(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies,

Was wondering if anyone knows if I can take cough syrup now? Was having slight sore throat & pretty bad cough.


Hi all,

it's been some time..Ive been real busy..n the thread seems to have moved fast!

Hope all is well! Congrats to those with good news, like genders,etc. Those who are worried, will pray for you!

Everyone do take care. Think happy thoughts. THose in T2 should be over the MS now, i hope[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

n IT's FRIDAY!yayee for working Mummies!

Yo mummies,

I went down to give them 1 tube of blood meant for the DS test. The nurse who took my blood said the doc cld have forgotten to put in the blood test for me... haiz. The payment invoice said "first trim screening" & today I'm 14wks. No wonder they so urgently wan me to rush down yesterday.

They took 3 tubes of blood from me after my NT Scan, made me think is that the blood test... so confusing. When I see my gynae again I will definitely ask him. Now I have to go thru the roller coaster of waiting for results. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Koori, congrats!

Seagal, thks for the info. At least we know we have other alternative.

I had some spotting yesterday so I quickly came home yesterday after work and laid down. Gonna see gynae this morning. Keep fingers crossed. Couldn't sleep well yesterday cuz nose was blocked. Haiz.

wow.. thanks mummywong.. can see until so clearly wor..hee interesting..

seagal, tat v useful info for mummy in dilemna..

Angel, really? ytr when my gynea's nurse called me to tell me my NT scan is fine, i asked her abt OSCAr, told her i wanna do, but she keep saying don waste $$.. aiyo.. headache to do or not.. looks like my clinic nt keen to do for me.. haa

Jun,i hvnt start on fish oil.. gg to ask gynea when i go see him next week... wk14.. hee hope see 3 lines at the genital :p

Charlene, can but mk sure to inform the doc aware tat u r preggy.. i gg to see doc later too ..

coz my "bundle" oso came - cough + stuffy nose + sorethroat.. in case Weekends got worse..


cherrie.. yes bed rest first... hope everytin is fine.. good luck..

jewel.. ya gotta check w gynae thoroughly, waste your time & effort n mk u gancheong oso.. they blur blur..

jewel: ai yo, how come so the office so blur one...anyway hope ur blood test results will be good.

koori: congrats on the good results and knowing ur bb gender liao. soon u will have 2 beautiful princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummywong: this is a very nice, interesting n informative website on how to determine the gender during ultrascan. tks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ueno

>You mean you bought the clarins oil during departure and not arrival. Say i bought it at departure, understand tt as long as for liquid item cannt exceed 1litre, or it doesnt include items that we buy? Becos by the time i went into DFS, i would have alrdy check in my luggage ya.. Can advise me, thanks thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrie: take care and hope everything is well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jun - my gynae told me that she'll start me on fish oil when I see her next. She also told me that it's optional, so I guess it's up to you if you want to take it or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seagal - thanks very much for the information! I'll let my hb know and discuss with him. I've waited for just one week and it's been a torture so far. Haha, wonder how to last the next 5 weeks. =X Congrates on your great news of having the risks reduced. You must have felt so relieve when you hear that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jewel - wah.. they take so many tubes of blood for what? I only gave like 1/2 a tube of blood during oscar. Yah, better check with your gynae next visit.

cherrie - hope everything is fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan - hmm, sounds like ur clinic really not interested to do for you. It's really up to you bah. If you really want, then insist on it for your peace of mind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Or check with your gynae directly instead of the nurse.

Hi Jewel

>3 tubes of blood yet they dint use it for the blood test for Oscar? Btw tt time i have my basic blood tests with Oscar tests as well, but only drawn 2tubes leh.. Now im worrying if my gynae will make the same hoo-ha anot.. Hehe.. Very pessimistic ya ;p

ya lor Shan & Irene, they so blur... make me so gancheong & agitated.. which is no gd for pregnant women. thks for yr gd wishes.

Shan: some gynae only do NT scan (w/o blood test) for their patient only... my fren using a gynae from (Mt E) also just go the NT scan, her age was 35/6 at tat time. Ur gynae from there also?

Jolyn: ya they took 3 tubes, the nurse told me is for Antenatal test... but need so many meh?

*dengz* plus the tube yesterday is 4... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I hope ur doc not as blur as mine.

I got only 1 obvious vein on my rite arm for taking blood... so they keep poking at the same vein... *fed up*.

Haha, I know what you mean. Just don't feel like doing work. Hee, I think the next column will be gender liao. There's a couple of mummies who know their bb's gender liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tks bam n appreciate your effort in doing the update! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks a lot for info! Thank goodness you told me abt the GST, if not I'll be paying extra!

I'll be departing from T3. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow, that's interesting! Hope to catch a glimpse of my baby's gender during next visit next Sat, although I'll only be 12.5wks along, haha!


How was your great escape from office last Friday on your birthday?

Re: Fish Oil

I started on the fish oil already, even though gynae said it is optional. Hb insisted on buying.. kekeke. It cost $30 for a month's supply.

I will take it at night before I sleep, cos if I take it during day time, I will burp the fish smell out, n it is rather offensive. LOL.

Hi BAM, kindly help to update my info when you don't feel like working :p. My info is

Edd: 9 Nov

Gynae: Dr Lawrance Ang

No of kids: 1 upcoming

Hospital: TMC

jollymummy> usually bot tend to be easier to spot at earlier stage during scan but really depends on the sonographer and the machine resolution plus bb position. hope u get to know the gender at yr next visit! i was thrilled when i can know mine so early.

Bam - my gender is girl, tik shld be quite confirmed le. keke.

Re : Fish oil

Gynae just prescribed some to me yday, i started taking today. Guess i need to take cos i don like fish or don eat much so guess supplements is required for me.

re: fish oil

think good to take the fish oil bah, if i dun remember wrongly, gynae said its good for bb brain development. he prescribed some to me starting T2 onwards.

Hi mommies,

I am also on my fish oil and multi-vitamins.. For the fish oil, it's those fruit burst capsules.. It carrys min fish smell becos it's orange flavor de.. But it's ex, cost me $48 at gynae office..

Last night took the vitamins, in the end wash toilet.. Btw can i ask if have balance folic acid, do you all still take everyday? I feel like taking alt days but was tinkg if it's gd for bb anot.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Fish Oil

I got prenatal vit and fish oil in the middle of T1.

Gynae say actually can take prenatal vit when entering T2.

I think fish oil can take earlier, even T1, bec major organs developing from T1, including brain.

Prob esp good for mummies who don't have much fish in their diet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


>Can i ask if you were to buy the clarins oil during departure, we can hand carry to the plane meh? Becos as what i know, liquid stuff only 1 litre right? Sorry i am abit confused here ;p


You gotta check if your multi-vit contains folic acid and if your gynae thinks it appropriate to take the balance folic acid.

My GNC folic acid is 800mcg while the one in my prenatal vit is 300mcg.

I ever read in baby centre that we can stop taking folic acid when T1 ends.

Maybe that's the reason the folic acid in my prenatal vit is lower dosage. Perhaps you can ask your gynae abt it? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If I'm not wrong, you can even buy liquor, perfume, cream etc. Think they will pack it specially for you and seal it or something. To play safe, maybe you don't open the oil on the plane to use, in case you get into trouble with the immigration upon arrival at holiday destination. Wait till you reach your destination, then use. And when you fly back to SG, you can check it in your luggage.

I'm waiting for Ueno's reply too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh to clarify the 1L thingy, it's the volume of the transparent zip lock bag you will carry with you, in case you need to carry on personal stuff like lipstick, hand cream, toothpaste. But each item cannot be more than 100ml. Whatever you carry must fit into the 1L zip lock bag.

Usually I only carry my lip balm, contact lens case with solution inside, so always can fit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You can try to go airport website and see restrictions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolyn> if u buy at departure area, like what jollymummy said, they'll pack in transparent sealed plastic bag and u can bring onto the plane (cannot check in liao cause u already checked in), even liquor is allowed as u bought it at the DFS area. if i'm not wrong, they don't stop you from opening on the plane. but when you are on return flight, make sure u check in for >100ml/each liquid stuff. I have bought moisturiser before departure too and carry onto plane.

Hi jollymummy & mummywong,

>Oh understand what you all mean le.. Hehe, thanks.. Becos normally we will buy the stuff upon arrival, 1st time gona buy during departure.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh jollymummy,

>I did tell the nurse that i have balance of folic acid, she ask me to finish it.. Besides that gynae also dint tell me hw much mcg are there in multi-vits.. Current folic acid is 2.5mg..

Jolyn> from my understanding, the multi-vit has folic acid. but u better confirm with yr gynae. usually if u take the multi-via, no need to eat the individual folic acid already. folic acid usually more critical for 1st trim.

Bam> mine is boy (unless songrapher see wrongly siah)..thanks!

Jolyn> My SIL one is pink. She bought a bottle and the tablet include folic acid content. For me, "sad to say"...i have not started on multi-vit which I think everyone here has...as I have bad MS and my gynae "refuse" to give me, said I'll vomit out even if I take.

Hi mummywong,

>Oh i just made a call to the gynae office.. Ask the nurse if the multi-vits contains folic acid, she says yes.. Then i told her my situation, she says the balance folic acid can dont waste.. complete my folic acid then take the multi-vits.. It's either one of them, told her i have been taking both since one of the nurse says so during my last visit.. She says the content is low, so not a issue.. Faintz!

Haa, sometimes i will have my MS as well.. yday just saw my multi-vits in the toilet bowl as i puked after a short while when i took the vits..

Jolyn> Since now the nurse said either one, think its ok just to take the multi-vit only then? Ya sometimes I also encounter seeing my folic acid in the toilet bowl ahaaa..so have to time when to eat the tablet sometimes. maybe not before food if usually u vomit straight after food or change to eat at night before sleep?

Celine> I heard my bb heartbeat for a while during the NT test. Some of the mummies here bought doppler which can hear the heartbeat I think.

Bam> I sleep sideway most of the time, I read its best position for the blood/oxygen flow to the bb I think. Occasionally I lie flat but not tummy face down, isnt it xin ku in that position?

My gynae also sae to finish the folic acid before starting on the multi-vits she gave me during the last visit. Think it's the same for all gynaes bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am a person that can only sleep well with my face down and tummy flat..

Now tummy getting bigger each day... scared lie flat on the tummy not good for bb...

Jewel, why so many tubes of blood? OSCAR test comprises 2 portions: NT (nuchal translucency) measurement + maternal blood test.

My gynae's clinic only drew one syringe of blood (can put into 3 small tubes) for the latter i.e. blood test.

cherrie77, hope you get well soon. Must take care and rest/lie down as much as you can.

shan: did your gynae clinic tell him why don't need to do blood test?

jun: even if you take the OSCAR test, it's also not 100% accurate. I guess it's a personal choice. I am curious why some clinics don't insist on it...maybe they find that the blood test results not really accurate and will result parents going through undue worry and stress....

Talking about Multi-Vits and Fish Oil,

I am taking only folic acid tabs and Vit C with Calcium on my own. My gynae never give me anything! He kept saying no need. May I know which brand of multi-vits and fish oil mummies here are taking?

bam: i sleep on my sides too. Read that sleeping on our left is better for baby. I think it's not advisable to sleep face up or down when preggie esp. T2 onwards. You may want to read the article below. =)

Can't get comfortable (pregnancy sleep)

Bam78, dun think it's gd to sleep face down. Once, I slept almost facing down w/o knowing & wake up feeling numb ard the tummy area, so worry bb didnt get enuff blood -> oxygen. So in the end, I bought a maternity pillow from John Little to prevent my tummy from facing down when I sleep.

Anyway, once our tummy gets too big, we def cant sleep facing down. So its advisable to change the sleeping position now.

