(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


if i m not wrong.both TWC and Northeast is housed under 1 roof ...located at sk mrt..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Yeah.. what Chloe say is correct.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The clinic is under one roof with Dr Adrian.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not tempted to test ah?? keke...


i heard ppl say Dr Lawrence Ang is same pattern with Dr Adrian one... chop chop curry pot... :p

Mama_me: Ya lor.. The first visit i went.. He like machine gun leh..

Just shoot. go in the room less then 15mins. 180bucks.


Bam 78- is it becos he has a lot of patients? that's why can't spend too much time.. Sound like my girl's PD at TMC who examined her when she was born... Don't even give u time to think whether u got any questions or not..


yes i was with him last yr erm.. ard Jan..

his package is very value for money..

but i things u got to tahan is the WAITING..

my hubby tell me Cheap thing dun come fast. fast thing dun come good.. so its cheap and good but not fast... the waiting time not fast but the conversation with him VERY FAST.. *to me la*

but overall he is a good dr la.. at 1 point of time when i go see him at ard 7 8mth preggie.. i very temperamental... i still tell hubby if i got #2 i dun want to go back liao.. wait so long go in 5 -10min nia... but den after i deliver i find dat he's ok la.. baby is fine so he got nothing much to say lo.. hahahhaa..


im tempted to test but...... dunno what will the result be.. i tested my #1 when im 2mths preg coming 3mths... confirm liao i go find Dr LA.

bam78, chloe: oh I see. =)

dolliepollie: wah, you very zai! wait so long then test! ur #1 is less than a year old then. ;)


actuarlly i oso dunno i preg. after my wedding den i know de.. but dat time i oso dun dare to say.. scared ppl say i shot gun... -.-"

i heard from my friend below 3mth check not use the normal machine lei.. is 1 long tube poke in and see de. i scared so i didnt go lo..

i hesitate to check oso cause if preggy = no honeymoon... so till now no honeymoon lo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my boy turning 7month this coming 13th. :)

i do hope my #2 is a boy too.. LOL

hello mummies & mtb,

juz cam back frm Dr Poon clinic.

Veri comfortable with him.Super patience man!

But too bad,went with a almost empty bladder,didnt manage to find the water bag as said by Dr poon. and i m shy with the virginal scan...lol!

go in 2nd round for scan after gallop down cups n cups of h2o,still cant find the h2obag.Gona go back to him 1o days later to scan again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hopefully can find something...

Hi mummies,

i just tested +ve, and based on my calculations, shd be early Nov bb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I haven't seen the gynae yet though. Was told to go next week when I'm 7 weeks....


2 boys will be a handful but fun!!

I think the practice whether to do a transvaginal scan or belly scan depends on the gynae. Mine did a belly scan at 5weeks plus with full bladder and can see the yolksac already. I don't think can only do for 3 mths and above leh..

the transvaginal scan is not as "scary" as you may think and i tik it can detect better. i did that for my #1 in the early stages. for me, i was more excited in seeing the baby than shy so heck care lah!! anyway, gynaes see so many preggie ladies everyday like nobody's business!

chloe, hope you can see baby soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_happy.gif]

Congrats pitpat! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cheers.gif]


hahaha.. we intend to have all on the same bday.. in fact looking at 3boys *if god allows la*

maybe when 1 arrive the other one can run already.. cause he attempt to stand liao...


im not sure bout all these checks.. but i see the machine already scared liao..

dat time i wait till i 3rd month den go check de... so no need to do transvaginal scan lo.

anyone here tried the clearblue digital before?

tot of getting 1 tml....


u frm aug 09 thread??? wanna double cfm hehe. me either joinin oct or nov mtb. need to cfm the date again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Ladies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam78: lolz... ya.. tat's exactly what's Dr Adrian pattern lor... kekekeke

dolliepollie: whahahaha i agree with wat ur hb says... keke... tat's what i always console myself when i forgotten to ask the gynae stuff whenever i see him... :p

hmmm then how long have u missed?? any symptoms??

Ashley: normally the scan itself is 100+ liao.. i remember there was once i missed my AF for many months and no sign of coming, then i went to see my gynae then he din wanna do any scan for me to confirm i not preggy.. then i got him to scan and my $$ flew away.... cause scan liao really nothing and the scan is less then 1 min.... faint...


ya la... its me... hahahahahahahaha

use to stay near you.. now i shift liao...

you test liao ma? me haben...


me no symptoms lei... suppose to come on the 2nd mar. till today still haben come.. but usually very "zhun" de.. miss 1week liao. maybe i wait awhile more den check lo.. scarly is cause by stress.. LOL


i feel like eating down the words "very hungry". indeed i m hungry..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Dolliepollie...hee maybe u can go check to clear all the curious u have ke ke ke ....

me suppose to come yest but then haven...normally will be late a day which is suppose to be today hee so far not yet ...though got that feeling of like wanna come liao...sigh

do u gals have the same...like having the feeling that menses is like coming

hello mummies,

Would like to join u gers here.

Tested HPT last Sun and its +ve! So happy. But on Mon when I was working I had light bleeding. Den I test with HPT again (+ve)on Tue morning (light pink discharge) and I visited my company GP. She immediately referred me to gynae (Dr SC Chew).

At Dr Chew's clinic, he did an ultrasound scan for me but could not find the little embryo yet because it still early. Did a blood test too and Dr Chew call yest that my pregnancy in confirmed. However need to go back to scan again to locate the embryo to make sure everything is ok.

Currently on MC (bedrest) till this Fri to make sure that the bleeding stop.

morning all.... can i join in???

Have been reading this thread for a long time... initially planning for a November baby (same birthday with hubby).. but no news leh.. heehee...

Summer: jia you!!!! recover ur body and plan for one soon!!! =)

Eelynn: Of course you are welcome to join in.

griny: do take care and rest well.

I've been missing my bed since i'm preggy..

I really need my sleep.. Keep yawning and yawning.

hi.. today is my period due date.. still no news yet.. hope it won't come.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Belly Bands for pregnant moms. http://www.bigbellymama.com/bellyband.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann & Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.

Chloe... hope you like him... but sometime hope he can speak louder... but over all his still very nice... can explain all the things to you nicely... lol

Dear Mum-To-Bes, I'm a Jan 09 mum. Like to share an upcoming event on Breastfeeding. It's free admission as it is organised on volunteery basis. You can PM me for more queries or arrange to meet this Sat.


Calling all expecting mothers and young parents!

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP), a parenting network initiated by a few CHC mothers, is organizing a Breastfeeding Talk this weekend. This meeting is not limited to CHC members but open to all.

Details of this event are as follows:

Topic: Best Feed Forward

Speaker: Dr Lena Goh (Vice President, Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group)

Date: March 13, 2010 (Saturday)

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 1, Conference Room 4

* What is most natural and perfect for both baby and mother?

* What is the most economical & environment-friendly milk for baby?

* What lays the foundation for deep and secure bonding between mother and child that will last a lifetime?

This session is conducted free-of-charge and serves to educate parents on how to achieve the best nutritional source and emotional bonding for their precious child that will give him/her a headstart in life. The whats, whys and hows of breastfeeding will be addressed and there will also be trained BMSG counselors available after the talk for consultation.

Kidz@Play will be opened for those who are bringing children aged 3 – 9 years old.

Please register via http://www.chc.org.sg/psp/

For more information, you may email your enquires to [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Yours sincerely,

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP) Network

erm... waiting for him to come & say goodbye to my little sweet heart lor...

fiona babydust to u... hope your dreams come true...

hili hilo MTB


tis is so qiao lo. u move le but still in yishun ma but i oso move le no more in yishun now in marsiling (omg omg omg)

hehe i haven check but i think zhong le cos till now haven come

hi summer take care ok jia you jia you jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi griny u rest well ok.

ya i also believe he will come back to me again... nvm 2 mth later I'm a dragon again..


btw fiona have u tested???

Hi fiona..hee same as me ...dont dare to test..scare later buy liao then hor come haiz...hee hope it wont come....

Fiona: is supposed to be yesterday. B4 marriage is later 6 days..after marriage is late for 1 day ....now crossing finger hope it wont come....but I always have the feeling like the period is flowing out....confused...

DzXz: I'm already at my 6th week.

but i also keep feeling that something is flowing out. Then i have to go toilet to check everytime. Scared is bleeding or what. Or is it because of our xin le zhuo yong?

DzXz: sometime it is better to test early also then if it's +ve. can take folic acid.

According to my friend. Folic acid is to aid in the development of the foetus. Something like that.


Hi Bam..wow u already in your 6th weeks...hee congrats so happy for u....

Ya ya I agree Bam...keep going to toilet and check....thks for the folic acid information...I really wanna check but so scare of disappointment though I never really purposely to plan to have a baby on any particular month.....just to ask...is it too early to test now? cos my collegue told me if I am already conceive its like days ago and not after u miss period so should be able to detect de

Eelynn: hee thks really hope so...will update u too. How about u?

