be ready around mid-oct before i can buy playpen and other baby stuff else i do not have place to put.

Hi mummywong10, i went for my 31w5days check up too.. BB weighs ard 1.917kg.. My gynae commented bb is on abit chubby side.. Does yrs comment anything on that? Ask me to control abit on the diet, scare bb becomes too big..

enumummy: ya the pain at V area is indeed pretty painful to me...lucky each does not last long...its those sharp pain shooting all the way up for me...ya wonder if contraction feel like tat...hee me also FTM...dun know wats the contraction gg to be like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolyn> no, my gynae never comment anything leh. so i assume everything's normal. but my bb weighs 1.5kg at wk30, so already gain 0.5kg within 2wks as my weight did not change for these 2wks, maybe because I was sick at wk31.

Good evening all,

I am selling 3 bottles of confinement red wine.

Letting go at $15 each.

Avent single breastpump @ $180(u.p $299), used for 2 weeks+ only. Will include Avent breast shell, nipple protector and Avent Thermo bag.

Avent warmer @ $30(u.p $79.90), used less than 3 times. Will include NUK 0-6 months pacifier.

Pls pm me for more details.

Good evening all,

I am selling 3 bottles of confinement red wine.

Letting go at $15 each.

Avent single breastpump @ $180(u.p $299), used for 2 weeks+ only. Will include Avent breast shell, nipple protector and Avent Thermo bag.

Avent warmer @ $30(u.p $79.90), used less than 3 times. Will include NUK 0-6 months pacifier.

Pls pm me for more details.

Good evening all,

I am selling 3 bottles of confinement red wine.

Letting go at $15 each.

Avent single breastpump @ $180(u.p $299), used for 2 weeks+ only. Will include Avent breast shell, nipple protector and Avent Thermo bag.

Avent warmer @ $30(u.p $79.90), used less than 3 times. Will include NUK 0-6 months pacifier.

Pls pm me for more details.

Mrs Lee, I didn't put oil everyday.. But I think stretchmark can't really control.. I read some mummies got stretchmark only at 34th weeks.. My friend got it at her 8th mth preg..

Baby name registration,

Doing it at ICA is cheaper than doing it in the hospital, ICA charge less than $20.. Hospital is $30+..(hubby told me this as he was working at ICA) I sure will reg at ICA cos by the time baby born then go find shifu to calculate for Chinese name then decide English name will take sometime.. Lucky ICA just 3 mins drive from my place..


I also read that Dr Tan is very good but I also read that the waiting time is a killer!! Haha.. Still looking for other good PD from Mt. A..

Pain at V area,

Sometime very pain leh.. Especially at night.. Sometime I have to press on it with my hand then not so painful..

Stretchmarks - yah, I agree w/ hammiebao. Think stretchmarks is really unable to prevent no matter wat pdts u put on, it's based on individual ppl's skin. To me the only way out is not prevention, but 'cure' e appearance. I'm stocking up on skin lightening, scrubs etc to hope that the stretchmarks can look less obvious after birth.

Bb name registration - I want my SO to do it at ICA also. But it's for selfish reasons... I want him to tabao food near ICA for me!! Hee

Anyway, both ICA and hospitals say u shd register e name within 14 days, no diff which location u go, just which one is more convenient.

PD - Haven't tot of it yet... think will go read up on KK PDs.

Hammiebao, can try dr chan at MT A Sbcc. She's v patience n I find her likable too. I still prefer dr Terence tan coz his specialty is respiratory n my sob has sensitive airway.

Dr chan's specialty is cardiology n she was the pd that picked up m son has a heart murmur.

In dr tan's clinic there's a doc lee (female) n her specialty is skin. she is good too n dr tan's back up. Dun go to the 3rd doc in the clinic coz heard from friend he's not good.

I think worth seeing diff pd for diff problem.

i notice some of you prefer to go ICA for registeration but the queue is very long :X and parking is always an issue there

btw is it a must to choose the PD so early ?

btw irene how many glucose did you do ?

Clover, thanks!! I also read about Dr Chan, maybe will choose her..


Btw.. About how many times the baby have to visit PD for the first 6mths for normal cases? (like jab all that, sickness aside)

Birth reg at ICA,

Have to go early morning lor.. ICA opens at 8am.. I'm not sure about it but hubby will settle.. Can consider parking at the car park opp the HDb there.. Just go thur the underpass at Lavender MRT..


Any idea if I can apply scar cream now on stretchmarks? Hahahaha.. Very kiasu... I don't mind stretchmarks near V area as it won't show.. But I don't want it to be on my tummy which will show easily!! Haha

Mrs lee, I meant I did put oil everyday.. Sometime twice a day.. But stretchmark still show.. Sad sad.. Was using the Clarins one for the 1st 5 or 6 mth till it finished then change to the Avent one (since my friend gave me 2 bottles of it just use).. Sometime I wonder how the stars hide their stretchmarks!!

hammiebao, den i guess its realli dependin on individual skin or genes ba. think now not safe to apply the scar cream, perhaps like what Whim says, apply it after labour.

whim, the excuse of makin him go to ICA for the food. funny la..

swollen feets,

ive been experience swollen feets cause by water retention. so bad that when i bend my toes or walk, it hurts. any idea what to do to avoid it, other den liftin my legs up?

Hi Mummies,

I have the following items for sale OR exchange.

1. BNIB Little Giant Milk Bags. Made in Korea. Good Quality. 1 packet for $10, 2packets for $6 each

2. BNIB Carters Rompers for baby boy. 6-9mths. 5pcs in a pack. $22

3. Thomson Medical Black/ Blue Sling/ Shoulder Diaper Bag $4

4. Maxi-Cosi Cabrio Fix Car Seat – Under Warranty! $198

5. Sterilising Tablets about 30pills - $4

6. Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper - $69

7. Naforye Air-Flow Baby Carrier - Blue Colour, Good Condition 9/10 $29

8. Quinny Zapp Baby Stroller – Wave colour! Almost brand New! Condition 9.5/10! $308

9. Quinny Zapp Original Stroller Basket – Good Condition! 9.5/10! $35

10% discount or free Diaper bag if you buy more than 2 items!! Can throw in Free glass bottles!! Free sterilizing tablets!

Can Exchange for brand New MammyPoko/Fitti/Pampers L Size Diapers

Collection near Parkway Parade, Raffles Place or Bt Batok! Or via Postage

Please PM me if keen. Thanks!

Mrs Lee: I also have swollen feet and ankles, actually, sometimes my calves also! Two things I did to allievate them: 1) cook red bean soup and drink. 2) I wear scholl otto socks to sleep- they are to improve ciculation and clear water retention when you sleep. It works, my legs are "slimmer" now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I 'm not sure which one contribute to the reduction but I only drank red bean soup once and I wore the socks on thurs and fri night and could see the great diff today! I read about the socks from Shape magazine, very good, try it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope this helps. BTW, thanks for ordering the red wine, I got them! Aunty gave me $2 disc per bottle somemore! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hammie: Don't give up on the application of oil, it does lighten and make the lines disappear. Apply it 30 mins before you shower, then shower with cool water, it will disappear. If you go swimming, then do the same! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo, thanks.. I still put the oil but i put it after i bath..and Shower with cold water!! Haha quite difficult for me.. Cos I love hot water.. Haha.. Think I wanna go swimming soon.. Maybe just walk in the pool.. The pain on my bone at my V area is getting worst.. Must think of way to do some walking so I guess walk in the pool will not pressure the bone so much..

hi all

for those who haven buy sterilizer-- Kiddy palace Jurong Pt n Century Sq is having a promo for Avent Sterilizer free 2 milk btls, 2 pacifiers, 2 training cups n some washing brush...vall for $135. tink quite good deal. i remember when i bought mine not free milk btls already $189 ( if i dun remember wrongly). but the promoter told me the promo is til 2mr only...

Went for my bi-weekly check-up tis morning; confirm gotta go thru c-sect. My placenta is still low and dr scared I'll bleed non-stop if i go thru natural delivery. So target date is anytime from 13Oct onwards.... and that is like abt another 2-1/2 WEEKS!!! OMG... so fast?? Baby is 33W5D and weight at 2.1kg, YAYYY!! Me only put on 600gram but still huge at 70kgs.

Ohhh... dr also did enlighten me that I have sensitive uterus which any touching or movement (braxton hicks) to it may coz de fragile placenta to bleed. Ladies, don't wori if u're having frequent braxton hicks now and u're afraid u'll bleed like me.... not unless ur condition is same same like me lah. Braxton Hicks is harmless in general; is like preparing u how de real labour contraction gonna be like + pain :p

Now I gotta start to scroll back all the thread archives to read on abt c-sect.

I did my growth scan today too... bb got hubby's big nose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dr says he's sleeping but funnily his leg is still moving... Hahaha

whoa!Prep up ladY! looks like u r gonna be the 1st here to pop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rest well and all the best!

V area pain,

I just checked with Wong Bo Boi about the V area pain, and she said that its due to pressure, she suggested me to use belly belt and to do light swimming.. she asked me to swim once a day.. but difficult for me..haha.. then she say try to swim 3 times a week

Pernim cut,

WBB also mentioned that no matter how much massage we do for the 1st child, chances of having pernim cut is very very high cos 1st child the vaginal very tight.. she say massaging just to make us mummies feel better.. haha

Tris mom, thanks for e sterilizer tip!

Btw, mothercare has a promo for bb monitors. Avent brand, model has lullabies & humidity monitoring. Usual RRP is $299, now selling for $150.


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, My brest friend nursing pillow, and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

me back from gynae visit again and i put on 1 kg while baby put on only 400g...sigh...must be the mooncakes...hahaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and she is engaged liao...*gulp*...now i starting to panic everytime she move vigorously leh...haven pack my bag!! :p

irene: i tink you are experiencing the same v area pain as me...its sharp and shooting and very painful right...luckily it only last like seconds each time...i only started to get it the last few days...today i told my gynae and immediately he said it could mean baby is engaged...and it is true!! maybe your next visit your gynae gng to tell you your baby engaged too...but you going thru c-sect right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi enmummy, ur bb engaged. Did the dr do VE check for you. Think u got to start packing... I read from other thread that 3rd birth will be early... So gan cheong. So hows ur confinement menu getting along?

sophia, so.. sudden u're becomin Oct Thread mummy huh.. so excited and nervous for u. I still wanna enjoy my pregnany leh, but hearing mothers who are getting ready for birth, i feel time is runnin out. mixed feeling**

jo, i dun have habit of wearin socks to sleep..but perhaps i will try red bean soup. my feet swell so much tat i feel pain when i walk, n hardly feel my toes bones when i press it. thats so bad. sigh~ oh, abt the discount, thats good deal, i hope it wasnt too heavy for u to carry.

birth video,

went for my prenatel class today, n the nurse show us a clip about givin birth thru vaginal. goodness, thats truly touchin specially when the bb is out. i couldnt control but tears roll down my cheek as i saw the scene. 2nd tot i have was, proud of my mom on what she gone thru, 3rd tot was "aiyo..my V open so big, i dunwan to gif birth liao.. 4th tot, that came after 5mins, aiya nvm la, e pain will be soon over..

once baby engaged, how long do we have before baby decide to come out? Wats going to happen next after baby engaged? Contractions? Followed by water bag break or either one?

Hammie: Ya, swimming is good, I'm also doing it from now till birth if I can, to reduce the pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pain at V area: It's common in T3 cos everything moves downards and is preparing for birth. My sores and aches are concentrated around the butt and v area. Swimming does help allievate the sores for me.

Mrs Lee: Oh, sorry to hear that, can your hubby do light massage for you? It helps, I ask my hubby to massage for me also. Maybe red bean soup can help. Add some orange peel to it- can be bought from medical hall.

Ya, aunty is very nice, I didn't have to carry at all. She brought it down to me then just put in the car. Thanks for making the arrangement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sophia: 2 and a half weeks is fast! Pack you bag and be mentally prepared! I also only have 36 days before I pop!

Orangebb: After BB engaged, just wait for signs to give birth. Different people experience different things. Some have contractions only but water bag not burst, some have water bag burst but don't experience contrations. Some don't experience both till gynae notice from scan that they should be admitted already! So, just have to be very careful in the activites you engaged in, make sure you don't instill birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Most of my friends said they don't even know they have contractions and it was their gynaes who admitted them!

Whim: Me too! I knocked out super early last night! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo - wah... u too? I didn't really sleep early last night, unless u count '1 am' as early.

Mrs Lee - ur prenatal classes so fast go to the delivery process liao?! Yah, agree w/ u... watching the video of the birth process is v touching. But my 1st tot was "wah, damn pain." But I think for the C-section ladies, the pain for them comes much later than the pain for vaginal birth. Am keeping fingers crossed that all will be ok for vaginal birth.

Bb engaged - my SO was asking me yesterday in the car whether I've had any BH yet. I told him "I dunno wat BH will feel like, I feel pain but dunno whether it's BH."

im also looking at csec at 28th oct, so will become oct mommy. but i tink for those EDD early nov might turn out to be oct mommies cos most of us might not carry bb to exactly full 40wks. 40 wks is jus EDD but usually will be earlier.

i am also thinking there another 1 month to go b4 i pop cos 2day already 26th sept liao. im getting abit excited... but a lot of my bb things not found yet.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sophia> so excited for u, though u have to go through c-sec. do start getting ready yr stuff and take last few pregnancy photos of yourself before it's over soon. u are going to be the first among us to see your baby!

Sophia, I feel excited reading ur post! All the best~

Child birth video,

Yesterday my ane-natal class also showed the video but I watched before so I find it ok but hubby find it scary haha..

All the aunties(my mum, MIL, friend's mummy) that I talked to ask me don't take epidural.. The jab for epidural looks scary too.. Will try with laughing gas first and if really cannot take it then will got for epidural..

Guess soon I've have to starting buying thugs for confinement use.. Anyone got the list of what to prepare for?

My friend's mum ask me to buy red dates, black dates and dang Shen.. Anything else?

vt: ya lor...i tink i better wrap up all the tidying and packing this week...its my first baby btw...not third [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dr didn't do ve for me...tink he is the pro natural type...i just browsed thru' the books for confinement menu...but haven wrote down the list yet...hope i can make it b4 i pop...haha...

orangebb: when bb engaged it does not mean bb is coming out very soon...prob still have a few weeks to go...but very hard to say lor...gotta monitor yourself for labor symptoms...of course waterbag break or regular contractions must go hospital liao...if only got "show" no contractions or mucous plug drop out no contractions tink still got some time to check with gynae whether to admit...hope i can recognise my own labor signs when its time...hahaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs lee: you so funny..hahaha...i also watch baby story and deliver me on discovery home and health and sometimes i find tears rolling down my cheeks too because i am so happy for the mum when the baby is out safely...i tink i will cry buckets upon hearing my baby's first cry..unless i am very tired or stoned then...hahahah....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim: if you feel tightening of your tummy but its not painful...its most likely braxton hicks...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am getting it quite often now especially at night...

Thanks everyone for the well wishes!!

Am pretty excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But at the same time kinda scared too. Dunno what to expect, dunno how the surgery gonna turnout, dunno whtr de wound gonna hurt or not, dunno whtr able to express milk etc etc... and de list goes on.

I'll try to posted pictures as soon as i can.

Sophia, as early as 13 Oct so soon? Gambatte! Try and relax since got 2 weeks more. Maybe if u think abt that after pregnancy and confinement, u can be released from 'house arrest'??

Think the current birth order will probly be

Sophia - 13 Oct (tbc)

Shauna - mid Oct (I forgot the date liao, shauna)

Trismom - 28 Oct

I am telling bb to stay inside until 39 wks...have heard that e longer e bb stays inside, e lesser e chance of jaundice etc. Hopefully bb will listen.

woah... already 3 nov mtb going to be oct mtb ... that is scary ...and it makes me worry that i have not done washing and finish buying...

Whim, good idea. Just think about the joy of being released from house arrest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hehehehe...!

I think de earliest I can be released is mid Nov after bb's 1st mth celebration.

Ha ha ha, Ueno also may end up giving birth in oct! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how exciting!


Hi Ladies

Anyone looking for a good second-hand stroller?

I have a Capella S228 (black and orangey red) for sale at $150. Suitable for newborn. It is a four-wheel drive stroller and the handles are reversible. It comes with full-canopy and a three-point harness. I bought it about 6 months ago at Robinsons (retail price was about $200). It is used occasionally as I also have another Combi stroller (a hand-me-down) from my colleague. I'm letting the Capella go because I have just bought a twin stroller (expecting another bb). Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ang

