(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Jo, thanks!! Maybe I go buy 1 or 2 packets of Goon to stock up for future use.. Cos I don't know is it once a year offer..

Post natal massage,

I've read some review in This forum and deciding on which to engage, will call Mdm Ida to check if she's still available, cos I read somewhere that a mummy was told that they are fully booked in Nov when she called in June, if not then will decide between Jamu Origin or the Malay traditional massage.. Btw Jamu Origin got discount abt $20 off and some free gifts if sign up together with a friend..


Hi Bam,

Have left a post here last week that I have family obligation on friday, thus won't be able to join u gals this round. Sorry.

Jewel, Trismom,

i have low placeta too.. but my tummy doesnt seems low tho. some aunty tot im expectin a boy, cos the tummy looks sharp. think its the way i massage my tummy. But isit smehow related to c-secion if ya placenta continue to be low? i wan natural birth leh.

Bam, i tink ur position in ya company is realli IMPORTANT that they willin n need u so much that u can only start ya ML on ya EDD. Obviously ya GM is a MAN! doesnt know EDD starts for EXPECTED due date..

Goon Diapers,

the offer is only at Isetan Sales or any Isetan outlet. Cos isetan sales only limit to Katong and Scotts outlet.

Good morning mummies....

I feel so sleepy today. Maybe cos on medication -cough mixture and antibiotics for my throat inflammation. Hope I can recover soon so that I can enjoy myself on Friday.

Desitin: The confinement nanny that I booked told me to prepare Desitin, nappy rash cream just in case. I just bought one 4 ounce tube from this lady on the forum:


My gf also bought together. The price is really good cos when we checked out Watson's they sell the 2 ounce tube for $12.50! My 4 ounch tube is only $9.50. So very good buy. You can consider getting it too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For Goon Diapers , I order them online on diapers.com.sg, free delivery. I think price cheaper. I never buy them from supermarkets

Seems like low placenta quite common prob. Being preggie has so much knowledge in it. So much dos & donts, so much to consider & worry abt... haiz.

I wish I'm like one of my staff... dun even know how pregnancy come abt... totally oblivious.'

Im going taka sales on thurs evening.. cos happen to in town for meeting... have $300 taka vouchers duno can use for the sales or not.

jewel: im having low placenta too. must take precautions e.g. dont carry heavy stuff and don't walk too much to prevent bleeding.

may i know is taka debit card entitled for further 10% discount during Taka baby fair?

Hi Bam, I am unable to make it for this fri dinner due to some last min arrangements.. Sorry ya, hope to meet up with you mummies on the next gathering ;)


yes this spree is really cheap i just ordered 2 tubes. one tube tink not enuf. especially for nb. go for the exp 2012 shld be more than enuf


mornally their vouchers r applicable for all usage including sales

angel: ya really hope agency CL is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya hoping with day CL, my mum can take some rest during day so wun be so tiring to take care of bb at night. also with CL lady around, my mum cun say dun allow me to bath/wash hair liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Nana: u too? .. oh dear I just carried a 5kg pack of rice ytd :p I'll rem not to be so garang next time.

Think debit card shld hav the same entitlement as credit card ba. But then again, not all taka sales gives extra 10%, some sales is just a collection of points.

Trismum: thanks for the info. will bring them along.

oh jewel, better dun carry such heavy stuffs from now onwards..even if placenta not low, carrying heavy stuffs is not advisable for preggie too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i read from website tat we shld not try to push those supermarket trolley when it is loaded with heavy groceries too...not good for us..

now we have the privilege to "push" these heavy chores to our hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Irene - haha! Must make sure that ur CL and mom don't gang up together and stop you from bathing/washing hair. :D

Re: carrying heavy stuff/pushing trolley/etc

Hehehe, although it's really nice to have others do such stuff for us not, it sometimes make me feel abit useless for not being able to do it myself. But still, will enjoy the "privilege" while it last. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee: I got the Goon diapers offer from Isetan Scotts. I got a goodie bag from it also. The cashier gave me and told me the goodie bag comes with the diaper. The goodie bag has 5 different brands of wipes- big and small packets, Avent Pre/Post-natal relaxing shower essence, Nuk teething ring, 1 small sachet of Medela nipple cream, and 1 pink bib.

Hammie: Pleasure! BTW, this offer price of $18.50 is the first time i encountered. Usually, I'll buy my supply from Cold Storage and the cheapest they offered is $19.90, good enough compared to the original price of $23.50. And the offer at Cold Storage, if it's not monthly will be quarterly.

Ueno: How much did you pay for one packet from diapers.com? They used to sell the export ones at quite $17/pack I think. Ever since this original from japan is out, their price became the same as Supermarket so I stopped ordering. Did they change again?

anybody gog to use mustela instead of desitin for nappy rash...

i have been recommended mustela... haven't bought any.. was thinking to get my things from taka fair tml... so to decide what brand to use...

any comments?

Bam, I'm not sure. BUt I have friends who use Desitin for nappy rash and I guess whatever the brand is, always good to have one tube standby just in case lor. I am first time mother. Perhaps those mummies here with experience can advise us?

Is Desitin good?

hammiebao & Jo: yes tried adding milo too.. but gets quite heaty easily... troublesome me.. but the orea biscuit seems nice one to try... thanks.

Taka card is usually collecting the points or sometimes member sales have 10% but i think during baby fair it is only points collection.

HPC, Bam: Desitin creamy is very useful. You may need more during the first year. The spree is really cheap and those that I bought has about 3-4 years expiry date; so can buy more to keep, all individually packed in boxes thus safe to buy. In singapore, a small tube(half the size of the spree size) costs $12.50-$14.50 at Guardian pharmacy, I never saw big tubes locally.

angel: haha ya hope they wun gang up against me..i will try to make sure they dun spend too much time alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]


Any body want to join to buy the desitin cream?

I think the more qty we buy the more discount we get from the site..

on desitin nappy cream, it's good.. i swear by it.. i used Drapolene b4.. not good..

even my FIL who help to tk care of #1 reminded me to get the cream, saying it's good..

tld him still early, i will spree for it in tri 3 lidat ... still got mths to go.. heee

i rembr 1 purple, 1 blue, one of them got the stronger smell.. cant rembr which one.. hee..

HHo: Mustela products are no doubts, good to use but expensive. Desitin is good and value for money, a little goes a long way. Buy the blue one- desitin creamy.

I don't use Mustela's nappy rash cream but the milk lotion, no regrets. Have also used other things like the shower foam, cleansing liquid, refreshing liquid... lasting and nice, but these are the one time off things- tried out and like it but didn't continue.

Jen: Add crushed berries and juice also very nice.


actually i didn't compare prices outside b4 ordering from them. I ordered above $120 so extra 10% off plus free delivery. Before less is $21 for nb58.

Desitin cream- I usually order from the overseas spree as it's much cheaper than sin

Jo, wow.. that sounds like a good deal. How many packs of diapers u got from Goon, to have the goodie pack?

Desitin Nappy,

so.. where is the best place to buy this? online spree? from all these recommendation, i dun mind buyin afew to stock up first. hehe!!

I use the desitin creamy..works wonders! have already ordered one tube from drugstore spree to standby..one tube lasts a LONG time cuz u only need a little bit..the creamy one is less smelly than original [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] expiry date is really long, just opened up my last tube in stock which expires 12/2010 but i ordered in 2007!

hey lots of mummies going up to malaysia this long weekend! i'm going up too, visit my folks..p/s/ shopping mummies: i'm planning to see if i can go to an FOS store ..the baby clothes there can be very cheap! see if u can find any (they have a lot of outlets!)

lilyn: so you recommend to buy 1 tub is enuff?

i think i will get from the website hpc recommend... only $9.50... for 4oz... cheap!!!

Hi Ladies,

Just for info, Desitin cream is also available on ebay... selling at the same price $9.50 + free postage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Goon diaper is selling at $19 @ Gmarket & free delivery if >$40.

ya Irene, even if not in this preggie condition I do not wan to carry heavy things also. #1 cos I had slip disc and #2 my fren mum said next time old already cannot control the bladder... :p

Ange: I brought my Clarin Stretchmark cream frm DFS. Cheaper than normal mall. If you have frens whom are stewardess, get them to buy for you, another 20% discount. I paid abt $54 each tube.

I hear everyone are stocking up diapers. I'm only 6 mths now, so is it too early to start buying? How do u gals decide which is suitable?

(Learnt this from a fren whom is a midwife in UK)

Nappy Rash Cream: The cream can use use any way on the bb's body, not necessarily on the bumbum only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My sis says it works great especially when bb get 'milk' rashes around the cheek & lips.

Feminine Wash: When bb is born, they will shed off a layer of dry skin around their body. If you want to get rid of it soon/faster, u can try using the feminine wash.

jewel: thanks for the info on desitin avail on ebay.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diapers: i got during the motherhood fair at expo in june... bot some cheap brand (think it's a taiwanese brand) for NB... cuz my mummy says need like 7-8 a day and will keep changing... dun need to use very ex ones...

but to buy better ones after the 3-6mths... when we start bring baby out...

nappy rash cream: my mum also said can use for milk rashes around the cheek and lips... my elder sis used the same...

Desitin cream, it's very good, I used to help my friends to buy whenever I go USA.. But spree is actually cheaper.. Even my uncle from USA also swear by it.. He use it for the whole family as his kids don't need it anymore so whenever his family member have rashes they will use it.. I abit kiasu I ordered 4x 4oz haha

Carrying heavy stuff,

Jewel!! Don't carry heavy stuff.. Let hubby do it.. My hubby quite funny, he didn't even let mr carry those pack of 6 can drinks he say too heavy.. Lucky hubby big size..


wow wow wow...thanks mummies for giving your input...I feel so happy knowing that the Desitin I bought is of good price [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I will just have my one tube for now and if I need again later, can just buy again cos one of the points of collection is convenient for me. Not sure if its a spree...check it out again. I think they have ready stock.


Baby Carrier:

My sis will get one for me from Korea. She lives there and is operating her own online store. It's like the Moms in Mind Sarong kind but with a little padding for the baby's butt. And also the moms in mind one has the long piece of cloth that flows down...I don't really like that. So I will get the one from Korea which has a shorter piece, more style I feel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You can see pic here:


Am just waiting for nicer designs to come out then get it :p

As for those other haversack kind of carrier, I haven't thot of it yet.

desitin is VERY GOOD, helps in preventing or healing nappy nash. After each diaper change, apply it and so far so good.

Re : Goon Diapers

When the isetan sale ending? Is it available iSetan scotts baby section?

yup Desitin is a good buy... i din compare much on the price but normally go thru drugstore then get other stuffs too.. i agree w lilyn,1 tube of Desitin can last for v long... dun nid to stock up >3 tubes i feel...

Intend get Baby FIrst Teeth toothpaste oso, but recently visit the drugstore, i can no long find it leh..any idea gals?

from drugstore i stick by ..Desitin Cream, First Teeth Toothpaste & California Calendula cream..

yup lilyn, i gg to KL ..but only to Sunway... hee perhaps gg to stock up infant diapers from mly ..hee.... for #1, i been using Dryers, cheaper and good... infant keep changing diapers de, v shiong if u buy too ex de.. i think easily more than 7pcs in a day.

i hv been using feminine wash since i preggy, coz got some discharge de, i think i will continue to use ..

hi hpc,can share more info on the sling, i intend to get from Mom in MInd, those sling.. where u can be handsfree.... can do breastfeedg at the same time... any BP? hee...


Nana: No worries. Btw, I need to pass u the oil this Fri.

Shan: You know the link I gave earlier on Desitin, I saw they also have the Toothpaste there. Why not u go check out if that's what you want and maybe cheaper.

As for the sling, I am not sure if there's any BP on Moms in Mind, think can try searching. I think should have lah. I also intend to use it to cover up when breastfeeding so don't need to buy another breastfeeding cape. This one I plan to get is same as Moms in Mind, just without the extra long piece of cloth and also got the padding to support bum. Actually I scared sling will be warm, but no choice..for convenience and in aircon room I guess.

wow.. u all very fast leh.. I cannot catch up..

Spree buy for Desitin:

Who is interested?

Or shall we wait and see what taka fair offers then we decide??

hpc, haa i mean ya sis got lobang bo...then u can do a BP for us :p

ahko80, really?!!! i started using almost since day1! i thinki better chcek w my gynea.. thanks for the info.

yup Bam , i will be gettg Desitin but nt so soon. n be gettg along w other stuffs.. via Drugstore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gettg from Drugstore 4oz, is abt S$7++

i don think local will sell tat cheap

