(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Nelotte, by looking at the pictures alr v heartbreaking.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the title of the article is 'I can hug you finally' The baby had cancer and passed away 7mths old. The parents only managed to hug the baby for last time before she left. Ohhh, I want to cry again. I hope the parent is doing well now. Pray to god I want nth but just hope my baby is healthy, no matter she is clever or stupid. I just want a healthy child. My hubby also v sad aft reading it.


the bb had cancer lumps growing on her body. she got to go thru the pains on injections and operation for bone marrow at her young age. heartbreaking.


i have the following which i want to exchange for enfapro stage 2

1)Nan Pro 2 (expire 30/4/2012) 400g

2)Simlac 2 (expire 09/05/2012) 400g

3)Dumex Mamil Gold 2(expire 26/10/2012) 400g

4)S26 Promil Gold 2 (expire 19/1/2012)400g

5) Friso Gold 2 (15/10/2012)900g

if interested,please pm me

ahko: yah cant stop crying till now hehe. And my boss just asked me to come to his office for some work. I had to pretend looking down at some paper while talking to him to hide my red eyes hahahaha. Btw the baby passed away at the end? So sad hor. Making every tiredness, aching back and sleepless night all worth it for our baby. Praise God for our healthy baby.

hi nelotte,

have u tried offering milk to ur bb when he cries at night? u can try offering to see if the cry is due to hunger.

when ur bb cries, does he cringe his hands n legs? seemingly in pain? that is a sign of colic.

u checked if ur bb is unwell/uncomfortable? fever? rm too hot or too cold?

if u checked everything adn everything also not the reason, it cld be the 'fussy time' for ur bb.

it happened to my bb. she wld cry and cannot be pacified even with me carrying her, every late afternoon from abt 5pm until the sky becomes dark completely. this happened for my girl from 2mths plus until 5mths plus then it went away by itself. when she cried, i would carry her but she will only stop for a while then cry again. no matter how we tried to distract her, she will only stop for a while then cry again. it is very easy to mistake the fussy time for colic.

every bb different so the time they fuss is also different but they will fuss at the same period of time everyday. i've a fren whose bb fussed fr 3am to 5am every night for a period of time. but doesn't happen to all babies also la.

baby is ok with all teh crying (my girl is ok) but i understd is very stressful for u, as it was for me n hubby during that period of 3mths.

hang in there. it's just a phase and it will soon pass. pray hard that it will end quickly la.

also observe and see if ur bb is ok at other times. able to poo, pee, drink well, slp well. if all ok except taht period of time, then i think shld b fine. if u really worried then of course bring him c doc n c wat doc has to say.

take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, i have the following to exchange for similac 2

1. S26 Promil Gold 2 400g exp 19 Jan 2012

2. Nan Pro 2 400g exp 30 apr 2012

3. Mamil Gold 2 400g exp 17 Aug 2012 & 3 Jun 2012

collection west area. thanks

Nana and ermmm, i managed to clear the blocked ducts.. Painful.. But the bleb or blister is still there, will it go away by itself? Where can i get the acidopillus?

Mummies, i also read the msia bb news, v sad.. Got cried also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think the most impt thing to mummies is hope baby will grow up healthy and happy..

Ching: i jus called her this morning for my plugged ducts. But she is outstation for 15days.

I kena milk bleb twice.The first time I had milk bleb, i called mdm rokiah for massage. She did not offer to burst it for me. It seems that milk still come out fr there n she say if it gets worse I can use needle or go to hospital.

Second time was last wk. I bought the needles previously but did not use. I jus use the needle to lightly burst the skin n out came the milk. It wasnt painful but u hav to b careful.

Ching: both lc and Mdm rokiah can treat. Lc will poke with needles according to my friend, Mdm rokiah I'm not sure but I know Orangebb burst it herself. Maybe when Mdm rokiah comes by your place you can ask her?

Nana: I often get plugged ducts too. Very often I must say. Every other day. Especially if I din pump for 5hrs or more!

N my baby doesnt latch well, but I still wan him to latch once everyday so that if lucky he can help w my bf issue. For e.g, after 2days of sore breast due to plugged ducts, i manage to do a lot of massage n let hungry baby latch after i pump. He manage to do it. Phew!

BF is really difficult. I aim for 6mth. Still hav 2mth 1wk to go.

Zzzz... Sleepy. I jus fed baby for 2 hf plus!! Luckily its a fresh ebm. Sigh! I feed him after I pump, n after feeding him thag long hr, had quick lunch n its time to pump again! He's napping but I cant nap. By the time I finish pump, he'll most likely wakes up!! -__-""!!!

Nana: welcome welcome... We render support to one another. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't think that it's a painful decision, can always go back to it when bb is a little older at least 3 years old when you can send her school. At least you gave the mornings off and can do your thesis while she is in school.

Pre-school is a good learning and social ground for young children. The choice is yours whether what age you want send. The schools usually take in the year they turn a certain age. My girl, by year is 3 so I send to to a playgroup class at a childcare centre. Some schools call the 3 year old class Nursery 1(N1), 4 year old N2, 5year old K1 and 6 year old K2. So it can be confusing but age group should be the same. Jollymummy's girl is one month younger than mine but she didn't send her to school yet, maybe you can check with her?

Ermmmm: wats that Acidopillus?

I read in kellymom website abt eating evening primrose oil or lecithin can help w plugged ducts. Anybody tried it b4?

preschool - is it time to look out already?? i read about the nanyang kindergarten... parents camping overnight to get the kid into the school!!

orangebb: i also looking for preschool at bishan area. have you narrowed down your choices yet?

i thought kinderland seems good, but the fees are so high! $400/month. i like it cos of the music-base and focus on hands-on, outdoor activities.

wat a sad story.. im already a very emo person le.. seeing the story makes me even more emo.. hope the parents can be strong

yesterday was my 1st day back to work.. went home straight after work to see my bb boy.. haiz, wat saddens me is that when he sees me, he cry and doesnt want me to carry him.. i was so disheartened..and suddenly got this urge to quit my job and take care of him.. but i know i just cant not to work.. sob sob

Vividip, yes, I will freeze my bm if I put in fridge (lower compartment) not more than 24 hrs.

Jo, ok will check with jollymom.

Orangebb, did u try hot compression before pumping? I only hot compress when got blockage (I'm v lazy to do it if don blocked). Last week I just managed to clear the blockage.. I think it's might due to I wear bra for too long... Coz last week one is at bottom area instead of top. When r u going back to work? R u going to pump at work?

I'm v shocked spore is really so competitive in getting into the Sch. In Malaysia we only think about which Sch to go when reach the age.

Junjun.. U Shd be glad tt ur boy didn particular about who is taking care of him. I hav to rush back to home by 6pm, if not my girl wil cry till v terrible looking for me.. She wil only stop crying when I come back..

My baby is also quite sticky to me at night. It has become a routine that I will bring her home around 7pm and then feed her at night before her bed. Last few days I had night class and could only be back at 10pm and she cried very hard.

But I am wondering if its becos she miss me (I wonder if she really recognises me yet??) or becos her routine is disrupted??

Oh, and i latch her on during the night feed. So when my MIL tried to give her the bottle when i wasn't around, she refused. But during the day, she has been drinking from bottle.


St James n nanyang are among the hottest. Unless you want your kids to enroll into such schools, otherwise can relak lah. The fees at st James can be $1k a mth. The school also have additional enrichment classes that require additional $$. I have 2 kids with close age gap, can't afford. Lol.

Sad sad story... the Lord took her away, but forever she remained in her parents' heart.

Clover: any idea if old boys of Nanyang Pri need to q to enrol at Nanyang Kindergarden too? wana faint looking the length of the q... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yes, bf is really tough. I also aim for 6mths, now still have 1 and half mth to go.

I used the washcloth to rub on the bleb and then used fingernails to gently prick on it this morn. Then managed to clear. I dare not use hot cOmpress cos the other LC mention that it will worsen the blocked ducts. She just asked me to keep massaging on the area n pump every 3 hrly.

Orangebb, after u pricked on the bleb, the white bubble is gone? How abt tje first time u got it when u didnt prick, the white bubble thingy went away by itself?

Ching, ur milk blister gone? good good.

yes, i met 2 LC, they don advise to use hot compression. But my aunt who is a nurse before said in taiwan they all practice hot compression in hospitals. the idea of hot compression is to soften the duct so milk can flow out smoothly, as the vascular will expand when heat is applied. if use ice, it will only restrict the vascular and reduce the congestion.

i don believe initially until i mdm rokiah told me about this and it works to relieve my blocked duct everytime.

Acidopillus : is the active ingedient of Yakult [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can get Mega Acidopillus from pharmacy. I got Kordel's one from watson's..


If I remember correctly from a news article I read some time ago abt how popular Nanyang Kindergarten is, Nanyang Kindergarten and Nanyang Primary are not affiliated.

M'sia baby:

Haiz, although I can only understand like 60% of Chinese words printed, already felt very sad for the mum and baby. Yep, plus tears. Baby was very brave and has gone to a better place.

Nana, i cleared the blocked ducts but not sure if the milk blister gone cos i can still see white bubble thingy on the nips.. In the past i also used hot compress and it worked until one day it doesnt wrk n developed into masitis.. So nw dare not use..

Ermmm, so i can take yakult instead cos i cant swallow pills.. Hehe..


I just get back from the bb fair. But I only head straight to trade in the pigeon bottle and rush home le...coz my son hv diarrhoea and my mum was taking care of him for me while I step out lor. I nt sure if there is avent blender or nt coz i nv go and see but I guess it shld hv ba. Guess I will hv to make another trip down to shop leh, mayb nx week ba.

oh no... i jus saw e article... poor family [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JanO: think bb can recog us already...or e smell. i scare 2 weeks later when i go back to work and leave my boi at my mum's place come back pick him will be the same issue.

Bam: my friend went and confirm the Avent Steam and Blend or something de ...

Jollymummy: yes they sell. But not sure isit full range. I bought the CC cream and bath products from there...

Jewel, yah dun hv. As far as I know some church kindie have affiliation with church members but mostly not. I dunno how hot Nanyang primary is, but u can have an idea by checking the vacancies after the phase 2A.

I have 2 boys so will take the phase 2A of my hb's Alma mater, so I dun need to do volunteer work. Lazy mom here... Hehe.

JanO: i hav not start. Only this few days start to think abt it

Nana: i always hot compress. Especially at nite. But there's always stubborn hard part that is difficult to get rid of. Mine is usually at the top n side.

I'm going back to work on 21st. Sobz sobz. Will be pumping twice at work.

Ching: can u see ur bleb is fill w milk or its dry milk? For me, milk bleb will bulge out especially after pump. I can see foremilk behind it. After i prick it lightly w needle which i purchase fr pharmacy, milk will gush out as if high tide. Super shiok. It'll take ard 2days for the extra skin (which look white) to come off. I guess it either went into my babh mouth or his ebm. Hehe.

I also ocasionally have plugged ducts where dry milk got stuck, I'll pump, use cotton to wipe it n massage aerola n nipple to bulge it out. Sometimes I'll use tweezer although i know its wrong. Same time I'll massage my breast fr top down towards aerola. Sort of hand expression out the milk.

poor bb.i cried too..hope the bb in happily living away in another world [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm surrounded by a lot of kiasu parents personally. During cny my friends were all talking abt it. My male friend whom I always thought as boh-chup after knowing for 10 over years was v proud to share that he wrote 5 proposals to different primary schools for the parent-volunteer scheme. He got rejected by one famous school. He, his wife and kid attended another school interview. Mind you! They really had a panel of interviewers. He said they didn't get it possibly his son wasn't well behaved that day. Haiz. Even though I'm not so extreme but sometimes I feel pressured by my friends or counter parts. Lots of my clients buy houses or shift houses for their children's education. One client of mine who works in a top law firm also got rejected by a branded school in the west though his Alma mater is quite famous in the east! I asked him why that school in the west since he stays in the north east now. His answer: ranking for the pri sch in the west is higher than his Alma mater! When I was preggie at the gynae's, one woman was talking v loudly abt nanyang primary even though she's an ex convent girl herself. Reason: her hubby said her convent is tier 2 and not tier 1. So scary!!!


Bring the old teat too, so u will get the bottle + a new teat that come along with the new bottle. That mean if it is small bottle, it is size S teat lor. So if u did nt bring the teat, they will sell u the bottle without the teat.

nanyang kindy and pri are not affiliated. what i understand fr my colleague is that kindy alumni will get preference in queue. pri sch alumni no preference for the queue to enrol in kindy. there are 2 queues - 1 for kindy alumni and 1 for non-kindy alumni. kindy alumni must show proof of being alumni...the kindy report card.

I've heard of someone making monetary donation to the kindy, just to get the child enrolled there.

bam: are you a OG cardmember? they having sales for philips avent blender/steamer next week...$179 includes blender + mealtime set + 4x240 ml VIA cups & lids...cardmembers got additional 10% off..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangebb, not sure if the bleb is filled with milk or It s dry milk, it s solid white color but not protruding even after pump. I tried to use towelto rub it off but still there. Maybe i c if after twp days the white thing will come off or not..

U use tweezers, sounds painful.. I only used my fingernails to try to scarp off, date not do it too hard also, scared will be painful :p

Mummies, we need to get the blender/steamer for preparing baby food?


Mummies, any idea if the philips sale is coming? Thought of buying e blender during e sale and wondering if I should buy a manual pump... E ameda electronic pump is heavy for me to bring to and fro on weekdays to e office... Was thinking if I should get e Avent isis to use in e office. But it is a single pump so hesitation is e time it takes to pump both sides. Any advice from mummies who uses Isis? How long does it take to pump both sides?

