(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


my gal is using mamy poko size S. She can use but i find it a bit tight for her. Will be switching to size M soon after I finish the size S pack.


babywonder: thank you! all babies are cute lah!

mummywong: haha..he is on FM..i didnt have much BM..so prolly that is why he is chubby whubby!n i feel comforted knowing bout ur nephew!he must be super cute n pinch-able! ;)

we also got them as gifts...one of my student got them online with the name personalised.think that is a very nice gift for a bb..a keepsake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry: can pm me also on what the decmummy shared?thnks!!

Cherry: gotten ur PM thanks so much...

Jolyn: u r welcome.. i understand what u meant..i think if u go for Huggies, the cutting is almost comparable to Drypers but Mamy POko is slightly of a bigger cut...

Dimple: Taka bb Fair starts 9 March. I remember they do sell high chair but not sure if its of a cheaper price can check it out though cause am thinking to get one for my boi too.

Junjun: my name also like that. e min he wake up wanna cry. At hme still ok can lie of his play gym n play but at my mum's place totally cannot. jialat am going back to work..

Thanks ahko80, then i will buy size M for mamy poko then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For the fan, i still havent go and shop for it.. Think maybe kiddy palace will sell? Any mommies have any ideas if the baby fair sells those mini fan to put on pram?

Sharon, oh you mean mamy poko is slightly of a bigger cut than drypers? Faintz.. I alrdy find drypers M abit tad big le..

mini fan :

I think it can b found in quite a number of places. Giant also has. i got myself 1, bt nw alrdy spoilt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Nt so durable n battery consumption vry high. Wonder if thers othr alternatives.

cherrry (cherrry)

Got it, thanks!

Re:mini fan

Can find at most the the children stores, I got mine from Robinsons, total I have 3.. bought 2 and got 1 as gift, have a few brands for it but do note that there's one with light, which I find it quite irritating if BB want to sleep.. I didn't know about it and bought those with lights, I rather have it without lights.. selling at around $6.90

while I'm typing this, my bb is lying behind me, doing back massage with his legs! He loves to kick!!


Your BB got big big eyes!!

Got this from a friend,

Baby Fair 2011

1. Takashimaya Baby Fair 2011

* Dates: 9 to 28 March 2011

* Time: unavailable (last year’s fair: 10a.m. to 9.30p.m.)

* Venue: Takashimaya Singapore ...

2. Baby Care Festival 2011

* Dates: 18 to 20 March 2011

* Time: 11a.m. to 8p.m.

* Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

* Organiser: Mother & Baby Singapore

* Website: Facebook event page here

3. Baby Expo

* Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011

* Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m., (Sun) 11a.m. to 8p.m.

* Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

* Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

* Website: Singapore Expo events page here

and to consolidate,


3-13 MARCH 2011

Motherhood Exh 2011

02 to 05 June 2011 Hall 6B Singapore Expo

Thurs to Sun 11.00am to 9.00pm

my gal likes to blow blow bubbles.. does ur bb oso likes to do this?

she can finally drink 120 ml in one shoot after we add more holes to her teat. Norm she can drink 100 - 90ml in one shoot.

cheery: can PM me the info too? thks.

Cinbunny and Mummywong: thanks for the info on travelling.

Baby Fair: am thinking of getting high chair .. what should I look out for?

teats: My bb still on S size.... changed to M but I think flow too fast so end up poking a larger hole and he drank faster.

Working mum & dad: Remember to claim Qualifying Child Relief, Parenthood Tax Rebate and Working Mother's child relief for your income tax this year wor....

dimple: ur bb eyes are big! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cute smile he has there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dimple, tubao, Jen, nana, have pm u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whitecookies, think u hav to go to ur profile and enable it, there's an option for it.

mummies, how do u all dry clean freestyle spare parts? cos if with water, it will affect the suction and to the tubing right?


It is true that if u reduce pump x, supply will drop. Was asking u mummies if cAn dun wake up pump anite. I tried n yah, supply dipped thru out the day. But I m really tired after start work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] having migraine now aft I tried resuming the night pump

I wan to let go my swimming tub, anyone interested can pm me. Only used twice, my girl don like to swim.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cherry thanks.

Junjun, haha u r really funny ~ 'not kiasu enough'. I asked about my 1st skool infant care too 3 mtgs ago but they said need to be in wait list. I didn't know need to wait for so long..! By the way, how much per month? I'm pr, they quoted me 1k per month!

Dimple: your bb is so so cute!!!!! Now I can understand why he is wearing a 12 month tee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry: could you pls PM me the testimony from the mummy? Thanks.

cherry, can PM me too pls...Thanks!

re freestyle parts, i nvr air dry it leh... but normally after pumping for 15 min, i'll remove tubing from pump parts and let the pump 'suck' on air...to dry the water (if any) in the tubings. so far ok leh...usually after sterilizing, i put straight into lock lock box.

Dimple, your boy is really big. He looks v responsive too.

Pet pet diapers. I find material use in sg version is more breathable. My no 1 will get some butt rash when he use the Malaysia version.

Nana, I not sure how much it cost for the infant care, but it's definitely more ex than child care.. And the center I enroll got immediate slot for infant care n the principal ask if I'm interested cos if now put infant care, by 18 mth, my bb can go straight to the play group.. I dun feel it's needed since my mil offer to look after n also the cost is high

Yesterday shall be last night my bb gonna sleep with me in our room n I think he knew it cos I told him weekdays at ah ma's room n weekend our room.. Then he refuse to sleep in his cot.. N when I put him on our bed, he took few minutes to settle down n into his lala land..

Into the middle of the night, I tot he wan milk n make him one, again he refuse to milk.. Wat he wan is koala hug.. I was so touch by these 2 little gestures.. They actually do understand wat we says n can ONI express it in their own way

Worst thing is, he fell off from bed for the 1st time!! So kelian

hi mnummies, hav pm u girls on wat the other mom had shared.

thanks CSI, cos the water like affects the suction eh.

junjun, gotta watch over bb when they can flip. mine flip most of the time when i put her down.

Ya, he can do his own flip n sometime double flip, just roll n roll.. As he ONI knows how to flip to the left, I put him in a position that even he flip, he will be closer to the inner side of the bed..

I was making milk for him this morning n as usual will put a pillow at his leg there just in case.. While making milk I heard loud cry from him n I tot he wants milk badly.. When I go into the room my hb said he carry him up from the floor!! Damn, I was so petrify, but then he stop cry after pacifying, n can continue his milk lor..

I think the pillow save him from knocking hard to the floor.. He might have kick the pillow down first then flip himself down.. The pillow was found lying beside him n he is facing down.

Luckily no bruise or bumps, he was frighten though at tat point of time..

Cherry, thanks for ur PM. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nana, different IFC different rates. In CBD area, IFC is $1k after subsidy. Think at the residential areas, a few hundreds less bah...

junjun: oh goss...lucky ur bb is fine after the fall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya really need to be careful when bb can flip hor...hmmm...talking abt flipping, my girl 21 weeks liao still dun know to flip thou we been putting her on tummy to see if it helps her to learn to flip/crawl...

Jen: Claiming for Parenthood Tax Rebate is just one time off onli right? and has to be shared with daddy de right?

Jolyn: yes comparing HUggies and Mamy Poko and Pampers. Mamy Poko and Pampers abt the same whereas Huggies is smaller cut. my boi outgrown Huggies S size first before Mamy Poko.

Ahko80: the portable fan u can get it from Kiddy Palace and alot of dept stores have it...


What to put on the stroller to help cooling my baby's back? I notice the stroller pad always wet becoz of his sweat. Maybe the material is hot. Anything I can put on top of it?

Irene, same here.. my girl is 17weeks le also shows no signs of flipping.. put her on tummy for only awhile.. she will call for 'help' le.. so lazy!

Thanks Sharon, i have bought mamy poko to try.. The material is really soft.. and the sticker part is really good as compared to drypers lor.. Shall monitor and if it's that good.. will contd to use it for night time.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Junjun: my gal also fall from the cushion last nite.. can kawan ur boi... haiz.

Usually we put her on the play gym on the floor, but cos she pee on her play gym during the weekend so we wash it & I put her on the cushion for awhile.. The moment I turned my head & walk off a few steps, I heard the fall & she landed faced down on the floor. lucky got carpet & natural michelin tyres to cushion the fall. So mothers be careful where u put ur bb... sometimes bb dun flip so soon may be a gd thing.

Thanks mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Junvis u muz have felt so heartpain when u know he fell!! My heart had a momentary pull when I read your post.. But then again they grow through these falls n all!! Our precious ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy is trying to flip.. Tries to crawl but his upper body too heavy.. Only the legs moving!! Haha

High chair

I got the baby ace High chair for my boy . He sits n stands banging the table!!goodness! I think tray must be adjustable. Heightwise depends how you want to feed them. At first I wanted sth versatile tht can convert into table chair so can Watch tv. Then I realized that bb might get confused on meal time n tv time. n I want to inculcate that meal time is oy at dinner table.. So high chair only at dining table... Reclining feature, according to my friend it's not so crucial but maybe if I wan ur bb to sleep in the high chair or feel

More relaxed? I dont find it that crucial if the high chair only meant for meals. Big tray is important as they create mess!!

So Many fairs!! Time to chiong!! :p

Jolyn: yes Mamy Poko so far never fail us as yet.. tried my boi on the new Huggies M size first diaper onli overflow.. wonder if he realli drank too much water... shall monitor else.. will boycott Huggies le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

flipping> my boy 20wk still dont know how to flip too, i think also partly due to "lack of practice" as i did not do tummy time with him & he's wearing too much clothes (winter in hk) for the past few months so is too clumsy & heavy for him to move..

Jolyn: seems like many mummies like mamy poko...me too! My gal at 6.8 kg using m size...can last up to 12-14 hrs overnite...i lazy mummy never change in the wee hours one...haha...but even so it doesnt give her nappy rash..i love mamy poko!!!

High chair: i saw mothercare high chair at $79...jungle theme one...too bad we got the ikea high chair liao...otherwise so tempted to get dat...

Irene: my gal oso no signs of trying to flip leh altho her head very stable liao...tink she is lazy cos on the chubby side...my gp say bb who r heavier may reach these milestones later cos of their size...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enmummy: the high chair just $79? am keen. U saw it at the Mothercare fair?

Mummies using Huggies: hw often do u change. I use to change every 3 hrs after feed. No signs of overflow.. Now i change to Huggies M size kept overflowing despite the change timing is the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Enmummy: u tried before? Mamy Poko can last so long.. i max onli drag till abt 6-8hrs onli dun dare to drag so long scare diaper rash...

enmummy/Sharon : My girl tried Drypers and Huggies before but I still prefer Mamy Poko. Mamy Poko padding is slightly longer and the texture is softer which gives my girl more flexibility in moving her chubby legs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon : Parenthood Tax Rebate $5000 (1st child), $10000 (2nd child) and $20,000 (3rd and beyond). The weightage of the rebate (eg. $5000 for 1st child) is decided by the couple.

