(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

summer.. Never give up! Take care of your health!

Bye gals.. Had a hard day at work today.. Going off le.. Good Nite!


Thanks gals... i will be postive...

just enjoy 2 more days with my little sac..

ha ha ha...

Goodbye gal.. Babybust to all...

hi gals, i am back and saw a sac located at the right position. So far no flashing light appear as gynae said only 5wks plus... Travelling tomorrow, so let's hope everything goes safe and smooth...

next checkup is in 2wks time... so worried...

think boy, gal not important. Important is healthy pregnancy and healthy normal happy baby...

summerpeh, jia you... u r positive!


Yeah. Boy or gal not important as long as healthy can liao.

I went BKK during CNY and went to see a fortune teller. and the lady told me my husband and myself cannot conceive. Even if we have a baby. it will either be retarded or with down syndrome.

When i know that it's positive.. I'm very happy. But think about what the fortune teller said.. I'm so worried.

any sengkang mummies or mtb who noes the contact no for the gynae which is located at SK MRT.If i m not wrong,the clinic is northeast medicial.

wish to call and ask if could make a appt to visit the gynac for today

thanks in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chloe

Their Tel number is 6388 8125...

but today he is not in the clinic though...

Mon, Thur & Sat : 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm

Tue & Fri : 6pm - 9pm

Hope the above helps.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Hi....

I am new here...hee yet to be pregnant and was looking through this thread...its very interesting...

hmmm today suppose to be my menses but mine is not that regular..before married is like later 6 days but after married is mostly later 1 day..so far yet to come...not sure but feel anxious...

I keep having the feeling like period is coming but sometime the feeling is gone...anyone care to share any signs...hmmmm hee keep finger cross..

Summer....please take care and jia you jia you

Thanks gals, 1 more day to go.... to say goodbye to my little sac....

MTB if you need a gynac can try Dr Poon King Fu

Poon's Clinic for Women Pte Ltd

108 Hougang Avenue 1, #01-1259

Singapore 530108

Tel: 68581233

He is really nice, very friendly, soft spoken, he will ans all your question slowly & respond time is fast from him....

hey.. chloe and mama, you all also live in SK? Me too! Is the gynae at SK good? is a male gynae?

hmm.. today 3rd day after period due.. test this morning.. still negative leh..

dzxz : me last time also not accurate.. i never also really go and rem the dates.. but sometimes i rem is 2 months nv had period.. but after married hubby say should take note.. so i started to write down.. it also become regular for the past 5 months.. but it's a 35 days cycle la.. so now I missed 3 days, dunno is it something go haywire again.. cos tested still negative..


care to share his charges as well as his operating time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks

this clinic near to hougang MRT?

mummy monkey: oh u had miss 3 days hmm maybe u test after miss 7days using clear blue..they say its more accurate ...I not sure true or not...

u have any signs beside missing period

dzxz, i have tested using clear blue this morning.. so nothing lo.. symptoms ah.. last weeks seems to have more symptoms, but now like no more.. haha.. last week will feel like vomiting when i tired.. then feel tired easily.. bloated stomach, always like a lot of gas.. then fuller breast.. on and off cramp at the lower abdominal..

then now like only left fuller/sore breast.. i lift my left hand also pain.. oh and i feel that my nipples are darker like blue-black.. and on and off cramp at the lower abdominal..

Hi Chloe Goh

consultation charge is about 65... scan is 55 to 75... his package start from 12 week for 700 include consultation, scan, urine test. delevery charge is 800 to 1200....

operating hrs is (hope i don remember wrongly)

Mon to Fri: 9am to 12am

Mon & Wed: 2pm to 4pm, 7 to 9pm

Sat: 9am to 1pm

his clinic is near lorong ah soo just beside the S-11 coffee shop... i think the best is to call up & check... the nurse is nice will explain to you everything....

Hi ladies, I had vaginal scan yesterday and consultation. Total charge 110. So expensive my gynae.

Bam, don't think too much abt the down symdrome. Are you over 35yrs old? If no, then you shouldn't worry much.

Mummymonkey, I get sore breast symptom too. For me, I tested 2 days after mense due, I didn't see any dual line too from the test kit. I tested the 2nd time after 7 days away from missed mense, and bingo. I saw dual lines. Best is go gynae to check after 10 days. Mine, when scan fm gynae also very fade. Can't see the sac, but only through vaginal scan. Gynae said too early that's y cannot see clear through scan. But I'm sure you can see from vaginal scan after 10 days due.

Anybody here confirm preggie will do triple test or do oscar test? Both also ex but oscar is cheaper.

wow seems that your symptoms are quite close..

sobsob me is like always many gas...do blurp more and the breast is fuller..hmm my nipples never darker lei....and earlier the abdominal is cramp but then now not much...but then all this seems to be the symptoms of menses coming...sigh...now keep feeling like its coming sobsob

hee lets cross our fingers and hope we will be a MTB

mum monkey,hahaha..i oso juz test +ve,and now searching for gynae.Oso duno good anot,but i m a lazy butt so trying to look 1 nearer to my place.keke..

My hubby is nagging me to look for one asap as i m goin on a holiday 2 wks later.he wants to make sure everything is ok,den allow me to fly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

And wonder if its ture tat female gynae is slightly more expensive compared to male..

Thanks summer.will ring them up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dzxz, think we think too much.. cos me also keep feeling it's coming.. but actually dun have.. i even dream of it coming lo.. haha

Chloe, i heard my friend say it's better to find one near your house, cos toward the end of the pregnancy, have to go very often, unless driving lo.. else quite tiring for you..

if i really preggie, also will find one nearby.. but people say guy gynae better.. but most ppl choose girl cos the guy maybe cannot take the idea of another guy looking at wife? haha.. maybe the mum also feel more comfortable..

wow Chloe....congrats....and thats sweet of ur hubby....

hee Mummy Monkey...maybe ..my hubby also keep saying I always think so much ......wahaha u so cute still dream of it...

so when u going to test again?

hi gals..

i have bleeding yest,so went to see GP,to cfm its menses or some implantation preg. to ease my heart.on a positive side,i am 'starting all over again'.haha.on the other end,i am not joining u all for the NOv MTB!!!like summer!!!JAN 2011 MTB!!

babieslove: I'm 32 this year.

but my hubby is 39 already.

I did a normal scan and saw the sac.

Normal scan and consultation already cost me $180.

Chloe: I went to see Dr Lawrence Ang at Sunplaza.

Think this will be deducted from his package. which is about $550.

May I know if i can attend my friend's baby full month?

My hubby say no. Cos scared will "chong".

Baby full month also will chong?

Bam and chloe, yes... Mine is 110 and w/o medication, already so expensive! Omg...

My gynae is female one and I find she's gd. She's at bedok. Let me know if any of you keen to know.

All mummies here FTWM? I thought I want to stablise the pregnancy first before telling boss.

Bibiliciouslove, you be strong gal. Keep trying ok. Do recover well.

Summerpeh, doc tells u to go bk for review? Did u still eat the "ang tai" medicine? Don't give up ya!

babieslove... 2molo need to do my D&C... but i still eating an tai yao to control the bleeding... cos bb is not normal... if really can keep also have alot of problem... he guess is a molar pregnancies but he need to send the sac to do lab test then can tell me what happen...

Bam78: I think better don got anywhere.... cos u will need alot of rest as well... kekeke

Mummy Monkey

yeah.. i am stayin at SK... Dr Adrian used to be my gynae for my #1... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Overall, before u see him, make sure u got all ur questions ready cause he see patient very fast one.... and sometimes will make u forget what u wanna ask him... :p

Do u know when u ovulated? if u know then u will roughly know when ur AF is suppose to arrive... but sometimes it might be still early to see the +... so wait for a few more days... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if u are seeing Dr Adrian and u are comfortable with him, its best tat u sign the package so its more worth... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the way, can i ask how does dull cramps feel like huh???

juz book a appt.trying out the gynae recommended by summer in hougang.Going tonite. Will feedback afterwhich.

MAMA_ME-Dr adrian is the 1 at northeast medicial located at sk mrt?

Sunplaza that gynae,i oso heard of it b4.Veri generous in giving mummies MC,as per hearsay..hehe


Yeah.. the one at Compass Point beside the MRT station.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thnakx all..i am realli fine manz...just another week of menses.haha.time to caculate O date hehehe.

mummymonkey-so auntie came ar...?try again!!just like me.

babieslove- i'm not a FTWM, more of a PTWM.. yup, only intending to tell boss abt pregnancy after 1st trimester.. cos it's also appraisal time in office now....

Intending to become SAHM when #2 comes... =)

Chloe, I thought Dr Adrian Woodworth is from Thomson Women's Clinic and not Northeast Medical.

Mama-me: maybe you can confirm? =D

summer, bibiliciouslove & mummy monkey:加油, 加油, 加油!! lots of babydust to you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_babydust.gif]

hello all..

i think i might be a nov MTB..

menses surpose to come on the 2th mar. but till today no sign....

my last menses was on the 29th Jan..

haben buy any test kit yet...

if kenna jackpot.. this will be my #2...

and if really kenna jackpot.. i'll be going back to Dr Lawrence Ang at sunplaza. i got a package from him when i had my #1 which delivered on the mid Aug09. :)

im a SAHM.. like Chloe.. sadly a home maker.. LOL

i have broke the news to my boss ytd liao.

Been so tired these few days that i'm always late.

So better to tell her my condition so that she is aware that my body is changing lor..

