(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

jus wanna ask u all who hv #1, will u b feeding ur #1 breast milk if there is excess supply? will it stil help to boost their immune system at tis age?

Morning mummies.. I'm up since 2.30 then can't sleep liao.

So I took the time to read thru the archive... Somehow I think i'm also going to be Oct mummy.... Really excited and scary....

This weekend was a fruitful week. Sat I only can get the last one....I only can get the last one.... universal studio company family day! And believe it or not!! I took a ride. Fast speed ride! Lol... I dunno how I managed to sneak in... But I think the lady thought I was fat instead of pregnant.

Sunday went kite flying....

Tmr another sian day.... Cos I gotto train the new gal.... And I still cannot get to sleep!!!!

Sun went kite flying at west coast.

Eh.. Wanna ask are we suppose to have breast milk now? As in if we squeeze our breast will there any fluid come out? Last time I heard that after 5th or 6th mth will have fluid come out.. But I didn't try..

Hi All mtbs,

am new to this forum.. got introduced by my boss's wife. My edd is on 2 Nov. As for me, iv also felt like a tingling, liltle pain sensation at my V area esp the bone part.. dunno what that signifies. As me for me i haven't started shopping yet only bought a playpen so far.. Nice to meet yu mommies.. =)

Yes, there'll be liquid coming out if u try squeezing ur nipple - those are collustrum. The good stuff, so dont over do it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome Shinobi!!

U might pop earlier than ur EDD, so better start de shopping soon - do check list of wat u've still haven't get [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] some of us mommies whom EDD is in early Nov is now kan cheong as we are delivering early & still got stuff not done yet. Hehe

hi shinobi..welcome. Oo...better buy the stuff soon..since ur Edd is early nov, most likely will deliver in oct. If not deliver early then diapers dun have, milk bottles dun have, breast pumps also dun have...gotta scramble..

Didnt have a good nite sleep again. Lots of loo trips and one leg cramp early wee morning till i yelled at my hb. Bb is having a disco time till now...

Bam: whoa dangerous leh...u still go take the rides...dun do it again hor!

Yesterday, my mil also tell me says she will need to buy confinement stuff for me like red dates, longan, ginger and dunno wat other stuff. I tell her no need leh cos i got CL mah...but she insists, so ok lor.

welcome shinobi!suggest you start shopping now =)

Had a fruitful wkend, had wash all the bb clothings and pack my stuff so that i have space for bb stuff..

Now left with my hospital bag and need to sort thru all the bb bonus application forms

morning ladies..

such a sleepy Monday!!! as usual :p

ya, recently week, my n*pples keep feeling so itchy.. haa i dare not to squeeze leh.. haaa

i think i will start apply the n*pple cream next mth lioa, to condition it for baby..hehee

trismon, i will let my #1 hv it (my BM), if he ok i will gv him alil..share w didi lo.. hahahaa

this AM, i dreamt tat my baby popped out when I was at the void deck waiting for taxi...freaked me out , in the dream & aft i wake.. haa

in the dream, it popped halfway out liao, i still try to push baby in..haa i was walking when he popped.. haaa i think i am gettg nervous liao... abt time :p

Welcome Shinobi! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah Bam, u so daring... i v kwai i never tk any fast ride when I was at the USS. so dangerous!

SO Ueno, ya L is suppose to be a Nov baby but popped earlier eh.... looked like Didi oso gg to follow suit.. .hope u pop aft 17th.... tk good care meanwhile!!!...

me gg TMC hospital tour tmr!! anyone need me to ask the nurse anytin?

I gg to ask the nurse if my gynea book4 bedded for me liao, can i change or not...

tmr evening gg to see gynea too ..heee

gg to bring along my #1..


-.-" when i press hoh. it's not like milk lei...

anyone here having #2 now and previously BF?

i tot the milk will "sour" after 1year. i clear all but only 1side.

may i know how your DR know you are engaged? thru ultrascan? you know where a part where your DR will "dig" your below to see if you are dilated? when they check the engage part do they "dig" too?

cause i got a very bad experience from it.. every time the DR "dig" eg: in the morning appt 9.30am i will feel pain like contraction all the way till the night!!! and my #1 suppose to deliver on the 23rd but come out on the 13th!!!


your gynea got say anything like if you book 4bedded den will have free upgrade to 2bedded?

but only applies to TMC not MtA. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

you can check with them so u no need to pay for 2bedded price!!

ya dollie, gynae able to tell from the ultrasound.. the baby move downwards.. actually we can tell oso.. ya tummy will like drop down.

ya when u r near EDD, the gynae will check for dilation by poking the fingers inside.. yes it hurt like hell!!!

then gynea will like do a "swipe" around it, they say it will fasten it... but it's SUPER OUCH!!!!!

i hate it!

i heard abt the free upgrading b4... it quite common in TMC. but i nt gg for this.. last time.. haa i tried my luck in Mt A, choose 4 bedder, tot will get luck upgrade to 2 bedder for FOC.. but no yet.. then all 4 beds are occupied..really cramped n a bit disturbg. this time rd i will tk single bed, anyway I got SBI from TMC, will hv some offer. hee

@dolliepollie, the digging part sounds scary...I think my gynae is going to do that to me this afternoon...the nurse told me during my last visit...i hope its not painful.

Hi ladies,

Been on MC on Thurs and Fri and hv nt logged in till today and the thread is sOOOOOOO long.....muahahaa

anyway, i went for my check up on sat and my gal at 31 wks weight 2kg le....and my weight is gain so far is about 7 to 8kg ba coz i forget wat is my weight when i got pregnant.

finally, this week gng to be 32 weeks le....and there is juz another 8 weeks or less to go....hurray!!!

Last sat I jus went for Mt A tour. My 1st visit to Mt A. Small looking hospital. Doesn't seems to hv many patients. Whn I was ther, it seems lik all the delivery wards were empty. Thy only hv 10 in the entire hospital! But the rooms look decent enough and the nurses look friendly n thoughtful. I shld b booking Mt A single room.

Breast size:

I thot as we r getting nearer to our delivery, our breasts shld b getting bigger? Somehow, I feel tat mine r shrinking in size. I am so worry tat it may indicate tat I may nt hv enough milk supply.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PTB7476: tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh i only do 1 OGTT test (the full glucose test which need to fast then draw 3 tubes of blood). the blood test tat my gynae did at last appt is only draw some blood to chk if my glucose level under control or not...

ya so lucky no need to poke myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just need to ren another ~3 more weeks n i can pop liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sophia: wow so soon u gg for c-sect on 13oct liao, where u are only wk35?? why so soon c-sect? cannot wait till like wk36 or 37? is it bcos due to ur low placenta/bleeding prob?

and yes u are gg to be the 1st mummy to give birth here!!! so exciting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

enmummy: icic, so pain at V area meaning bb engaged liao...i suspected so too..but has not seen gynae yet thus cannot be sure....tks for tat info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes same here i started to get it last week only..in wk34 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes im gg for elective c-sect.

shinobi: congrats and welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and ur edd is actually v close to mine(1nov), but i will be popping earlier on oct17, thus u better start buying/preparing the stuffs now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Any of you experience bb hiccups? It's like constant small kicks from inside tummy and can last for quite while (a few mins, for me at least). But i learnt that those are not kicks, those are hiccups?


hi jean,

yup those are not kicks they are hiccups, it last periodically for a few mins at an even interval of 1-3 secs. Its not painful and its quite fun for me to know. Usually i will massage baby and hope to soothen bb.

@Bluesoda, not sure too...for today's visit, I think the gynae will dig to check if I'm suitable for natural birth or c-sect. Will share more after today's visit.

Thanks whitecookies..

The weather for the past 2 days were so hot that i cant take it anymore, had coconut drink yesterday and it was so cooling...hehe




I'll let my older son have the BM too if I have a lot extra (since I need to store for returning back to work too).


you dream of popping while I got a shocked by my son. My son sleeps on our bed (still) then on saturday night, his diaper leaked. I felt the wetnes on near my buttock. I thought my water bag leaked. Then I check my V area, panty is still dry. False alarm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jovialz, guess the linkin realli scare u off la..

hammiebao, i did try to squeeze, but nothing came out. hahaha!! ;p

bam, u super steady lo.. still went for the rides!!

maternity shoots,

i went for the shoots yest, but forgotten my pants, so durin the entire shoots, i only use wraps. sigh~ but it was a nice experience, cant wait to see the pics. haha!!

shan, u going TMC to labour this time or MT A?

bb hiccup,

ive been experience that, intially when i feel tat i keep drinkin water to help bb on her hiccup, but actually she is learnin to breath, so i ignore liao. but usually the hiccup w last quite long, like 10-15mins..


ya.. i heard abt this, that doc will use their fingers to determine how dilate u are.. tat truly is goin to hurt n be uncomfortable..

Shinobi, welcome and start ur shopping soon!!

Dollie, when is ur due date? I think dr only dig when it's near due date right?

Vallous, at least ur MIL offered to help u buy, my MIL never say anything even she knows my mum not in sg..

Jean, those are hiccups.. So far I experienced about twice..

Shan, ur dream very scary leh.. At void deck somemore! Haha.. I've already started putting nipple cream (on n off) only put when I rem.. Haha so we have to put after give birth also right, Is it safe for baby if we BF?

jean=i dun noe if it is hiccups of kicks but i do experience that very often close to daily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim=my date is 19th oct [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hammiebao: i am ok lah..but just cross fingers she dun everyday come my house during confinement and instruct CL. Scared clash or i will be frustrated.

hiccups: i got the feeling almost once everyday.

dreams: been getting a lot of panic dreams too. Told my hb abt it , he said i am too stressed up. I guess so too.

digging: ouch tats painful. But i tot its done near EDD or when your water breaks or at the hospital ,they will see how much are u dilated?

wow so many nov ones gonna pop in oct..kinda panic mode running thru huh..

even the oct thread most mommies popped in sept!!

scary yet exciting!!

bam-- im amazed u took the ride..dangerous ain'it!!

im on leave oredi..but totally bored with nothing to do..juz lazin round the house..i noe i shud clean up..but lazy to do tht too...lol..it's gonna rain..so good to sleep in soon..


still kinda freaked out on the fact tht water mite break on mattress.but since my edd so far away,yet gynae wants to c-sec earlier, i doubt my water will break?

Irene: I'll be 36 weeks alredy comes 13th. Actuali I'm thinking of c-sec on 16th but havent discuss full details with gynae. Will do it next week. Yes, i have to go thru c-sect its more becoz of my bleeding. Gynae scared I bleed non-stop during delivery. Furthermore I got sensitive uterus, contraction might makes me bleed again & danger to bb.


Everyone seems to have panic dreams but where else for me pleasant dreams. Couple of times I dreamt i was breast feeding my bb, singing to him to sleep - i still remember the song, Somewhere Out There. Hahaha...


I thot check for dilation is suppose to be painless?? Isnt it something like pap smear procedure? Where dr will insert this metal thingy to open up our down bottom to see see look look whtr de cervic dilate or not. Some more I thot dr will only check whtr we've dilate or not when we're almost in labour?? No meh?? Dr in KKH did tat on me when I was admitted the other time and tat's what they told me.

I'm 34 weeks today, can I start drinking coconut water? Anyway, I'm going thru c-sect, do I stlll need to drink coconut water to make sure bb is clean??

I'll be at Mt. A. Any mommies going for c-sect in Mt. A during the 15, 16 or 17Oct weekend? If yes, we might be able to visit each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vallous & Hammiebao: My MIL knows my mom is not in Spore & will not be able to do confinement for me. She'll willing to help to go buy all the stuff i need. The part I hate is, after buying all the things she'll complaint to hubby "Wah... the things ur wife need are very expensive hor. None of the things are cheap". When we give her back money, she dowan, kept on saying "I'm buying it for my grandson". After I was admitted to hospital de 2nd time, MIL offered to boil cordysep for me to 'pu'. Everytime she prepare it she'll loudly comment "this bowl of soup cost me this few hundred dollars ar". It was till one time i kenot take it, i told her off "its either u take back the money for the cordysep or don't mention the price again"... Hahahaha :D

How does hiccup feel like? For me sometime I think I feel heat beat like feeling for a couple of mins. Are those hiccup ?

Huh? Irene u gynae draw blood to test again but not the full glucose test. Wonder will my gynae do that . I hate the poking leh

Sophia> old pple are like that, like to nag and complain this and complain that..so dun take it to heart ok? =)


Mine are all pleasant dreams leh..some are even really sweet dreams..In one of my dreams, i saw my bb face...very cute..


Tks mummies for sharing yr bb's hiccups experience. Ppl say if bb hiccup alot during pregnancy chances r they will hiccup alot too when they're out. I wonder how true this is?

Like vallous, I get it almost everyday too. Same for 1st pregnancy. Can't recall now if my B1 hiccup alot when he was a newborn though.. i think only once a while..

Poking to chk for dilation

Nvr knew this is a procedure for gynae appt! Is it routinely done? I tot only when u're in labor the mid wife will chk.

My gynae nvr chk my V before le.. not even pap smear. Is it coz it's my 2nd pregnancy?

i oso cant tell wat is wat when the baby moved. Sometimes it's like regular pattern de, which i don think is heartbeats rite, so i assume it's hiccups lo.. haaa

haa Jovialz.. ya boy is preping you..haa ya, i think will be quite alarm to feel tat warm water near ya legs at nite eh.. hee...

Mrs Lee, i will be w TMC this time, coz i signed up TMC's SBI's membership mah, must put into good use.

rembr to post the pics in your FB eh..wanna see

i think i saw 1 shot from hammiebao w hubby eh. .so sweet.. heee

hammbiebao, the n*pplecream is said to be safe for baby, but nromally aft i latch then i put on, then b4 feedg baby, i will wipe my n*pples w a clean damp cloth, to clean away watever things there.. relatively Ok i feel the mthd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae check for dilation when u r gg into labour... and it painful lo... imagine the 2-3 fingers poked in and turn .. OUCH!

the days are nearer.... tk good care eh mummies..

Mrs Lee: Where was ur maternity shoot? How can u forget ur pants??? Muahaha =p

I'm goin for mine this Fri at The Studio Loft. PG says 33-36 week is the best time to go for bloom shoot.

sophia: ignore elders..only things we can do is to turn a deaf ear. no choice. My mum is ard too lah but i try not to let my mum and mil meet...if not sure argue cos my mum is the ang mo type. She dun believe such confinement stuff. My mil yesterday already nag non stop..i also buay tahan...turn deaf ear lor.

Mummies going for Bloom Shoot.

Do buy back all the photos. Some of my GF regretted not buying back all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cervic Ripening and Dilation,

I think the gynae is checking if the cervic has ripen (become soft and ready for dilation) during late stage of pregnancy.

During labour, Gynae uses their finger to check for dilation (in case you'd dilated too early). But mine I just feel some discomfort but not painful leh.

Dilation - its definitely a painful process, not like papsmear quite painless lei. i rember i had mine checked few times for no.1, so pain!!!

this time round I'm gg for a male gynae, i thinkwill be super akward.. my last was afemale.. nt so paiseh... :p

i taking F8 angel, will be taking NB w them oso ..for NB de, i think i will buy back all the pics.. for maternity de, i juz tot a few pics will do..heee but if we regret can always buy back from them rite? i sure they do keep it for at least a while?

Dollie: im interested in the ergo carrier sport which has a lighter fabric rite? Could u pm the price incl shipping to me? TIA. Hows the ginger shower gel order? Is ur frend able to take in our order?

Hi mummies, I went for my biweekly check up today at 32w5d. My gal's estimate weight is 2.1kg. I was advised to bed rest now cos my uterus is very thin, Dr scare too much movement might trigger early labour. I only gain 700g since the last check on 16 sept. Heng! All goes to my gal.

Enmummy: so sorry i din make myself clear for the last post and make u mistaken that its ur 3rd pregnancy. Pai sei...

Welcome Shinobi! Wah ur edd is early nov, think u can start preparing cos all new or preloved bb clothes r advised to be wash before first wear so there gonna be alot of washing. Just my two cents :p

shinobi: welcome! tink you have to start buying some stuff and washing them if you have the time...just to share my long long list of what we have bought http://www.mypregnancybabydiary.com/buying-for-baby-checklist (of course not everything is necessary for you...you may want to get the essentials first)...i am due one day later than you and i am almost done except hospital bag...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] well you never know when you are going to pop!

hammiebao: tink i do have some colostrum leaks as my bra smells strangely "milky" nowadays...hahaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope that is a sign that breastfeeding will at least kickstart better....but don't try to squeeze your nipples too much to check now...cos' nipple stimulation will induce labor and for most of you its not time yet!!

jean & ptb: baby hiccups are very frequent for me now...i get them about 3-4 times a day and each last about a few minutes...now baby's body is big enough that i can feel the jerks so strongly and see my tummy bobbing at a spot...hiccups are harmless by the way...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sophia: can drink coconut water already...i already drank two last week when i was 33 weeks...hehe..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tis week i am going to drink green lemon juice...

ve checks/ digging

i feel a little pain with my strep b test so i am very worried about how horrible this is going to be like and its freaking me out leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i hope my gynae don't do it till i am admitted...haha...heard from so many mummies that it is painful...is there any way to "relax" your v area so that it is not so bad? i also worried the midwives are rough cos' they will be doing the checking first b4 the gynae comes by...can ask for epi first b4 they check? hahahah....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jean, good one.. cos i left those stuff that i wanna bring for the shoots on my bed, gettin hubby to transfer them into a bag for me while im doin my makeup. so.. he miss out the pants for me, tot its jus another pants for laundry. hahaa!! ive seen the pics, goign to post of FB when im free.. hehehe!!

vt: no worries la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wah your girl put on 700g tis time...so good none of it went to you...haha....i have a petite girl just like her petite mum....hahaha...


Hi, sorry to disturb. I'm from the September mtb thread. I am currently doing confinement and had initially extended my cl till mid-november, but because my husband is going overseas and I would be staying at my mum's place after my confinement, my cl has no assignment from end october till late november. Any mummies looking for cl during this period can pm me. Thanks!

