(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


for me, i test ard 5th day after i mis my period and is negetive.

2 days later i test,i +ve.i dun believe my eyes,so next day, i buy another kit of different brand to test again,it +ve..

So i suppose after 1 wk u miss u period,u can actually test...But again result differ frm person to person..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And i believe it always not too early to test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least more at ease rather den guessing..keke

maybe i will test tml morning see what result ba.. will update u all again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i brought Hpt here online.. so very cheap.. can use to test.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee hee Thks Chloe...

Fiona: I also thinking either tongiht or tmr but then the kit is not cheap from watson right...is clearblue safe and accurate right

kit is not cheap from watson.. i heard from alot of people saying that clearblue is accurate.. but now all the kit is the same..


watson now got 20% off wor..clearblue one got 20% disc. i juz buy mine last wk..keke..

Guardian brand one cost $8.95.

hope this helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hee hee I also dont know is consider miss 2 or 1 day cos actual is yesterday but normally will late for 1 day but till now haven come touch wood touch wood ke ke

wooo 20%.....ke ke thks Chloe..will see how

DzXz: me arh? not yet leh... just got married in Jan this yr... initially planning for a November baby.. but so disappointed when my menses come last month.. now trying hard again... =P

Thanks Sandy and Bam 4 your well wishes.

Spent my time "nua"ing at home alot.

Fiona & Dzxz: hope to hear gd new from u soon! I'm actually quite kiasu, tested with 3 different brands (including guardian brand) when I missed my period! The positive lines looked faint. The HPTs will say that even faint lines are considered +ve. Den the day after I had light bleed tested again. Its line more distinct. The line will become darker if u wait a few more days to test.

Eelynn hee dont be disapointed cos me also just married nov 2009...ke ke my husband also told me now then realise is so difficult to "bingo" ke ke ..ya me also feel disapointed for the past few months though we never really purposly plan for it ...ke ke

sorry ar what is HPT?.....icic...

Thks Griny for sharing too...ke ke oh man the more I read the more I wanna to know the result

Dzxz, u r welcome. HPT is home pregnancy kit. Wait till next morning at least ba.... result will b more clear.

Eelynn & DzXz: I got married in Dec 2007. but we started trying last year April/May. so it's about 1 yr then i managed to get 1.

So it's really not easy...

but i feel nothing lei.. no headache n dun feel like vomiting all that.. also dun knoe whether i got pregnant anot lei..

hmm me too...no vomit but headache is abit not sure is cos weather too hot....

The symptoms I have is the same as period coming lei...breast fuller and pain when touch, no vomit..normally I will stomach bloated b4 period but this time not really..

I also scare is we think too much then delay the period...sigh.....realx relax ke ke

erm.. i sometimes will be abit dizzy.. but this one is from young.. think because i have abit of low blood ba.. i dun have any symptoms b4 period.. only sometimes the face will be very pale..

DzXz: test tml morning.. tell u all the result tml.. hopefully.......

Hi girls..

why is it you girls find it so hard to "bingo"? my first one was an unplanned one- 8 mths after i got married..

This #2 came a lil early too, like 2-3 months before we start planning for next one... i also thot not so easy to get pregnant... but it was so fast to strike.. =(

DzXz- yup the symptoms are quite close to period with the fuller breasts and bloated stomach..

If you're relaxed abt trying for one, i'm sure you'll strike.. cos that's why happen to me..

Fiona87- we'll wait for your good news!

DzXz: after ur result den u update us again..

shm125: thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i go toilet very often but i think is because i drink alot of water n very thirsty..

Hi fiona..hee I will..u too remember to update us....

me too go toilet more often and often very thirsty...hee we both seems to have same symptoms.....hee not sure if we two conceive not sure will be about the same time wahahaa

DzXz: Ya lor.. i was so disappointed but my hubby and SIL ask me to relax.. the more stress up we r.. the harder we r to get.. and also.. i tot of visiting TCM leh... health quite weak.. must make the body stronger...

Bam: ya.. heard stories frm my SIL...those want babies.. try alot of times also cannot get.. so we let nature take its course lor.. =P

fiona: waiting for your good news.... =)

hee hee went back on the dot ke ke ...

Ya me last time not thirsty now quite frequent and make me keep running for toilet...

agree lo got to relax....

Fiona & Dzxz,

For me,i tink its due to my preggie.Super thirsty lor! And i onli crave for plain water..

Same symptoms with me? highly possible oso strike liao..kekekeke!

Today went to watson,saw this test kit which can let you keep your used kit with the +ve result overtime..Not Cheap ($13.95).

I bought that and do the test again.Wish to do up a scrape book abt my preggie route..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha!


mememe!! mine is back ache and thirst that make me cant's slp well..

1 nite can wake up 2 to 3 times...


hey hello..

i still haben buy the test kit.. drag and drag and drag..

everyday i got the want to come feeling.. but at the same time my preggy symptoms come back liao..

i feel like puking when i smell people frying garlic.....


wah u shift so far lei..

but hoh.. why i cant find aug09 thread ar?? lost liao ar?

Mornin ladies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

finally the thread is up again.....

Fiona: any idea when u ovulated?? if u not sure, then best to wait for next week to test again ya... wish u good luck.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe: hmmm what kind of backache u havin huh?? these 2 days my backache a bit terrible lor... sigh....

finally i got some response. I thought my server got problem the whole morning.. kekeke..

Fiona: cross your fingers and pray hard..

hi all, i m new here! tested with a pregnancy test strip and had a vy vy vy vy faint line..tot my eyes were playing tricks on me, but my husband saw it too! I think if im pregnant, im probably a wk or so only cos the line is hardly there! going to test everyday till I get a obvious line. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope to join you ladies in the discussion

erm.. i also not sure when wor.. think i better wait for next week.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congratz dupp..

Dupp, welcome to the family !

Mama_me, my ache is at the lower back. Something like pple use rubber band to shot me..

