(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


erm, check for cervix ripening is during one of the last few gynae checkup (not labor yet) and dilation is during the initial stage of labor. So likely you are not on epidural yet.


Coconut Juice,

Must we take those fresh coconut ? Can buy those canned ones ? I'd found one, brand Wong coco, that states the ingredient is Young coconut juice 97% and Young coconut pulp 3%. I presume this mean no sodium ascorbate (or something similar as preservative / stablizer) ? Difficult to find stalls selling fresh coconut near my place and we have no confident to buy back from supermarket and chop open ourself.

Paiseh, asked because the last round, I'd only managed to take once and then off I go to pop.

mrs lee, did you have your shoots taken at Northstar? If yes, I am the one after your session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I quite like the pics... only grouch is that I look kind of pale in the pics, cos my make up melted.

jovialz and mummywong: Not sure about canned coconuts, but I got mine fresh from NTUC (the small rounder ones) They are pre-opened but sealed and very sweet! I only had to prise the top open with my hands or a small spoon, put in a straw and drink. Don't even need hubby's help to karate the coconut, very convenient. Haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks ! will check out NTUC then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, can I check if you will be choosing OCBC or Standard Chartered as the Bank for your baby's account for the baby bonus? Which one is better?

coconut juice

i bought from shop and save and use the knife to chop off the head. not diff lah.. i think it is best to take tis kind than canned ones. we never know whether they got add in the perservatives.

Checking on cervix

on my first bb, when my gynae did that, he will asked me to be relax.. dun be stress. eventually i dun feel pain.. maybe try to be relax when ur gynae do the checks for you? try to distract urself when he do this on you?

on my first pregnancy, bb was engaged ard 8.5 mth, but bb was overdue for 7 days!!!!

jun, i taking with them on the 10Oct at wk 35..

u hvnt book w them eh? don miss the golden period b4 u pop... shd be ok ..i got a gf's sis took w them, they are pleased w the pics. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coconut, i will tk the young one.. sweeter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

canned ones? got preservatives rite? not advisable la..

piggydog, u took ya Maternity shoot liao..so fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope it looked good & nature... do share ..heee

piggydog, ahh.. is tat u?? haha! sorry, dunno if u've waited v long outside for us to come out. did u have fun?? e weather is quite hot yest, so i guess thats the reason why ba. have u receive the pics yet?? not bad rite??


i heard not to take those thai coconut sell at pasar malam, so avoid tat ba. for canned ones, am not sure.

At long last... got the approval from hubby to allowed me to go take maternity shoots [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Trying to arrange for it this Sat, else no chance no time.

Gonna start drinking coconut water tonite. Been dreaming of it for the longest time. Oh... a cousin just told me not to eat sashimi or even cockles when we're breastfeeding.

Baby Bonus: Heard tat Stan Chart's interest rate is higher than OCBC. Anyone can verify??

Enmummy: can share bout the green lemon juice..how does that work..like normal fruit juice or squueze the lemon in normal drinking water?

earlier i read sth bout filling in baby bonus documents..we need to dl from the bank website itself isit?n pre-fill b4 we get to the bank?

low placenta

i am not sure whether it works for everyone. i was told by my gynae that i have low placenta and bb head was on my right 2 weeks ago. i was so panicked as i prefer to have natural birth. since then i have to *sweet talk* this little lady in my tummy.. 2 weeks later, she move down her head... and placenta moved too. i hope she can stay still in this position till then. i am now 34 wks. just pray hard no more overdue for this bb

maybe can give it a try for those bb head havent move down?

Baby Bonus>

Yes i will be opting for StandChart. At least they did indicate the interest rate in the brochures..As for OCBC, they din indicate the interest rate leh..


bot those small ones from NTUC. had one yest, very sweet and fresh.

sophia> do be careful when u go take the shoots with your sensitive uterus and don't tired yourself, rest often after some shots. my SIL went for maternity shoots and the next day she got spotting, i don't know if it's due to she too tired or just coincidence. enjoy your last 2.5wks? finally u get to be release from house arrest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tummy Wrap>

Anyone noe where to get good tummy wrap? My massage lady told that i can get from hospital. Anyone can recommend? Thanks!!

Mrs Lee: Haha, men. My hb can oso b quite absent-minded sometimes. Then when i nag at him, he said men cannot multi-task and it has been research-proven! Tsk.

Can share ur bloom shots when ready? Trying to get some inspiration on wat to wear/ do.. but my shoot is this Fri!

Bluesoda: Tummy wrap for what purpose? If it's for support, I got my support belt from Mothercare. $40++. Coz this time round my tummy too big v hard to move ard! And it's weighing down on my C-section scar! =(

Bank interest rate

I can't vouch for it but my bro once said StandChart has the best interest rate in town.

My 1st BB's CDA is with SC too..

sophia> my SIL have spotting before she took maternity shoots then was asked to rest at home, then the spotting went off few days then she went to take the shoots, next day spotting come back. so cos u also happen to have spotting now, thus u remember do not stretch too much, take your own sweet time to rest after each style while preparing for next style..i also have spotting during my intial T1 time, that's why I feel very gan cheong whenever I saw people have spotting..

Mrs Lee

which unit in northstar did u go to take ur shoots? it cld be my hb's cos his studio is there.


how abt u? which studio was that?

Prob next wk im also gg for the maternity shoots (taken by my hb s he is a photographer himself). actuali im quite reluctant to take maternity shoots now cos now like water barrel so fat dun tink look nice. but hb insisted cos it most prob b last pregnacy 4 me. so ok lor...

Mrs Lee, we showed up earlier cos I was afraid that I won't be able to find the place. keke.. so my make up melted while waiting at the coffeeshop. After that, it didn't cross my mind to reapply again. Ha!

Yep, me quite happy with the pics overall.

But I felt very tired after the 1hr session, just as though I did a 8hrs wedding photoshoot loh. Really no stamina nowadays

Shan, I will share after I get the edited pics. Will pm u.

Tris Mom, if I remember correctly, it is 08-96. Seems like a shared studio that the photographer rents hourly or something.

Take some pics as a form of remembrance lah. Can keep it under lock and key if you really don't like the outcome. But I think it will turn out nicely lah.

@ Bluesoda, I just came back from my gynae visit...he didn't dig today..he said postpone to next Sat when I am in my 35 weeks. I am so glad that my girl is growing cos she was pretty small past few weeks....she weighs abt 2.2kg @ 33 weeks now. :D

trismom, ah.. realli, such a coincidence!! so i guess the man who came to pick us up from the carpark is ya hubby. n the man who led us to the studio is also ya hubby. lol.. yaya, did he do NB shoots?

piggydog, i didnt know theres a coffesshop there, cos i lost our way there! hahaha.. ya, its actually a short shoots, but i got v tired even today. my bodyaching leh.. hahaha *weak

tris mom> yr hubby only takes maternity shoots? is he a FT photographer? how come u never jio the mummies who are interested to take maternity shoots to take by yr hubby last time? can help yr hubby gain some business.

Harlow! At last, it's Mon evening! Want to zzz.....

Ok, latest dates for C-section ladies

Sophia - 13 Oct (tbc)

Irene - 17 Oct

Ueno - aft 17 Oct (tbc)

Shauna - 19 Oct

Trismom - 28 Oct

I wonder who is the 1st vaginal birth. *hmmmm*

Enmummy, thanks for the info on BH contractions. Bu when u say it shouldn't pain, I think ppl have diff pain thresholds. For me, when bb kick, it's already painful, so dun need to mention when the BHC kicks in. Btw, I went to read ur blog entry on the list of items for bb.... u v well-prepared leh!

Shinobi - welcome! Do share more info on urself... are u a 1st time mom to be?

Sophia - wah, ur dreams abt singing to bb is so sweet! I'm lacking sleep, dun think I sleep long enuff to have dreams in e 1st place.

Bluesoda, I think I know what tummy wrap u're talking abt. Is it meant to be worn after birth/delivery? I took pics of the various tummy wraps sold, I can pm u the album link... let me know if this is the kind u're talking abt.

Jean, I think you're talking abt the belly support belt meant to wear during pregnancy to help lessen the weight on our backs and support our belly, right?

mrs lee

tat one not my hb cos my hb yest he off. tats his partner. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes he is a FT photographer. he not oni do maternity shoots, he does every kind of shoots, like new born, but most of the time commerical shoot..

mummy wong 10

din jio cos kinda sensitive mah but whoever is interested to take nb and maternity let me know la.. i'll let my hb charge cheap cheap haha


I'm giving birth naturally not c section. Doc said now bb engaged n my 1st son pre mature so he thinks should be delivering soon. Told me to rest as much as possible hopefully bb can wait till 37 wks.

Last visit ask my gynae & she said tat bb normally wont engaged so fast for 3rd birth. Hope my meimei guai guai stay till edd 10 nov. Goin to be 34wks on wed. So fast.

Am startin to unpack old bb stuff & sort & go thru those I hav bought recently n realise I bought extra stuffs. Haha cham cuz mum kept naggin at me. I also went to buy extra glass bottles caps.

Btw, any1 usin palmers stretchmark lotion? I started usin one n find cocca butter smell not as strong. Thought suppose to be cuz quite addicted to cocca butter smell now. Duno y. Haha.

Anymore gathering? Missed out last wk one due to last min things. Btw my mood swing really gettin bad these few days. Anyone else like tat too. Sometimes jus feel like sit down cry.

Coconut: jovialz, drink the fresh one. It should be the one with pointed head. Most fruits and drinks stalls will have.

Coconut can drink the round round one sold like $1.50 at pasar malam? I now 31st week can start drinking?


Ok.. I'll be org a lunch on 11th Oct.. those who can meet for lunch we meet for lunch then those who can join after lunch will be welcome!!

PM me for those who interested in the lunch..

Hammiebao, me me. I wan meet lunch. Hehe. Btw my sinseh told me take coconut abt 1 month before edd. Must buy young coconut n eat flesh too.

Now hungry cuz ate dinner too early at 5+pm...

just met gynae today. even though she is ok with my diet control and reading but she still want me to continue to poke myself :s and according to her HL milk should be very safe and asked me to trial and error again... as for the BB ...still put on weight even though i have lost 1kg...which is good news... at 31w5D he is already 2kg and considered on the big side. but the funny thing is ... as far as i can remember i am supposed to be in beginning of 31w ..how come dr add 5 more days ? so now i am supposed to be due a week earlier than initially said ??

Naf...i'm using palmer's stretch mark cream too...so far ok lah...smell bearable

aiya.. Hammiebao.. 11th Oct I seeing my Gynea leh... my appt at 1 pm.. what time will be lunch and where..?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ueno, OIC... I was still thinking that urs is a C section coz u can 'know' the date now. Will amend accordingly. Rest well now. Has L managed to resist e urge to peek under e canopy yet? Is his present still a secret?

Coconut - Jewel, u mean the coconut might make u pop early?? Or is it something else? Did I miss out a post?

PTB7476, good job on the diet control!


PTB7476> yr gynae told u that u are wk31d5? i think maybe as you said gynae said yr bb is on the big side meaning that some of his measurements (eg AC or thigh/head etc) shows yr bb is at wk31d5, so he told u now u are wk31d5. i'm in wk32 but some of the bb measurement shows wk33 and wk34.

