(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

ya bam how did u get the strong feeling?

issit like an inborn thing hahaha like u have a strong feeling like my gf she dreamt that she will have a boy she even 'saw' wat he look like, like wat ashley say. bb turn out exactly like her dream le..

ya mummmies, H1N1 is making a comeback... better not go to crowded place.

Crystal, one day a long-time fren who I havent contact for awhile suddenly called me said she dream tat I'm pregnant with a bb boy, I didnt even tell her Im pregnant.. so can this count? :p

hi ladies

been a silent reader all these while. Appreciate all the sharings here...made me feel less nervous abt my pregnancy. This is my 1st. =)

Anyway, just wondering if anyone will be keen to buy maternity wear from http://store.pchome.com.tw/mandyshop/M02788410.htm

do drop me a PM so i can provide the info. I am getting my friend to help me spree as it seems more cheaper to get it online.

jewel: hahaha.. dunno le.. i guess we will noe when we can get our results hahha...

but sometimes ppl around u can be right. i guessed my other fren bb's sex correctly but i mean its a 50 50 right ahhah so it can jsut be coincidence too.

Dimples: Thanks for checking on the medicated oil.

So far no dreams of BB yet. Got hunches but not sure. Hubby and I are ready for boy or girl. Not too particular. =)

We also don't want to have high hopes then later opposite mah..

babymiao: congrats and welcome!

jewel: wow, ur fren's dream really zhun leh, dreamt u are pregnant and u are indeed pregnant now, so i'll think high chance ur bb is boy(as per her dream) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm from Apr 2010 thread.

I have about 10 excess packets (4 capsules/pkt) of Neogobion iron supplements from my recent purchase from gynae less than a month ago (have receipt as proof of purchase). I have given birth so not taking them now.

Would like to let go all 10 packets for $8 (bought from gynae at $10 for 7 packets, but now I'm throwing in 3 extra packets for just $8).

Pick up at Raffles Place on weekdays lunch time or via post.

PM if keen. Thanks!

thanks ladies.

This is my 11th week...so looking forward to seeing my gynae next week...doing oscar test then too...*nervous*...

babymiao: welcome.

Irene: ya, I was really surprised when she told me. Boy or gal?.. I try not to think too much abt it. My FIL wans a gal cos he said gal more "kwai", my nieces wans a gal so that they can play with her. I leave it to GOD la... healthy is most impt.

dunno leh.. just mother instinct..

May not be correct lah..

But my husband also have the same feeling..

I also dunno why.. LOL

oh dear Angel.. glad u r better.. tk good care...

on the gender? :p i been callg my baby "meimei" ...

i feel it's might be a gal coz the symptons of this is abit different from my #1...n i really hope it's a gal.. 1boy 1gal..perfect for me liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i asked Dr Adrian abt OSCAR, he like nt keen, tell me it's optional n he stopped there.. so i might not tk OSCAR bah .

shan - thanks thanks. :D take care of urself too k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hee, my doc also told mi tat oscar is optional, bt will b gd to do to have a peace of mind or if there's sth wrong, to prepare ourselves for it loh. :p

bam: icic..think mother instinct quite accurate one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i kept asking my hubby to guess too, cos my stomach long coming out liao...and he said he heard his mum said pointed stomach= boy, rounded stomach= girl.

then i look at my stomach n it seems pointed at times n also rounded at times, maybe depend if got go toilet on tat day or not, and also depend if more wind during tat time or not..haha..

babymiao: welcome and congrats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am interested in the clothes...

babymiao: i have replied you... thx... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... their items are very nice... hopefully their quality is good...

btw, for MTBs looking for leggings, the website that babymiao provided do have... price rather reasonable...

Good Morning all Mama to Be,

Hope everyone is well this morning.

Babymiao: Some of the pieces to look nice. I'm just a little concern about the sizing though. Moreover I'm not too good with chinese websites. =)

morning all... been awhile since i am up so early... hope to start early now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte: you can convert chinese to english... i also not good with chinese but use language converter.. also sizes are available at individual pages which can be found below..


Is the convertor on the site itself? I see all the chinese character blink blink at me till i headache liao.

I'm concern about size cos to start with I'm not very small sized already. =)

Hi all.. I just went to the gynae yesterday but she says it's too early too see anything.. I may just be 4weeks pregnant.. But again, she also did say it can be chemical pregnancy.. Now have to wait for 2 weeks then go back to see her.. But meanwhile.. I have very bad cramps.. Like menses cramp.. Quite bad someone... Anyone encounter this?

lovebyte: ya lor...my stomach growing fast...can see it protruding out liao..my colleague said looks like ~5mths preggy to her as during her times, her stomach around this size when she ~5mths preggy.

irene low: hope ur cramps will get better soon. any bleeding? do go to gynae asap if any bleeding..

Irene siyeo: are you expecting your 1st one or 2nd one now? i'm expecting my first and my stomach can really see... very obvious... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Irene Low: pls rest more on your bed and drink more warm water or warm liquid to help your cramp. if you experience spotting, go and see ur gynae immediately.

i'm going to visit my gynae today @ 2pm. after 4 long weeks of waiting... finally... praying that everything is fine for my bb...

Irene (siyeo): I think its more the baby pushing out my extra fats =P

Irene Low: Try using a hot water bottle bag to ease the cramps. Remember to wrap the bag in a thin towel so that its not BURNING hot when it is in contact with ur tummy. The warmth should ease the cramps.

Dear all mummies.. Thanks for the concern.. So far, I don't have any spotting yet.. No blood, nothing.. Really hope to pull through.. I did the blood test to see how my pregnancy is progressing but my hb actually ask me why must do it. Why can't wait for another 2 weeks to go for scan? The wat he said it like I am wasting money.. So angry..

Irene >> man are like tat.. try to tell them abit more on pregnancy and they will slowly accept it..

2 more weeks to T2.. and going to HK tml! I wana enjoy there, hope the MS stop!

Irene low, tell ur HB, U are doing it for the sake of him and urself. U want to make sure baby is safe, baby is healthy. So don't complaint, abt wasting money on ur own kid.

Sometimes my HB also asked me why am I so tired, why I don't feel well etc.. I got fed-up, I just tell him, 'cos I am Pregnant and I have to take care of 1 active boy and I have to work, OK? Then he keep quiet.. LOL

Irene> I got the same problem (mensus cramp) yesterday too! I called my gynae's clinic and the nurses ask me to go down immediately for checkup. Seen the doc and he told me that it is normal to have cramps. It is like one of the symptoms. He did a scan for me and baby is growing well & very active! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene Low,

I was suspect to be chemical pregnancy when i go see my gynae on 19th March when I just test positive. So we fixed appt to go back for check up 2 weeks later.

However, 2 weeks later, my gynae say it is too small to see baby yet although he can see the sac and he confirm to me tat it is nt empty sac (coz after the birth of my boy, i have a oblight ovum aka empty sac pregnancy). So again we fixed another appt 2 weeks later.

Then this time, we see baby and able to hear bb heartbeat and gynae say my baby is about 8 weeks old.

Wat i mean to say is tat i can understand ur worry and anxious as i have been thru it too. but u hv to relax and rest, coz stress out wont do baby any good too. as for the cramp, i am nt sure, coz tat time, i dun recall i hv bad cramp but i hv spotting occasionally de.

Hi Charlene.. How many weeks are you into

ur prenancy? I am quite worried with the cramps n the gynae can't see anything n even when I test with the test kit, the results is just a faint line.. My hb kept telling me.. It's ur menses cramps.. Ur menses will come soon.. Really frustrated.. I want to tell him.. I want the bb so much, can he be more encouraging?

flubby/lovebyte: this is my 1st one. ya my stomach getting pretty obvious lor...

haha..lovebtye..ya maybe its the fats that ganna push out ;p

fishy: yes i had did my OSCAR test last wed. blood test is the normal draw of blood...only need 1 tube of blood. scan is done abdominally..just a little discomfort cos my bb moving about thus sonographer need to keep pressing my stomach n move around to scan to take quite a number of measurements. and feel discomfort is bcos i just had my lunch and appt rite after my lunch.

Gd afternoon, ladies.

Irene Low,

The blood test is to measure the HCG (pregnant hormone level). It will be able to show if you r pregnant or not, more accurately than the normal urine test kit.

If you r pregnant & at risk (like spotting or suspected miscarriage) repeated blood tests will show if your pregnancy is progressing or not by looking at the hormone level. Terminating pregnancy will show a decrease and progressing one will show an increase in the results.

Blood test results should be out within 12 hrs for hospital.

