(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

dimple don think too much.. juz a guide nia..as long as gynea din say anytin worng it's fine.. don peer pressure la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


irene: i heard should avoid... but dun know what's the reason... gynae nvr say... i take chilli padi lor... i am a chilli person... haha... but so far ok la...

twinfish: i dun take queue number.. when the nurses doing appt for me... i always ask for morning... they always give me... if not avail, i ask for the next day... saves me a lot more time... also, i make it a point to go 15mins earlier then appt time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: constipation

MTBs, i have very bad constipation and now taking multi-vits also... suggestions from friends to take del monte prune juice... not too much... a tea cup every alternate day.... helps big time... it works for me... maybe you all can try... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

twinfish/mummwong: same here...i craving for spicy stuffs cos wanna something heavier taste to trigger my taste buds..okok..moderately...meaning dun eat everday..cos i now craving for laksa for lunch today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i on n off also eating those type of spicy ramen..yummy yummy..

mummywong: icic..tks! ok when i go buy the red dates, will have a quick chk with the chinese medical shop staffs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan: i seeing dr ang... prev was at kkh... saw dr s.f. loh...

i also like strong food... hmmm...

btw, anybody scan can see gender liao.. i am very excited.... tmr is my turn.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: spicy food.

ah?! i everyday also taking spicy eh! i crave for spicy stuff. fishball noodle must eat with chilli padi one...


confirm they measure by baby size. my 1st visit dr. adrian he said 8wks, ask me 2wks later come, he said 11wks. So i just follow wat he said n EDD change also.

Yesterday i went for scan is 12wks+, bb 5.4cm. so i guess urs should be 12wks.

BTW, i read b4 dunno who write if HB more than 140, chances is boy or gal? do any1 remember?

mummywong, the problems is i drink the gravy too...haha..i should cut down..

thnks shan...i kinda feel btr now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] coz im big,i kinda expected my bb 2 b big 2..lol..

shan> is yr menses regular? if no, then maybe the difference is due to your conceive date?

twinfish> think can still drink gravy, but dont drink finish whole bowl..

durian> can we eat durian? yest i heard cannot eat someone, then don't know is it only 1st trim or? i know 3rd trim eat is "bu" for the bb leh.

hee mummywong. .i been carving to hv durian. but no chance yet.. ya i heard if tri 3 u tk durian, bby be v big...

my menses acurate de.. duno leh...

oh ya juz looked at the scan, he changed my EDD to 7Nov..alamak, never tell me de.. hmmm

anyway +/- 1wk shd be fine la..hee

i stick to edd 13nov.. :p easier to rembr, coz same as my #1 haaa

yup twinfish, heartbeat faster is gal i heard.. btw, Dr Adrian din let u hear heartbeats hor, did u?

abit diff from my old gynea.. Dr Adrian is too fast, everytin chop chop.. last time can slowly see bb during scans, hear heartbeat.. now everytin chop chop.. haa always end up i ask if the bby is normal bo? he said.. then good engf for me liao..

i wanna order maternity clothing too ... let me surf surf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hho, Dr Ang at SUn plaza eh? he's good n near my hse, i almost go to him too ..was strugglin between him & Dr Adrian.. but i got more frens w Adrian..so chosen him alothough abit far..hee

Re curry/laksa: the reason why don take too much is because it contains coconut. and coconut is cold according to old ppl. think take moderately is ok la. i cant take too much if not i can not digest... i usually ask my hubby to order then i tax from him. lucky he like to eat curry also.

feeling hungry... must go find food if not i'll feel giddy liao...

Shan, yup, perhaps too many ppl wait outside, he is fast, didnt hear HB. yesterday at TMC hear bb HB is 170, means gal? anyway, healthy is fine..

i think is better u go on weekday, at least he fast but not as fast as weekend n weekday evening..

mummywong> we cant eat durian now? I jus ate a few yesterday leh. Wat abt grapes???

babymiao> I also interested in the maternity wear, will email u my order b4 2 May.

Me too! I realise those not strong flavoured food I don't like. I like those suan suan a little bit la la one.. I dun usually eat chilli so cannot take Chilli Padi if not I will CRY! I so want to eat SUSHI and Sashimi but i know CANNOT! Sianz!

Personally i won't go to Dr Ang @ Sun Plaza cos he was very very rude to me when I went to consult him about irregular menses at one point of time. He told me to lose weight by not eating or take slimming pills. I so wanted to slap him immediately.

Hi mummies, I'm back... Still staying at home.. Cos vomitted since sat.. Very bad. Till my

hubby dun know what to do with me. My first tri test will be on may 11.... Hope everything goes well.

re: spicy foods

heehee...seems most of us preggy like spicy foods [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just had my laksa during lunch just now..taste so nice...;p

mummywong: gynae had told during 1st trimester not to take durian cos he said too heaty. but not too sure if 2nd trim onwards can take or not, but then durian has really high sugar level thus think dun eat too much cos in case will result in gestational diabetes.

i quite worry if i will ganna gestational diabetes at later weeks of preggy cos my grandmother n aunties all suffering from diabetes at their later age..which gynae said i may have a higher chance of getting it as have history..

waahh u all soo good can take spicy food... i've not taken since i was preggy... everything now is bland bland bland.

mikilee, dun lose heart okie it will get better and better.


Just be careful with your spree orders ok. I'm looking at the pics and on the models, the dresses seem pretty long, but when you look at the measurements (length - 90+cm) it really isn't that long. So for those really tall ladies, the dress might become a top. =)

juv06> think some of the MTB explain why cannot eat durian in 1st trim above..i also not sure why..3rd trim should be ok. grapes i read some MTB said ok, some said not ok...moderate bah..i eat grapes though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummywong> think i have to stop eating durian for the time being, lucky yesterday i just had a few, not much. I tk quite a lot of grapes these few days, craving for it. Now what we eat have to be moderate and careful le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I will be doing Oscar tmr and able to see bb again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], hopes everything is fine.

hi Ashley.. it's all up to individual..

Personaly, i don find him exceptional good or not..


he's talk too fast

he don share much details, but only fundamental, n only when u ask him

clinic always crowded


can hv frequent visit (every 2 weeks)

pkg is cheap

heard his stitch is good (this i duno yet)

caring (quite assuring when i had d/c)

nurse friendly

conv location

u juz try if u don like it.. then too bad lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all abt your own feeling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

need to stick w him for ~40 wks..so u better be comfortable w him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks Shan!

I m based overseas now but going back to Sg to give birth most prob will give Dr Adrian a try cos my place in Sengkang.

ashley> u base overseas ah...where? but when u going back to sin? i think u need to start seeing the gynae in sin at least few times before yr delivery else he/she don't know your condition?

I m in KL now.the gynae here is really gooodddddddddd but my hubb not very convince to have a born in malaysia kid so no choice got to go back to sg.

Re: spicy food

It's fine to eat. Some doctors say that too much and we may get heartburn easily, that's why some docs/pple may say to refrain from spicy food. But if there's no pblm when u eat, then go ahead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just be aware of the coconut milk inside of some spicy food (eg: curry), as it's rather fattening. :D

i hate yam :p ...heng :p.. hhehee

no prob Ashley.. hope everytin be fine for u w Dr Adrian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ashley: you can try Dr Ang from Glene Eagle. female doc. very caring and assuring. a lot of patience.

Re Durian: huh? can not eat ah? ermm i already had a few durian session. but didnt eat too much la. 1 durian pancake. some times 5 pcs of durian. hope is ok...

twinfish > fruits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] healthy and safe (except pineapples,papaya and some say watermelon) though i seem to loveeee eating watermelon nowadaes!!

ooh,it's raining! my sleepy state and the weather is such a perfect combination to a nice nap!!! and i have 2 hours more to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

it's times like this im envious of the non-working MTB.

Dimple: how come can not eay papaya? i've been eating papaya bcos of constipation. and papaya is not heaty. thot papaya got lots of vitamins? i eat papaya like almost every other day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

OMG.... i went to read abt eating papaya during pregnancy and it's like not really safe to eat unripe and semi-ripe papaya as it will cause miscarriage but ripe ones are ok but still alot of ppl avoid eating it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think i better stop eating it...

dimple, same as u, really wan to sleep, still got 1 hr to go...fruits i got eat...safe 1 apples, oranges lor...

flubby, i also heard papaya not good for preg lady, but i dunno y...

better stop eating now cos havent past 1st tri... wah.. lucky i find out today cos i really eat lots of them to cure my constipation.

Twinfish, i think it all depends.. some say cannot eat oranges as it will cause phlegm... carrot, papaya should be at min too cos it will cause jaundice..

I personally didn't take any coconut stuffs for my firstborn cos i simply cannot digest the coconut.. ends up throwing all out.. chicken rice was bad too.. so if u are okie eating it, then should be okie..

another juice where u all can try to ease constipation is cranberries.. it does help and taste better than prune...

Durians, scare that baby will be too big because of the sugar level..

michele: take care and u will feel better soon when going into 2nd trim.

crystal: same for u..heard 2nd trim is also call the honeymoon trim which u will have better appetitie by then...

juv06: where you doing ur oscars? u seeing dr ang right? i also doing tomorrow... at tmc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


juv06: enjoy taking good long look at ur bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] update us of the good results. jia you!

angel: how r u? feeling better now? take care!

