(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi vallous

Dont worry so much.. So long bb is healthy is ok liao.. What s mre there is time for bb to grow bigger. My bb is also on the small side, my gynae said it s all right and also becos of my petit size. He just tell me to eat whatever i like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sophia, take care!!

Mt A,

I also choose Mt A cos it's quieter and more cozy than TMC, TMC always give me a very busy and crowded feel.. Especially the car park!


Thanks! I didn't think of the leaking..


OMG!! Just now I found 2 long new stretchmark at the lower part of my tummy.. Very sad.. Haiz

Feeding pillow

I'm thinking of getting one with straps to secure it around my waist so I can move around with it.. I guess only mybreastfriend has it? Will try to get BN one from the forum at discounted price.. Haha


My CL agent told me that better don't get the CL to handle money to avoid misunderstanding.. Since money is quite sensitive.. She mention if need to buy anything, will ask the hubby to buy..

Herbs for "Bu"

My friend's mum ask me go to the market at San Ma Lu to buy the red dates all that.. She said it's fresh and cheaper there.. But I'm really not sure what to buy.. I'm going to ask MIL see if she knows anything about it and see if she bother to get for me since I know nothing about it..

whim: i try to write up something before i pop..hee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mum borrowed some library books too on confinement food...ya she also ask me to stay away from chicken for the first week or so...besides fish...don't forget you have pork too!

i am packing for hubby too cos' he will be rooming with me throughout the hospital stay lor...altho' he can always drive home to change but tink he won't do that unless we forget to bring something impt...so gotta put in some clothes and toiletries...and a jacket in case very cold...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maternity pads

i got the pureen maternity pads from kiddy palace...tink i will try to finish using them altho' they look pretty thick...haha...i also prepared sofy overnight pads in case i really don't like them...

vallous: my baby also 1.7-1.8 kg at 32 wks 3 days...no worries la! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wonder how much she has put on this time round...gng for my 34 wks checkup this sat...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tenderhearted: you can wash the stuff first but keep them in the cabinet or in a clean plastic or ziploc bag...i don't intend to put on the cot sheets and bumper till i get back from hospital too...don't want them to collect dust....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have been hearing alot of phlegm issues caused by birdnest from frds, colleagues as well as my mum. Furthermore, my frd's buddy who owns a birdnest farm in Msia told her that all birdnests including high grade are all chemically processed. Hence, he advised my frd not to take any birdnest during her preg. Since my preg, I didnt take a single bit of birdnest. When I consulted physician from EYS, she advised me to drink soya milk instead as soya has enough protein to give bb good skin.

Hammiebao: ya, sounds right also. Think I'll buy the herbs myself w mum. Then when they go out shopping for the chicken, etc, gives money to my MIL.

hi all,

frm the looks of it, ill be taking Mt A as well.thnks for re-affirming my decision ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Small babies:

those with small babies..honestly as long as all organs are growing well,it's not a worry.look on the bright side, easier to push out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n u can fatten up the baby once he/she is born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if u really wanna fatten up bb now, im sure many suggest durians and mooncakes.

Tightening at V area:

anyone experiencing this? ani idea why this happens?

Hospital Bag/Baby stuff:

Havent done any washing yet. just put clothes into chest of drawers only. Havent pack hospital bag aso..so lazy! will be on HL from monday onwards..i guess ill tackle all these then.must find the list of things to pack..


mine are so many and so gross!i told my husband,i dunno how u can stand looking at me!!lol..


m really afraid of the after effects of c-sect..the peeing and poo-ing..moving around n all..so i heard if engage in ML, chances of natural is more... so here i embark on ML after like 8 mths!lol :p

thanks gals...and good morning..

i think as mummies we will all start to worry if our little one isnt growing accordingly. But yup, as long as they are healthy tat matters most.

I will try to drink more milk nowadays also. Think need to gobble more food haha.

oh ya..plus now i have to do the fetal movement counts daily...so means as long as i counted enough 10 times..then no need to count liao rite? I have to submit the form to my gynae each time i see him lor....homework time....

ueno: oh there's maternity wings at mothercare...tks for the info! will chk it out.

vallous: just eat more n stay positive and im sure ur bb will feel it and grow well n healthty too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dimple: i not only feel V area tightening but on n off when i stand up and walk a while, i will feel sharp pain for a few secs then it will go away..then sometimes pain will come back again...wonder is this normal??? does anyone else has the same feeling too???

re: stretch marks

ai same here...i also got stretch marks popping out below the belly button areas...haiz...i have been diligently applying the clarins cream but seems still cun avoid not getting the marks...

hi gals

For those who bought breastpumps already, wonder if we should try them first or will wait until the actual breastfeeding starts then try?

breastpump: i only tried the suction on my hands...dare not try to pump ...scared later got milk how? or will trigger contractions...


how much n wat brand? cos now my mum is kinda asking me to get one wif adjustable level s my previous one is not. so tat she dun hv to bend down so low to carry bb wen bb is small.

Tris Mom.

Better to get those with bassinet (2 level) which most have it thou not displayed. Both my playpens have bassinet. But do remember to remove the bassinet the moment baby able to sit up / cross the weight limit (which ever earlier).


Best to get reviews from mum who'd used before. The most you can try on the hand. You body already preparing for baby's arrival, thus likely start to produce colostrum. One of the benefit of breastfeeding is that the sucking effect (in this case, pumping effect) will trigger uterus to contract. Thus if do it now, possible to trigger contractions.

Tris Mom

i bought the one with adjustable level..coz i intend to put it at my mom's..baby can sleep in there (adjust higher) as well as play (adjust to the lowest)

Trismom: I dunno the actual price now leh. I bought tat time was during warehouse sale in June 10. It was going for only $60. So i quickly rush down to grab it ...I have additional mattress, mattress cover, pillow and bolster for baby for additional $20 tat day too. So all included liao. I still have another bassinet to carry ard. So no lacking of places to sleep in.

vallous/ jovialz - thanks! luckily asked u gals before i really want to go and try the actual thing. didnt know it might trigger contractions.. i just worried by the time we need, dont know how to use..

mine was from robinsons expo sale..cant rmbr the brand though.. bout 80+. but it's not soo great in terms of quality..but since i expect bb to use it for a while only coz i have a separate cot, it shud be ok 4 me..

my nephew is using Graco playpen..not bad $150+

there was a bp previously but not on now.. what i noe is the BP price is definitely cheaper.

Trismom, I'm getting hand me down playpen from my friend, btw the cheapest playpen I see so far is from babyhypermart and spring maternity near bucket merah.. Same model selling at 79.90 but I didn't take note what it includes.. And it was like few months ago..


I always few pain on the bone at my V area.. Sometime when I try to get up from the bed sometime when I walk.. Doctor ask me to rest more..


I think at least we had to try it out to see if it's working well.. I tried my manual one on my hubby's chest.. Yet totry out the eletronic one.. Haha

Trismom: oh its from The Baby Studio


you can even order online rather than go to the store..they do delivery to your doorstep.

I went for their periodic warehouse sale in june to get the best deals. They were having a pre-GSS sale tat time.

hammiebao: you so cute leh...tried on ur hb's chest for the breastpump..i wanted to do it..but my hb refuses...he says so weird...haha

thks gals for the playpen info... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeap i called bbhyperstore selling at $79. but without matt so muz add the matt abt $40

i noticed i feel V area pain also if i walk a lot tat day. guess its the wt tat is pushing down ba... so better not walk too much if possible to prevent any possible mishaps... tat will be the last thing we wan now....

Hammiebao: Have u got the mattress? Im still looking for the right size one to fit the hand down playpen... Any idea where to get decent mattress & bedding set? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trismon i bought the adjustable playpen cos it is going be to be day bed for the little one at my mom place...so i cant expect my mom to bend to the bottom to pick him up. got mine at robinson expo sale too... price think $89 + Mattress $29.90 but i also dun think it can last long too... brand - shears and come with bassinet

Jewel, seahorse/ baby safe, sleeppost do sell or customise mattress for COT etc ..you can check them out

ai yo... suddenly a lot of things from my #1 like cannot be used back. now tat no more all these sales liao gotta buy at higher price... n wif big tummy how to go source ard... cant shop pr walk v long now.

jus kena my hb nag at me say me becos save abit gotta spend some much time doing survey. i so angry...

cos last x the previous playpen i bought was much later not wen nb so nvr look out for 2 level kind.

mayb jus wait for the expo sale on 22nd oct n see can grab wat good deals there


Hubby got no choice.. Haha

Jewel, I haven't get the playpen so I dunno the size I only know it's pink color one! Haha.. I got my mattress from babykingdom when I got my cot.. My friend will give me a mattress too..

Can anyone share the hospital to do or to bring list u all wrote?? I'm still quite blank.. Haha

hammiebao/tris mom: oh u gals also feel the pain at V area..where we suppose to rest more...ya i only started to feel it recently..think bb getting bigger...but the thing is i din walk too much...only stand up then will feel pain...sitting down will be better...

hammiebao: here a quick list for the hospital bag where u may take reference on.

things to pack for delivery:

- 3-4 sets of front button pyjamas or front button tops+ track pants

- cardigan

- dispo panties (2packs ie 10 pcs)

- Socks (to be worn in the Delivery Suite)

- toiletries

- slippers

- sanitary pads

- breast pads

- camera

- 1 set of clothes to wear home

- plastic bags (for soiled clothes)

- 1 set of bb clothes, 2 pairs of mittens to bring bb home (think only TMC no need)

- (maybe can bring our breast pump so that the nurse can teach us how to use?)

- marriage cert/IC(own n hubby) to apply for bb bonus

dimple, what u mean is ML can help in engaging natural birth? if so, i shall get hubby's engine started..

irene, thanks on the list.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

V area,

ya.. recently i felt the pain too. specially while walkin or standing. it will be gone when i sat. so usually will ask bb to move up, dun hang out down there.

water retention,

gosh!! my ankle area is swollen for 3rd time now..the pillow for raising my feet gets 'upsize' liao.

Mt A provide Toiletries.

For me I'd pack :-

1) PJs - I got a dress type with front button. So that I can pull up the dress while hiding under the blanket (prevent lochia stain on pants [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] )

Worst case can wear hospital ones lah.

2) Disposable Panties - 2 packs

3) Breast Pads

4) Sanitary pads

5) 1 set of clothes for mummy to wear home

6) 1 set of clothes for baby to wear home.

7) 2 pairs of mittens and 2 pair of booty.

8) Stemcord's box

9) Bra.

mummies, wat's the drawback of having small size/underweight baby when deliver? need to put baby in NICU?

super stress + headache when thinking about bb's weight gain.

These are the document / form required for Register for Birth and BB Bonus.

For Birth registration :-

* Notification of Live Birth issued by the hospital*

* Identity Cards of both parents

* Original marriage certificate of parents, with English translation (if applicable)

*Parents of children not born in hospitals can obtain the Notification of Live Birth from the doctors/midwife/ ambulance staff who delivered the baby.

What documents do I need to bring during birth registration in order to join the Baby Bonus Scheme?

Besides the documents require for birth registration, please bring the following documents for Baby Bonus:

a. Completed Form BB

Important: Please check with your bank for the correct bank and branch code of the account to credit the cash gift;

b. Completed CDA application form of either OCBC Bank or Standard Chartered (if you are a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident and the parent of the child. All your children born on or after 17 August 2008 will be eligible to open a CDA. If your child was born on or after 1 August 2004 but before 17 August 2008, he or she will be eligible to open a CDA if he or she is your second to fourth child);

c. Bank book or latest original bank statement of the parent or a nominated third person into whose account the cash gift is to be deposited and copy of the bank book (page with account number and name) or bank statement; and

d. Copy of Singapore citizenship certificate of mother if applicable (i.e. if a mother is not a citizen by birth).


Don't think PD only look at weight of birth to determine if baby need NICU. They look at the APGAR Score (http://kidshealth.org/parent/newborn/first_days/apgar.html).

My son was born at 2.7kg but have APGAR score of 9 out of 10 at 1 min and 10 out of 10 at 5 mins. He need not go into NICU. But generally, baby with very low birth weight (e.g. below 2kg) might not score good in APGAR thus chance are they have to go to NICU.

PTB Thks!.. will have to starting hunting for mattress liao. Am not too comfortable using used mattress... :p

Jovialz, If we register for birth during hospital stay, can we open the CDA account on another day? or must it be on the same time? Or must we open a bank account for CDA prior to delivery?... Im confused.


you are welcome jewel, cos i too hunting for mattress though i have 2 cos reviews from other the mattress we bought aint good...sank very fast so replacement is unavoidable hahah...

woah...that is alot of paperwork and document to bring and fill :X

btw is 2 pair of mitten and booty enuff ? assuming say for 3D2N ...we would need 3 pair of each right ?? and wont they vomit and dirty the mitten etc and we need to bring extra ?

