(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi Ladies,

I'm joining the Nov Club.

EDD : 15 Nov 2010

Gynea : Dr Lawrence Ang.

This is my 3rd Child. I have 2 gals (Age 5 and 3).

This pregnancy is very tiring for me. Maybe age is catching up (35).

I have heartburn and cannot eat much. I have lost abt 2.5kg since pregnant. I was telling my Hubby, this will be the last one. As my hubby would luv to have 4 kids.

My health cannot take it anymore. Everyday i sleep at 9+pm and wakes up at 6:30am. But still not enough sleep. I didnt feel like that in the first 2 pregnancy.

Hope all this will be gone after 1st trimester.


piggicia> please take care!

priskuan> welcome! wow 3rd child...don't worry you are experienced mum already. think we still need to consult you for advice as time goes by.

priskuan: congrats... welcome... take care... 1st tri over very soon.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggicia: take care and rest well..

priskuan: welcome. woot 3rd child now... sure tiring for you i supposed... we've got the same edd... jia you 1st tri will be over soon.

i have also put on weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] already not a skinny person by nature so scare i cant lose enough....

put on abt 2kg and i am onli into 10 weeks.

sharon: this is the concern to quite a number of us too..including myself...also scare later my tummy grow too fast that i will have difficulty going to work in the later trim. will i become too heavy to even walk???

Hi Shan

>My OSCAR tests is scheduled on next sat at TMC too. But also appt full, nurse ask me to start to Q at 8.30am. Really wonder hw long the q-ing will takes.. Sigh!

Better still, maybe i should reach say ard 8am?

Maybe you could let me knw abt the timing for yr appt on next wed? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw this morning i puked again, when can the MS stops.. Sobz sobz..

Dimple - I have diarrhoea and my MS seems abit worse then starting too. Hope tat it'll all go away soon. signz....

piggicia - take care ya? Hope tat everything will be fine. Hang in there bah dear.

shan> i was w KKH first b4 i switched to Dr Adrian so my NT scan will be next thurs in Kkh. i did the blood test in week 10 i think..but no news from them..i will be having a review w a kkh gynae after the scan..

btw, u all keep saying need to q?i dun quite understand..isnt the NT by appt timing?

Angel>> mine MS/ES..whtever it is..is slightly better..my doc said take more sugary drinks..he advised ribena n glucose to make up for the lost sugar.. try tht oki?

btw NT scan is scan from tummy or a V scan?

Jolyn, q-ing sometimes is faster than those with appt.. esp when is really early in the morning...

holly, detail scan is near 20weeks..

dimple - hehe, thanks for the advise! I keep taking those ribena soft sweets. chewy and sweet, quite nice. maybe i'll go try the drinks next time. :D

ladies.. not too sure if it helps for u gals but it helps for me. Try drinking 100 plus....

Hi Irene, yah i am so scare i cant walk in the later stage... these days mid way through the 1st Trim i cant even sleep properly at night. Kept tossing n tossing. Keep having rashes/ hives as well. sianzzz....tis is my first little one and he/she didnt came to me easy... tried for almost 2 years [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so kinda of worried also...

gd afternoon ladies,

piggi, sounds bad... u take care ya.

Priskuan, welcome.

Dimple, for NT scan if got MTBs before your appt time and eg. got bb that refuse to coporate etc. then it would take a longer time & will eat into your appt time lo... so got q lo.

Jolyn, puke has become a daily affair for me.

you will get used to it... no choice, life goes on. The comfort is that, your bb is growing well and bb is oblivious to all your vomiting.

Angel, NT is tummy scan.

Sharon: We are on the same boat! We deliver our baby first ok then after we work together to lose the weight.

MTBs: Have you ever wondered if you currently use public toilets @ work or outside right usually you don't sit on the toilet bowl right. Then when tummy super big how?

hey gals.. thanks for the info on NT scan.

So can be relatively fast if u lucky eh & bby co-oporate ...hmm. .alamak, still cannot decide to go AM better or PM, i persoanlly prefer AM.But hubby likely to miss... PM, tot of gg to visit CC for my #1 leh.. dilemna..

Ok Jolyn will update u on the wait at TMC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies still having bad MS... endure!!!

btw NT scan can be bby v clearly de rite? maybe except the gender.. then we all get to see de hor? waiting is theere a need for hubby to be ard to see oso.. he want to see bby, if nothing much i would ask him no nid to go.

lol.. lovebyte, u asked an interesting qns. I pee on half squatting position now ... but if tummy super big, think really have to use toilet paper or tissue to wipe first b4 sitting on it. Else I try to go out less often & oni to shopping malls with clean toilets. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shanron,Yes, my fren also told me can try 100plus to reduce MS.

Dimple, even i got appt time at thomson, i still wait for 1hrs plus. As Jewel said, if those b4 ur appt time bb not coporate, u really hv to wait..But is better come earlier than ur appt time.

Jewel, we all same pattern, half squatting..haha..yup, if tummy bigger, can go shopping malls toilets more clean mah..

Shan, is better go with ur hubby so that he can c the bb movement too...

holly: haven't book yet... my next appt will be approx wk16... then i think dr will ask nurse to arrange ba... since FA scan in wk 20... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when is ur next appt?

lovebyte: lol... ur question is very interesting... haha... think if i get too heavy or near term... i will go out less... also to avoid falling sick...

shan: ur hb should go with u.. my hb stayed with my yday whole morning and refused to go back work as it was just a 2hr time off... he went in twice... after the 1st scan failed and my 4th which is my last scan... i went in 4 times... he was so so excited... keep commenting the whole night to his parents and my parents how he saw the bb moved... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: putting on weight

guess alot of us are very concern... i put on like 3.5kg in the first tri... though it's within acceptable range.. i feel fat... my first bb and already showing at wk 8-9... quite sianz also... but luckily hb quite encouraging...

i have started to walk in morning if i can walk up earlier or evenings for 45mins-1hr... quite helpful... helps with sleeping better at night also...

hey i also half squatting cos i find the seats too dirty. In my office got the toilet seat cleaner wipe so i can wipe and sit down.

I just bought 3 dresses from southhaven damage $120, sigh, spend $ again but if don buy no clothes to wear to work liao.

lovebyte: haha...ya we all the same by half squating when using the toilet...ya i agreed with jewel, that by the time when our tummy really too big, need to wipe or put papers n sit down to pee liao ;p

twinfish, hho thanks.. ok then i try to match his timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee

only in office, i will clean & put tissue n sit fully... outside esp malls.. i don oso..oso half squat..

i oso will avoid long hrs outside.. i by natured don like to pee outside i will endure until go home.. haa but now tougher eh.. still half squat..

ladies, any excerise plan? i put on 2kg, but i feel so much fatter esp my tummy & waist , so thick!

looking for atenatal.. but all in town leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] too far away..lazy to go..

re: putting on weight

i've put on at least 1-2kg from i know that i'm preggy till now. but doc only reccomend to put on like 3kg during the first tri. so now she asking me to go swimming or walking.

Dimple: my NT scan is via tummy not V scan. don know if it's the same for everyone thou.

i think i don really have ms cos i don puke. just feel tired and giddy... and for eating wise i eat much lesser than what i used to eat b4 preggy and get hungry easily... must go and get clothings to wear... all the maternity clothes are very expensive a bit bu she de to buy...

hi ladies,

im so pissed so i have to vent my anger n get some advise sumwhere.

i work in this super chinese organisation...very typical old china man mentality...i didnt go wk 4 2 days..on mc...n maybe 2 weeks ago, i took 1 day urgent leave as i was giddy. I am heading a dept at my office..n my work is quite oki. even though im on MC, I make the necc arrangements for others to take over my wk..

tdy, my coll told mi, tht my boss and another coll(a) had a discussion. I think coll (a) is gonna b the successor of my boss..so anyway..coll a told my good office frd, "this is unofficial.but tell dimple tht it will be gd to step down from her post as head..boss has sum1 in mind to take over. ask her to go for long leave(i.e unpaid).

am i wrong to get furious?

1) coll (a) is heading a different dept. n is not my supervisior..he being the successor is just a hearsay. so who is he to tell my frd all tht..

2) why tell mi frd to tell mi..why not just call mi..this is sensitive stuff..involving a pay cut too

3) there are other colls who go on MC like 1 week due to dengue..tht is not an issue..juz coz im preg? n its not tht im neglecting mi job as a dept head...

grrrrrrrrr..wht shall i do.. I got half a mind to storm into office n give them a piece of mi mind..n resign but...there goes mi 4 mth maternity..so must "ren".

oh dear..wht shall i dooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

dimple: ai yo..ur coll(a) is not good..like back stabbing ppl. but then not sure if he purposely wanna get u angry so u go confront him so he can use this to complain to ur boss. thus dun get urself angry with such a xiao ren and if there need any change to ur post/special arrangement require, its ur boss who shld be informing u...thus dun care abt wat he said.

also, tell ur fren that nxt time if he said similar things to her again, tell him why not to talk staight to u instead...

sigh... here is just not as open as other countries... companies are seldom receptive towards preg... very little...

even my ex-company... a big listed organisation... also like that... maybe not the whole company but my division is like not pro girl... all the girls in the end quit and when they recruit... after that all are guys... it's quite obvious... too bad i quit before i know i preg... if not... think i will give them hell... i was giving them hell even before i left.. cuz i know they big so won't dare any how sack me... but i was not happy... was hoping mad everyday...

dimple: i hate to say this... but being in a chinese org... it makes matter worse... just "ren" ba for the 4 mth maternity... i dun have such will power... and told my heads off... and i am not shy and told the whole world about it...

at the end of the day, depends on ur stake and commitments..

chill k... be happy... long weekend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dimple> if they "demote" u, can feedback to MOM or not? as in cos u preg? if i rem correctly Jewel is from HR, maybe can ask her advice...and yes ren ren ren...take more mc/leave...work less if they really "demote" u...for the sake of the 4mths maternity leave..

im so annoyed...they will probably say they demote due to concern for staff...want mi to be less stressed?! but i dun find it stressful..i love mi job.

Jewel...your expertise needed!

dimple> can u ask yr direct boss tomorrow to seek clarification also? maybe its not true..and if its true, maybe u can ask why etc. or in yr kind of company it does not help to speak to boss, u can only ren? can speak to hr if they really demote u?

tenderhearted> hi! thk alot of us have been silent reader for sometime, then bb more stable then join this forum. the forum helps us to share/ask things we know/don't know, so we feel more comforted like you say.

Hello all MTBs, I've been a silent reader of the thread since Week 7 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Feel so comforted and more informed reading all your sharings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks!

EDD (1stBorn) - 25 Nov 2010

Gynae - Dr Heng Tung Lan@ESH

Dimple: Your colleague is very absurd to 'fang hua' or purposely leak info. IMHO, don't react first cuz it might be to test your reaction or disturb you. Just be cool for beanie k & continue to do your work... Jiayou!

Sharon: I cannot sleep well at night since Week 8 too... Get at max 4 hours of sleep after tossing & turning for many hours! Need to relax more...

Eeerrr... Why my post appeared twice? Sorry sorry.. First time using mobile surfing :p

mummwong10: Yes Yes.. The pas few weeks was blah.. No mood to post anything as my MS peaked esp. last week. Thank God all better now! Hehe

How come can't access to this thread from PC eh.. See empty threads in yr 2010.

Gotta use Hp.. Hee

oh dear so sorry to hear abt tat dimple.. Ya ignore him,.. U hv a coffee session w ya boss.. Sound him out.. Don get too angry..

mummywong10: Wow thanks thanks! I deleted the repeating posts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks HHO & Irene!!! Congrats to all MTBs too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tenderhearted: welcome and gratz! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dimple: chilled... don be bothered by what they say. stay calm and ask your boss abt it then decided what is your next move... and i agree with Hho chinese company are very mean... most of them always give min of MOM requested employer to give employee.

talking abt work... i'm also pretty worried. there will be restructuring in my team and alot of changes. but they still have yet to announce. now that i'm just preggy i worried i will be out of job or ask me to do something that i dont like then in the end make me resign... haiz...

Dimple chilled dun be upset... honestly go MOM also no use cause either u blow up the matter u leave with the compensation they give or they can say performance issue so please renn.... am from HR so its tat limited tat u can do? just do ur best... if they terminate u now they pay u one month notice plus 4 months maternity... but thereafter u no job so please ren unless u can go without a job???

all u can do is puke to us :p

sharon: i tot company will only pay the 4 mths maternity if u are 6 mths or beyond pregnancy? if less than 6mths preggy, company can terminate/retrench without the need to pay u 4 mths maternity, but of cos they need terminate u with a good reason lah, cannot use the excuse bcos u preggy now...


> The Q-ing is due to appt has alrdy been fully booked. Hence have to go by q-ing. As i will be seeing my gynae on the same day, so it can save another trip down to TMC again.

With regards to yr job, try to endure. Sometimes being preggy, we have to endure in order not to lose out our 4mth maternity..If not lugi big time. Opps! haa..Jiayou, mummy-to-be ;)


> Really great to hear that sometimes q-ing is much faster. Just hoping baby will be co-operative enough, hee..


> I have bad cravings for sweet stuffs. In fact tdy i told myself to be disciplined, no sweet stuff yet i puke big time this morning. I tink 100plus is similar to having it while having bad diarrhoea as 100plus can replace the minerals and fluid tt you have lost.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


> Thanks for your encouragement. We all must Jiayou!

i really feel like drinking 100plus, ki ka po, pokka fuji apple but all the gassy drinks... but the chinese doctor told me i can not take any of those drinks as it is not gd for bb and me as my womb is weak...


Jolyn, is funny this time round, i can't take 100plus too.. I will just puke it out..

Not sure if you mummies encounter this.. i puked till all my gastric juice comes out almost every morning... sometimes is like water in, "gassy" acid out...

Flubby, take in moderation and probably drink without the ice.. just to curb the urge... during my first pregnancy, i dun even dare to drink at all.. this one, i just drink cos water doesn't seem to be able to stay in my tummy...

My oscar is scheduled on 10May 2.30pm.. anyone going on that day?

