(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

shan - yah!! I didn't know the tip to take sugars before the scan until after I come back. Didn't even take much breakfast as my appt was at 8.30am. No wonder my bb was so quiet lar. Signz...

Haha, u'll really display your bump proudly? I gg for a beach holiday 1st week of June, and now wondering if I should splurge on a maternity swimsuit, a tankini or juz continue wear my bikinis. haha


oic,Angel, u must be one of the few who went earlier for the NT scan.nevermind, as long as bby is good & fine... well engf, rember during detailed scan at wk 20, tk more sugars, u might see ya lil one dancing!! haaa... so hilarious!

i feel juz wear normal bikini can lioa.. 1st wk june, only ard wk 16~18? still nt v big... i feel maternity esp swim suit waste $$ , u seldom get to wear..hee last time when i almost fullterm, i juz wear those kind of boy's pants + bikini + a tanktop... anyway cant swim, juz "pao pao' water nia.. haaa...

Morning mummies,

Have been a silent supporter of this thread since March. As my pregnancy has more or less settled, I would like to join all of you. ^.^

Bam, appreciate if you could update my particulars whenever you could. thanks!

EDD: 5 Nov 2010

Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

No. Of Kids: 1

Hospital: TMC

whim, i am not too sure abt the measurement. I can go home tonight and compare the actual items vs what the website say.

Shan..got your payment le. Will send the items tomorrow for you. On the ailian spree, let's see how many of us are interested. The more the better so can spilt on the shipment cost, else not worth it wor...=) We can decide later when u received the mandy's stuff...i think the quality should be the comparable ba.

Angel - keke.. okie.. i got what you mean le. ;)

Ange - Welcome! My edd is 9 Nov, same gynae and same hospital. Maybe we would bump into each other one of these days. keke

babymaio >> so from which web u will take orders from? Mandy or ailian? or if we fancy anything from the above just dropped u a mail?

babymiao, let me thank you in advance!

Am having some problems with ordering from ailian to pick up in taipei when I'm there... Don't have a Taiwan hp number, so the order refuses to go through. Sian.

Piggydog - Thanks! Quite a number have chosen TMC. If most of our edd is close to one another, could even arrange picnic hehee..

ange> welcome!

fashion_spree> lucky u called and checked with the hospital, think u can complain. i vaguely remember hearing from someone, "touch wood" to terminate pregnancy have to be done before wk20/22 kind.think is a law or something.

Hi Jun,

Personally I'm going for ailian this time but if alot of ladies is interested in Mandy, i can open a spree too. Note for Mandy, the shipment charges work this way...500NT regardless of the # of items but not exceeding 5000 NT. The previous round, the shipment cost is 1500 NT for 29 items ( total amt is ~15K NT), so i pc is ~ 50 NT. So if we have less items, the shipment cost will works out to be higher. For ailian, the seller told me she will weigh the items accordingly and estimate the cost.

For those interested, drop me a mail...i will send you a template to fill up. (more organised this time) =)

Just gone through Mandy & Ailian website. The models are so skinny... they are not pregnant at all.. Will their sizes fit our newly changed body? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummywong10 - thanks!

I'm glad to have this forum cos it makes me feel I'm not alone. Though I'm new to all of u, but u gals are not so to me cos I have been following all of your posts (not missing any) diligently. hahaa.. I was an invisible stalker ;p

Good day to all...


I'm at TMC too, EDD is 15 Nov. TMC is great except for the parking....

Whim, no problem at all. If ailian doesn't work for u. how about Mandy?

babymiao> sorry to check cause i didnt join last spree, how do we collect if we join the spree? u'll arrange send to us/pick up somewhere?

yes mummywong10, that was my query to babymiao too when I sent her the email.

wow babymiao, 15 is my hubby's fav number and I was hoping my EDD is 15 instead of 5 haha.. you are right abt the parking.

Mummy wong ,

I'm fine as they already apologise to me. I'm going for my 2nd opinion tomorrow at Camden just hope the result is better. If not I will have to do my amnio test in jun.


can help me to update my info

EDD: 16 nov 10

gynae: SF Loh

no of kid: 1 upcoming

hosiptal: KKH

thank u .

*whistles* sexy mummy angel! hv fun at the beach!

Ok babymiao.. ya i more keen on ailin too this time round.. :D more matured looking clothings..hee

Hi Mummy Wong and all interested in the spree,

Currently seems like Ailian spree is the preferred one. i will be closing the spree 25 May 2010.

The prices are in taiwan dollars and the shipment charges which will be spilt by the total # of items ordered in the spree.

I will convert the NT based on the bank credit card/paypal charges depending on what the seller accept. I will send out the invoice only after i received the items from the seller and mail out to you after i received your payment. As for the collection, let me know where do you stay or work? If it's nearby to Redhill or clementi, i can pass to you otherwise i would mail to you with the postage bear by you. Hope this helps.

PS: for those who wants the template, pls drop me an email at [email protected]

Hi fashion_spree,

I realised we are seeing the same gynae and faced the similar issue. But I din go for 2nd opinion, cos I think amnio will give definite ans.

Dun worry, things will be fine.

Hi babymiao,

Will drop u an email later, regards to the spree.

Thank you


Thx! Will check out these 2 shops.


Oh didn't know Target has online shop too, will browse 1st, thx!


U mean David Jones & Myers got nice maternity collection or maternity swimwear collection?

Are they expensive? Thx.

Shan & Angel:

I'm at the in-between stage where fatty tummy is obvious and baby bump not exactly there yet. So u can imagine if I show my tummy now, pple will think I'm fat instead of pregnant, waahaha!! Also I'm more used to one-pieces all along. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, just to share with all gals one funny incident that happened in a Watsons store some time back, way b4 I was preggie. I was quite offended though.

I was looking at some products on the shelf when a sales assistant approached me to ask if I need help.

One of the qn she asked: Are u pregnant? I said with straight face: No, I'm just fat. She was so stunned and of couse didn't close the deal. Muahahaha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/rofl.gif]


Can you feedback to Mt A abt that rude & impatient & rough radiographer who attended to you? It's not your fault that readings are hard to take that day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morining Mummies! Its almost lunch time.

You are absolutely right about parking at TMC. So want to faint when I think of parking. Luckily, I usually have hubby or my mum with me so they will deal with the parking.

For those who have yet to do oscar, ( i might be the last one seeing that my edd is on 30th Nov), its good to sign up for the FBI or SBI card offered by TMC. Cos got discount on oscar test.

Saw my baby today. So cute! Hands fingers, legs, nose and spinal cord all can see. Only the gender cannot see yet. Baby was in a comfortable position and was sleeping. After that took about 5 test tubes of blood. I think my doc just doing all the test at one go... Spent so much $$ today... But happy cos i see baby! Heard the heartbeat too.. Beating at 168 bpm. Super strong according to sonographer. =) only thing is weight has gone up by 1.5kg in the last 2 weeks..... Scary

babymiao - thanks! have received your template. Since most are interested in Ailian spree, I'll take a look.. should you be arranging Mandy's spree, pls keep me in the loop.

holly - hihi.. yup.. am surprised so many mummies have chosen TMC. Hopefully all of us who are going to deliver there will enjoy our stay with good service rendered cos I have come across some postings on other threads on some negative TMC feedback... so fingers crossed.

Yao how!!! So happy I just managed to order stuff from Ailian and send it to the 7-11. Babymiao, likely to have another spree from Ailian a bit later? I'm coming back from Taiwan on 1 June, and I will order more stuff from Ailian if the clothes are good.

Jollymummy, I know what you mean abt the baby bump. Am packing clothes for my holiday and torn between bringing babydoll outfits (but look a bit fat) or maternity ones.

lovebyte08, you are not alone. i have not done my Oscar too but going to do it tomolo at TMC ... kind of mixed feeling ...excited and worried at the same time.. as for the FBI card..yes i did a research but din sign up cos my hb's company rather pay full amount then signing up this package to get discount hahaha

btw i'm also an invisible stalker of this thread :p

EDD: 29 Nov

gynae: Dr Caroline Khi

no of kid: 1 upcoming

hosiptal: TMC

hope i am not too late in joining all the chat session here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you seeing Dr SF Loh at KKh too. Mine is a Ivf baby.Since he is the one doing my ivf so stick to him and KKH.

Ya i just want to have more assurance that all. After all i have gone through all the way from ivf to pregnancy. It is really not easy at all.

Been trying for years to have this bb.

Are you in ur tri 2 also ? and have u done ur amino test?


they've nice maternity swim wear n huge collection of nursing bras. Not cheap but cheaper to buy there then in sin. In Sin the collection is limited. For maternity wear can try pumpkin patch. I didn't explore it cos I wasn't pregnant then.

Angel: I think saw the bellybutton belt before, but I feel that is still quite expensive. I go to a few shop but they don't show the real sample. But I like ur creative suggestion by using the rubber band.

Over the weekend I went to Johor, I notice there is one maternity shop in the johor jaya giant and plaza pelangi. The shop name is grace. I think the maternity wear there quite nice. But some is cheap some is expensive.

A dress range from rm 100 to 150. But the material is quite good. But I saw some single top price at rm 79.90 then a bit expensive.

Hmm I personally for me, maternity wear k wear for quite sometime. Previously after gave birth to #1 then I still have to wear it for at least half a year. My previous clothes before preggie still in store room or give away already. I m not easy to lose weight : (

wonder whether anyone of you have started to ditch high heels and start wearing flats.. is this necessary? I love wearing heels and how is it possible to find nice flats to match with our clothes? Sigh!

fashion_spree - good luck for ur 2nd opinion tml! :D

shan & jollymummy - hahahaha! just hope tat pple will know that it's a baby bump and not fats loh. :p

jollymummy - hahahah! that's a very funny story! I think the sales assistant would b really stun and have nothing to reply to your answer.

ptb7476 - welcome! :D You're never too late to join in the chat session. hehe

oneegg - haha, I can't take credit for that good idea. I read it somewhere on the internet. hehe, it's been really useful so far to extend usage of pre-maternity bottoms like jeans and skirts. Lots of pple still duno that I'm pregs cuz I'm still wearing my usual clothes.

ange - I don't like to wear flats too! Hehe, still wearing my heels, but limit myself to 2inch heels. Weekend will try to wear more flats/slippers. In office will change to slippers too for comfort. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

back from lunch.. sleepy.. hehehee

heee jollymummy, i same as u lo ... plump ..baby bump actually oso not obvious.. haa but so far don hv sales lidat asked, else sure gv her a super black face! haa but i got colic ask me.. "are u?" w the hand gesture a big tummy, i tld him "No, i juz fat".. hahahaa :p

aft #1, i get a lot of leftovers... been w me for 3yr+ lioa.. haa really hope i can shake them off together w #2 leftovers this time.. i think wait long long.. :D

omg..5 tubes of blood, lovebyte!! n congrats ..must be so happy seeing bby!

hi PTB, welcome! n good luck to ya OSCAR tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this is my 1st time w tMC oso.. hope it be good oso. .my last was w Mt A, like the service too .. but wanna see TMC's oso.. haaa so switch hospital..hehehe itchy backside..

ange, i still wearing high heels, but i choose thicker fatter heels de then those thin ones..scare bo balance.. haa maybe changing into flat, 1-2 mths times..

babymiao.by 25th eh.. ok ok ..i tellmy colic oso thanks

Fashion spree,

How can the hospital make such a mistake? I hope your test at Camden turns out fine. I heard of ladies went there for 2nd opinion as well and eventually they had gd results. Don't worry to much ok ;)


I'm also seeing Dr Loh. I just continue to see him since he did ivf for me and he's experienced in multiple delivery. How many weeks are you now?


I'm also the same as you. I have heavy bottom - big thighs and butt. Pear shaped is the best word to describe me..haha..then I've been putting on weight recently, not only on the tummy but the bottom as well. I don't really care about revealing my tummy and bottom in swim wear now. It's the once-in-a-life time opportunity to show off your tummy ;)

Oh by the way, where did you get your maternity bottoms? Spring Maternity? I can't fit into all my pants anymore so need to get new pants.

angel, shan

I still wear heels when I go shopping over weekend. Then friends whom I'm meeting up will start to discourage me and made me feel like I'm a bad mummy. Been trying to look for nicer flats but have yet to find one.

fashion spree - I'm sure all will be well for u and your bb ;)


I've started to wear flats for a few weeks. Not used to wearing flats cos I look shorter by 3 inches suddenly. But for the sake of my bbs, I'm willing to put my heels aside for the time being ;)

Hey Mummies.

I think the thing with heels is more for our safety rather than anything thing else early in the stages of pregnancy. A trip or fall could be quite fatal while the fetus is still young. As long as you are comfortable and it doesn't cause you too much of an ache then go ahead but DO be very careful. =) Gotta agree though that it is hard to find nice flats.

Just wondering, anyone knows when we can do pedicure? My nails are FUGLY... and mum doesn't permit me to go cos of the "smell" from the nail polish which is harmful... *DIAO*

Shan: Yes 5 test tubes... i was staring at a white wall the whole time she was drawing the blood... i couldn't bear to look. Then fromt he corner of my eye i saw her shake each test tube after it was collected. So after the 3rd one she still continued to draw so I look lor.. then saw eh got 5 test tubes.

ange - don't worry about what your friends say. It's your pregnancy after all, not theirs. As long as you feel comfortable and be more careful while wearing them, just go ahead with it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hehe, enjoy wearing heels while you still can, before the backache starts and when your CG really changes cuz of the huge tummy.

I know someone who wore heels throughout her pregnancy, even until she gave birth. I think it's just her preference, and not that she's a bad mom.

angel - thanks! you make me feel better (less guilty) ;p

lovebyte - I've started doing pedicure before I even finished 1st trim.. I think as long as the environment is airy enough, it should be fine. I have read articles before (can't recall which website) that mani and pedi is fine as long as we are not opting acralyic (oops, i think the spelling is wrong cos it looks weird)

angel, thanks now i understand...

Jollymummy... sorry i was at TMC instead of Mt A. typo error.... intially was contempleting bet Mt A or TMC cause i hear a lot of good feedback abt TMC and since yesterday's incident i realli scare. the lady i met yesterday was called Angelia. OMG realli scare me off... but the other 2 was realli nice...


You can try JWest, itti & otto, Aldo or URS. Their flats are not bad and quite comfy too. At least you feel better wearing a pair of pretty flats right? ;)

i ditched my heels when i was in Wk 10...cos my gynae was saying that during pregnancy, our bones will be loose, dangerous if we have a fall and also heels would results in backaches..otherwise i would still be wearing heels now...my colleagues were laughing at the difference in my height...with and w/o heels

Haha, I don't wear heels to work nvm. But wen I'm in flats/slippers and I stand next to my hb... hahahaha.... such a big difference loh. hahaha.. He's 1.81m, I'm 1.55m. hahahaha..

Bing - u r rite. hehehe, at least will feel better if the flats we're wearing looks pretty. :p Think I'll go and take a look too. Must start training to wear flats liao.

