(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

irene - thanks dear. better liao, but duno if it's the meds or MS, but I've been feeling super puky the whole day and very weak. signz... at least i'm not at work, can lie down anytime. hehhe..


Angel, totally understand how u feel.. I am like this today.. but realized when i lie down and wake up.. feels worst.. seems like it takes awhile for the hormones to level itself.. do take care..


mayo shld hv raw egg, so if u mind, better to avoid it. Same goes for tiramisu.


i was wif dr ang in my last preg, however not going bk to him. I shan't go into too much details but i'm bothered by him who asked me to induce several times b4 full term, n worse of all, he manage to nick my son's face during the emergency c sect. Luckily the scar is not obvious.

clover> u mean mayo sauce cannot take? like those Mac mayo sauce? those bottle Jap mayo salad sauce also cannot ah?

nana> steamed egg is "cooked"..so should be ok..suddenly we are all worried about what can/cannot eat..

Bam: what industry are you with? why u so super busy one? now 7 plus liao go home get some rest ba.

btw, when u free pls help me update my EDD to 15 Nov.

mummywong, i know mayo requires raw egg. it's an emusified product of raw eggs, oil n seaso

nings. i dunno how diff brands make their own mayo. If u want to eat, eat at yr discretion.

It's allways best to eat fresh food. Fresh food tt is free of preservatives, additives and colourings. Eat organic if possible.

HHo: Re. constipation, i'm currently taking delmonte prune juice abt half a cup and dilute with water so that not so thick.. and some green kiwi and maybe orange juice. I find that it does help. You can try bananas but don't take them when u're already constipated. Drink more fluids so that it can work with the fibre to move your bowels.

Shan/Ashley: are u looking to change gynae? My 1st gynae was Dr Joycelyn Wong. She is very good, very assuring esp to first MTBs cos she spoonfeeds you with info and doesn't rush thru consultation. Her stiching skills are great- i could do without painkillers and could walk after delivery. She's also very gentle when it comes to VE (vaginal examination). Pity tho' he prices have gone up... otherwise i would have stayed with her for #2... sighz..

I just did my oscars on Monday and the result is good ratio of 1:9000. Bb at 12 wks measures 6.4cm. I still eat sushi and sashimi leh cos it's my fave and when I have #1 i ate it too even half boiled cockles. I know it's not good but thank god we are both fine. This time round I didn't eat so much trying to control.

Eating more fruits can help in easing constipation espcially papayas. Eat moderately should be fine.

wow... the thread really moved while Im away.

Juv 06 & HHo, Im also doing OSCAR tmr too... gd luck to all of us ya!

I do not to eat semi-cook, raw food or share utensil/food with other ppl cos Im not immune to Hyp A & B [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ... shld have listen to my gynae b4 I got pregnant.

R u immune to hyp A & B?

Jewel i also not immune after 1st injection got pregnant already then doc dun wan to carry on the injections.

I m also doing Oscar 2morrow good luck Jewel!

Thx, Irene. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

funny that my doc said I could take sashimi.. She said in S'pore food control is strict but I still dare not try... Hahaha

I also hope I will be better else no work Liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

May I know how much is the OSCAR test? I did my blood but scan has to wait till May 11.

I do have antibodies of hep a n b when I did my body checkup last aug. So still ok. My Oscar scan package is $400, which consists of 12 wks ultrasound scan and 20wks ultrasound scan.

hmmmmm... i know i sounds abit ridiculas.. but i think i felt my bb moved! i felt it with my fingertips n ask hubby to feel it too. hubby said he felt it too.. haha!!! i am only 12wks lo.. very amazed..

rxsti> wow yr reading are good and yr bb size is big among those wk12?

ashley & jewel> have fun..i'm sure yr oscar will be good and u get to see yr bb again!

good morning mummies! i still got 5 more weeks before i do anything of the tests and see my bb. meanwhile just pray that everything is fine...

Morning Mummies,

While we are on the topic of food. I was reading a book yesterday and it was saying that we should not eat Deli food (e.g. Ham, sausages..) unless you soak it in hot water or steam it first. These meats are exposed to bacteria so best not to eat straight from the fridge when you are making sandwiches... sigh... where got time to steam the ham?

On the sashimi note, i know we can't eat RAW salmon but can we have smoked??? I'm seeing my gynae next tues so any list of questions to compile I'll be happy to check with her for you MTBs.

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don worry gals... juz take good care of health & stay positive.. think everytin ggto be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Michele, I wld think better to avoid raw food.. even though gynea say ok... yes, Sgp food standard is quite good, but u never know.. better to be kia si.... I oso a sashimi & fresh oyster lover.. now can only salivate.. i din touch any.. well i think i din touch 1pcs of Salmon mayo at Sakae sushi.. :p tat's!

control la for your bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good to know tat the tests results are all good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah!

regarding the cothing .. Mandy shop... babymiao.. hv u or ya fren tried b4? is the quality ok?

I did some online shopping b4 ... somereally sucks the quality.. i abit scared :p but i saw quite a lot of styles tat i fancy.. juz wanna ensure the quality is passable..

let me know k thanks

Hello all, i'm new to the forum. My EDD is 21 Nov 2010, so currently i'm around 10weeks. This will be my first child so hope to share info and experiences with you on this forum! Wishing all MTBs a smooth and happy pregnancy =)

holly/cutiebb.. sometimes i feel such oso..some fluid movements.. haa but duno is it bb or .. maybe she fart causing tsunami inside .. haaa

allo JanO..welcome & congrats!!

cutiebb... i shown my #1 the ultra scan pics.. though he can tell nor shown v much interest. but i tld him this is mei mei'head.. legs etc..hee

Then keep telling him, Daddy/Mummy love u... u love mei mei ok ..hee

sometin like those lo.. then ask him to say goodnite to mei mei oso... kiss my tummy... i will put "mei mei" topic into our day-day conversation when i could, but don overdo oso [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..

hope these help.i duno oso..but sometimes, he will suddenly say he wanna hit mei mei..then hit my tummy.. think playful bah..

Holly - u are not alone, i also felt bb moving at 12weeks, but this one faster cos my no. 1 i only felt it moving at 17weeks, nice feeling rite? haha

shan> i also tried smthing like ur way but once he is immersed in his fun, he forgets and will run towards my tummy or wanna climb onto my lap and tummy. He also wanna me to carry him more often now. So dunno if he really noes about the up coming sibling

Cutiebb - i told no.1 since i knew i am pregnant, then i bring her during checkups, she saw the scan of bb herself. Now when i asked her where's bb she will point to my stomach but when i asked her u wan didi or meimei, she will say don wan. Guess more teaching along the way.

yes yesyes cutiebb.. my son oso more sensitive than b4, everytin wants me to do..n always ask me to carry, n even slp on my tummy.... i juz ask gynea, he say try not to.. coz tummy gettg better... might not be too good.

constant tellg him lo.. but maybe coz mine aledy 3.5yr,so he cn undstd better, yours how old?

i think some rivarly is inevitable, we juz gotta prepared.. ask hubby n caregivers ard to help n keep alookout oso... hope things will be good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cutiebb - do u carry no. 1 often? no. 1 now so heavy, sometimes no choice will carry her but felt breathless after tat.

Koori> perhaps i shd bring him for my checkups. I try not to carry if possible. Ya when i carry him i will be breathless as well

Shan> ours is 2 now....perhaps won't be able to comprehen as well as urs.

I read about parents preparing gifts for the two kids saying its a gift from each of them. Do this really make them feel better?

koori, your gal oso older de? i think of ours age, they undstd, but sometimes they choose to be cheeky.. hee

cutiebb, ya if got chance bring her along.. good good.. mine cant, DR Adrian's clinic is always full of pple.. haaa don think i wanna bring him along..

no harms buyig lil gifts...tat sound sweet..

i oso try not to carry him, gv him other excuse like let's hv a race etc.. don he don buy it de.. sometimes, alone w him go buy grocery, v tiring esp when he nid me to bao bao .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tellg Hubby it;s time for him to step in & help liao..i nt a super woman

Shan - mine same as cutiebb - 2yrs old.

Ya get help from ur hb, now my ger mainly taken care by Hb after work cos i really so tired to administer her routine.

so nice Koori!!! arrgggh.. mine still same as norm!!!!

ytr nite asked Hubby to shower for our boy, he did tried, but my boy refused.. so end up still me, tld him, u better buck up n "win" him over.. v soon, i be inconv to do so..

i think he lagi happier when he cant "win" him over.. coz i get to do everytin!

Cutiebb, shan, koori,

i think we are more sensitive coz this is not our first bb ba. Actually a few days ago i felt bb knock the tummy door. But i tot i was dreaming until i felt it again ytd n i made the dad feel it too to just confirm. Bb is knocking. So cute!!! I missed this feeling ever since #1 is out. Must enjoy it to the max this time round.


Ever since i know i m preggy, i told #1 abt it. I ask him he wan didi or meimei n he say meimei. Den i kept asking him to kiss n sayang meimei. He will kiss n sayang my tummy. N i start to get toys in pairs. Like i buy 2 soft toy n tell my big boy that the other one is for meimei who is in my tummy. I bring him alomg for my checkup as well. If it happens tt he needs to go sch tt day, i will show him the ultrasound.

rxsti: congrats! ur OSCAR results is v good. ya ur bb consider pretty big as compare to rest of us..my only measure at 5.87cm during OSCAR at 12w+

lovebyte08: how abt if just do some frying over the pan for those ham/sausages? is it ok..at least will go under some heat lor..ya i been controlling myself from eating too much subway..

Jan0: congrats and welcome!

re:feel bb movement now

i also cannot feel any movement although this is my 13wk+ liao.. maybe too much wind or too much fats in stomach ;p

Holly - i quite agree cos now no. 2 more sensitive, we better enjoy the feeling cos i intend to stop at 2. Ur boy will tel u wan meimei, mine don even want, intally she say didi meimei, now change to don wan, keke.

mummywong: okok...ya i think it will warm and interesting esp for 1st time MTB like me when we started to feel bb movement..looking forward to feel the movement...heehee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


he sometimes also say dun wan. Haha. Slowly lo. But i am trying to let him know there is a meimei or didi inside me by asking him to kiss n sayang my tummy. Hopefully all this preparations help.


dun worry. Actually i felt shock to feel bb so early. 13 week is still very early. Normally u will feel bb only at abt 16 to 22 weeks.

yes..irene.. haaa esp the veru first time u see a lil fist protuding out from your tummy, making it outta shape.. hilarious n so touching.. haa

i did video-ed them how my "tummy" dances.. BUT! my idiot Samsung gave up n i lost every single valuable vids! pissed me off big time! went to ctm service to complain, oso no use!

For me, first say don wan, then say mei mei, now change to didi.. i think he cheeky.. he will purposely say didi, i will tell him meimei nicer... didi will fight w u.. haaa :p

but he say didi is good, meimei will fight w him.. haaa ...contradict me!

but in my 1st mth, he will suddenly tell me, mei mei v notty, run n run n run .. :D he can foresee future eh?


bam78, oh dear, u tk care.. so cute u wanna be Ip Man eh.. i gg to watch on Fri.. teach u some stunts then hor.. heee

take care..weekends soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for your updating despite u so bz

i oso wanna order, juz email to babymiao.. but i wanna know if quality is acceptable or nt..

i cant fit into my normal clothing v soon, so tigh now i feel.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

