(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


wen bb in nursery 1st few days, they dun wear mitten n booties. their limbs r all bundle up by the blanket. s far s i remember i oni bring one pair n bb wore it b4 discharge



i dun tink need to do it so urgently. jus tat in most hosp they hv this one stop counter tat ur hb can do everything in one shot wen he hv the x. tink there is a grace period of x but cant remember how long liao. for me tat 2 or 3 days is for us to rest n get used to bf n so many things, especially FTM will be more kan cheong. so dun wori too much on these things tat can wait...

also muz send out the blood cord box (for those who sign up) tats more impt

i tink bb below 2kg gotta go NICU n cannot discharge till they reach the 2kg mark. tats wat happen to my cousin's bb. born at 1.7kg. PD say muz stay till bb is 2 kg den can discharge n it will prob be 1-2 wks time. cos usually after bb is born, they will lose 300gm during 1st wk so FTM dun b alarmed wen u bring ur bb back for chk up a wk later

thank Trismom...yesterday went hospital tour was told it is best to bring so they can wear during the stay but it is not a must

Jovialz, who will do the apgar test? Dun think my no.1 has it done.

Ladies, I just made a call to the Singapore cord blood bank to arrange for cord blood donation. If u r keen, there's still time.

anyway mittens n booties r v small n light so not heavy to bring a couple more. cos my sis n hb will b coming hosp n gg home daily, so i can ask them bring additional of anything if missed out or not enuf.

some of my #1 bb's stuffs dunno keep til where cos i moved hs during may. so a lot of things like missing (actuali is dunno keep where liao) n tis new maid not so sure of all the things kept where cos she was not here yet wen i moved in. my mom was saying wait wen my bb 3 yrs old liao den all the bb things start appearing out. when u need that thing n looking for it, u sure cannot find it one. but wen u dun need it anymore, worse wen u go buy new one liao den it will re surface out...


u can chose n indicate in ur admission letter b4 admission if u hv any preferred ones...

for those who r admitting to Mt A or TMC, i wld recommend u gals to use Dr Terance Tan as ur PD. he well recommended by many mommies. i used him for #1 n he v nice n patient in ans our queires.


The PD does it during the 1st and 5th mins your baby born. They don't tell you the score, it's just recorded in the health booklet. Think this had been around for quite a number of yrs or at least when my son was born 3 yrs ago.


actuali i also dunno got do such test... but guess this shld b the std chks PD hv to do to make sure ur bb is safe to be breathing on its own n dun need external assistance for breathing mainly

tris mom, ic. thanks. how if i want to change PD if i don't want to stick with the one chosen by the gynae? do i have the right to change?

Tris Mom: We wana use the hospital 1-stop service, else papa have to queue at ICA & the bank.. haha. I rather I prepare everything b4 hand & he just submit to the counter. Do it one shot & dun need to think abt it.

Am signing up with stemcord... I suppose they'll do the work.

Tris mom,

I also didn't know when I had my 1st child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it was only when I flip the health booklet ( I find loads of good information) then I see the score and google it. I like to refer to health booklet to know what milestones to look out for , beside just to record Vaccination.

mrs lee: u are welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: pain at V area

My gynae had called me up regard my blood test results on iron level and at same time i chk with him if feeling pain at V area, is it normal...he said its normal since bb getting big n pressing on the V area...but if pain persist for long, then better go see him. if go on n off after a while then shld be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tris mum,

Send out blood cord box ? For stemcord, I remember just have to remind your gynae that you are storing the cord blood. He / She will do the rest. If able, hubby to call the cord bank to come collect, if not, stemcord will still come and collect at their designated collection (twice a day) at Mount A.


I think you can, just have to check with your gynae / hospital how to arrange for that. Normally, they prefer the PD to be based at the hospital of your choice of birth so that they can be there on short notice and able to follow up at the hospital during your stay there.

My Gynae also recommend Terence at Mt A. But for my son, PD Terence was on urgent leave (something happened to his mum) so we got a standby PD instead. Anyway, you don't necessary continue with the same PD after discharge.


While your gynae looks after you during the delivery process and after birth. The PD (Pediatrician) looks after your baby from the moment he / she is born , determine if baby is able to survive outside your tummy (whether he need additional help like incubator / NICU etc) and make sure baby is alright after birth.


mrs lee: ML is supp to induce labour and make labour shorter..coz cervix opens faster...tht's wht im told..

Holly: it's the sperm?!!Lol..i always tell hubby to keep it out! later leave the evidence..so paisey wen bb born!


Tris Mom ..thnkx for ur recommendation. u indicated qns for PD..wht questions r we supp to ask..sorry ah..FTM!

Nana: good idea!portable DVD player impt!!haha..maybe try to watch sum comedy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, My brest friend nursing pillow, and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

Clover/Jovialz, I am also keen to donate my cord blood. Do I need to do a blood test beforehand? I scared of needles....


I don't remember so. I remember the blood for the blood test will be collect when Gynae collect the cord blood during delivery.

Thanks Jovialz, then I more "fang xin".....actually my greatest fear now is when i am in hospital in labor, they put the IV drop into my hand...the thought of it scares me...I never done that before but I know many people say...aiyah..wait till I get contraction, that is nothing! hehe

Jovialz is right, nana/hpc. I spent 12 mins on the phone with the coordinator on the phone n our meet up will be 3 wks time at gynae office which she said takes abt 30mins. quite fuss free I think.

Clover, that seem like alot of fuzz to me already :p phone interview follow by meet up etc that alone can put off alot of donation

jewel, have u sign up for stemcord yet?

dimple, oh.. ok, i tot can help in natural birth. if its the sperm that trigger it, confirm will leave evidence rite?

Mrs Lee: Tmr, Im going down to Orchard Parade Hotel to sign up. Missed their last talk as they clashed with CordLife's [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U interested?

Re: Bringing Breast Pump to hospital

Is this really necessary? Or is it better to just focus on learning to latch on for baby and suckle to get the milk to start flowing, especially for FTMs? I am not sure whether I want to bring teh pump or not....

Re: Bringing Breast Pump to hospital

I wld bring coz i may need help in expressing the bm.


My hubby seems like nt interested in signing up. I have tried to convince him but he jus refused to sign up.

jewel, i receive their sms on their talk, but cant make it cos busy moving house n i have prenatel class to attend. there's some $300 discount from their one time charge rite.

hammiebao, do u apply the cream on ya tummy everyday? why sudd got lines so obvious?? me dun have lines, but have some rashes spot at the bottom of the tummy tho. i apply mopiko to stop the itch.

wat hpc say also makes sense.. i din bring mine the last x but the nurse did loan me a set to try out. the only worry is some bb may not know how to suckle like my sis's bb den u might have engorement den u will need the pump to pump out milk 1st to relieve the pain. tink i will just bring in case.

to ask PD wat question-- actuali there is no particular must ask qns la just tat i saw my sis's bb PD attitude vs mine so i feel muz get a nice n patient one lor...

FTM v particular on the stretch marks. me 2nd x nvr complain liao cos the lines will sure hv one. im the type who apply every nte without fail from the day i knew i was preggy but stil hv lines. i tink no matter which brands u use sure will hv one la.

jus imagine stretching a balloon so big den let go...

Yay!!! Weekend starting real soon... Another work week passes soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enmummy: Ziplock bags sound cool and I will also empty one of the toyogo boxes for clean bb stuffs!

Thanks for the good info on what to pack mummies!


I think because they are public cord bank and thus non-profitable, you have to go to meet them.

Mrs Lee, Jewel,

If you want to sign up stem cord, can just call them (my contact is angelina 98445665) and ask if she able to come down to your place to meet you instead (and still get the discount). Mine, I'd sign up at the comfort of my home (the person came over to my home). I'll PM you my name and NRIC, do let her know (if you don't have a referral in the 1st place). Both you and me can enjoy once time $50 rebate off next storage fee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didn't bring Breast Pump to Hospital as I was able to latch the last time. I think worst case ask hubby to go back to take.

wat to bring to hospital

Thanks ladies for sharing. Was still thinking whether need to bring nursing bras. But most importantly is bring hp charger! So can update SMH even when in hospital...hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trismom, I know wat u mean.... I already super unprepared compared to some moms I know. I think in this thread, if I 'say I'm no 2, no one will say she's no. 1' (wo ren di er, mei ren ren di yi). Ho ho ho....

Most champion was one of my MIL's relatives saw all my current stuff e.g. diapers etc and kept telling me "Stop buying stuff!" Then I told her "I haven't buy baby cot, haven't buy bathtub yet. U sure I shd stop now?" Her response... "ppl will give." I felt like telling her "Who are these ppl? U buying bb cot for me huh?" Some ppl say v easy, never think abt what needs to be done. Think must educate ur hubby abt e cost of bb things, my SO was also quite ignorant.

BP to hospital

I'm going to bring but it's just for the lactation consultants to teach me how to use.

hammiebao, u tried the manual one on ur hubby? Try the electronic one lah!!! More powerful (dun tell me I suggest one) hee.

Coz my BP set is a hand-me-down (plus have to return to my fren afterwards coz she may want to try for no. 2), the SO and I went on youtube to see how we can get it to work. Wanted to make sure it's working before we 'officially' use it. Saw the video and switched the set on, it was making the same kind of noises, so we think it's working.

Jovialz, thanks.. my bro is also using stemcord, so have referral le. didnt know i could invite them to my place for the registeration, think i shall do that. Cos im still comparing between stemcord n cordlife.

Trismon, Mrs Lee & Jovialz:

I get $600 off cos Im an NUH patient, others get $300 off + 1 yr free Stemshield Medical Insurance if sign up tmr. And there r some talks fr 2-5pm which I might just stay & listen ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My bro also stored his children's cordblood with stemcord. If my bro dun need the referral, I'll put Jovialz as referral.

Jovialz: icic! tks for info! heehee...FTM thus quite blur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw good news to share, my gynae had called me this afternoon saying tat my blood test results on glucose level has been out and the diet i have been controlling seems working...it is within the acceptable range now...so just continue the same diet till pop. so lucky now no need to loan the equipment to poke fingers before/after meals.

but abit low on iron, thus need to start on iron tablet once a day...jia lar...hope it will not worsen my pile problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my pile started to appear at begining of T3 if i dun remember wrongly....haiz...all my problems start appearing from T3 onwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

went for wk32 gynae visit today, bb is weighing 2kg now, but his AC measurement's wk34! while gynae is doing the scan, i saw the bb hiccuping..so cute..


Whim, I never believe or depend on ppl to give. I rather buy now and If ppl do give at most I have extra. I dun want to be in a situation when I " shit" din buy and rush hb out to buy

