(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

enmummy: oh really, bb of bigger size will flip slower? no wonder i do realised that my girl who is chubby seems a bit clumsy when putting her on tummy...she keep trying to move her hands/legs but neck come up slightly only, then other parts of body seems too heavy for her to move...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]


Dimple: ikea high chair is very

cheap ..oni $29+tray $4...hubby dun wan to spend too much lor so we tot its good enuff for feeding as long as its stable...

Sharon: mamy poko never gives my bb nappy rash even when overnite so long...it can also hold her megapoo...i hv bern using it since s size..very happy with it!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the pooh cartoon oso very cute...hehe...huggies newborn n s size was good for my gal too...but now huggies dry comfort sometimes give her rash...not sure why...i change max 6 hrly with

huggies provided she never poo...And ya the high chair is displayed at the side...i was staring at it while queueing dat day...

Thnks enmummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So far petpet n mamy poko no rash on my boy but drypers had.. Drypers when he Pee n diaper kept on- I change 3 hourly- the area is wet wet but for pet pet n mp it's dry.. The powder also still there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] love it!

dimple: dun mention it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] some mummies have good experience with drypers and its really cheap...but unfortunately it din work out for me too...my girl's megapoo can be really scary and everytime she poo in drypers (lucky i had some samples) it will be a very messy affair with her clothes dirtied...i scared already...hehe...

irene: dunno leh...also depends on every kid's development...how heavy is your bb now? i dun really do tummy time with my bb...but she can hold her head steady liao when carry...so hopefully when she learns to flip she can hold her head high already so that i won't have to worry too much about her face down...hehe.....the strange thing about my gal is since a month ago she has tried lifting her shoulders occasionally but she dun do it everyday...tink she is lazy and enjoy lying flat...hahaha...

enmummy: my girl is 8kg now...doc said she is on the 90% percentile. yes her neck also quite stable when carrying her but when put her on tummy, she has difficulty in lifting head high thou...had told tat to doc during last 2 weeks assessment and doc also has seen the way she tried lifting on tummy, and although not much lifting but she said its ok and already v good...maybe we no need so kan cheong...so long bb got try and improve day by day shld be fine liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Its time!

Regarding baby weaning, wat r the items to buy apart from spoon, bowl n drinking cup?

Blender? Steamer? Wat brand?

Saw the pigeon porridge steamer that we can put inside our rice cooker while cooking our rice. Is this useful?

There's also food cubes to freeze the homemade purees. Why do so when fresh one can be done daily?

Going to get some of this stuff since many baby fairs are ongoing.

Orangebb, I am also jotting down wat are the things to get for meimei and th boys at the fair... Hehe

I am thinking whether to get aven steam and blender...

Then need to buy food thermal too!

Is robinson having sales? Thinking of getting fr there too since I hav the vouchers which will expire end of this yr

High chair: Am thinking of buying fr cheong choon. Its all plastic w quite big table. Think ard $70.

Cereal: mum hav been asking me to add baby cereal into his feed. Looks like I need to start to research which to stock up

Pre-skool: looking at how kiasu singaporeans are, I need to do research! Any good pre-school at bishan area?

Hi gals, need to check w u all... I m gg back to work tomorrow and will b expressing my bm in e office. Can I check, if I store e bm in e fridge to go, can I put e bm into e freezer when I reached home? Or should I put it in my office's freezer and only put it into fridge to go when I m abt to leave office? But I m afraid if I freeze it in office freezer, it will slowly thaw on my way home when it is in the fridge to go. Help... I dunno what to do to preserve e bm.

vividip, what i do is:

aft expressed milk, i wil put in fridge first (not freezer), i also put my ice-pack in fridge/freezer to let it cold enough. then before going back i'll transfer bm to my fridge-to-go (FTT). your FTT has ice-panel?? if not, can buy those reusable ice-packs to keep the temperature.

aft back to home i'll transfer to fridge (if need to drink tomorrow according to my baby's drinking amount) or freezer (if got extra amount)

by the way, i bought a mini cooler to put in my office, i didn buy fridge

hi all,

back here for a while...seems like some of us have started on solids. I started as my boy has great interest in it.

I didnt buy baby drinking cup..not so soon..perhaps 7-8 mths then start on it..he is still young at 4mths still need feeding slowly as their swallowing is still immature..drinking from cup will choke.

The baby spoons and bowls i buy usually to make the cereals and pureed food. I use rice cereals, carrot puree, banana puree, pumpkin and sweet potato puree. Remember to only use 1 food at a time for at least 3 days if not bb will get allergies. For me, i only let him try to eat once a day. Now is just like a trial practice. He is still on formula majority.

My son flips also but not so much now. And most often, i dun leave him alone. There must be someone looking over him. If i am alone with him, i literally carry his bouncer and make milk in the kitchen with him. In case he flips on the bed or sofa i dunno.

Sad story on facebook: Aiyoh i think got a few of us post video on a baby story from malaysia on facebook..i think i got to avoid such stories..i read and then I cannot stop crying.....no more sad baby stories...

nana: from wat i know its pre-nursery: 2.5-3yrs..nursery -4 yrs, kindergarten - 5 - 6

pre-school - 4-5 yrs old usually..lots of activities, games

kindergarten - 5-6 yrs old, more on educational stuff, lessons to get ready for P1

Ok thanks vallous..

Aft reading the story I take cab go back to hug my baby.. I also wan to avoid reading such sad story in future.. My mind keep on thinking on the story now..

Irene: wow ur bb is hw many months? 8kg i relatively BIG wor...

Enmummy: i used to like Huggies.. now HUggies i realised after switching to M size cannot tahan more than 3 hours de... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Vividip, I put in the mini cooler in office then put in the agent thermal bag to bring home. I dun use FTG. Coz a) it takes me 45 min to reach home and thermal bag keeps it cold. B) I tested before, the FTG will not be v cold after 10 hrs. Still cold, just much less. My FTG is those 12 hr cold type. I hv no access to office freezer. So FTG is not that useful for me. But i do know of pple who put straight into freezer (they store in agent via cups) and transport back using thermal bag. If u hv access to freezer/fridge in office, the just put ur FTG in freezer during the day...and milk in fridge. When going home then transfer to FTG.

sharon: my girl is 8kg at 20weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw we can make puree ourselves right? if so, can share how to make, also think make ourselves is fresher and more nutrients right?

re: news abt 4 bb had died after vaccine

ai yo..really sad and worried when read the news. my girl just had her vaccine last week too..so scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@ Nana and CSI: thanks for e advice. So if the milk is kept cold (not frozen) for abt 8 hours, it is okay to freeze it after tat when I reached home? I know it is not good to re-freeze thaw milk but is it ok to freeze milk after it is kept cold but not frozen for so long?

Hi, just joining this thread. My baby is 15 weeks, close to 8kg. Any advice for how I can get him to take the bottle? I started him on it since he was 2 weeks old and it was alright, until about a few weeks ago, he started refusing it. At first he refused frozen breastmilk, then he even refused the < 24 hr old milk I had stored in the chiller. Sigh... it makes me very baby bound, going to the gym or going to run errands also very hard. My MIL is suggesting that I start him on formula, but I really don't want after working so hard to feed him exclusively breastmilk!

Nana: From what I know, the pre-school sector basically has child care centres (under MCYS, running from 18mths to 6 years) and kindergartens (under MOE, some have playgroups starting in the year the child turns 3). Some child care centres also offer infant care for infants aged 2 - 18mths. The key differences between child care centres and kindergartens are (i) child care centres run full day programmes, from 7am to 7pm, so as to help parents go back to work; and (ii) they offer subsidy - working mothers get $300 for child care and $600 for infant care. Children of K1 and K2 age in child care centres also go through a curriculum that is based on the one issued by MOE (i.e. same one which kindergartens use). Apart from the "kindergarten" programme (usually in the morning), a day's programme in a child care centre would include outdoor play, nap time, bath time, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and some lighter activities like story telling etc in the afternoon. So if you start your child in a child care centre, you don't actually have to take him/her out and enrol in a kindergarten when he/she reaches nursery age.

OraNGe, yup, I registered my son for St James Church Kindergarten already. I thought I was being ridiculous registering him when he was 7 weeks old but my hubby went on reservist and was told by his buddies that I was already 7 weeks too late! Indeed, he's no 50 something on the waiting list for the least popular session!

You can use log onto www.childcarelink.gov.sg to check out the child care centres in the bishan area. If you want to know about the kindergartens in the area, go to http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/preschool/find-a-kindergarten/

I've been using them to look for pre-schools in the area. I heard MYMCA in Bishan is not bad, my friends used to send their kids there.

Irene: Ur gal is of quite a good weight though...

yah can share recipes of hw to make good purees for our bb...

OrangeBB: yes not onli bulky also not very durable... max out onli 3 hrs. Must change le...i use to be able to last abt 4 to 5 hrs on S size now cannot le...

Mummies: Kingdergarten do they offer playgroup? Playgrp starts at 3 right before Nursery and Dou Dou Pan is before playgrp right?

Nana: Pre-school is school for children below 6 years; infant class- K2. Both kindergarten and childcare centers are schools for Pre-school children. Kindergarten is 3 hours, mon-fri whereas childcare operates 7am-1pm for half day and 7-7pm for full day. The former adopts the same school holidays as the primary school while the latter can only close for 5 days in a year on top of the public holidays and off days in

lieu. Both take in children by the year the turn their respective ages. Hope this helps.

Just read the story about the Malaysia bb, its really heartbreaking.. I'm really glad that my bb is healthy.. cried after reading the story, really can feed the pain.. hope all bb stay healthy!

Hi mummies

Anyone has any massage lady contact who can massage breast to clear blocked ducts? I hv this stubborn blocked duct on my left breast which i have been trying to clear it since ydaz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nw top part of the breast hard like rock..


Orangebb, thanks. she just go to your place and do breast massage onlly to clear blocked ducts? Now my blocked ducts like getting worse, need to get her soon.. Per session is $60?

Orangebb, thanks. she just go to your place and do breast massage onlly to clear blocked ducts? Now my blocked ducts like getting worse, need to get her soon.. Per session is $60?

I have this small white bubble thing on my nipple, anyone encounter this before? Wonder is it because of this that s y milk cant be expressed out fully and caused blocked ducts?

Ching, when I got blocked duct or milk bleb, I'll let my bb sucks more often on tt side, the other side just pump out. Aft 2-3days it wil be cleared off.. I Alw experience blocked duct too! One time kena mastitis and developed fever. I tried Mdm rokiah too, but tt time my blocked duct too stubborn she can't clear in one session n she need to go overseas tt time so I didn manage to clear it. I let bb suck suck suck till clear.. Before pumping or latching, try hot compression, v useful!

Parmeley, Jo > thanks on the info.. Kids here start learning in such a young age.. Can I ask is it a must to send kid to pre-school? Where can I find info on this? Any mummy here intend to do homeschooling??

Omg Parmeley, have to register for kindergarten alr? I think spore education system really stressful oh.., ESP if wan to enter a good Sch.

I will quit job in May and give up Phd study in states and Become shm for 6months. My heart is really painful to make this decision but i think it's worthwhile for my little one, I don wan to separate with her for 5yrs.

Hammiebao, Jo, I can join u for gathering soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nana/Jo/oOrangebb, thanks for the help. I kanna mastitis before also so b scared of blocked ducts. Do i need to apply anything on the milk bleb? How to prevent it? Think maybe i didnt pump long enough or drag too long to pump.. Thanks.. Breastfeeding is a tough road. I m counting down to completing the 6 months breastfeeding..

Nana/Jo/oOrangebb, thanks for the help. I kanna mastitis before also so b scared of blocked ducts. Do i need to apply anything on the milk bleb? How to prevent it? Think maybe i didnt pump long enough or drag too long to pump.. Thanks.. Breastfeeding is a tough road. I m counting down to completing the 6 months breastfeeding..

Ching, i don apply anything.. Last time I think got one mami here suggested using needle (sterilize with fire) to prick the bleb. But I scared of getting infection if not done properly. Normally if I see the bled is not so big, I'll use hand to squeeze it out. If it's v big bled, I'll just let bb sucks till clear off. Now u got blocked duct, try hot compression before latching and pumping, it wil go faster. If u feel Ur nipple v sore, can apply nipple cream.

Ching : I read from a website that taking acidopilus helps to prevents it. I got it once and I pricked it myself and then pump out the semi-solid milk. After that, I took the acidopilus n touchwood, haven't got it yet.


can post the link of the baby Malaysia story? I want to read too...

Anyway, anyone got any idea why my bb cried during certain times at night? Been noticing that for the last few weeks. Every night between 8-9.30, he always cries. Hard to settle to bed. Can cry on and off till about 10-11pm. Is it becoz of colic? But I thought baby this age should be free of colic already. Any mommy got any idea why?

hammiebao: can share the link on the heartbreaking story?

re: entering our bb for pre-sch in advance

wow din know so many mummies are already planning on that so soon...and also din expect we shld need planning so soon...

think i better go out out soon too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nelotte, could bb need more milk before he could sleep?

my gal nowadays can drink more than her usual before she really settle.

my gal going to be 5mths this wk but she haven flip. mommies have any tips on this?


Nana: alamak the story in chinese. I dont understand leh. I'm chinese but cant read/speak chinese... haiz. Anyone got nothing to do to translate for me? :p

