(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Ptb: i scared if i reduced pump, i'll get less milk. Haiz! But i think i need to reduce to wake up one time only. Mayb drag to 5hr pump, if not i'll b a zombie at work


Charlene : My bb loves her fingers..haha.. faintzz...

enmummy : We hv been telling her the same as u do like a firm "NO/CANNOT" but its like after awhile u will see sucking her hands again.. *sweat*

Btw, u can intro a little rice cereal for a start like mine I gave her 2 tablespoons of cereal mix with milk (abt 60ml)depends on the consistency u want but it will be better if its a little watery cos they're still learning how to swallow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha..I gave apple puree tt I made too,same thing jus a little [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only give once for cereal to subsitute with a feed then d rest is milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U can try try.. jus be prepared tt BB is gonna make it messy as they r still learning hw to swallow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We went to mothercare before the store opened to queue for a stroller. Managed to get the red maclaren xt at $399, 2010 model. Hurray!!

Hi mummies, I'm about to ask abt bb sucking fist too. She got so addicted to it tat evrytime I pulled her hand out and press away from her, she will scream non stop and super angry. She has not take pacifier since birth as she don't like it. So it will jus be a passing phase? I'm wondering if she will quit this addiction when she starts to play with toys? Cos she's so in love w her hand tat she keeps looking and admiring it everyday.

Chris, glad tat ur bb milk strike is over [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't worry soon bb will hav growth spurt again and u can feed more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For pigeon teats, yes they turn cloudy. Think teats gotta change every 3mths? For avent, they also state to change every 3mths i think?

Nelotte, my bb sleeps from 8-7 with a feed at 4am. Hee.. I'm quite happy with it. U mean sleep thru as in no feed?

Hi mommies, have not logged in for quite sometime ya.. Hope everyone including babies are doing fine .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: babies @4months

Can I ask mommies here, do you all experience baby having growth spurt or being cranky? I found my bb's feeding has gone abit haywire, behavior wise too.. Her normal intake is 4.5oz to 5oz every 3hourly.. And sometime the timing can be stretched.. However since last fri, she scream and cried badly for her milk which normally she doesn't.. Cry until there were big drop of tears like we don't want to let her drink like that.. That is the odd behavior we have nv encounter.. What could be wrong? Really kinda of worrying.. Her cries will be so bad that her face turn totally red.. Issit growth spurt??

Hi, anyone is having extra EBM? My boy is currently 7Days old and I don't have enough BM to supply...

Btw, I need non smoking mothers EBM as Im quite worried abt affecting his jaundice level... Hes quite yellow with level 206 for jaundice...

I just delivered and have my stiches pain, will need to arrange for item to pick up ... Tks!!!!

Pls email me

[email protected]

cherrry: yes, as in sleep thru without feeding at night hehe. I think my boy almost ready. Coz he can sleep from 9pm then I feed him while he's asleep at around 1am. Then usually he woke up crying at around 5am. Some occasions he slept thru for 5-6 hrs without feeding at night. Very rare though.

TrisMom, yeah my pigeon teats turned cloudy when I was using the S size. Changed to M size already and I learned to turn them inside out and scrubbed with salt for every wash. Been doing that almost a month plus. Teats still look ok.

Hi mommies.. currently im using drypers for bb.. Intend to change a better one during nighttime.. Need advice, which brand can last and if my bb is wearing drypers M size, which size should i been looking for other brands.. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ Jun, my MIL said the same thing and its starting to irritate me. she gets mad each time i stop her. she wanted to cut the teat to make the hole bigger so that cereal can pass through...i insisted for my daughter to be spoon-fed instead of using the bottle so that she can learn to associate eating with bowl and spoon...and not bottle.

anyway she hates me la...my maid has heard her making nasty comments about me when i am at work, and she calls her sisters to complain about me everyday...worse of all, she makes sarcastic remarks to my helper too...sometimes my girl will cry loudly when she is sleepy and i am craddling her, she will comment that "maybe she doesn't want u? maybe she dunno who u are thats why cry?"....sick right! which baby does not like their mother? i care, love and provide for her, didnt even ill-treat her, why would my daughter hate me?

now i am contemplating sending my girl to infant care but my frens asked me to wait till 18mths...but i can't stand her being close to my daughter in case she pollutes her mind and instigates her to hate me. how i wish i can quit my job and take care of my girl on my own...coming to work everyday is a torture [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi En Xuan,

Just want to share that I passed some of my milk to my Sister in law who gave birth a few weeks after me. Her baby drank my milk in the beginning while waiting for her milk to come in. Then the Lactation Consultant advised against it as there can be infectious diseases, food allergies etc that can be passed on without even knowing. Just to share diseases such as HIV, TB etc also can pass on through breast milk. So I loearnt something new....What I did for my baby in hospital before my milk came in was to feed formula. And then when milk came in, I gave full breastmilk, up till now, my baby is still on TBF at 3 months. It's still far safer and quicker.

Clogged ducts : supposed to go back to work today but am on MC cos of high fever. Gp suspect it is due to clogged ducts. I dun think so though, although there is a duct clogged but I dun feel pain or swollen or red. Any mummies experienced this also? Fever going up n down since yesterday afternoon. Body aching until can't sleep well.. Hhmmm.. Maybe stressed that gotta go back work? What should I do? He just ask me to take panadol n massage before pumping (which is was I hv been doing)

Hi mommies,

Another week has started n more mommies are returning to work. Hope u have a nice day ahead!

about pigeon teats,

usually we will soak it in the pigeon liquid cleanser for a while b4 using the brush to scrub the inner and the outer parts of the teats. have been using M-size for 2 mths, still quite ok. I also used the Y-teats too, find it spoilt easier. Need to change to new one.

About dropping hair,

my gal dropping hair n so am i. but i guess there is nothing can be done right?


my gal feeding oso haywire last week. I tot was growth spurt too.. want milk in every 2hrs in the day. After some observation, for 2-3 days, i suspect she wans more intake but her bottles milk flow could be slow for her. We poked 2 more holes on the teats ytd to see if it improve her milk intake. Will let u know if this helps.

Does ur bb woke up erratic at night?

As for the night use pampers, i tried drypers, huggies and mamy poko. Mamy poko so far gives the best result. the other 2 have the wet wet feel when touching it.

BB gal now perspire a lot, especially when she is in the pram. Any mommies noe what methods to make bb feel cooling when in the pram? I'm thinking of buying a cooling pad for her to lie in the pram. Any other suggestions?

Nelotte: why turn them inside out n scrub them with salt?

Ermmm: i always get clogged ducts but it never accompany with fever. Yes, mayb u shld massage the nipple, aerola n breast before pumping?

I've got ystd too. Milk dry up on one duct opening n causes my breast to swollen. Took me half an hr to massage & use tweezer to pick pick a bit. I know its wrong to use tweezer but my side of breast feel pain n lump.

Btw, I notice for a while now, when I pump, my milk was not only watery but there r some very tiny particle that accompanies it sometimes. Noticeable upon close inspection.

Its unlike FM which look smooth.

Of course when ebm is heat up u can see the particles more. Is it bcoz the milk has thicken a bit? Was wondering is this why I often hav cloogged ducts especially when i exceed mh pumpin time

Jolyn, my boy was using dryers initially cos my mil bought it without asking me wat I want.. I also chin chai at the beginning cos I duno wat is gd or bad for the diapers, but my mum 心疼 when she saw my boy thigh always red red n keep ask me to change to mamy poko.. Cos from her past exp taking care my nephew n nieces, mamy poko is the best.. So I swop to mamy poko M.. 一分钱一分货 lor, think the absorbent is good ba, n the stick part is not as stiff as drypers.

Whitecookies, my relationship with mil is not to the extend of heated argument.. Still I gotta respect her as an elderly.. I will complain to my hb n most of the time, my hb will be at my side cos he also understand his mum's ignorance!! Haahaa. They may be experience in baby sitting, but then we r in the new era Liao, cannot expect still follow donkeys years baby sit method or culture..

For my mil, she will basically let bb sit in bouncer n watch tv while she do her houseworks.. Whereas for me, I will try to talk bb language to my boy as n when.. N when she sees tat, she will comment like " how he can understand".. Alamak, of cos I know he can't understand, but it's entertaining to see his expression n the way he coo coo back, it's a joy lor.. Haiz, they dun understand one la

Hi ahko80, no bb doesnt wake up in the middle of the night.. she will sleep from night 11pm till morning prob 8plus.. in the middle of the night when her movements is alot, we will feed her.. so that she will not go hungry.. only last fri we encounter her being cranky in her afternoon feed.. stretch her feeding time abit, she will screams and cries at her top of voice.. crying so badly to catch her breath, was at a loss when that happens.. however after feeding her, she was back to her smilely self.. but when we feed her on time for the next feed, she doesnt finish it.. Faintz.. really dont know what she wants.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then so next feed we dragged and that screaming and crying start again.. It really got me super exhausted during the weekend.. Figuring what went wrong..

Maybe you would like to get a blowing fan and put up on the pram.. Im completating to get one too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Diapers

Ahko80 and hammiebao, what size your bb is wearing for drypers? For for mamypoko and huggies ultra which size should i buy.. Thanks..


I scrubbed with salt to make it long lasting, to get rid of the oil,coz I found that even after washing with warm water and baby cleanser then rinse with hot water, my teats were still a bit oily. After using salt, no more oil residue.

nelotte, u can try tanking method? either feed bb enough during the day, so he wont wake up for nightfeed. or there's mummies who tried to feed bb at 6pm, 8pm, 10pm and then go to bed. i read tat during tat 2hrs interval, bb was fed on 100-120ml (depending on ur bb usual intake to adjust)

Jolyn, for night, u can try mamypoko / pamper. they will last longer.

whitecookies, tats really hurting. there's a mom sharing (dec thread) tat she sent her bb to my first school and is really quite cool with wat she describe. if u wanna take a look at wat she shared, i can pm u.

Cherrry, pm me about what dec mum shared leh.. Thanks

Jolyn, my bb wearing M size drypers and M size huggies ultra, huggies ultra does not come in S size so u have to start from M..

Jolyn (jklyn) : My bb ger is wearing M size for Huggies Ultra and I find tt its nt bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb waking up for nite feed:

My bb doesn't really wake up for nite fd. Or I shld say he rarely cries for milk. I usually giv him his last fd jus b4 12am. Thn normally doesn't wake up till 4-5plus. bt even if he wakes up, most of the time his eyes r close. He will jus fidget ard n suck his hand n fingers. thn after awhile he will fall aslp again n wakes up shortly again. This cn go on for quite awhile. so normally once I hear him sucking on his hands ard this time, I will mak milk n fd him. I wan2 drop hi nite fd too, bt I feel tat he is alrdy nt drinkin enough in the day. So better to giv him his milk even at the wee hrs. :p

Going bk to work:

I hv bn tearing on n off since last nite. The thot of going bk to work tmr n nt seeing n caring for my boi, makes mi wan2 to cry. Feeling so guilty n I hv also decided to stop BF cos I wan2 spend more time w bb whn I m nt working n nt worry abt the next pump n washing the bottles. I keep telling my boi, "Giv mummy sm time n mummy will work hard to earn enough to stay w u for a longer time." Although I knw in Singapore, its almost quite impossible to do tat n its definitely nt secure either. Feelin so sad. Hpefully I will feel better sn.

Chris , me too my boy dun really cry out loud for milk I will hear him sucking his thumb until loud then I wake up to make milk for him. Of course there are time when he suck but still no milk he will cry but most of the time he will go back to sleep. it is I pity him suck until so hard so make milk for him haha my boy usually do that around 5- 6++ occasionally 4+ depend on what time is his last feed of the day

Hi Chris/PTB7476, same goes to my girl during nightfeed.. Normally she just fidget so when i wake up to check on her, feel it's time to drink milk.. i will just make for her.. It's usually 5-6am kinda.. I dont mind sacrifice those sleep for bb as long as she is feeding well and healthy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dont wait for bb to cry for milk then feed, just feed when i feel it's necessary.. and dream feed is easier than crying for milk.. If not got to pacify her before she settles.. Heee..

Hi Chris, dont feel guilty abt that.. I have started work for 3 weeks le.. Just think tt mommy is bringing in more income for his/her future.. I always tell my girl.. mommy has to work to provide the best for her.. mommy can buy whatever for her and dont need to worry abt $$ issue.. Hope that helps ya.. Have those positive vibes to keep you going.. Jiayou!

yah chris, dun be sad k...will get used to it. just spend quality time with ur lil' one once you get home..with income comes power...imagine having to ask $$ from your hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jun: same here.. my boi prefers his fist to pacifier also...

Irene: me too. drop alot of hair.. wondering if there's anything we can do or use to stop letting it go worse.

Tris mom: i am using pigeon bottles... am facing the same problem also. So changing it every 2 months lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Enmummy: yah lor am praying real hard for the day to come when he can sleep through till abt 7 then wake up for feed....

Jolyn: am using Huggies for day n Mamy Poko for night.. so far so good... u can try using the M size de.. i know Dryers cutting a bit smaller than Mamy Poko and Pampers.

Cherry: can share the link with me also?

hi mummies,

the pic for those who wanted to see my heavy weight baby...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/5186844.jpg]

i use pet pet for day n mamy poko for night.

my maid tried the huggies,also not bad..

but i use msia pet pet though coz the tape is the velcro type(like mamy poko).the singapore version is noisy like drypers

mummywong and sharon, i've pm u.

whitecookies, Jun, i cant pm u as its disabled.

Jolyn, my girl at 15wks, 6.8kg wearing M for mamypoko and pamper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ooh, dimple, is msia petpet same price or more ex? i also use petpet in the day. drypers M seems to leave red marks on my girl's thigh.

Hi whitecookies.. yep dont need to ask $$ from hb.. talk also can be 'louder'.. haha ;p

Thanks Jun, gona buy tonight.. Sometimes feel bad when bb's urine leaks.. Feels like a bad mommy.. She must be feeling uncomfortable.. Imagine sleeping with wet-ness.. so poor thing ya..

Thanks Sharon.. Drypers cutting very extreme de.. S' seems to be small for my girl.. but M' seems to be a tad too big.. Headache..

jun lim: can understand ur fustration with ur MIL..actually what u do is good...i read its good to imitate bb language...its actually help them to learn to coo back and this help them in developing...same as bringing them to see themselves in mirror..they will be fascinated and they will learn too..

Sighz... Same here, gg back to work this Thurs. V mixed feelings, happy to b back to civilisation yet I miss baby and I wan baby to b closest to me, scare he will b closer to my mil than me... Hee! Should b grateful tat someone close is looking after him but I cannot help but feel jealous. Anyway, we hav started w e routine of sending baby there in e morning. My hubby sent him there this morning while I stayed at home. On my way to harbourfront to check out mothercare sale before heading to my MIL's place. Enjoying some freedom before e hectic life starts again.

hi mummies...

Long time never post.

Just like to share.

18th and 19th Mar. there is a baby care festival at expo.

22nd - 24th April there is baby fair at Expo.

Really no mood to work these days.. thou my job is still as busy as before...

mummywong: i think some1 muz be a Man U fan to get u that romper..my boy has 4!madness!lucky different sizes..if not wasted!

Cherry: they are having a sale at tesco now..i feel it is slightly cheaper. I bought L size this time.It costs me SGD 14. luv babies promo(not sure if still ongg) is SGD15/pack. But the MSIA petpet has 4 less diapers. so makes up for the slighly higher cost.But i dont mind coz the tape is like mamy poko.

junvis: My boy was 8.9kg at 4months.apparently he is the biggest baby on this thread..hand pain though!!

Taka BB Fair: any idea when the fair starting?any mummies gg? does anyone rmbr if they sold high chairs at good prices there?

dimple, wow tats big lor.. my boy is 6.3kg at 12 weeks and i find him heavy to be carry liao.. and he likes to be carry alot.. the moment i put him in laying position he will cry like nobody business..

Cherry, received ur pm too, thanks! I already register my boy for the childcare under My First Skool too once he turns 18months.. but then now at waiting list and the centre called and says he might not get the placement even after 2 years.. I tot im already very kiasu when i register him at his 2nd month, but think not kiasu enuff.. haha


Dimple> oh no lah, we bought it ourselves, cause that time we went macau with family then at that hotel got this Man U outlet so just buy loh hee...though my hubby & myself are not specific Man U man. I also got a Man U gift set from a friend though..U are feeding yr bb FM or BM? Initially I thought yours consider very big then I realise my nephew was 8kg at 6wks last time! even bigger!

