(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

mine never say didi or meimei leh.....ask him sayang didi, he will just sayang me not exactly on tummy....tink he still unaware what happening


shan: heehee...sounds so interesting/touching..yaya...good suggestion to take video of it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan: lol..ur bb must have really liked tat show to "dance" so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heee he's often a dancing boy now.. haaa... his style is hip hop...

toddler ard age of 2+ v fun de... all mummies jiayew...

age3, they can converse w u well.. u wontbe bored


i was thinking whether have raw eggs anot. haiz. all japanese words also dont undersatnd. cos i love to eat egg mayo. so have to skip.

jas: if not sure, think better dun eat, cos raw/half cooked stuffs may contain bacteria which may harm our bb.

no choice, for the sake of bb, to ren for time being lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me also missed a lot of foods...*sigh*

Hi all, i'm new to the forum too. My EDD is 19-20 Nov 2010, am seeing Dr Caroline (TMC). I'm a FTMTB, am glad to see so much infos and experiences on this forum.

Currently im approachg my 11wks.. Really hoping T1 pass faster as im experiencing bad MS. Am getting some med (rectal use) for this bad MS. Does anybody tries this med before? Med is to stop nausea, vomitting and gases.

gd morn ladies,

just done my OSCAR & NT scan. At 12 wks, bb size is 5.2cm... active bb cos it keep moving. Heat Beat 171... & loud. Can see legs & hands & nose bone. Duno the sex yet... but I suspect it's a gal. They took 3 tubes of blood for OSCAR & told me tat if these few days got call means results no gd... so no news is gd news. Else actual results will be told on next appt.

Total bill : $233.28

NT SCan - $107

OSCAR test - $126.28

jolyn> welcome! do u know the medicine name? thk previously some mum said vit B6 to stop MS but i think is not stop gases so not sure if they are the same one? i'm around same EDD as you!

jewel> congrats! yr bb is bigger already! thk all the wk12 scan around this size hor.

Thks & ya mummywong, shld be ard +/- 5cm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Still waiting for the rest tats doing the tests today for update: Ashley, HHo & Juv06. Hope everything is going well.

Going back to office for serious work liao... sianz.

I also just back from my test.

NT Scan doc say ok.

Blood test result they will email me.

Baby at 6.4cm tdy.


Baby not very cooperative LOL!

Last 2 scans baby was moving the hands and legs but tdy refuse to move I suspect baby is sleeping.

jolyn: welcome

jewel: that's good news...

bam78: just got back... didn't do oscars... just did the NT scan... radiographer say it's normal... will be seeing gynae at 2pm again... bb was very stubborn.. scan 4 times... haha... let's see what doctor ang says...

btw, you want spree, just pm babymiao... the website is below.... just copy paste the item you want and tell her size/colour/etc...


Hi all,

new to the thread. EDD in 25 Nov 2010. Currently with Dr Koh Cheng Huat. Am now into 9+ weeks of pregnancy. Would like to know if its norm to have rashes/hives? Any ways to ease it?


ashley: mine too... the radiographer says bb is sleeping... so diff to scan... went in and out 4times...

sharon: congrats and welcome... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sharon,

Congrats and welcome to the thread.

As for the rashes, a friend of mine who recently had her baby went through that stage also. I'm not sure if she used calamine lotion or what but the cream was prescribe by her gynae. So check with your doc.


Congrats to all MTB too.. Gosh, you are all so heart-warming.. heee :D

With regards to the medicine, yes it did work well.. I could eat well the next whole day if i have inserted the med the night before. But i only use twice as i dont knw if the med is safe anot. Yday i was having a bad MS, puke the whole morning and at night so i gt no choice to use the med in order to keep the fluid in the body.. Haiz.. Sometimes it's just so tough.

Will check the name of the med, and let you gers know tonite.. Becos it has to be kept in the fridge de.. ;p

hho> I did my Oscar in the clinic. Cos only need to draw out some blood, so i don't have to go TMC do. Only when doing detailed scan at wk 20 then have to go TMC.

irene, ya lo. what to do for the sake of baby. hehe. My gf even say me you scared next time no chance eat. diao! haha.

Seem like alot mummies has blood test and scan. mine blood test will be done 2nd tri. i can only wait. hopefully result will be good. Hope all MTB have good result too! =)

Do any mummies know where can i get OL pants for maternaity cos i'm very small size. Now my pants cant button le.

Morning just went to do Oscar and NT scan, bb now 5.53cm at 12w1d. So my EDD will brought forward to 10 Nov 10. Dr Ang said bb normal, very good. Can see his/her nose, hands and legs..so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He said next mth will be able to see boy or girl le..so excited

My appt actually is 11.15am de, but i rec at 10.30am. Lucky i rec early or else i have to wait until 12.30pm like tat cos after seeing me, Dr Ang rushed to hospital to do delivery and will be back in 1hr time.

jewel/juv06: how's the NT scan results? im sure should be good.

ashley/h ho: great! good to hear more good results on the scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think nxt time u gals can try do a bit of coughing to trigger our bb to move..tat time half way thru scan, my bb move to turn his back facing us and sonographer cannot take the measurements, thus i suggested maybe i can do some coughing to move it around..n it seems to work ;p

sharon: congrats and welcome!

jolyn: good to hear this med is working well. ya i think so long prescribed by ur gynae then shld be fine.

Irene> NT scan result good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can see bb moving inside my tummy.

Hi mummywong and Irene

> Yes, it was prescribed by gynae.

Btw can i just ask if all of your MS gone already.. I really cant wait, everyday is getting kinda of impatient.. Guess i have low tolerance for this MS.. abit abit cannt.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I will be having my OSCAR tests on next sat.. marking the 12th wks.. Hope everything is okay.

Btw my hubby has done the test for the thalasemmia, yday the nurse just called me to say tt he has a border line of it.. As i havent went thru the tests, shall see mine before the next decision. Kinda of getting me worried..


> Oh, let's just hope that the MS go away soon.. And we can enjoy our pregnancy thru' out.. I can't wait, heee.. ;p

juv06: i know dr ang rush back to tmc... saw him... haha... had an appt at 2pm... then he said rush back for del... anyway, am back! Dr ang says good... i only did nt scan... didn't do the oscars blood test... just wanted some assurance...

bam78: my edd got pushed back a few days... instead of 3/11... now is 7/11... so now only 12wks 4 days... i already treated 1st tri over.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... he say can go holiday... drink tea... coffee... he also funny... say bedroom exercise can continue... :p...

juv06: great! congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoping rest of mummies all having good results too! GOOD LUCK to ALL! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolyn: MS may subsided more at 2nd trim..thus pls be a bit more patient and ren for the next couple more weeks..hoping ur MS will get better as the weeks passing by.

but its also true that wat mummywong had mentioned that when MS will get better really depend on individual.

h ho: good good! congrats!

lol that ur gynae got mentioned bedroom exercise can continue..but still need to be careful orh ;p

mummywong: ya its true, gynae did mentioned 1st trim better not to do bedroom exercise as may cause bleeding...thus better to avoid.

koori: ya i sometimes do feel very thirsty too...esp after a meal..i scare its becos i got diabetes..but last week gynae took my blood for routine tests (including also checking if got diabetes etc.) and yday clinic called back to say all results normal...thus i guess feeling thirsty maybe one of preggy symptom too?

irene> Tks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hho> Ya, see him so bz, rush here rush there. So u not intend to do Oscar le? Jus u able to see bb gender???

juv06: what i understand about oscars is that it consist of 2 parts... the NT scan and the blood test.. i just did the NT scan to get some assurance... since the results is good... i will not do the blood test lor...

anyway, week 20 still got to do the FA scan...

Jolyn: I'm still having MS.. eat--> nausea --> puke --> hungry --> nausea --> puke, the cycle just go on & on. I give up saying how I wish 2nd trim will be better, cos things happen when u least expected it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene: My NT scan is gd... radiographer never complain cos the baby turn at all the angles she wanted. Size, heartbeat, legs, hands & nose bone everything normal. But then still need combine the blood result to see if aminio test is necessary.

Anyone in this GUSTO program? I think oni NUH & KKH have this.

HHo: When is your next appt?

Mine next 24th may.. Then i will know the gender..

Today is the 4th Working day after I have done my oscar test.. No news.. So = Good news?

hho> hmm, i tot NT scan is include in the package but Oscar test is optional, if wan to do got to pay extra lor. NT scan is jus do measurement on bb only, this what Dr Ang told me. Y oscar need to be done on wk 12 is bcos if "touchwood" bb got DS then its still early for us to decide whether to keep it or not. If wait until wk 20 think by tat time bb quite big liao. But its still depend on individual whether to do Oscar a not lah, me kiasu + kiasi so i do..heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

