(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

hey gals... am gg to Dr ADrian's clinic alone today coz Hb nt free ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope everytin is fine & good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jewel, last time i heard, say drink lotsa water b4 scan.. can see clearly.


irene: can partner go in with us during the oscar scan? not sure if i should ask my hb take half day... i doing the scan in the morning... and see dr ang in the afternoon...

also can the scan see boy or girl... am very excited to know...

Shan, thks.

no prob one la.. must have faith!

so far my hubby oni went with me twice also.

OSCAR test & NT scan I going alone aso.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

For those interested in the maternity wear spree, here's the info.

PS: Thanks Hho for helping me to reply. =)

The prices are in taiwan dollars and the other charges are the shipment charges, which will be spilt by the total # of items ordered.

I will convert the NT based on the bank credit card/paypal charges depending on what the seller accept. As for the collection, let me know where do you stay or work? If it's nearby to queenstown , i can pass to you otherwise i would mail to you with the postage bear by you. The seller is charging 500NT regardless the # of items, not exceeding 5k NT. =) Delivery lead time is dependent on stock avialbility and should not be > 3 weeks. If you are interested, drop me an email at [email protected]

I will be closing this spree 2nd May.

good afternoon mummies,

just came back for NT scan...

Result will send to gynea 2 to 3WD.

that gal ask us dun worry, everything normal.

1st time saw my bb very active, hands n legs keep moving and move quite fast. Now is 5.4cm, HB 170. Hubby can go in n see in later parts.

so HHo, u may ask ur hubby go...is very excited.

twinfish: congrats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very happy for you... btw, what results in 3WD? the scan results or blood test? i doing my scan thursday morning and afternoon seeing the doctor already on the scan... hmmm...

babymiao: np... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i might be getting more items... will finalise everything and let you know before may 2nd...

jewel: as my OSCAR appt at 2.30pm thus its almost rite after lunch time, thus stomach still full..i cannot tahan dun eat leh...coming to lunch time i hungry like can eat anything ;p

h ho: yes ur hby can go in...actually i'll think this is a good chance to take a close long look at ur bb as sonograher need to take quite a number of measurements, thus this scan will take quite a while..somemore i did at NUH and their ultrasound system seems better thus i can see bb much clearer. also the screen is larger ;p

hey twinfish, just send me the info like code, color, size qty, $ and copy the link just to be safe.

HHO, more items? haha...good. i am trying to control myself. otherwise i think i will overspend. =(

twinfish: congrats on the good results! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i tot the overall results including blood test result shall be available on next working day afternoon. as for my case, i can call up my gynae to chk on the overall report on next day afternoon..

keep us update of more good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HHo, coz i didnt seeing doctor till 2 wks later, so the scanning result will send to doc (from hospital to clinic) within 3 days..

if doc didnt call n ask u go earlier, means everything ok. by right, immediate u can knw the answer, just tat gal said hv to respect doc n let doc explain but she ask us dun worry, everything ok.

i didnt do blood test.

btw, i paid as a package which include 20wks i go for another details scan.

twinfish: how much u paid for this package which include NT scan+ 20 week details scan? where u do the scan? at TMC?

just back from my appt with gynae. my EDD changed to 15 Nov. now the length from head to buttocks abt 45.1mm. can see hb @ abt 170 per min. felt so relived that got tears in the corner of my eyes. did a NT scan today and it's normal. will do oscar test on my next visit which is on 1st june. btw, can see the small fist and doc say bb is holding on to the umbilical cord and playing with it. really thank god for his blessing...

Bam: can help me update my latest EDD to 15 Nov. Thank you.

flubby: congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha...so cute playing with the umbilical cord [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

flubby: congrats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1st June do oscars? i thought NT scan is part of oscars and should be done by 1st tri?

can't wait for mine...

irene: hehe... my hubby will "kill" me... haha...

according to my gynae, NT scan is to scan for the thickness of the neck fold. anything more than 3cm will be reccomended to conduct further test to test for DS. from what my gynae told me oscar test is some blood test and cant remember if scan is required.

NT scan: $80

Oscar test: $300

Oh yar... btw today the clinic lady talk to me about my package...

$600 (to be paid up from 12 weeks pregnanct onward)

package includes:

1) free consultation throughout regular antenatal visit from 12th week onwards. simple ultrasound scans to check on baby's well being at every visit.

2) Includes urine test at every antenatal visit.

3) Wound review - after birth (papsmear etc)

4) Entitled to 1 supply of Multivitamin (last 3 months) and 1 supply of Calcium and Vit D vitamin (last 3 months).

Don know if the package is ok but i signed it anyway cos it's my hubby uncle who recommend us.

Mummies, u might want to consider doing 4d scan too.. I did mine when i was pregnant with my #1.. quite fun.. so clear that we can see her double eyelids, her nose resembles who.. and see her open her eyes in the tummy.. they actually do alot of things in the tummy.. very interesting.. but is best to do it before week 30.. cos after that, there will not be enough fluid to see...

jaymickey: ya im really interested to do this 4d/3d scan too. saw the brochure at NUH which if i dun remember wrongly cost $190 which also include a CD/DVD after scan. yes saw it very interesting, can see the bb features very clearly..and saw my fren one her bb is yawning during scan..so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HHo, I did mine at Radlink @ Paragon.. it is also available in NUH and TMC.. i choose Radlink because they actually return all the imagines and video in a dvd.. they even print out 1 or 2 of the clearer ones for u.. 2 years ago, i paid abt $180 (price of 3d scan but i still get 4d treatment)... but cos i was already >30weeks, so was diff to scan.. and lady even asked us to go for a walk and go back in 15mins so that the baby will move and can see her face... their services are not bad..

Irene, I have friends who did it at NUH, I think the no. of photos is lesser than the Radlink ones.. I have more than 30images if i didn't rem wrongly.. everything that was snap during the session. Mine was 2 sessions even cos the 1st one i went in the evening, baby was back facing.. so after asking us to walk around twice baby didn't change position, so asked us to go back again 2 days later.. and no additional charges..

Hey mummies,do u have to pay extra for the 4D scans? I know SGH offers it free but they don't publicise it cos they will only do it if they r free. Of course, I'm not sure if they offer it to both private and subsidized patients.

Mummies, sorry for intrusion

I have 2 Clarins pdt given to me as a gift.

But i am not using it. These pdts are quite popular among preggies. You may check out the item @ Clarins counter in leading dept store.

1) Clarins Foot Beauty Treatment Cream

Retail Price: $43

Now Selling: $20 (Free JLO Body Lotion 20ml)


2) Clarins Stretch Mark Control

Retail Price: $75++

Now Selling: $35 (Free JLo Body Lotion 20ml)


Collection Point: TPY/Bishan/AMK

If postage, pay additional $1.50 (estimated)

If interested, please PM me!

Mummies, sorry for intrusion

I have 2 Clarins pdt given to me as a gift.

But i am not using it. These pdts are quite popular among preggies. You may check out the item @ Clarins counter in leading dept store.

1) Clarins Foot Beauty Treatment Cream

Retail Price: $43

Now Selling: $20 (Free JLO Body Lotion 20ml)


2) Clarins Stretch Mark Control

Retail Price: $75++

Now Selling: $35 (Free JLo Body Lotion 20ml)


Collection Point: TPY/Bishan/AMK

If postage, pay additional $1.50 (estimated)

If interested, please PM me!

hi mtbs who are keen to noe bot 4D scans. My gynae has this machine in his clinic and i have to say that it is much much better then abdominal scans. i first saw him during my 5wk5d and can see my water bag and yolk very clearly already.

subsequently can see beanie heartbeat during my 6wk3d. it comes in 2 colors and its very obvious. The difference is quite big i would say between this and abodominal scan.

morning ladies..

went check up last nite.. hee

11W2D -- 5cm

Supposed to go for scan at TMC next Wed..

Twinfish/those w Dr Adrian.. wat scans eh.. he talked too fast, i forgotten liao.. i think his nurse tld me got 2 scans.. 1 for down sydrome the other dunno wat :p

Gave me an MC for next Wed.

Asked him on the followings

1) Dark Green stool

Becoz of the multiVit he gave

2) Light yellowish discharge

As long as nt itchy or foul smelled, it ok.

Could be coz of MultiVit (again?!)

3) My son love to slp on my tummy, ok

Try to change him, nt v good.. but nt harmful yet..

gg to see him in 3 weeks times..


got 2 scan, NT and FA scan, is for down sydrome.

nurse 4got 2 gave me MC lor, so i ask my hubby tml go down collect MC.

When u go TMC scan, they will ask u wan to pay for another scan on wk20, which is a package for these 2 times scan. I paid le, FYI, is $231.10.

jaymickey: thanks for the info. will try call up Radlink to check on their pricing, as compare with NUH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how come the NT scan you all do must go to hospital or TMC one? i did mine at my gynae clinic leh.

i'm going to start on calcium pills to day and multi vit next week. scared later kena constipation.

flubby: think some gynae clinic do provide such services...for my gynae he said he prefer all of us to do at NUH where NUH specialise in doing these types of scan, think maybe he also not trained in doing such scans?? ;p

calcium/multi vit will cause constipation? tot iron pills then will cause?

for me cal amd multi vit will cause constipation and become very heaty. cos before i become preggy i try to take multi vit everyday. then my body become heaty and got nose bleed. now i havent start already nose bleed.

oic..wah jia lar...i also a person who gets heaty n easily constipation one...my gynae has not started me on any multi vit/calcium, just fish oil + folic acid..n now on n off already got constipation...if i started on those 2..i sure jia lar..

btw can preggie drink any "cooling" type of water to balance abit??

irene> i take red date tea to "cool", thk is good for MTB..if u hv constipation, try taking more fruits or check out whether yr gynae sells fibre.

thanks Twinfish. ..ya the nurse got mentioned i nid to pay when i at tmC.. $210+ ..so it's $230+ ... ok be prepared.. haa i gg alone.. paying it my self :p

twinfish, ytr i waited from 645pm to 815pm leh.

i thinking when in later tri, i migth juz tk leave n switch to noon clinic.. really such long wait.... sian..

Shan, $230 should be included GST. har? evening need to wait so long ah, my next appt is fri evening, i think i better change to noon. Means our next appt is 14wks which means end of 1st tri beg of 2nd tri.

your bb is bigger than mine. my 11wk+ only 4.1cm.

mummywong/cystal: tks for the info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for the red date tea, do u just buy the red dates from herbal shop and boil with ur normal tea bags or there's those pre-packed package type which has the red dates + tea leaves in it?

for now, im trying prune juice for constipation..seems sometimes work..sometimes not really..

shan: you waited from 645pm to 815pm at tmc for the scan or to see ur gynae?

i prefer to see gynae the first few in the morning when they start... wait is much much shorter.. i always ask for the early early...

btw i heard some ppl said preggie should refrain from taking spicy stuffs, like curry, laska..??? anyone heard of this? i on n off also eat leh...have craving then eat lor ;p

irene, where u heard from? my god, i like curry laksa..recently eat quite frequence on mee siam, laksa..coz others food like no taste 2 me..

HHO, means u early early go n take queue number?

irene> my fil just boil the red dates with water leh..just normal ones. maybe u can try asking the shop, think those chinese medical shop will teach u. as for spicy stuff, i eat "moderately"...as some MTB said, "moderate" is the word...i crave spicy stuff more now but yet i don't date to eat too much as i afraid too heaty/spicy for the stomach..but i heard don't overtake coconut gravy, thus i think...don't eat everyday and don't drink too much of the gravy should be fine lah.

hho.. to see gynea... v sian.. somemore the clinic so small ..no pl to sit.. yet don wanna miss.. keep walking up & down.. haa

u oso Dr Adrian?

twinfish..ya waited for so long lo.. think noon better..i went noon b4 oso..crowded too but nt as bad as eveninglo.. ytr really scary.

i duno leh..2 weeks b4 was 9th week, so ytr shd be 11th rite? but on the scan, it write 12w , so i oso duno i 11 or 12th? haa but i tot i juz follow previously ..so shd be 11th now lo..

irene, prune juice is good.. but don taste so nice.. i stil got in my fridge.. :p


ytr i ate laksa for lunch then MOS burger for dinner.then a big pack of potato chip supper :p

v jialet.. i think as long as don do it everyday..balance abit shd be fine la..

since this preggy, i keep carving for laksa leh..hee strong food..

