(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

That's great Summer! Enjoy ya one week queen treatment at home!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi Summer,

Dun worry too much and have ample rest. I was bleeding not once but twice during my preggy 8 weeks and 11 weeks. Gynae gave me an tai yao too.

Happy and bless that the bleeding stopped and I'm into my 7mth preggy.

Now all you need to do is to really rest well and be positive. After taking medicine, do see your gynae for another checkup. Take care

Thanks Seagal, hahaha just enjoy my Fb & chatting with ur online...

Thanks Lin... going to see him again next wed... unless...

Just some info ....i used to subscribe to this website babycentre.co.uk when I had my #1. They have loads of information ranging from TTC, our babies' development in the womb, etc to raising our kiddos till toddlerhood which I find very useful.

Now they finally have a Singapore website! If you gals are keen, can try going to www.babycentre.com.sg. =)

Hi all, just tested positive yesterday! Cannot believe it and went to kkh 24 woman clinic to confirm.. Gynae did an varginal scan and saw the water bag.. she said baby cannot been seen at less than 6 weeks, so ask me to go back in 2 weeks time..I am around 5 weeks now..

Thanks Seagal.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also experience cramp and loss of appetite. Feel so tired easily. Hope it doesnt affect my work. 1 week before I knew I was preg, went to see the doc for bad cough and headache, doc did a urine test and said I've urine infection, prescribe me with the medicine. As Doc suspect that I could be preg, he gave me something that is safe for preg, he said it is common for preg ladies to have urine infection. Anyone mtb experience something similar?


no worries. when i had my #1 i also bleed when i was preggy for abt 5th week. I was paranoid back den coz I lost one b4 my #1. but eventually my #1 is now a super active notty little boy. just relax urself n rest well.



Bingo:do u feel awkward abt the vaginal scan.guess will be doing mine 2morrow gosh!!! btw did u request for the scan or the doc suggested it?

hello mummies and mummies to be..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Test +ve too.I use 3 kits to confirm that i m not dreaming..hahaa..so kia su of me...


no problem~ =)

u can still try to drink LOTSA water b4 ur scan n ask gynae to try doing a abdominal scan first. if really cannot den too bad lo. everyone is different la. I personally din really like it. so I am waiting for time to pass so i confirm wun nid to go thru vaginal scan.

Hi Holly, but i'm bleeding like having period leh... that time u also got bleed so long ma & like got period ma... i bleeding almost a day lioa... this time no hope lioa la...

haiz... y all this happen to me....

hi, congrats to all mummies who are pregnant now.

I am also considered pregnant but still need confirmation from gynae. First test did after 2 days of missing period but I saw nothing. The next test was on the 7th day when I've missed it. It shows clearly 2 lines.

Hope tonight's visit to the gynae, I can see something. Really hope to have a smooth pregnancy.

Anybody have bad ms?

Summer, go to gynae now.

Hi summer, go go. Don't move ard too much after the medicine. I've an ex colleague, she has the same like u but has to be hospitalised to bed rest.

Hope your doc will admit you in for bed rest.

Any mummies who is having 2nd or 3rd pregnancy here? I wonder how to determine the sex of the baby w/o scan?

Summer: Take care, good luck!!

Shu zhen: i do not think theres any way to determine baby's gender w/o scanning. Even scan doc sometimes also canot cfm... I've read from forum some say they go to chinese physician n can determined gender of baby b4 they due for scan with the doc... but i doubt accuracy le... hmmm...

summer, maybe you should lie on the bed at home at dun move aft u took the med.. bring all the water to you.. if tired just sleep..

Hi Asley, for me vaginal scan is ok, becos I've trying for an bb for close to 4 years and while trying went to few fertility check up and they always do vaginal scan for me. If less than 6 weeks, normally they will do vaginal scan cos can't see anything thru tummy scan and I heard varginal scan is safer for 6 weeks and below.. Just relax, vaginal scan is not painful, which gyane are you going?

2 more days.. period due..

summer: hope everything will be fine for u.. take care ok.. try to relax urself n dun stress urself.. ok..

congratz to all MTB.. i hope i can join in the fun.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello MTB... no hope...

doc say not good... must take away, if really can keep also scare the bb next time have problem....... humm...

ello Bingo!I just came back from my v.scan LOL so pai say.then i was hoping to do a belly scan but lol doc say i too fat!!!dudz.then I drank so much water leh then when doing the v.scan doc say ohh your bladder very full i was like hmmm then i told him actually I m very urgent already hahahahaha need to pee.I m based in KL now cos my hubby working for 1 of the airlines here.

doc say everything is ok the size ok the sac ok.but must go back to him again 10 days later to check for heartbeat.But dunno y he say everything ok but still give me the hormone pills.abit worry cos I also miscarriage before some more pressure from my MIL arghhh...

Summer hope u be alrite soon.Be strong.

I had a miscarriage last time.my superior ask me to check something in another office building dudzzzz then from my office walk to another office building 10mins then climb up and down the stairs then walk back to my office then after that do toilet wan to pee then see bleeding non stop so bloody lost then call my hubby but nv pick up then got to call my father bring me to hospital.dudz curse my superior bloody hell he!!!arghhh...

Wah so many new mummies... welcome everyone =)

Summer- cheer up.. sometimes this kind of thing happens cos foetus is not healthy so it's better for your body to spontaneously discharge from your system. I guess it's something we all have to prepare ourselves for esp in the 1st trimester.

like my colleague was also pregnant but had no symptoms, so when gynae told her that there's no heartbeat and have to do D&C, she coped quite well with it (mainly becos she din feel pregnant).

np i will never give up & will face it very brave... 2mth later i'm yi tiao long again... muhahaahaa... So 2mth later see others MTB in Jan 2011^^

Summer... Must bu your body ya... Don't worry, u can conceive again ya.

I ate lots of food just now, cos I'm so hungry. Is this one of the ms?

Now I'm so bloated lor. A lot of air from tummy. Can we take eno to relieve air?

Instinctive, do u know we can check fm the ancient chinese calendar? I wanna get. Anybody knows?

Shm125, don't frighten me. I have no symptom too. But I am constantly hungry and eat a lot. Aliitle cramp on tummy at times but will go away... Is this gd? I have not seen gynae.

babieslove- don't worry too much. I don't have much symptoms except for bloatedness, esp after i eat..

i also have hungry pangs close to bedtime..

the cramping is just the waterbag or uterus expanding. If there's no spotting, u should be fine.

hi all,

tot it be too early for ms?

I have not much symptoms too so babieslove dun worry lah. I am not always hungry but when i do , i can only eat a little bit if not i puke out food. Cramp still have but for a while only.

The ancient chinese calendar you can google over the internet. But whether boy or girl, its ok ,most important is for the baby to be healthy and to be carried to full term. For fun, you can still play with the calendar but i dont think it be very accurate. Even with the scan, sometimes still cannot see so clearly.

agree with shm125, its quite common with the bloating. So now i tend to avoid certain foods that will add to the gassy feeling.Take ginger tea if you feel you need to get rid of the gas.

so far the earliest i've heard mummies getting MS is 5th week.

i can't comment for myself cos my #1- i din really have much MS/nausea, unless i was very tired.. so i'm hoping this time round, it'll be same as well.

u can go and surf net to find... i lost the website... got this table that calculate your age vs. mth vs. day u will get boy/girl...

And dun worry abt wat others say... when i had my first baby... i didnt test until i missed my period for 2-3weeks.... and for the first 6-8weeks, i had no symtoms/sickness... was until after 8 weeks then start morning sickness... but after 4th mth... im like normal again until abt 8mth then i start to feel backache n tiredness... so everyone is different... just stay relax n happy!! =)

Summer, great to hear that you are taking things in your stride!! Try again after you have ample rest and please take care and rest lots now!!

Ashley, 10 days go back again sounds good. my next gynae appt 4 weeks later (about Week 9)...sigh. Wonder why my gynae never ask me to go back earlier to test for heartbeat....sigh.

Thanks ladies... U gals r so counselling type. I'm glad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Well, I'm only seeing gynae today. Think shd be 5 weeks plus now, but see what gynae says. I hope to see everything is well... So stress and scare type as I hear many stories lor.

Hi babieslove,

Generally its ok to travel. Since you're seeing your Gynae today, you may wanna ask your Gynae if its ok.

When i had my #1 i just didn't go thru the metal detector. I told them i was preggy and they just did a body search. Though the gynae nurses said it was ok to go thru the metal detector, i guess i was just paranoid since its #1.

Hey ladies

Have been reading the thread for a few days.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Summer, u are a strong lady... Jia you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i guess u gals are talkin abt this ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there is another one which is more complicated.. :p


Hope the above links help.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

summer- keep the positive spirits up!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MTBs,can i check what kind of spotting are we expecting n when they say bleeding...there maybe a chance tt u are not having menses but part of expecting ...hw true??hw to differentiate it?

advise pls....

