(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

whim: dun worry..for my case, i already cannot fit into my normal clothings, esp most of the bottoms since 12wk ;p have started to put on maternity bottoms since then.

re: mummies who need take amnio test

good luck and jia you! can understand the stress u gals are going thru. take care and hoping all will be fine! gynae had told me from his experience that there is a high record of GOOD amnio results despite poor OSCAR results...thus dun worry too much.


Hi, sometimes I do find comfort sleeping on my tummy... its like keeping it all warm adn cosy inside. But after awhile, I will switch back to either sleeping on side or back as that's more comfortable for the whole night.

Going to hit 12 weeks soon, afterwhich its suppose to be the 'safe' period? Looking forward. Tummy getting bigger each day but thankfully feeling abit less tired and nauseous compared to 2 weeks ago.

Thanks cherrie77 and angel.

Cherrie77: I also encountered blocked nose and a lot of mucus around the airway from nose to throat. Sometime I can feel the back flow of the mucus from inner nose area towards the throat. Yucks. Then every night n morning I need a lot of tissue paper. I dun know is due to preggie period or jus because I jus simply caught a cold? As the symptom only on and off.

Irene: I also cannot fit into my bottom already. But I will either wear dress to cover or I will not button up my pants, simply jus zip it. Then cover by longer top. I also looking around for maternity clothes, but yet cannot really find maternity wear with a cheaper range and presentable.

Jano: sleeping on the tummy really better? But I think every night I will have hard time to breath so I will sleep on half sitting position. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but I do agree that after wk 12 nausea really getting a lot better. But I still feel tired. Love to sleep and sleep, unable to have enough of it.


Hi Ladies,

Went around shopping for maternity stuff as well over the weekend. Didn't find much. Walked Suntec and Marina Square. They were either too pricey or too aunty for my liking. OR i was too fat to fit into some pieces.

Ended up buying these few ESSENTIAL items:

*Demin Skirt $48 - From Spring Maternity (Suntec)

*Tube Bandeaus $5- Good for coverup of low cut dresses -From John Little (Marina)

*Dress $28(Stretchy Type )- From John Little (Marina)

Most of the maternity shop stuff are WAY overpriced I feel. I saw a few but all $90 for a dress... I wanted to faint. Moreover the material not very worth it kind.

Will be heading for OSCARS tomorrow. Any advice from anyone?

oneegg: yes i also dun button up some of the skirts n go along with longer tops, so can still fit into them. but think soon im gg to outgrown them too ;p

lovebyte: good luck to ur OSCAR test tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lovebytes,

Oscar is a quick process, measurement of the baby + drawing of 3 tubes of blood. Keep your bladder full so that the Sonographer can see the baby clearly during the ultrascan for the measurement.

Everything will be fine..don't worry!

babymiao: my email seems down... can't seem to reply you.. can i pick up from u tonight... maybe 9-10pm??? let me know... thanks for ur help!!!

hello... hope everyone is fine... been out of action for 2weeks... busy with don't know what... haha...

lovebyte: take some sweets prior... could help the baby to be more active... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck...

Ladies, feel much better to know that other ppl also having the same "shit, cannot fit into my original clothes" ^_*

Lovebyte08, omg! I didn't know maternity clothes are that ex!!! Furthermore as pregnancy progresses, need to buy new size to accommodate the growing and growing belly, right?

Anyone knows of any good maternity clothes spree? I don't mind joining....

Hi Whim,

i think there are some sprees for maternity wear at Marketplace & Exchange Corner: Spree (Overseas sites only)

If you can wait, i am thinking of doing another maternity spree for this ailian website from taiwan. But it really depends on the number of MTB interested in this spree.

Maternity wear in Sin is pretty exp. that's why i started the Mandy spree previously. I saw a pair of maternity jeans selling $79..i nearly flipped...i got mine from taiwan for less than 40 sin. hehehe..so happy with myself.


whim: im hoping the maternity clothes can last me as long as possible..the best is until give birth lah..heehee.. ;p as they are not cheap..n later cannot wear after birth.

actually i find maternity clothes are mostly quite stretchy type, e.g. for pants..the waist line is elastic type thus i have bought a slightly looser size so hope can fit longer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and have bought 2 tights as think tights can last longer since they are even more stetchy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but i find my tummy grows quite fast..really scare dun know how i can balance myself at last trim or even walk around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babymiao: ok... tomorrow... hope my email works soon... if not, we will keep in touch here... thanks for gog thru all the trouble..

whim: maternity clothes are exorbitant lor... i went tanglin and taka over the weekend... @ tanglin... pants are like $100-$150... taka is worse... $200... luckily i got something with babymiao... now just hope it fits and hopefully there will be more online spree...

Hi babymiao,

i tried to join the sprees at Marketplace & Exchange Corner: Spree (Overseas sites only) but becos still a new member, not allowed to leave msg in the spree.

If there is a spree next time, i like to join too.

Hey Hho,

No problem at all. Can you access your PM? then we can exchange mobile # to contact each other easier. Let me know, ya.

babymiao: just left you a pm with my hp #... thanks... and i look forward to another spree... hopefully we can secure orders earlier before items go out of stock... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. i can help u out if you need to...

Thanks for offering your help, Hho. I have a friend helping me with all the spree stuff. We always do spree in office for office wear hahaha..it's just for fun and helping one another to cut cost. We just love shopping too much.

keep me in the loop also for the spree.. need to get some maternity clothes too.. so far, still wearing norm.. thanks in advance!


I bought most of my pieces from Spring Maternity too, but that was when I was preggie with #1.

Now gonna re-use them for #2. I've started to wear the 3/4 pants with stretchable waist - I'm not petite type. It lasted me thru'out 1st pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes & Swimwear:

There is a shop in Marina Sq called Maternity Exchange where you can rent their clothes using a package. They also sell their clothes. Clothes are nice but I find them expensive and more suitable for working MTBs. So I never get a single piece from there.

I wanted to get maternity swimsuit but the cheapest is $90?!!?! And it's the plain, one-piece suit, black one, no skirt around hips. I didn't buy it.

Kiddy palace has some clothes for mummies but might be a bit casual for some, not sure of price.

But I don't like their maternity swimsuit bec the skirt too long. I tried on once and looked like I'm wearing a dress to go swimming, haha!

If anyone knows where to get good and cheap maternity swimsuit, pls let me know. Bec I'm gonna look ridiculous in my original swimsuit soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


Not sure about how come is 3 tubes...maybe it also include other blood tests. I was struggling with that 3 tubes...=S

for spree, if you ladies want, i can start a mandy spree and a ailian spree for you ladies. Personally i think the quality for Mandy is good. Ailian wise, i have not ordered before but i do like some of their items. Drop me an mail if you are keen. [email protected]


I bought mine from motherswork tanglin. It's $149! But I cant find anything else I like n most maternity swim wear r ugly! I really liked the one I bought. I think i can justify the price since I m going to bring my son for his swimming lessons plus I swim every week. I really can't accept A ugly swimsuit.

nana/babymiao: if doing only OSCAR test, 1 tube of blood+ NT ultrascan will do. tat's wat i had signed up for at NUH.

but if at the same time include other tests, think need more tubes of blood which add up to total 3 tubes.

hello mummy.. .

good luck for the OSCArS test.. tmr nite i gg to see my gynea again, will ask him any blood test or nt, like those test for HIV etc etc ..my last #1 pregnacy got test, dunno why this one never say one.. diff gynea diff practise eh..

babymiao.. u saw my reply hor, i xtr the $ to u tonite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..yup i wld like to spree nw online again. btw, got any OL maternity wear or nt eh? mostly i saw v "young" leh..hee paiseh to wear to office..heee

hey Shan,

got your reply. No worries about the transfer.

OL clothes..i think u can check out ailian. there are some which i think are suitable. That's why i am thinking of getting from them. I need OL wear too.


Maybe you can get those 2-piece swim wear which consists of a bra top and a low waist shorts. Just get 1 or 2 size bigger will do. I got mine from Triump before I was pregnant and I can still wear it though my tummy is getting quite big. Those maternity swimsuits i saw at Kiddy Palace are quite ugly.




Wow!! $149!?!? Think I will heart pain for a few weeks, kekeke...


Oh you know, I got thunder thighs, big butt and fat tummy...er so I think I will look fat at the bottom if I wear the boy shorts type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif]

So only looking for 1-piece suit with a bit of skirt at hip, hehe, can hide flaws better.

BTW, I'm going Perth next month. Anyone knows which Aussie shops sells nice & affordable maternity swimwear?

Thought I'll ask mummies here who might know Australia well b4 I fly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irene - thanks for the encouragement! really hope that the results will be good man. :D

oneegg - i learnt from some webbies that can use a rubber band to lope fr the button, go in thru the buttonhole and then lope around the button again to secure the bottom. I do that with my jeans and there's no unsightly bulges that you'll get with the material when u dun button. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope it helps! :D

lovebyte - good luck for ur oscar! I read on forum to either drink orange juice or eat sweets b4 scan, so that bb will be more active and will turn easily for the sonographer to get the correct position. :p

Yah man! Maternity clothes are super x. So far I've only bought babydoll tops/dresses from normal shops, and they're still ok. Will only get fr maternity stores when there's no choice. Feel like carrot when I go in maternity stores to shop. :p

whim - there's another spree going on here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3968572.html?1274088702

Irene & BabyMiao & Angel: Thanks! Hoping all goes well for the OSCAR test. *Cross fingers*

MTBs: I went to Maternity Exchange as well to look... but really pricy and too atas. Will only there if I need a gown to attend a wedding. =)Cos not worth to purchase a gown for one wedding right?

Babymiao: IF the Mandy spree products turn out good. I too will want to get the Ailian spree.

RE Swimsuits: If all else fails then wear a BIKINI lor! We should be proud of our tummy and new found boobies. =P

Jollymummy: Perth now is winter so the range may not exactly be suitable. You should try BIG stalls like Target, Big W. These places will have ok priced maternity wear and range. If not just buy the HUGE ang mo size one can wear as maternity also.

babymiao, the 2 taiwan brands you mention, do they have any physical shop? Have you bought them before? Are they of a good quality?

Am heading over to Taipei this week, if I can go to the physical shop, then I can try on and save the spree money as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


There is a "belly belt" sold in Mothercare. It works like the rubber band,can be looped between the button holes and can be extended. The content comes with cloth that can be attached to the belt, so that there is no need to zip up the pants/skirt when the stomach gets very big. Just make sure the blouse is long enough to cover up the belt and cloth.

I have bought a box, and it should last all the way till full term. Cost $30.

Hope this helps.

Jollymummy, you can try Target in Australia.

Have ordered some maternity dresses from them online, and it's coming soon. From the designs, it looks quite nice and not too ex for dresses too.

Lovebyte: Oscar is quite fast but the nurses at my clinic reminded me not be late as if you miss your turn, you may end up waiting quite long. Btw the sonographer let me listen to the heartbeat too. V loud. Hehe.

I also drew three tubes of blood - one for natal test. Heard the others were for hepatitis, HIV, STD and haemotology etc. My husband did not have to do any blood tests cuz he just did a full body check up last year. We merely brought our medical reports. Doc advised first time father to check too cuz some pp may be diagnosed with thalassemia. According to my what to expect book, thalassemia is a hereditary form of anaemia which tends to strike asians. My cousin discovered that she has that when she was pregnant. The doc asked her hubby to do the blood test subsequently. If both are positive it will tend to affect the baby. .

Hi whim,

i don't know if there are physical stores in taiwan for the 2 online shop.

i got the items from mandyshop when i started the spree. Quality wise, i think they are pretty good. I got 3 bottoms and 2 tops. So far i like them all. You might want to wait for the reviews from the rest of ladies when they received their items.

Have fun in taiwan. I'm sure there's plenty of things to shop around.

Hi Angel,

Will seek for 2nd opinion at camden for my NT scan again. Anyway called my hospital they made a mistake for schedule me so late. earliest date in early next mth to do amnio when im 16weeks plus.

babymiao... have clicked the links and read the text in traditional Chinese.

Am super tempted to just buy and have them send the items to the 7-11 in Taipei, maternity shorts for under SGD$20? Cheap!

Hi whim,

sure, will be good for u to pick up the item in taipei so u can save on the shipment cost. Do make sure they have on hand stock and deliver on time before u return back to sin.


No choice cos I still wana look good when pregnant... u can try David Jones n Myers, they've got nice collection. I bought comfy nursing bras from them. The brand is Bonds.

U can also check out pumpkin patch while u r in Perth. They have nice clothes for kids n a small range of maternity clothes.

babymiao, can I check with you the shorts from mandyshop. The sizing, is it a bit off?

Coz the shorts I'm eyeing states hip measurements to be 46 (cm)*2 = 92 cm. My normal size (I wear a M) is already 92 cm!

How to wear as maternity shorts? And don't get me started on how come so many of the pics feature non-pregnant ladies, how to tell how the outfit will look like with a big belly!

Ladies went for OSCAR yesterday. They apparently onli draw a tube if blood from me. Wonder if they miss out??? Was at Mt A. Think bb too active. They can't seems to take his measurements. Waited for almost 2 hrs. And tried 3 times. One of the radiographer was so rude n impatient n rough

Morning mummies!

piggydog - ooo thanks for the info! Are the belly belts comfy? I'm actually looking at belly bands, which is sth like a tube that you wear across the belly and can hide the unbutton/unzip bottoms. With this, can also wear shorter tops. :p

fashion_spree - heng u call them! how can they make such a mistake sia. hehe, at least now u don't need to wait so long for the test and results liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon - haha, I also tried 3 times. But not cuz my bb was too active, but that my bb was so quiet until dun wana move to the correct position. hehehe... in the end, waited for like 2.5hrs and drank lots of water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For oscar, they only need one tube of blood. Think the others had more tubes drawn for other blood tests such as HIV etc. If you've done those blood tests already, then there's no need to draw extra blood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!!

Angel - Actually it is more appropriately called belly bands... just that it is written "belly belt" big big on the packaging. I think that might be the brand of this thingy...

Maybe will go home and look at the box again tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggydog - Hee, I think belly belts and belly bands are different leh. Belly belts kind of look like a triangle tingy that is used to extend the waist of bottoms. Like what you mentioned, can be looped between buttonholes right? Belly bands look like a tube, but is wore at the waist. It'll go around the waist de. I saw a lace belly band that I like, but very expensive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] $62 for a little tube! *faint* http://www.pupsikstudio.com/bellabands-lace.html Now trying to search for similar ones loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


morning ladies.. haaa sharon, ya same, i took too much sugar i guess, baby was too active, dancing ard, v difficult to tk measurements oso. gotta wait n wait while the lady 'poke poke' bby, then aft tat she need the baby to stretch, tat one waited for quite long. haa

Angel, u din tk sugars issit? but anyway good tat we all went so far.. hee into tri 2 lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im gg to ask my gynea tonite, will i be doing blood test .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babymiao.. hee finally done, called DBS last nite, nt i forgotten my user ID, it's the IB device "screw-up" then they changed some setting for me, fine lioa.. excited to recived the goods, thanks again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya visited ailin webby too..yup i wld like to get more , my colic edd in Dec10 de. oso keen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

let u know again.

whim, ya those tw ladies super slim one.. i used to spree online for nromal clothing, must tk note of the measurement, their Free size is quite short, i bigger than ave frame, so sometimes, when come to spree tw clothings, i a bit scare, but heng too small i still can pass to my lil sis.. heee

on the best side, better to get "L" i feel.

whim, happy shopping in taipei.. sure hv alot of maternity shop, think u google abit to find out more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hv fun!

for swimsuit.. haa during pregnacy is the time, i dare to proudly display my body. .the only time, i will be proud to show off my big belly.. hahahahaa else normally i gotta hide it.. heee

