(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Sharon> Think NT scan is to measure bb from head to toes and to see the fluid under the skin at the back of a bb's neck. NT scan is to see whether bb is likely to have DS a not only. But with oscar test it will give a more accurate result. Correct me if i'm wrong ya..heehee

Gd that you gers still can take in water.. Though i do get thirsty, prob becos of the freq puking.. But i totally dread taking in plain water.. I only feel like having sweet drinks and etc.. Hw sinful! Sobz Sobz..


> Yep Oscar is for down syn, NT scan is to measure the baby's neck thickness.. This can also deduct whether the baby will have down syn.. Am i right? ;)

Jewel> So mean Oscar consists of both blood test & NT scan. So if we didn't want to do Oscar, we can just do NT scan? or mean both oso don't have? As Oscar consists of both..Abit confuse leh..

OSCAR test = NT scan + blood test. If u want to do only the NT scan, the % of accuracy is about 70%. If you do the blood test at the same time, % of accuracy goes up to 90%.

Hi Juv06

OSCAR = blood test + NT Scan

Best results are from both tests... 90% accuracy!

"The NT scan alone probably picks up about 75 to 82 per cent of babies with Down's syndrome, and the blood test alone, about 60 to 70 per cent. If you put the two tests together, the detection rate is usually in the range of 90 to 93 per cent with about a 3 to 5 per cent false positive rate."


> Oscar test requires blood test while NT scan is just ultrascan. Oscar test is optional [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope it clears your doubt..

ladies thank you so much for the update.. will go read up more...

isit becos of weather or food intake? i am drinking a lot of water n urinates very frequently also... its just early stage n i am peeing so frequently so was wondering if i am normal.

Jolyn, these 2 tests are optional... I think u also got it confused. Read the link I sent. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon, ya.. urinating frequently during 1st trim & 3rd trim is normal.. the reason for 1st is due to hormones.

Sharon> thk 1st trim urine more, something to do with the location of the uterus/bb...2nd trim it move up so its not press against the bladder, then 3rd trim it move down again because the bb head turn down ready for birth i thk..

Hi, just checking if any of you do exercise during your 1st trimester? I used to be quite active and jog about 2-3 times a week but have totally laid off since pregnancy. Am told 2nd trimester is a safer time to exercise. Also, been feeling lethargic and 'heavy' so not much mood to exercise too.

JanO, i so shack until no energy liao don even tik of exercising, i only tried to walk more during lunch time as form of exercise.

Sharon - tik normal to drink water and urine more often. At nite i can urine like 3x and each time is alot, wonder if i ever drank as much as i urine

JanO: The gynae did say can walk /swim but no running. I guess 1st trimester baby is not so stable in the womb yet so its more risky. I haven't been excercising too as I've been sick for the past 3 weeks. I think because of a combination of not excercising and being pregant, my body is expanding at an exponential rate... sigh -_-


SAME thoughts that go through my mind when i head to the toilet each time (esp at the 2nd or 3rd time). Where did the water come from? Did I really take in soooo much water?

Bye Peeps! I PanKang liao... headed home. May login later

hi working mummies... u all must be excited... either pankang or gog to pankang... more over 1 more day weekend... and long weekend...

bam78: i will be seeing dr ang on may 25th... then should know gender liao... was hoping to know today... but bb not very corporative... sleep and sleep... haha...

anybody can tell gender liao... next few weeks will be exciting... we will see the gender list coming on filled and not "TBC"... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JanO, will start exercising when the MS go away... imagine exercise halfway got to vomit, esp in the swimming pool.. *yucky*

Somemore these days have been feeling cold & occasional dizzy spell. Dun wana faintz while exercising.. *so embrassing* (aunty lucy famous quote)

haha so i am normal... and yes i did wonder if i realli had so much water intake... force to drink water... else i sure will drink COke. But scare i will have diebetes.

HHo: my next appt 1 day earlier 24th May. Hopefully bb will corporate to let us see wats between their legs.

Ciao, ladies....

re: NT scan

if im also not wrong, i understand from gynae is NT scan is measure bb neckfold/neck thickness and nose bridge..if too flat then maybe got DS, as DS ppl have a flatter nose bridge.

juv06: i think u should be able to choose not to do the full OSCAR test and just choose NT scan.

Lovebyte: me also been putting on weight - heard of some MTB losing weight in 1st trimester due to nausea but its not happening to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I do feel nausea but not to the extent of puking (thank goodness). But been needing to snack in between meals to quell the "siap siap" feeling in the mouth.

Heard that those who are smaller frame tend to put on more weight throughout the entire pregnancy - anyone know if that's true?

RE putting on weight: i don know if i'm seeing things or wat... i think i did see stretch marks on my thighs... i'm also putting on weight all my clothings can't wear liao... i'm waiting for 1st tri to be over before i go buy some maternity clothes. sad thing is my sis and cousin's wife cant pass me their maternity clothes cos they already pass it to my other cousin's wife... so i have to spend $$ to buy...

jewel: let's hope our bb will be good then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bam78: why you like always OT one... jia you!!

JanO: i also put on weight... 1st tri... i put on a total of 3.5kg... hopefully 2nd tri won't put on too much...

will take up exercise ba... now i walk every morning... for abt 45mins - 1hr... mum says walking helps with a smoother delivery... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JanO: I'm not so sure about smaller frame putting on more weight during pregnancy. For me I'm definately not small frame to start with. I'm and L or XL man... now going to be XXL or XXXL. *Faint*

Bam: Look forward to the weekend ok! Pop in here once a while for a break. We are here to pei you!

Hho: I agree that exercising will built the body up. This way the muscles all won't nua nua. Delivery will be better cos we'll have more strength and recovery from delivery will also be faster i think.


my son is very happy to have a baby in the house. He loves babies. He tells his teachers in school that " my mummy is having a baby". So cute. He was there when i went for my scans n he was excited when he saw the baby. Doc gave him 1 print to keep, he sticked it on his bedroom wall. I also showed him his previous prints when he was in my tummy n explained to him the whole pregnancy process. he seems to understand.

Waking up.. Can't sleep, feeling hungry..

Made myself french toast.. enjoying it.. Hopefully, can sleep better after eating it.

Been having better appedite today, don't know is it because next week is going to be Week12, so body start to feel better? Not so tired too, maybe 'cos I have been sleeping in for the past 2weeks? Hopefully, next week when back to work, will have energy..

Hi ladies.. I'm being admitted yesterday for bleeding. Still hv to stay here till tmrw. They say somethng that the placenta n yolk sac in between is bleeding. V pain with contractions. I got high pain threshold but this is really bad coz cannot ask for epidural! Haha.. Hope later when they scan again everything is fine.

U babes take care ya!

morning ladies..

Ueno... ya son is so sweet!! he must be eager to see bby lo.... sure he can help u to look aft didi/meimei. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh Dear Piggcia... hope everytin is fine... tk good care...n don worri toomuch first..

Yup Girl, entering Tri 2, most of MS seem to gone.. i feel healthier...

last nite, my son slp on my tummy the whole nite.. alamak

no wonder this mroning wake up i feel weird.. why my tummy so heavy.. haa

comfy for him meh? weird..

shan> ur son take ur tummy as his pillow? My son just sleep beside my tummy curved up as though he is inside my womb tt pattern. Quite cute I find....as though the 2 babies are bonding and sleeping side by side

morning everyone..

shan, girl> you guys so lucky... my MS suddenly peaked to its worst yesterday.. with diarrhoea.. whtever i eat,does seem to stay..comes out either way..

went to see dr. adrian.. he scanned(though my last scan was 3 days ago!!). said bb oki.n he gave mi 2 days mc.after resting, yest evening was slightly better.. hopefully it improves like you all!

Piggicia> please take care. Top Up on the Rest and Cut down the worrying oki! hope you get better?

Ashley> you in hospital too?are you all rite?

Ueno> your son is one intelligent kid. Gone are those days where you tell your kids"the areoplane sent baby here!!"

Wishing everyone a great,stress-free friday!


yup, he's v sweet.


he's 2.5 yrs old. i read from one of the parenting books that children below 3 can remember their birth process. dunno if its true. i always ask him if he remembers how he came out from my tummy, he said he push...together with hand movements, then come out. Ha!

really ueno???! duno mine rembr or not.. hee over 3yrs liao.. but i always tell u u were in my tummy.. but sometimes (last time la), he will to stay at my bottom part (made me quite paiseh) when on bed.. haaa duno is it he misses there..haa :p

cutiebb, ya, ever since i got this #2, he often request to slp on my tummy, which makes me a bit uncomfy.. but i guess last nite i was so tired.. din bother me too much until i wake this morning.. haa ..

dimple... maybe this peak, then it roll off , your MS... v soon u b fine..endure!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u w Dr Adrian, hv u done the NT scan?

i gg TMC to do next wed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OIc... holly.. pplay games on mobile lo..come in n chat..hee

lately.. can u update me, how long it takes etc ...

coz i gg next wed, my hubby wanna go w me de, but so qiao, his boss schedule some IT migration at 10am on wed, but he don wish to miss the scans too..so stil wondering to go in AM or PM..

then nurse tld me next wed, quite full, so i gotta go TMC earlier to Q de.. not by appt ... so duno hw yetl

morning to all,

yes! today is fri liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bam: do take care and do take breaks for ur meals/snacks whenever u r hungry..dun overwork urself from all the OT.

piggicia: oh, hope u will be well soon. take care!!

Just finish my NT scan. According to the sonographer, she say everything seems alright. Yeah yeah!

Tried to scan between legs. But think too early to see now. Haha.

ueno: u r doing a great job.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your kid is so cute and smart... it's so impt to prep the older ones...

piggicia: please take care... get well soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

holly: i was there yday for the first time... boring... nothing to do one...

shan: yday i also no appt but go q one... i reached 8:15am... then waited till 10+ then got my first scan... but cuz bb not very corporative... had to go in and out of room 4 times... by time i finished, was almost 1pm...


holly: congrats... u r quite fast then... 1 try only... lucky you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have a great Friday...

