(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hello SHM125

many thanks. The sites were really helpful. I'll have no qualms continuing the GNC Pre natal now. If i may ask how far into the pregnancy are you at... I'm at 6 weeks now. cheers and take care


Hi bibiliciouslovebaby,

my early symptoms were exhaustion, breast tenderness and had white discharge. Often thirsty, high body temperature and experience backache.

thnakx all...i am having constipation wich some gals experience.backache too.breast tenderness no leh.but felt high body temp at times.adomen weird kind...

Oo ya Sarah i also have alot of white discharge, but yesterday have some brown... Hope everything is ok^^

bibiliciouslovebaby humm so when is ur LMP?

ops something very special to share... about 1 day afet my O-day... i suddently wake up at 3am & feel so giddy & wanted to vomit so much... so funny right, i wake my hubby up & tell him i not feeling well, he reply was wow got chance lioa... then he when back to bed...

Morning everyone..

auntie nv come visit yesterday.. but seems like the symptoms had gone away beside the breast tenderness and white discharge.. then last night i dreamt that auntie came.. haha.. think too much le..

Hi Sarah..

i'm gg to week 5.. so you're like 1 week ahead of me =)

As for symptoms i don't have much, except boobs feel fuller, bloated stomach so i eat smaller meals and get hungry before bedtime (then drink milk lor).

Only when i'm really tired, then i get a lil nausea.

morning everyone..

3 more days my period due..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i got white discharge.. but that one is not bai dai meh?? cross my finger that my auntie dun come k.. keke.. oh ya.. my nipple crack.. so painful.. dun knoe y like that also..

hi all mummies to be.

New here.. And i'm at week 5.

Worrying everyday.. praying hard that baby will be healthy.. the whole process will be smooth etc etc.

may i know if anyone here has cramps in the womb?

hello I am new here too.

I am at week 4-5. This will be my first.

Barn78: yup i have occasional twinges at the side of my uterus as well as abdomen but it goes off in 5 secs. Will be very hungry after a while but if i eat too much, then get nausea and puke.

Hi Joleen.

So is it normal to have the occasional twinges?

My gynea said it's normal.

but i have a friend telling me to go for blood test cos it might be due to lack of hormones or something.

Kinda of worrying.

Bam78 sometime i have cramp... just ask doc it ok de... so long is not sharp pain...

btw i'm going to be 6 week soon... but T.T just when to see doc due to i'm bledding... Just job a jab from doc... hope everything will be find... Help mi pray hard ba...

so scare + upset + worry...

summer-my LMP is 6feb..within this week will test.*prays*

barn78-ya lo,i tell my hubby i nv experience this before.hehe.

congrats all MTB!!

Hi gals, can I join this thread? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm 5 weeks plus today. Just visited my gynae this morning to confirm after testing +ve at 4 weeks.

Babydust to all who are still awaiting good news and wishing all who have conceived a smooth pregnancy! :D

I asked my gynae (dr Paul Tseng from TMC) about prenatal supplements. He says just take folic acid tabs for now. No need to complicate our intestines at this early stage as our baby will still draw nutrients from our body.. Any add'l supplements like multiple vits n calcium can be taken from Week 12 onwards.


anyone of u experience double result from different brand of pregnancy kits?

i tested on friday using clearblue and it was positive. but ytd i try again using predictor, it was negative.

dunno is it too early..

Summer, don't worry too much. Must make sure u have lots of rest ya.

Ashley, u can probably go for a gynae visit now to make sure that baby is the right place. Can only see yolk sac now. Our last menstrual period quite close! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


try to drink one glass of cold water when u wake up. it helps in moving ur bowels.


if u wan, u can go see it now. Most prob ur gynae will scan u from below, viginal scan. Coz normal scan wun b able to scan the bb as bb is still too small. but by now, bb should have heartbeat already. if not, u can wait 2 more weeks to have a normal scan. just drink lotsa water before u go into the room for scanning.


oh oh! i seeing Eunice Chua from TLC wor. haha.

mummy monkey,

i was planning for a lil bunny as well.. but well..

Hi all MTB.

I'm about 5 weeks pregnant. Hope everything will go smooth and my baby will be healthy and fine.

Just wan to know whether can I eat a bit of sashimi during this time.


Take care and rest well. Try to minimize ur movements and just let everyone else serve u.

preggy = queen.


Sashimi is a NO NO. No raw food.

Thank holly.

Anyway, my husband bought me the Obimin...should I take this since i only week 5 or just take folic acid.

Holly, we may bump into each other next time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I did a belly scan w full bladder today n can see yolk sac. No need vaginal scan.

I swear by ClearBlue cos it's very accurate for me.

Cindy, congrats!! Our timing quite close too. :D you'll have to abstain from raw food n even undercooked eggs for now. What's obimin?

Summer.. Go rest and keep yr self cheerful.

i'm so sleepy and tired every day.. No mood to work either...

how to survive another 35 weeks?

Barn78, did ur gynae do a scan? Twitches or slight cramps are common as our uterus is growing. As long as he says ok should be fine.

I get lower backaches too. Cannot walk too far and with heavy things now.

MummyMonkey, best to test from the day your period is due cos earlier than that some kits cannot detect the HCG (pregnancy hormones) levels yet.

my period suppose to due yesterday, tested this morning negative leh.. haha.. my period used to be very messy de.. but after marriage, it has stabilized but it's a 35days cycle la.. so yesterday suppose to due..

Mummymonkey, u tested on clearblue yesterday?

Ashley, my gynae is dr Paul Tseng. His clinic is at thomson medical centre. Do u have a regular gynae?

hi barn78: it should be normal. I dun experience any bleeding. So no need to get overly worried or concern. You should relax and be calm. Not good for bb if you get overly worried.

hi mummymonkey: Some tests like clearblue digital can test from 4 days before period. I did mine at 4-5 days before period and got a positive. I didnt believe and bought all kinds of brands, in the end, i got all positive for all 5 brands. But it still is safer and more accurate to test on the period day or at least when you missed your period. For me..i was too gan chiong and i was already feeling terribly tired easily and cramping badly. Thats why i tested.

Seagal:no regular gynae yet.but planning to see DR Adrain in compass pt but abit worried cos they say he very fast...Hmmm...somemore i got miscarriage before 3 yrs ago so I also very worried and stressed now.

any mtb here feeling hungry most of the time?

i feel hungry every 3 hrs argh but everytime will only eat only a little quite frustrating.

ashley, I know how you feel.

we mummies can worry about countless concerns so it's normal. Personally, it helps for me to have an assuring gynae and one I'm comfortable with to allay my concerns. my gynae also very fast as he doesn't make small talks but if you ask questions, he will answer them all and without haste.

have u set your appt with dr adrian?

mummymonkey: i see....maybe can wait a few more days? do u feel any symptoms yet?

seagal: Yup, the doc did said the cramp is normal and he did a scan for me and saw the waterbag. Very small...

Next appt is on 19th Mar.. can't wait. cos will know if baby have heart beat or not..

seagal : the symptoms were similar to pre-menses issues that i have leh.. like full breast, bloatedness, jus that this time my breast feels fuller and feels tired.. like forever not enough sleep.. haha..

barn78, if can see waterbag then good! my next appt is 4 weeks later....sigh... guess we shouldn't worry too much and must remember to keep ourselves happy since we probably can't change anything now except to stay healthy and be careful with our movements.

mummymonkey, sounds like preggie symptoms! wish you LUCK!!! =)

last weekend never go anywhere.. jus sitting at home watching movies.. but sit also feel uncomfortable.. like mus lie down.. haha..


Actually supplements are not too much needed for 1st trimester. Of coz if you wan, u still can tk. Normally gynae will prescribe only folic acid for the 1st trimester. 2nd trimester onwards, obimin, omega 3, calcium n so on will be given by ur gynae.


haha.. ya, who knows we might bump into each other one of this days.

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb. I am from Jan 2010 thread and have the following items to let go:

1. Pigeon Natural-fit Manual Breast Pump – bought at $59.00, selling at $45.00, condition: 10/10, used ONCE only as my cousin handed down an electric dual pump to me. Includes 2 nursing bottles with sealing disks for breast milk storage, adaptor to allow usage with wide-neck nipple, and user manual. Basically everything that came in the package are intact, except for 1 nipple teat which I have used for my LO and thus not hygienic to sell. :p


2. NUK breast milk containers (in 4) – bought at $42.20, selling at $30.00, condition: 9/10, no defects at all, used for a month for storage of breast milk only. Selling coz I have stopped breastfeeding after LO turn 1 month. Bottles are compatible with NUK premium choice teats.


3. Moms in Mind Sarong Carrier (Sateen in grey colour) – bought at $48.00, selling at $40.00, condition: 10/10, opened for practising twice at home only but NOT worn outdoors before at all. Selling coz received another handdown pouch sling from friend and also receive a pram as gift during LO’s full month, so doubt I will have any use for this sling, dun wan it to go to waste.

Price negotiable for sincere buyers. Please PM me if interested, collection venue can be arranged.

Thank you.

Hi gals, just wake up...

I have clam down lioa... can control my emo lioa.. humm all thing is plan, so no use to be worried... y not just enjoy my 1 week MC at home... kekee

Hope the an tai yao got use... if not then just try again next time...

to all MTB i guess better see doc asap... don w8, as doc can help u stable the sac...

i'm close to 6 week but cannot see a nice water bag yet... so have to go back next week... but hope no more bleeding le.....

babybust to all^^

summer, good to hear you have calm down.. have to stay cheerful and positive.. like what you say, everything is planned, as long as you really take good care of yourself.. take a good rest during this week.. less movements..

hugz to yOU!

summer: dun worry too much.. that time my friend also bleed for her 1st baby.. like normal menese bleeding.. den in the end everything is normal.. so dun think too much..

