(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

IMHO, stroller can slowly buy and baby kingdom dun really offer much ..in fact i find baby hypermart has more stroller /car seat/cot/playpen to offer... as for the other stuff i too dun find both of them any cheaper from other places...so no need to go all the way there just to buy those stuff

i tot sorbet is just frozen fruit should be healthy right ?


Jo: thx.. I scared expire.. since so.. I guess having another tube on standby will be gd..

taka fair: anybody gog?? I prep to go soon.. I get very excited gog for bb fair recently.. wasn't as much when I went motherhood fair.. think cuz nearer ba..


trismom.. thx for the tips.. many said bf bb hungry easily..

nb diapers

I also buy sealer brand cuz much cheaper.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jillz, u shiftin next mth? So fast ya.

Hho, sealer nborn havin offer at giant now.

I also excited abt the aka bb fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe

whim: pls count me in for the desitin cream. thanks spree queen =)

Naf: for the sealer nborn, is it as soft as other brand?

Irene - Agree with lilyn! Daiso currently sells popsicle mold (I went to vivo & IMM outlets, only saw them at IMM. Don't know about the other outlets though). I normally puree the fruits that I like, add abit of milk/yogurt, use organic honey to sweeten if need to, and freeze them. Even my hb who don't like fruits and yogurt loves them. This way, u'll get to eat what you like, and monitor ur sugar intake. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB - Hehe, like that I must be more stress than u liao. I've only bought my breastpump and some bb clothes. Not even the cot/stroller/nursery furniture... hehehehe

Whim - count me in for the spree too please! Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies, another sales for us.. haa!! Toy'r'rus till 23aug.

Naf, ya.. think will start renovation next week. cant wait to sleep on the new bed. haha!! Hows ya sinseh visit, went yet?

Whim: count me in too is for the Destini spree.

Qns on diapers for experienced mummies:

NB -> 1-1.5 mth mth using nappy & liners + 1 pack of diaper NB52 enuff?

Small -> 1.5 - 3/4 mths : 2 pack of S84 enuff? 4 pcs a day.

Plan 3 mths in advance oni... :p

Yesterday I jus went to c gynae. 2 weeks ahead of scheduled visit as I had wisdom tooth gum infection. Went to the dentist the day b4 but dentist only giv mi mouth wash for 3 days. Thn I called up gynae. I was warned tat if infection is let untreated for too long, it cn affect the baby. So I panicked as I hv bn bearing w the pain since last Fri.

Bb is 763kg yesterday, I hv put on 8 kg, I m in my 24th wk. Luckily baby is fine and the size is ok. Think Aspirin is working on mi. :) Nw I m also under antibiotics for the gum infection. Too many medication to tak. Getting a bit scare of pills liao.

Sorry guys, I doubt my gum will recover by Fri, so I can't join u for the dinner gathering liao. Hate to miss it, but I guess no choice.

Whim >> Can include me for the cream spree, if u r organising? Thks!

Taka Baby Fair:

Will be gg to Taka baby fair later, so excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: did gynae advise you to extract the wisdom tooth? take good care!

juv: i'm so excited for you too.. i'll be going to the fair over the weekend. do update us on the fair ya.

mummywong, mrs lee: me too, i just moved into my new house in June =) my MIL did all the moving for me. she did not allow me to visit the house during the renovation and helped me to buy all the neccessities. i only went in to sleep after everything has settled.

lilyn/angel: tks for the alternative [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sounds interesting..i'll see if i hardworking enough to try out this long weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: dentist

I read somewhere that we have to take care of our teeth even more during pregnancy. I haven't gone to the dentist in eons! Has anyone felt that a dentist visit is more painful during pregnancy? Think I will schedule to go to my dentist in Sep or something, dun think have time to go dentist after bb is born.

Re: Desitin cream

When u ladies want to start buying? I can probably get the spree thread up these few days and we can do a by-batch kinda thing e.g. different shipments. Just ship back to Singapore the minute the ttl orders hit USD$180-200 or something like that. So moms who want to wait, can still get the items later e.g. in Sep etc.

I personally won't buy the cream so soon coz I have no space... but then my room is v empty of the bb stuff coz got no space. The only bb stuff I've bought so far are from that Pigeon warehouse sale.

shan, no worries abt not joining this spree. I'm also ordering other stuff like bottles etc for myself, wun do the spree thing for those unless got ppl ordering the same items as me or website. I have 100% faith in myself that my own online shopping will make it worth while for me to ship back to Singapore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jewel - diapers very much depends on how often the bb poo, if on bf will poo more. Believe at least 5 pcs per day or more. 4 /day tik too little cos its 24hrs, means 6 hrs then change once (norm at least 3-4hrs change once).

nana>> Both gynae n dentist say can't extract as it requires xray n injections. Furthermore I m on aspirin. Can't hv surgery.

Whim>> Nt sure if dentist visit hurt more now whn we r pregnant. But mine certainly hurts lik hell! Nearly wanted to hit the dentist if she wasn't holding onto any equipments. Somehow, I wldn't advise going to dentist during pregnancy. Too stressful liao.


I used 8-10 diapers per day. I'm not using any liners. When he slept through the night at 2 mths cut down to 8 diapers. 4 is definitely not enough. If yr baby is like my friend's , who needs to be changed everytime he pees then u will need more.

Bam>> I m here! Sorry I jus informed in my earlier post tat I can't mak it to the dinnner cos I have wisdon tooth gum infection. Vry sorry to miss it.

phew i am not the only lazy one who have yet to start shopping hahaha...

i visited the dentist on monday and this HK dentist tell me that in HK, the gynae will get their patient aka MTB to visit the dentist when 4-6 months pregnant and thereafter not recommended, he said he is surprised the gynae here dont encourage the MTB to visit the dentist esp when now we are prone to gum infection etc ...guess diff country diff practice..

juz finished my chicken chop! ahahaha full full..

whim, maybe next time when u spree, u list here, see who wanna join then can convenient lobang you.. i gettg some Amazon DVD oso for my #1.. canot bias only buy for #2 .. hee actually i quite scare of the sibling rivarly..so far my #1 din show v keen on #2... pray everytin is good. ytr i tld him, we go buy 1 gift for didi ok ..then mummy go w didi to buy 1 present for u.. hope this is a good idea..

jewel, u mean 4pc diapers a day for infant? not engf de... at least 7pcs.. last time change for #1, in the mid of changing, he's a TBM baby.. he poo watery onto the diaper, then gotta change again... haa .. i don use liner i feel v troublesome n not much help leh.

thx Bam , waiting for your email [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i tot i see somewhere oso .. mouth rinse is nt good for preggies.. but i guess Chris since your dentist know u r preggy, he/she know what to advise for u.. tk good care eh ..hope ya gum recover soon.

Thanks for sharing the links for the strollers, whim and juv[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I intend to go taka bb fair on fri noon.

ueno: omg... 8-10 diapers!? babies are like wee-ing machines.. hahaha. ok, looks like I have to stock some more diapers. Thks.

Re: dentist

Dunno leh... I normally hate going to the dentist, cannot stand the sound the machines make against my teeth. So kinda have been dragging my feet abt going dentist. I think shd call up the clinic soon, my dentist is always super busy... Usually have to wait 1 month to see him.

shan, I know wat u mean at sibling rivalry. Am v close to my 2 nephews (6 yrs old & 3 yrs old)and both have asked me "How come I cannot play with them (coz my stomach's in the way, cannot run etc anymore)?" Just keep telling them I got a mei-mei inside.

Nappy cream spree

Ok, ladies. Have taken note of all the ppl who want to order. Will post back once my fren has created the spree thread in SG motherhood.

re: dentist

i think i read from babycenter before that its ok to visit dentist during preggy. but then during preggy, our gum are more sensitive...prone to bleeding(like for my case most of times gum bleed whenever i brush teeth; had asked gynae before if need to visit dentist, he said its normal that preggy ladies has senstive gum n cause bleeding, so long no other complication..no need to be too alarm)...thus not sure if gg to dentist for cleaning is good at this time or not..cause u will tend to bleed more than normal time.

but of cos if have gum infection prob, think better to see dentist to get some treatment...

Hi mummies,

1) My Brest Friend Pillow in very good condition at $50

2) Brand new Mothercare Multi purpose support pillow at $65 (Original $81.50)

- For use during pregnancy & post birth

- Supports your bump at night

- Can be used in several positions for daytime

- Support during pregnancy & while breastfeeding

- Moulds to your body

- Removable machine washable cover

- Help baby to learn sitting position

Pick up at Queenstown.

Pls PM me if keen.

Pics: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/4325016.html?1280903911

RE : dentist

My dentist will attend to me only during my 2nd trimester....the safest period. Maybe you gals who want to see the dentist should check with them first. For me, I went immediately after the 12 weeks....so the next appt will be after birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dentist: Am going to visit dentist soon too... cos gums have been bleeding too. My gyne said we are more prone to gum problems due to our baby taking the nutrients from our body our teeth and gum can immediately feel the impact.

Taka fair: Will be going on Sat .. those who went earlier, can please post and see what good bargain we can grab.. TIA.

Jewel: Diapers not enough. About 10-12(depending on poo severity, 10 enough for me)pcs throughout 24h for 1st month. 2nd month onwards 8pcs for 24h- baby slept through. So you may have to stock up more than what you planned.

mummywong..haha..i dunno why that HK dentist told me that... guess he just bullshitting me hahaha...

irene yes our gum do bleed alot ..and during my routine check up i bleed more than before hence was given mouth wash and special protection gel like thing

Re: Bleeding Gums

Ya im so prone to it, in fact im using the oral mouthwash (w/o alcohol content de).. I just rinse a little though.. And mommies, you can try to change to SOFT toothbrush.. My gums still bleed a little but not as bad when i changed to the soft toothbrush..

Re: Baby Fair

In fact im applyg leave on fri to go this fair.. So mommies who are going, pls do an update on what to bargain.. I will do a update when i go on fri ya.. ;)

Re: Diapers

My sis told me newborns dont need to use too ex de pampers.. Drypers brand are good enuff, and as dryper "nb size" is of a smaller cutting, hence buy small size will do.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Destini Cream

Just my opinion ya, my sis ever bought the destini cream via spree before.. She mention to me that destini cream is a very thick cream, hard to wash away and it's meant for those serious nappy rashes de.. More of sharing ya :D


I did read from some website that its better to visit dentist early during pregnancy.. I visited mine when in March (before I resign my job so it was under company)

Re:Desitin cream

Actually I find the price in the BP thread is quite reasonable, so u girls can just get from the BP, I don't think it will be musch cheaper even if we have our own spree


I think I will go stock up the Goon diaper but in size M.. for future use, I was told by my friends that the hospital will give 1 packet of NB size diapers, then my friend will give me 1 pack S size.. then I also planned to use cloth diaper when I have CL..

Re:Formula milk

I planning to use Enfalac for my baby, as recommended by hubby's friend, saying that it has the highest DHA and AA content.. and we actually did compare the DHA and AA content with other brands in NTUC and Enfalac is much higher than other brand, but its expensive.. but even Similac also not cheaper.. its about $2 different from Enfalac.. but will try to search for places where offer better price.. also try to save on other items like diapers..


I find that the price everywhere are more or less the same.. I guess cos the price is controlled? I was looking at Combi Miracle turn.. everywhere also $629 (taka, Isetan, Kiddy Palace, Baby Kingdom and even those online baby stores)

hi mummies, any of you have your navel button portruding already? heard that this usually happens end 2nd trimester/early 3rd trimester.

Hi JanO, heard frm friends tt if you are carryg ger.. normally your navel button wont protrude out de.. For mine is a bb girl, so it's not protruding out de.. Dont knw hw's true.. Hw abt those mommies that are having bb girls? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all

alittle update on taka fair

personally i think the fair is just ok... i am quite lost when i am there...

pigeon is there... prices and offer same or similar to the one at BHG that just ended...

medela is there... but didn't check out their counter but they have 15% discount on their items...

mustela is there... 15% discount... and have promo bags which is quite worth it... the biggest and most complete bag is $79 with the nappy rash, bath wash, body lotion and 1 more item i can't remember and a free changing matt... all large size... the nappy rash cream which cost $15 for 3.88oz is gog for $12.75.. Cuz 15% discount on all items other than the promo bags...

avent is there but not a fan of their products so didn't check it out...

good buys

i feel is a FP NB gym set (i think it's the ocean one) which usually cost $140 is gog for $80... alot of other items by FP is also gog at a discount...


didn't check it out cuz i am not ready to buy until bb is 6mths and haven't reasearch much...

baby cot

quite a number of brands there as well and a few has quite good discount.. can't remember brands though... same as pram, i am not ready to buy until bb is 6mths old...

hmmm... not very helpful... haha... sorry ladies...

Re: navel button

I'm having a boi. So far it's getting shallower and shallower, but didn't protrude. And hopefully it won't bah. hehehehe, it's currently stretched though, so it's like one line, instead of a round hole. haha

hho - any idea if pigeon is having the exchange of old bottles to new pigeon holes at a lower cost?

Re : naval button

Confirmed not true , i was having no.1 ger already protrude out and this time also same protrude out, keke.

Re : Milk Powder

Using Enfa for bb, so far my no.1 is using has been good but its the most exp brand in the market i tik, supposed to have highest DHA.

koori: yes pigeon is having that.. but i didn't notice the price and and promo end date...

btw, the sterilizer is also $95... the same price i paid when i was at BHG but BHG gave 2 additional milk botttles... taka dun...

Angel mine too seem abit stretch but not protruding

Btw how many tube or tub of anti stretch mark cream do u ladies use per week or month.

Normal 1 tube is enuff to last me til next gynae visit but now I am almost finished with the current tube and my next visit is next thurs? Thinking shld I go buy another brand to dong ju :p

Btw dunno why my breast is dry and peeling ?can apply rosken lotion? Or is there any lotion /moisturers we need to avoid ESP when that is going to be the food supply for our precious one


Hi HHO, are you referring to the AVENT sterilizer? Im thinkg to get this when i go to the baby fair this fri.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

