(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

My mummy is nagging me again. Just had dinner at her place then she tell me this weekend dun go out stay home. =(

I guess its for my own good la. She scared first 12 weeks go out then catch those chicken pox or measles or H1N1 then no good for baby. =(

Can i ask you ladies a silly quest? Can we take fruits like melon dew, honeydew, kiwi kinda of fruits ah? I simply find the comfort of sweetness in those fruits like watermelon, papaya etc..

Dr advised to avoid Banana, Papaya and Pineapple. Think better avoid watermelon as well, as it is cooling.

Just heard that we should avoid Hua Tiao Jiu used in cooking, it kinda have the same effect as pineapple.

Irene.. no i have got a prior case in my ex office and yes we need to pay her that 4 months with what ever notice period offer letter stated. Spoke to MOM officers as well and this is the end result... and they cant terminate base on preggy but they can say you cant perform and terminate u with the presence of proper documents given to the employees...

Tulip drs will advise no papaya cause scare too much bb come out will have jaudice... TCMs will normally advise no banana & pineapple as banana like del monte is said to be too cold and pineapple also....

flubby... i am dying for COKE [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but TCM has be to refrain also... said is not good for BB even all cold drinks.... i occassionally sip a few sips here n there cause weather is realli too HOT....

Harlow, ladies... have been a silent lurker of this thread for a while.

Yesterday was my scan and I'm happy to officially announce I preggers.

EDD: 7 Nov 2010

Doc: Dr June Tan, KKH

1st child (fingers crossed) but had MC before

Gender: TBA

Was so happy that my scan yesterday showed everything is good. I ate a tonne of skittles candy before the scan coz I read somewhere that if you eat high sugar stuff, the baby will move a lot and maybe reveal the gender during the scan.

Well, it kinda backfired... baby moved around so much that the doctor had a hard time scanning the face.

Hi ladies.. Thanks for ur concern. I bled thurs, fri stop this morning again... Zzz so I'm still stuck n warded. Found out frm the dr today that the bb is 4.4cm n the blood clot is 3.9cm, so waiting for the clot to disappear..

Cant get into this forum yesterday & typing long notes via phone is a torture :p


Im sure by now, you wld have cool down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My suggestion is to get the facts first, what was your boss real intention? Maybe he wanted ur colleague to take over during your maternity period or stepping down is oni temporary. Also, the stepping down cld be a one-sided story from ur colleague. Futhermore, if according to u, u only took 2 days MC & 1 day urgent leave so far & has not affected ur performance so far, I dun see why ur boss cannot tolerate & wld want you to step down. In any case, U can gauge ur own performance & ur relationship with ur boss. Don't conclude first & confront, bring up casually if u must, time will tell the truth... continue to do your part in co., dun give them an excuse to out u.

However, if ur boss intention is true, then it's very unprofessional of them both. Yr boss didnt handle the situation right & ur colleague is kinda dumb & immature. Whatever he said to yr other colleague cld have backfired on him if it's not true. Even if truth, it just show ppl ard him how "ugly" he is.

As for ML, no worries la.. u will get it. Cos yr boss didnt due his due diligence, he has no case against u in MOM or in court. Co. has to pay 4+1 mths & cant claim a single cents from MOM.

Im sure being a typical chinese co. they wldnt wan to pay this kinda $$. :p

But ML aside, u shld also take the opportunity to think if there's any prospect for u to continue ur service with a co. like this. Cos the moment u go to MOM or take up a legal suit against ur co. there's no turning back. Nevertheless, there's a saying "bad one dun go, new one wont come". There are many opportunities out there these days....find one who value ur service.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Hi all,

Pls note that the spree for Mandyshop is closed due to overwhelming response. Thanks for your interest.

Hho and Juv06, pls check your email. I need to get your confirmation before placing the order. Thanks

sharon: icic..tks for info. actually its good..its to protect the interest of preggy like us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim: congrats n welcome!

piggicia: take care!

HI Babymiao,

I thought you were going to close it only on 2nd may? I just sent you an order this morning. Woops.... =) If cannot squeeze it in then nevermind.

Piggicia: Take Care!

Whim: Welcome to the forum. How many weeks were you when you can scan the gender? I'm seeing my gynae this Tuesday @ 10 weeks.

Suddenly, no vomitting since yesterday. Starting to worry. Should I make appt to see gynea tomorrow? Or is it normal, that the vomitting will stop suddenly? But my next checkup is the following monday.

What should I do?

girl> i think MS comes and go, don't worry. Mine come back in full force suddenly over the past 2 days.nothing goes into the stomach, even water comes out, whatever i eat/drink it comes out straight.even the gastric juice.feel so depressing.


i think is quite okie. mine is on n off. few weeks back i was totally fine n den the past 2 days, i vomit whenever i brush my teeth.

everyone here is more or less approaching T2 already, the sickness will comes n goes. soon, if lucky, it will b gone when we are all in T2. no worries.

Holly: Wow at 12:05am you are still awake?

I'm usually start to get sleep by 9pm and by 10:30pm I'm tucked into bed... I rarely stay awake past 11pm theses days. On sat I fell asleep at 9:30pm. I think if I'm not working I can just sleep more than 1/2 my day away.

My appt with the gynae is tomorrow! Hope everything is good with the baby!

Just wondering do any of you ever get the feeling that there is nothing inside your tummy? It just feels like a flab of fat. Dunno why i get that feeling sometimes. Can we actually feel anything at this stage?


i feel the same way too. Sometimes i wonder if the baby is growing well inside me....i think this should be norm...i look forward to the next gynae check..where i can see how the little one is doing. =)

after vomitting for 2 days i also feel the tummy become smaller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so worrying..

Hi All! Sorry i was not well over the weekend..So hubby banned me from coming online!!

thank you all for your support and advise! feel so much better![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im back in office and so far boss has not said anything to me..neither has that colleague of mine..all acting dumb..so shall i! must 'ren' ;)

All those with gynae visits today, enjoy seeing your bb!

Those warded, get well soon..Positive thoughts oki? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies..

Dimple: I'm also having unhappy happenings in office.. But same.. Tolerate is the only thing I can do..

Think of the baby and we have to stay happy.

So.. Just tolerate this year and see what we can do next yr ba..

Jia You!!

Hi mtbs, I am new here. Suppose to be in the dec tread. But I hve the same question as girl. I am in my 9 weeks, have been having ms for the past few weeks. But yesterday n today , the ms seem to be better or rather missing. I am a little worried. Is it possible for the ms to stop at 9 weeks?

Lovebyte & babymiao - I sometimes feel that way too. Sometimes wonder if BB is fine and growing anot. I guess now that we are still unable to feel BB's movement, it's hard for us to ascertain if everything is fine anot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummywong - I'm sure your BB is fine. There are mummies who got bad MS and didn't put on weight at all. When I was sick recently, I lost 2kg, and tummy also became smaller. But after scan, everything was fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies,

bb is still very small, doc told me that although bb is moving inside our tummy but we still cant feel it de..so dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babymiao> Did u rec my order???

morning everyone!!!

feeling so tired... and am going for my checkup tis evening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wonder how isit going???

morning ladies...

hope all had a great weekend... some working mum on leave today?? labour day make up? enjoy ya...


Just did the ds test and blood tests this morn but the sonohrapher said the test machines are down and hence results can only be released later part of the week. Kinda disappointing. Supposed to know tomorrow but gotta wait for a few more days. A few more days to week 13. Jiayou everyone!!!

Unfortunately I don't have long weekend! My Labour Day holiday is added to my annual leave. Today I got to come to work as I have a class to teach... if not i sure take leave and sleep at home.

MTBs have you noticed that when you are going to sleep at night your tummy seems somewhat bigger (due to the food and drinks you consume in the day) then after all that waking up to pee (unusually large amounts of liquid) throughout the night, your tummy becomes smaller too in the morning. Cos that is when I look into the mirror and wonder if BB is inside. =)

Anyone wearing bigger size clothes yet? I still fit my normal clothes, just wondering when we should head out to purchase, don't want to be caught waking up one day and not being able to fit into anything in my wardrobe. Then all i've have is my comfty pyjamas to wear =)


my little king refused to slp last nite.. so i had no choice but to acc him till late lo. anyway, i am a SAHM, so is okie.


WAH! my MS came back. n this time, only MORNING sickness. vomit everything including water out.. pui! 3 days le. let's see how long more i need to tahan.... pui!


i still wearing my normal clothes as well. but my shorts are getting abit tight already. maybe is about time to get some more comfy clothes le.

think by ard mid of this mth should go get some more comfy clothes just in case le ba. coz mostly i heard, 4th mths onwards, most ladies need to get into their maternity already.

lovebyte: u still can fit ur normal clothes... kudos!!!... i can't fit them since like weeks ago... haha... i have been putting on leggings with oversize tshirts or tops and babydoll dresses..

waiting for the spree to arrive from babymiao...

I also can't wait for the spree items to arrive.

I can still fit some of my office clothes. Some cannot. The other day i wore a demin skirt and had to un button and wear a long top over to cover.... hahah so pai seh man...=)

I want to buy new clothes but hor the clothes in SG soooooo super expensive man! I want to faint!

Wish i can wear leggings to office le but cannot... sigh.. still need a little semi formal wear. Anyone has any idea where to buy... btw I'm not your pettite kind of girl. I need BIG BIG clothes.. UK size 12 or 14 kind.

holly: ya... no so soon... i remember babymiao said 3 weeks (max)... by then... should be about there ba... my main concern on the clothes is the bust area... before i preg... i already d/e cup... now even worse... so diff to buy bra and clothes...

lovebyte: indeed... preggy clothes are so ex here... i still dun know if i will get my job (currently i sahm)... if i get it... will need to get clothes for work... will be ex lor... need to be semi formal...

Lovebyte> yup, me too. At night tummy seem to be much more bigger than day time. Think is all the foods and water that we intake during day time make our tummy bigger at nite. Sometime i wonder is bb growing bigger or the foods make my tummy big..heehee

I also can't fit in my normal clothes le, yesterday tried a few all seem very tight and i look so fat man..so frustrated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

H/Ho we are about the same size i think... my normal cup size already C/D. Now with preggie boobies jiat lat. Like some honeydew like that..

Singapore also not many places sell BIG BIG sized bra man.

Juv: Dun be frustrated. We are all getting FAT for a happy reason. =)

gd afternoon ladies,

although I dun have a tummy yet. but it seems to have widen. I cant wear my regular panties liao, cos they will create lines on the tummy & will itch. Same thing for the bras. So I bought some maternity wireless bra & panties [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

daily MS & vomiting still there at 12+wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Not sure if you want to try this for the itch. Apply moisturiser. I think the itch is often caused by the dryness of the skin.

Take care!

Ya lovebyte, too dry or too tight cld be the prob.

I v scare will cause stretch marks if I still continue to use my regular undies. so I apply stretch mark cream/oil all ard & change to bigger sized ones. Sometimes, even my left nipple itch cos its too dry, can see the dry skin scaling off so I apply moisturiser there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

B4 preggie I dun have dry skin prob.

Jewel i have the same problem.. left nipple itch like mad and i dun dare to apply anything... can i just apply normal moisturer?

also ladies anyone can advise if u do feel cramps on ur tummy... kinda of worried as i read some articles saying that its symptons of miscarriages also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sharon: I tend to feel cramps on and off but more on the pelvic but one sided. Will check with my gynae tomorrow then update.


Hey gals... I off inlieu today . Hot n pretty Boring day for me n son.. Haa

btw this am I sneeze n had a c sharp pain in my abominal, shd b ok hor . I keep checkg but no spottg at all shd b fine hor

