(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hho - thats the only reason i will go taka fair, cos i have so many old bottles. This time i be changing those BPA free ones.


jolyn: i meant pigeon sterilizer... i am not a avent fan...

koori: guess when i have my #2... it'll be the reason i go... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB - hehe, mine really almost one line now liao. My hb is so amused with it, that he'll play with it sometimes.

Wah, u must be very hardworking to apply the cream if u use 1 tube a month! Haha, so far I still have not use finish one tube of stretch mark cream (I use Palmer brand) leh. hehehee... I find the cream rather thick, so will use it only at night, and when it's not too hot. If the weather is hot, I'll use my normal body moisturizer (Body shop or Jergens).

I think now can apply any moisturizer to the boobs, but when we're breastfeeding, it's best to wipe the breast before doing so.

Jo: wow, 10-12 a day?... the no. keep going up, so a pack of 52 can oni last 5 days? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

Jolyn: think NUH give out a pack of Drypers NB. Looking at amount they are going to use, I think I better start stocking up those tat cost <20 cents/pcs heheh....;p

Naval: Mine havent start to protrude... will it stick out for sure?

Re: navel button

mine didn't protrude with my boy so I'm expecting the same this time. I think it depends on yr body not on the gender of the baby

Navel - mine is getting shallower so I am waiting to see when it will start to pop out... can see when wearing fitting clothing. Pop out also good, can give it a thorough cleaning haha..

Ueno, yes agree. Different people's navel also different.

Hi ladies,

I have sent out the invoices for the ailian and mandy spree. pls check your inbox. I will have the items sent out by this weekend once i receive the payment. So sorry for the late delivery.

Re: Navel Button

Mine also stretch until a 'line'.. In the morning still can see a 'hole'.. Only at night, tummy seems to be abit tight leh..

Hi JanO, my sis one is protruding de.. Sometimes accidentally 'hit' it.. She says it's painful wor.. Oops..

nursing bra

what brands do you all get? any recommendations? i am thinking of breast feeding so got to start looking..

lol,i was just thinking about asking u ladies about belly button..mine is already getting more shallow now! never pop yet, but starting to at the top..looks funny! my colleagues could see it a bit cuz i was wearing a tighter top yesterday..

re: diapers,

depends on how often u want to change for bb...i think i changed maybe 8 pcs a day on ave? #1 poo very frequently but not a lot each time when he was very young, so i got the cheap cheap brands, stocked up in malaysia! used drypers in night time..

bleeding gums,

i'm getting it too! plan to see dentist in next few weeks for cleaning..gum infections can be bad cuz can cause low birthweight, so better to clean more often n get it sorted out!


my #1 is quite sweet to #2 rite now..will hug and kiss baby mei mei everynight before he sleeps..but i'm very careful also, cuz he's very jealous! i made a point to ask him if he can let bb use his stroller..he said ok! baby can use the old stroller, and he'll use the new one..so funny! kekekeke!


nipple cream wise, i'd recommend lansinoh! no need to wipe off before bfeeding..

lilyn: how much is lansinoh @ what size? how many tubes does one need to buy?

i read mustela one also dun need wipe off... but not sure what is the recommended brand...

Re: Desitin spree

hammiebao, I would agree with you that the prices in the BP are probably comparable to the spree ones. And actually we dun need to have our own spree.... it's just that I tot since I'm going to buy from overseas anyway, I may as well see if anyone want to 'lompang' together.

For me, it's more like "Since I will have enough to buy from this website e.g. amazon, I no need to join spree/BP unless the prices are really much better".

Re: Navel Button

im having a ger and mine is half protuding out already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heehee..so now easier to wash [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babymiao: ok will go check out my mail and transfer $$ to u soon. tks

navel button- im expecting ger but not protuding out leh. my #1 boi also nvr protude out leh. mayb depend on our own body?

nipple cream- i used avent one, good for me cos nvr crack throughout my bf for 1 yr. n no need to wipe b4 bf.

mustela cleansing gel- really good for nb bb cos no form at all... mild yet clean for tender skin

taka fair-- any cheap n nice bb's clothing? cos now #2 like not much to buy except clothings leh... strollers- hv 3 lying at home. bb cot, playpen, sterilizer, milk btls, all hv exisitng liao. oni diapers which i am planning to buy in msia. i use the pampers frm msia. thin n good ventilation for nb n most imptly cheap... personally i find mamy poko too thick n v warm for bum besides its expensive...

just came back from taka bb fair..

I didn't buy much.. 3 pc of clothings, 2 avent nipple cream and 2 toys for infant..

i wanted to buy milk storage bag. but i saw the medela one. 20 pcs costs $27. ex leh.

Any other recommendation on milk storage bags?


i am using Hotmilk nursing bras, its more expensive but nice designs n good support. I didnt use any nipple cream, the best cream will be yr breastmilk. After feeding just put some on yr nipple,it will help moisturize n keep it supple.

Thanks for all the Taka bb fair updates, mommies!

Was thinking that mayb e I shd not hurry down to the fair since like it's not really super duper. Shd still have stock when if I go on the weekend...

Hi girls

Can I check if any of you have red spots appearing on your tummy area? It looks like rashes but its not itchy...wondering what it is and if I should see a doctor. Any advice?


did u change any body products or clothes?

I've found that my skin is a bit more sensitive nowadays... when wearing certain clothes which I used to wear before pregnant, I might itch. Which is funny.

It also could be your skin is too dry, therefore developing a 'rash'.

Mummies, I got to give the dinner a miss. My dad is in hospital, suspected infection and won't know why or what is happening till the blood test results are out in 2 days time. I would like to stay around whether he is still in hospital or discharged by Fri. Sorry about that.

Nana: Can you PM me your address so that I can mail you the softgel?



dun ever buy those branded milk bag cos if u ever stock up like me, u will go bankrupt 1st. cos i stock up 300 packs of breast milk. i used to used the 1st year brand ones-- $16 after 10% disc frm kiddy palace 25 pcs. stil consider cheaper than avent, medela ones.

oni recently i found on spree that sell a korean brand oni abt $8plus per box for 30 bpa bags. so i bought 4 boxes at a go. tink its much cheaper.

can chk out this link


the lady doin the spree is fast n responsive n responsibility. so far gd experience dealing wif her. (im not related to her ya) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HPC: noted and hope that everything fine with yr dad.

Hope that he'll be fine and discharge soon.

Tris mom: thanks for the info..



it's v gd. helped my cracked nipple to heal fast when i was struggling with breastfeeding my no.1 during the initial 2 mths.

i'm ordering this and other stuff from drugstore coz i hv a lot to order. anyone wants to tompang these?

1. lansinoh

2. GNC fenugreek


3. desitin

clover, may I know whats GNC fenugreek for?

and normally 1 tube of the Lansinoh For Breastfeeding Mothers cream can last for how long? thanks!!

Jewel: Only the first month, subsequent months no need so much so don't worry. As long as diaper is not loose and has no risk of leaking, use any brand that is comfortable with you. Standby your desitin cream so at least you can keep nappy rash at bay. Frequent wiping and soaping can dry up baby's natural oil thus giving risk to rash or sensitivity.

Hi Clover,

Can I tompang u to buy the following:-

1. Desitin Rapid Relief Diaper Rash Ointment, Creamy - 4 oz (2 tubes)

2. Lansinoh (how much is the nipple cream? I can't find the details in your link provided)

Desitin spree

Hey, ladies. My fren opened up the spree like I asked her...It's here.


The spree is from drugstore.com (e same company as hammiebao's link), I asked her for desitin spree but she is ok to anything you want to order as long as it's from drugstore.com.

If you want to place the order with her, you can choose to pass me $ during Friday's gathering or to transfer the $ to her via inter-bank... up to you all.

I can pass the items to you all during one of our outings when the shipment arrives in Singapore, since I promised liao.

am on msn, but dun see u... I can't remember if I added u on msn already.

U can find me on msn via the email addy we always email each other.

morning ladies... wow so many spree for desitin.. which one of you are going for it? Thought we should all try to go for same spree?

Maid Agency

Anyone has good maid agency to recommend? How much to pay maid agency?

saw the link posted by hammiebao on the desitin cream.. seems value for $ cos the tube is slightly bigger.. Think I will go for this spree.

Clover, sorry but pls disregard my earlier post on the spree order. Thanks.

hi all,

just to update..i went for the taka sales yesterday n ended up buying A LOT!haha..maybe previously bought nothing so guilty..then bought..hahaz

Avent: 20% off their items.Bought their bottles coz i still think Avent's the best..my whole family been using Avent. They have a package witht he striliser,warmers,some bottles,creams,brushes.$240 off i think.

Pigeon: a lot of stuff are discount as per their regular price. Im not too sure if it is the same as the BHG one as Hho says coz i didnt go for BHG sale. bought lotsa pigeon stuff like wipes,washing liquid, bath soap,shampoo..blahblah..small things..If you purchase a certain amount you get a free gift..i got a baby food set free.

Regarding the trade in of old bottles, yes there is such a thing.50% if im not wrong.till when i dunno [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but you get to trade in for the BPA free ones irregardless of what kind your old bottles are..so kinda good deal.

No cloth nappy from pigeon coz the company ran out of stock..

Anakku: i dunno y their stuff are sooo cheap..my mom didnt quite fancy the brand..but in the end,i saw like 4 bottles of powder is like $8.90.even bath soap and shampoo 2 for $8.90(700ml+)..quite cheap as compared to the pigeon one(8.90 for 400ml refill).Maybe ill go back n buy to keep at mum's place..

Medela: freestyle is $799.cant remember price of the rest.comes with some freebies.. Can someone advise what is the spree price and if it is still on?

Cots: quite good deals on some of them..but i already got mine at Robinson sale so didnt really look much.

Strollers/Car Seat: too many..too confused..thinking of holding on like Hho since baby may not like being in stroller.

Educational Stuff: I spent a bomb of this.haha.. Quite cheap CDs n books as compared to kiddy palace..One CD bout 14Plus..Taka selling 3 for $30.

Clothings: lotsa girls stuff..Boys ok oki..some are cheap.. I bought some from 3rd floor of taka.overall selection is quite limited i would say.

Toys: FP has lots of toys... though i didnt really look much coz i think mostly will be given as gifts..

They had creams, diaper bags, blah blah...so yea..

Good thing:

1) if you spend $100(taka member) , $150(non member), you get free delivery.

2) within the first week, there is free toy redemption should you spend $200,$300,$500.

Bad thing:

since i walked sooo much..my old injury acted up.n foot is swollen and im limping now..had to come to work today![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got to see a doctor today..hope i can make it to the dinner tomz..

Dimple, I was at the fair yesterday. Saw the Evenflo Symphony carseat.. now selling at $400+.. The sales girl told me she has been selling carseats for years and this is the 1st time she came across Evenflo having discount on their carseat apart from GSS.. this price is cheaper than what I had paid for at GSS.. Just FYI.

Good morning mummies. Been a long while since I come here.

Desitin - figured ordered from bp is abt the same price as spree. Not very much cheaper if u order direct from drugstore etc.

Diapers - can check out jusco in jb. They r always having promo on huggies ultra and many poko. Both brands r good n since the distributor for both sg n mal is the same, quality is same too! Been buying for my gal since I found out. Used pampers active previously. But since they did some changes, it doesn't hold as much these days.

Pram - I started using when my gal was 1 mth old n she is happily sitting on it till now. But for people who start later, usually will hv prob cos being carried is more "shiok". I got mine from cheong choon store. Noticed that their discount is better than baby hypermart n they do free delivery too. Just need to call them to place orders.

Shower cream - baby sebamed is good too! Cheap if u get them from the Chinatown toiletries shop.

Another must buy is wipes, I'm currently using the angels wipe. Quality as good as pigeon's but only 1/2 of their price n they give additional discount n free delivery too.

Dun know why iPhone dun allow me to edit my existing post. Wanted to add - fitti 360 is good for newborn too plus is cheap when is going for sale in carrefour.

Milk powder - am on enfa for no 1 n good thing my mum's fren can get some discount for me if not is a big hole in the pocket.

Barney - any mummies going for the Barney show in sept here???


Hammiebao, for enfalac, u can check out the hdb's area minimart n medical hall. They could be cheaper. I can get at 10% off shop n save price but hv to self collect at pasir ris/tampines. They just keep increasing their price. When I bought it 2 yrs back, it was only $37 then $39 then $41 n now $43. In no time it might be $45.

Ferugreek is suppose to increase ur breast milk supply. But it doesn't really work for all. N I feel that my perspiration smells of it when I only had 1 or 2 pills a day. I have heard of people taking 8 or 10 pills a day n still doesn't help much.

