(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

seagal... cos they also do the Antenatal blood test for me - 3 tubes.

For Oscar is NT Scan + 1 separate tube of blood. Dun be alarmed *ai zhai*


jewel: I see. I wasn't ask to do antenatal blood test mah.. thought they drew 4 tubes from you just for OSCAR...hee


I like to sleep facing down too. Took some getting used to at first to get comfortable in other positions, but like what jewel said, as the tummy get bigger, you'll find it more and more uncomfortable for you liao. I don't sleep facing down anymore since #1. I sometimes find it useful to have an extra pillow or cushion at my back when I sleep sideways. Then as the tummy grow bigger some more, a flat cushion under the tummy sleeping sideways help too. Can understand what I write anot ar? :p

I read somewhere very funny, when this lady goes to the beach with her family - when she was pregnant, she dug a hole in the sand so that she can lie facing down again. Hahah.

BAm... please add me in too.... :p thanks for the update....

jennifer u there? we are having the same gynae and same hospital but mine EDD is 25 Nov...

Waited 1.5 hrs at the clinic this morn for my turn. Doc said my spotting is due to my low placenta. Asked me to take my duphaston for one week and monitor. At least more assured after seeing heartbeat is still there. Baby is also growing. Now 8.5cm. Think really gotta rest well for the weekend.

Bam, adjusting is always hard.. try to sleep early.. these days I sleep 1 or 2 hrs earlier than b4... else no energy the next day. Try steal nap after lunch and do some catching up on weekends.

Have a gd weekend everyone!

cherrie - good to hear that everything is fine. Rent more dvds and rest at home bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wah~ Ur bb is so big liao. :D

Hi ladies,

I am new here. I hope to join this thread to share the ups and downs of pregnancy with all of you. I am expecting twins and this is my first pregnancy. Just did the Ocsar test a few days ago and the result is low risk.

Please add me to the list.

EDD: 17 Nov 2010

Gynae: Dr SF Loh

No. of kids: 2 upcoming

Hospital: KKH

Bing - wah twins! That's so cool, congrates! Hehehe, our first pair of twins in Nov10 thread. How's being preg with twins so far?

seagal - thanks! I'll go check my email in awhile. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrie: good to hear that ur bb is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care!

bing: congrats for having twins *wow* and welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam, can add me into the list when you're free? Tks.

10 nov, TMC, dr M Tan, 1 upcoming.

I'm a twin myself, but no twins in tummy leh..

Angel: thanks. I rented Korean DVD but dozed off after watching awhile. Doc's first question was I had intercourse recently before she performed the ultrasound. Of course not. But I guess my poor husband gotta be a monk for the next few mths with my current condition.

Bing: wow twins? Any family history? You gonna get extra help during confinement? It's not easy man. My gf gave up her job to care for her twins full time after giving birth. Her sons are in pri one this year and she is still a sahm. Congrats!


I agree with Mummywong, think you can just take your multi-vit if you already in T2, bec there will be other vit other than folic acid.


Congrats & welcome!


Oh I thought your bday was on 7 May. LOL!!

I like to lie on my tummy and sometimes sleep on tummy too. I missed doing that when I had #1 but had to get used to sleeping on left side, which is more beneficial.

Now I just enjoy lying on tummy whenever I can, bec I know that I won't be able to do that soon, haha!

Angel, Irene,

Thanks! I'm still having bad MS even though it's supposed to improve in T2..Feel like vomitting all the time. When I told my gynae, he said it's inevitable since my progesterone and hCG levels are higher than singleton pregnancy ;(

How about you guys? Any discomfort so far?


I conceived thru ivf after trying for 2 yrs naturally. It had been a tough journey.

I've already engage a CL to help me during my confinement. Will also be employing a maid. Since both my dh and I are working, we can foresee that taking care of the 2 babies can be a headache next time.

Hi to all mummy here,

disappear for quite sometime, due too stress for my #2. Very scare something go wrong. There is one day, I dream of I gave birth to a bb boy, and after I hold him from gynae. He stop his breathing. This nightmare make me unable to have a good sleep for a few night.

Today just visited gynae for my wk 12 check up, look like bb is doing well. With normal heartbeat. Length abt 6.29cm

then my mind bcome more settled. My ms also reducing, the most only will puke after dinner. Just to ensure I don't take heavy dinner. I dun feel like taking any vitamin pill at the moment.

I think I saw some mummy can't really drink water, I do have this problem. But I bought the Fiji mineral water from seven eleven or cold storage. I found myself able to accept the pure clean water to keep myself hydrate. But I also feeling vey sleepy at work and everyday I need at least a cup of milk tea or teh o peh to keep myself alert at work.... Sad...

Bam, if u got time k update the chart with my details?

Name : oneegg

gynae : Caroline khi

hospital : tmc

child : thiS is my #2

Edd : 23 nov 2010

Bing: oh I see. It's really not easy to go thru ivf. I watched this documentary on dicovery health channel which featured this couple going thru ivf for the third time and it was still unsuccessful. The program was v sad in my opinion cuz the couple's hopes were inevitably higher but they were still disappointed in the end.

Oneegg: no wonder you MIA. I don't have ms like some of you but sometimes I think ms at least keeps on assured that beanie is still there. I have to wait for each visit to the doctor before I feel relieved.

Anyone suffering from nasal congestion? I have mucus everyday and can't sleep well at night cuz my nose is always partially blocked.

cherrie> rem to hv rest over wkend! wow yr bb seems big or at wk14 is this length?

bing> congrats for having twins! do u know the gender yet? i heard ivf very xin ku..lucky u already passed the more xin ku stage. it must be exciting to have twins. do show us the scan photo if you do not mind next time. i have never seen twins scan.


Same here. These 2 days I also have some nasal congestion with backdrip mucus. Sometimes can't sleep well too.

Also sneezed more than usual. I wonder If I'm sick or if this is one of those pregnancy symptoms??

Hi gals,

Anyone here had done your ocsar test?

I need advice badly. im 35 this yr and carrying my 1st child. I just got my result from oscar and the result is high risk due to BB neck too thick.

They ask me to do amino?

Anyone here had experience before and can advice me on this. I'm so lost and depressed.

Thank you

cherrie - I have blocked nose and ears almost everyday. But my blocked nose is not those watery mucus. Very sian. Makes me feel abit breathless and can't hear properly.

Bing - I'm having slightly lesser nausea already. Hang in there bah, I believe yours should reduce soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oneegg - hee.. think lots of mummies will worry and result in nightmares. Haha, my nightmares were not really abt bb, but about my hb abandoning me cuz I getting bigger & bigger. hahahahaa.. Cried lots when I woke up and told him abt it. :p Good to hear that your bb is fine and doing well. You can rest easy after hearing that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fashion_spree - scroll up and read seagal's post (may 13, 9.02pm). Her advice helped me alot, and I'm thinking of giving the doc a call for a 2nd opinion. I also did oscar test. The scan was fine, but the blood test was not very good. I'm suppose to do amnio test on 4jun. Now thinking about it, since there's a chance of miscarriage.

Hi all Mummies,

I am from Dec09 MTB Forum. I have the following items for sale!

1. BNIB Little Giant Milk bags (made in korea)

1 for $18, 2 for $16 each, 4 for $14 each

2. Preloved My best friend Breast Pillow

Lightly used for only 4months

condition: 8/10

Price: $49

3. Pigeon disposable Breast Pads

30pcs $5

4. Brand new Thomson Baby diaper sling black bag $10

5. BNIB Carters 6-9mths 5pcs rompers for boy $20

10% discount off all prices if you buy all!!

Free 1 preloved 125ml Avent bottle and 1 cooler bag! Free Preloved assorted newborn baby boy clothes!!

Self Collect near Parkway Parade or Raffles Place or Bt Batok or via postage!

PM for more details/ questions!!

Bam... i am like u sleeping and facing down but apparently it seems like these days i can no longer do that despite tummy hasnt realli blow up yet. worst still sometimes left or right also cannot must be facing the ceiling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummies out there.. anyone experience block nose or running nose often? isit common ... had some medication from gynae but dun seems to help any advise???

going for NT SCAN and bloodtest on Monday wonder if they are realli drawing 3 tubes of blood? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fashion_spree - har week 21? That is rather late, esp since the results will only be ready around 2wks later. By that time you'll be in wk23. I read that amnio test can be done from week16 -20, mostly around wk18. You may wana check with your gynae and ask him/her if it's possible to bring the date forward.

sharon - i get block nose and ears almost everydae. Very sian cuz it makes me abit breathless and hard on hearing. =X

Haha i thought I was the only one with running nose and blocked nose everyday! It's terrible. Gotta go everywhere armed with tissue now.


May i know how's ur gynae diagnosed ur placenta position is low? bcos my gynae told me can only be diagnosed during 20 weeks when i ask him this question last time.

hope you wil be ok. I read online the placenta will move upward at later stage, so don't worry. for now, try to rest more.

Hi fashion_spree,

My bb neck is also a bit thick. i had scheduled to do amnio test in 2 weeks time. My gynae advice me to go for it. Amnio test can also tell u the gender of the bb too.

If you ain't sure, consult ur gynae first. Meanwhile, try to keep urself happy. Important for you and bb.

jolyn n jollymummy,

when u purchase before u leave sin they will pack it in a airtight bag n sealed it for u. u r not supposed to open it until u arrive at your destination. when u come back to sin pack it in your check in luggage DO NOT put it in your hand carry. They dont restrict the quantity u buy.

Hi, Bam, I'm not on the list, thanks to add me.

EDD: 7 Nov 2010

No of kids: 1st kid but not 1st pregnancy

Hospital: KKH

Gynae: Dr June Tan


Thks! It's indeed exciting to have twins but also very tiring to take care of 2 babies at the same time! Mine are fraternal twins. They have separate placentas and their own amniotic sacs. The sonographer scan the babies separately so my scan photo is no different from those singleton babies. My gynae managed to see that one of the babies is a boy at week 11. I think it's still too early to tell so I'm waiting to confirm the genders at week 20 scan.


Yeah there are many couples out there who tried ivf many times but still couldn't succeed. Imagine the stress they went thru!



Hi ahko80,

yup will meet my gynae on the 26 this mth . Will seek his opinion. Did u go for 2nd opinion ?

I'm So worried as mine is also a ivf bb. Went through so much for the process, really hope my bb could be healthy

n Normal.

cherrie77, me too...having nose block issue for more than 2 mths la....esp in middle of nite, cant sleep well.

Oh, I also will join the gang.

I normally have drippy nose at night, now when I'm expecting, it's worse... I feel like an elephant blowing my nose!

And today, it's official. I cannot fit into my original, pre-pregnancy pants. And I only week 15! Anyone else have this problem?

hi gals,

how's everyone doing?

been away for one whole week. the thread went like dunno how many miles away already. haha.

congrats to new MTB!

Hi ladies,

Those who have joined the Mandy spree...the items have arrived! I like all the items i got..the quality is pretty good! I have sent out the email to you. Pls check, ya

Hi, ladies.

Am heading off to Taipei for a short break this week.

Does anyone know if there are any cheap & good maternity clothes shops in Taipei? Thanks in advance for the recommendations....

Morning mummies. Cold weather today, how nice if can laze at home and don't need to come to work.

sharon - haha, no idea if it's normal anot. But if so many of us have this, then I should guess it's something common bah. :D Wonder when it will end and the block nose will disappear. Sianz

fashion_spree - u going to wait till your gynae visit to ask him if can bring forward the test date for you? Think you can actually do the test during that week already. Why not give him a call to ask him if can bring forward the date? There may be a long Q at ur hospital, and it may be better to check early. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi congrats to all mummies-to be,

Sorry to interrupt..

I have one Cheeky Bon Bon BN baby carrier. My ger does not like to be inside..therefore selling it. RP:$46.90. Now at 40% off, $28(mailed).

Mine is in S size.

How to Determine Pouch Size

Measure from your shoulder to your hip diagonally.(Measurement in cm )

61-63 - S

Thanks! interested, kindly email me at [email protected]


Gd morning ladies & Welcome new mummies..

I dun have blocked nose but I get a lot of phlegm after vomiting. Is this normal?

