(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

ahko80, shan> feminine wash can use during pregnancy. think u can also find it is recommended especially when u have sensitive/itchy skin down there, as shower foam might be too strong compared to the feminine wash


Shan, I don't know how to do spree leh...paiseh..hehee....she will be sending one to me after I choose the design lor. So if you keen, you can order one and ride along too. Why not you just email her directly and then tell her that u are my friend.

Hi Bam

I have oredi pm you my info regards to the dinner.


do you know any website that shows prices for baby strollers? I'm looking at quinny/maxi, peg preggo, combi brands. are there other brands to recommend?

Re: Desitin

I just saw from pharmacy that desitin is selling at $10 for the smaller tube, bigger tube (same size as drugstore) is selling $16+, its alot of savings from spree. So far never seen it selling in taka bb fair. I always get my stock from spree or WTS.

Hi, Sorry to disturb.

I'm a July 2010 mother. I have a complete set of the Pump In Style Advanced for sales. Bought on 26 July 2010. still with warranty & box. Receipt still available too. Full set selling @ $690.

I only open up to sterlize & use it once only.

Due to stress there is no more milk flow thus decided to sell away.

Interested buyer kindly sms to 91459082

Jo: Thanks for your advice on milkbags. I bought Goon too, but I didnt received the goodies bag. Maybe cashier forgot.. hmmm

Desitin: Count me in for the spree. can be used on baby & me

feminine wash: If cannot be used during preg, then use the normal body shower that we use for body?

re: diapers.

actually i got VERY cheap diapers to use in the first month, cuz we were changing it every 2 hrs or so (sometimes less than that) cuz bf babies really poo a lot! no nappy rash thanks to desitin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i love maclaren strollers! sturdy and light enough for use even on overseas trips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there is FOS in sunway pyramid! see if they have sale for baby clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if ur shopping around in pyramid, u might want to have lunch/dinner at the restaurant canton-i..their fried carrot cake and fried beef hor fun are very good! hubby loves their "lau sar pau" - egg yolk custard bun too!

re: cream for baby,

i use QV cream for #1, who had eczema when he was < 1 yr old..his dermatologist recommended and we've bn using it ever since! can stock up when guardian/watsons have sales...its not as nice smelling as mustela but really works well!

hpc, i tot u were mentioning it's your sis's store? nevermind, anyway thx for the link... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thx for the feminie wash info.. but ask my gynea when i see him, lidat then got qns to ask, else evrytime so fast come out & no question hahaa..

i don intend to use stroller..so no idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] .. i got a passdown de from relative, but #1 never like to sit in.. so i tot not necessary for us ..

Sophia, me me, i be doing maternity shoots..hee i asked ard the last time, but hor not alot of mummies keen, talked to the studio-in-charge, a bit tough to get good deal.. hee ..so i go on my own lo ... i'll be taking w F8 Angels..

ya mummies..if anyone still keen w F8, let me know.. i skin thick ask for discount again lo .. haaa

got FOS in Pyramid SHopping mall eh.. great.. i sure will go there... thanks for the info lilyn.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

looking forward to this trip.. hoope my #1 will love it.

ai...gynae's nurse just called to inform my glucose test results out and i have mild diabetic. no more ice-cream for me liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..been restricting myself to take only once a week(this has been one of the thing that i'll pamper myself with..ai..now dun know still can take or not)...not sure if cut down to 2weeks once ok or not???

anyone know if which type of ice-cream healthier or carry lesser sugar??? i dun really like yogurt ice-cream leh...

gynae said no need take medicine but need to control on diet...*sigh*

nappy cream:

I used to get Johnson baby nappy cream for my elder 2 and drapolene. Works well. Recent robinson expo sale, happened to c desitin blue n bought one to try out. Tink abt 8 or 9 bucks smaller tube.


used to get goon for my 2nd boy in 07 n it was cheaper then via online. I jus bought 2 pcks of drypers size S and pampers active M. Think taka bb fair is sellin huggies brand. May chkout size S n M size pricing to c whether same price as supermarket or they jus give free gift.


I have a mums in mind sling since elder boy as he refused to sit pram aft 5mths old. Gd esp if alone with bb shoppin. Can use as blanket to cover bb or when breastfeedin. Can try c online to chk anyone sellin brand new pc. Btw takes a while to use the sling and get used to it. My fren loan her mine to try out 1st b4 I got it.

Feminine wash

I started using it aft gave birth to elder boy. Really made a difference compared to normal shower foam due to ph level.


i ordered 2 tubs fr a drugstore spree. I think its 16oz. The 4oz version, never seen it here.

When my no.1 was a NB, we used up 3 tubes in 6mths, coz we used sparingly. Haha.

Irene, i tink u better guai guai during this period, so the level will rise. Indulge urself with.. erm, baby stuff?

Feminine wash,

i ddint check w gynae, but used for afew months liao.

Hair Removal Cream,

I've check with gynae on this tho.. cos i tot got chemical, cannot use. but he gave me the green light to continue. ;p

desitin spree,

pls include me tooooooo!!

Irene, guess u have to be good girl from now!! haha my hubby also limited my sugar intake..

Desitin cream,

I always help my friend to get the 4oz Blue one, the bigger tub is cheaper but my friends prefer the tube one

Post-natal massage,

here is some research I did from the forum and I shortlisted the following, just for everyone's reference

Mdm Ida 9424-9829, my 1st choice! but she's fully booked till end of Dec.. so she referred me to her cousin who was trained by Mdm Ida. I sms her then she called back cos I don't know when she'll be busy doing massage, as she don't answer call when she's doing massage.


(the owner is the very famous lady Mdm Rokiah and her friend, but she not doing massage anymore from what I read from the forum)


(run by Mdm Rokiah's husband, forum said that the ML from here also trained by Mdm Rokiah)


(run by a local chinese lady, read good reviews on forum and she has a few interview by newspapers)

Hi Mummies,

I've got a few extra pieces from my latest order from Gap as they messed my order. So if anyone is interested in the following pieces please do let me know.


Here are the measurements of the dress & pants attached in the picture above.

Pants: US size 10 SGD $32

Fits Pregancy Hips: 42.4 - 44.5

Dress: US size M - SGD $45

Bust Size: 35"-40"

Hips: 39"-40"

Prices stated have already included the shipping cost to singapore. =)

Let me know if interested. Can always PM me.



maybe u wan to check with gynae whether can take sorbel (frozen fruit ice-cream) maybe the sugar from these should be ok ?

Shan: What I meant was I don't know how to start a spree. I plan to get my sis mail one sling to me and if any of my friends interested to get it too, then perhaps she can give some discount since posting together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i wld recommend mustela shower gel (no foam) for nb cos its realli much better n not drying for tender nb skin.but its reali expensive abt $28 i tink but i already bought it during kiddy palace 20% sale tat day. n the mustela bb face cream v good for nb bb face n super nice smell... also expensive... $18 per small tube. i used to used mustela nappy cream until i tried desitin which i feel its better n slightly cheaper.

Avent nipple cream- v good, shld invest one if u intend to bf long. small tube cost $22 but not oily n moisturizing. best is no need to clean off wen bf whereas some other brand hv to

watch out for these few itmes at taka sale

tats wat i did too during 1st mth i buy real cheap diapers for #1 cos he on full breast milk so poo v often so v heartpain at 1st wen use those pampers nb --1 poo=$0.50 haha... so used those cheaper ones

tris mum, same here. I use petpet, drypers, EQ and sealer (per pc abt 20cents) or 2nd boy as 1st one duno and advised wrongly by cousin in law. Bought 4 pks nb pampers. So heartpain throw 50 cents diaper each time.

I wan to get lanoish nipple cream to start applyin 1 wk b4 edd to prevent sore n crack nipple. Anyone gettin thru spree?

Naf, I got the nipple cream at $14 from bulk purchase thread under Agape.. Someone posted the link here regarding the desitin cream..I saw Metro selling at $30+

tris mum, same here. I use petpet, drypers, EQ and sealer (per pc abt 20cents) or 2nd boy as 1st one duno and advised wrongly by cousin in law. Bought 4 pks nb pampers. So heartpain throw 50 cents diaper each time.

I wan to get lanoish nipple cream to start applyin 1 wk b4 edd to prevent sore n crack nipple. Anyone gettin thru spree?

About Desitin Cream, for nappy rash. Cost only 13.90 or less. Smtime the pharmacy at TMC got promotion at 2 for $22.


About Mdm Rokiah, my sis use her for breast massage to remove her clog said she is gd. Veri comfort, effective and the pain is alot better compare to LC. But her price is ex, costing $50~$70 per visit of 1hr juz for breast massage with hot stone.


i tink the one u mentioned sold here are the 2 oz. the one we getting frm spree r 4oz so double qty.

i found another spree selling the desitin cream if hv bundle order 6 nos of 4 oz at $9.30 each incl postage. but the prob is if we r sharing them abit difficult to pass to different orderers leh...

btw anyone hv decided on feeding ur bb wat brand of milk powder?

jus wanna share a small tip wif everyone. i dunno if it works for u all but it works well for my #1. i feed my son totally on breastmilk during the confinement mth but at nte b4 he zz the last feed, i will warm up my b milk a little n add milk powder into the b milk making thicker n bb will b fuller so won wake up so frequent at nte. so my son wen 3 wks old already sleep thr the nte without waking up. last feed ard 12am n next feed abt 6am.

so mommies mayb u can try tis way. tats y i do buy formula 4 nte feeds.

im considering with brand to go for cos my #1 use Similac. i find its abit too thick n sweet. n its expensive too..

anyone any suggestions? according to PD, they say all brands r abt the same lor...

tris mom, i be optin nan ha and bfeedin at hosp and still toyin idea whether to standby 1 small tin cu for my 2nd boy, I bought 900g but end up din use as i dilligently fed him every 2hrs breastmilk as advised by pd then to boost his weight since his birthweight was 2.1kg nia.

These few nites nose block again, so diff to sleep

btw, saw at giant selling avent bpa clr bottle twin pk 260ml with a box of 2 teats for 3mths plus abov at $19+ and the twin pk honey color bpa bottle 23+ if recall correctly.

Isetan parkway has another pigeon rapid steriliser n 2 milk bottles n a weanin bowl at 119+.

Mrs Lee: I only bought 3 packets, am going back to get my nb and size s- I forgot to buy that day! :p

Koori: Isetan sale ends 12 aug. And diaper offer is not while stock last, girl told me everyday of the sale will have.

Hho: You sure you want to stock up only one? I stock up 6 and if I'm sharing with my friends(3 of us), we'll order 1 dozen! Not that you have to do likewise, but when you need and you don't have can be quite agonising. It's multiple uses, really useful. Each time I change nappy, I'll apply a thn layer. When bb is 6 months, I use only twice a day. 3-4 tubes for the first year should be ok.

I bought pigeon lotion which I m not sure if I can use in replacement of powder on baby's bum... Any experienced mum can advise?

I'm back... have disappeared for a few days, sorry to anyone looking for me, especially Bam.

Re: Desitin

I can do a spree/bulk order since I also have to buy it for my bb and I am a bit familiar with online shopping. We can do it via the SG motherhood thread also (I just have to convince my fren to allow me to spree coz the SG motherhood spree thread is that u must be a member of more than 1 yr old).

Well, how sprees/bulk order work are that

A) We all confirm which website to use

1) You pick the items u want and no. of items and transfer $$ to me based on an approx exchange rate (coz paying by credit card)

2) 1 person (me) will consolidate the order and place it with the overseas website

3) Once items received, I either meet you to pass the items (on one of our outings, since I think we most prob going to have others after the dinner this Fri) or mail to your address.

Have ordered clothes for Orangebb from Asos (Uk website) via a spree and will pass the items to her this Fri.

The idea is that since I am going to order stuff from the website anyway, I don't mind anyone 'lompang' plus we all get to save on int'l shipping together.


Re: prices online for strollers

If you intend to buy from Singapore (not from overseas), you can see the prices on this website


Baby Kingdom is one of the stores which a lot of mommies (in this thread and the whole forum) have gone to check out (I dun work for them, tell u 1st).

I went to see baby stuff from them last weekend also... the location is in Kaki Bukit.

PTB7476> i also more nervous than u..i have not started buying anything except getting breast pump from friend, pass down clothes (have not wash and look through), i have only bought some bb clothes but all not for new born :p

Trismom, thanks for the tip! will take note of that..

Whim, yes.. i wanna order desitin cream!! U're official spree queen!

Mummywong, u're the same as me..got pass down breastpump + warmer + clothes (for nb n abv) Havent gotten cot, stroller and carseat.. haha!!

mummywong...at least you have hand me down stuff i have none hahahaha...i have to buy all the things needed... must find time to check out the taka sales and slowly start buying :p

PTB7476, Mrs Lee> I might not get stroller so fast, since new born might be hand carry in arms/sling for at least first 2 months, I'm more worry on playpen and other necessity stuff and also I'm moving house soon so can't buy the stuff now.

Mrs Lee/hammiebao/PTB7476: tks! ai.. ya guess got to be more guai guai n cut down on my fav ice-cream for now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh frozen fruit ice-cream, something like Sorbets rite?? hmm...ya good idea but not sure is it those are healthier and has lesser sugar?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but one thing i wonder is how i know with the diet im controlling now is taking effect or not? and if my condition is getting better or worse? cos if worse, when to start medication? ai...think i got to chk with my gynae on next visit...

but will definitely greatly appreciate if any experience mummies can share their experiences! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim: yes i will like to join the desitin cream spree if u are organising one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WHim: I agree with you that for strollers, babykingdom does have a lot of choices to choose from. However I will not recommend their beds and other stuff. Found them a little pricer. I'm still receeing around for baby stuff. =) So far only got my stroller from the US.

My EDD is 30th Nov so still got time i think.

same here!! i also have not buy much...also none items passing down to me from frens/relatives...

so far only bought some bb clothes, carseat, bottles, sterilizer..

cot/playpen still checking out...

ya think stroller can get later since when bb still so young at earlier mths, may not bring her out much...

morning ladies...

hpc, oic... keep us informed on the sling then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trismom, on the FM, i gg to try NEstle this round, as per my gf, she said the nurse in TMC told her it's the closest to BM.

ya i did the same for #1 oso. last nite feed, i gv FM, so tat can last him longer.. hee..

Then i been giving Similac, but i feel it's kinda heaty esp 1yo FM, then change him to Mamil Gold, he diarrhoea. headaches and coughs oso, coz of pleghm i think. then GP recommend Nestle Nutrent Pro, no lactose / gulten, even since on tat.. he been better.. but the prob is v tough to get this. haa

for #2, i will try Nestle ..see fine or nt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim, thx but i think i might gv it a miss.. coz i might be ordering some other stuffs and consolidate the shipment.. else it will be complicated for more items.

re stroller vs sling for bb's first few months:

i agree tt stroller is a bit bulky actually..i used the sling much more for #1 in first few months and we totally didn't use the stroller until he was 10/11 months! but then i realised not exposing him to the stroller is not such a good idea, cuz he would cry a LOT whenever we put him into stroller..(was always used to being carried mar)..i'm a MAJOR sling user, i ended up with ergo, lucky baby sling (both bought), mums in mind sling and another infantino sling (hand me downs)..my fave was the ergo, followed by the lucky baby sling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hubby loved the ergo too!

think for this time around i'll try to use the stroller a bit more so bb not so used to being carried all the time! love the feeling of the sling and baby being so close tho!

re: spree

actually if u gals want to do a private spree i can arrange also, have bought stuff from overseas before so its pretty easy for me..i've organised before..but my collection point is only by mail tho.. may be hard to join outings for me..

re: formula milk

i used friso, cuz that was what hospital gave to my #1 initially..i suppose they're all pretty much the same? i'm planning to do Total breast feeding, which i know will be super tiring, but since we have eczema/rhinitis in the family, its better for bb not to have any formula at all if possible in first 6 months. my #1 only had 2 feeds of formula for his first 6 months! save money too..hehehe...

baby cleansing:

i'd recommend cetaphil! no need to stock up on things like this so early IMHO, since we still have a few months before we pop..i just use one pump in the bathwater..its great for cradle cap too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] again, this was recommended by my son's dermatologist


make ur own ice-cream? i was making yogurt and orange juice popsicles for my son previously..just blend everything, sweeten w some honey if u like and pour into those popsicle molds u can buy from household shops..u can play around w flavours! use low fat yogurt so its better for u? not as nice as ben and jerry's obviously, but it's healthy and low calorie!


mummywong, haa!! same situation as me.. im moving house next month (depend on the renovation) so house goin to be messy w all the baby stuff after i return from the Taka baby fair. Am gettin the stroller first, cos of bulk purchase discount (if any).

