(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Vividip, I'm using pigeon manual pump all the way. 15-20mins for both sides, depend on Ur let down. U can use manual pump to stimulate the suckling momentum, normally I press the handle a few times before I release it, so can get faster let down. I think if the avent pump can fit all the standard milk storage bottles then it wil b a good buy. My pigeon pump only cost me $8 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] of course not as good as other branded pump.

May I know the blender can use until what age? Until baby totally on solids?


I have a fren's kid just enter into raffles secondary Sch, she were top in her primary Sch. Aft enter secondary Sch, she super stressed cox cannot beat other students, end up she wan to read A-level books to compete with her classmate alto her parent didn give stress on her. So, it might not be a good thing to let our kids enter top Sch and end up stress themselves. I meet some clever uni students, alto they are smart but their behavior are terrible.. So family education is more important

Cherie, my hb's Alma mater is not a tier 1 school, in fact I dunno what tier it is. My only worry is he doesn't get enough interaction with girls coz it's all boy school. Lol. Who doesn't want our kids to do well in school but getting into a top tier school does not guarantee that.

taka fair pigeon bottle trade in : just to share, i went yesterday and bought 5 bottles and they did not even ask me for the old bottles..weird. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ching: is it painful when pump or latch?

My tweezer is jus lightly pick dry milk only. But this is not advisable. If its milk bleb whereby the skin grow over the duct, I'll use needle to prick.

But urs sounds like dry milk got stuck. I got mine dislodge ystd when i latch my hungry baby after pump.

How abt massage nipple n aerola? N also breast N pump or let baby latch immediately?

U can also massage breast when u shower. Massage towards the aerola.

ok read in the website, my hus got to sign up NY alumni & pay $1K b4 registration to NY Kinder... no guarantee but got last priority over the public... haiz.

yes, no guarantee kids do well in gd sch.. but as far as the parents are concerned, at least they did their best in providing with gd schooling environment within their means.

OG private sales: am member, mummies need anything from there can PM me.

Childcare, any mummies looking ard for childcare for your bb oredi? i need recommendation for childcare ard sengkang or raffles plc area...thanks!


You can search child cares through this website.


Don't worry, I got some friends who migrated to U.S at 35 year old or older. Plenty of opportunities for you and your kids.


I got much info and insight from this book


The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by tracy hogg.

You may need to trial & error a bit. The book give quite lots of examples, and best of all for me, it didn't emphasize crying out.

really really sad story..my heart goes out to the parents, esp the mummy....can feel her pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cry.gif]

Jolyn> hi i'm not sure whether can purchase online, saw from website there's contact #, maybe you can call & ask. i didnt buy the cereals, i just help to post the link as i recall the mummies recommendating. u can try asking ueno, think she bought many packets. whereas hammiebao intend to ask her sil to buy..maybe u can try call the # or try checking the BP session of the SMH thread?

Re:parenthood Tax Rebate

Want to ask if it is a one-off rebate?

Does it make any difference to let the spouse with higher income claim higher %?

re: parenthood tax rebate

my understanding is it is a one-off rebate like eg. for 1st child if i dun remember wrongly is 5k

so, this 5k can be split among husband n wife for a total tax rebate of 5k...meaning if this year tax not so much then the balance rebate amt will be brought forward to next yr till the 5k is used up.

so i'll think it makes sense to let ur hubby if have higher pay to claim higher %.

all, feel to correct me if my understanding is wrong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene, thanks for explaining. Yes, 1st child is $5k.

I supposed if hb needs to pay $1k and wife needs to pay $500, it makes more sense for the hb to claim a higher % so that he can use up the rebate faster.... and in this scenario, if the hb takes 100% of the rebate, does it mean that he need not pay any taxes for the next 5 yrs?

Sorry ah.. I am always very confused when it comes to all these payments and rebates stuffs.

Dear mummies, so glad to be back from

Tokyo this am. Saw snow there and it's cold quite a challenge bringing toddler there really must take things


Koori: WOW u r back just in time! Tokyo was hit by earthquake and tsunami just a few hours ago. Now there are tsunami alert in a lot of countries, and last I heard Taiwan was hit.

Koori, glad that u're back! When I heard abt the earthquake, I was thinking of u and whether u're still there or not. Lucky u!

Hi mummies,

I'm in Taiwan now, it has been raining the past two days. Taiwan not affected bt tsunami. Both boys are well behaved n slept at 7 just like home. I will go out after they sleep n hb will look after them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nelotte n jolyn,

the cereal brand is Rafferty garden. Jo said ntuc finest at bt timah carries the individually packed cereals n they cost alot more than the big pkts

koori> oh lucky u are back in time!

ueno> there's tsunami alert in TW too right? u brought 2 boys for holidays? did u bring yr helper along? oh u didnt buy the healthy times cereal, think i'm mistaken then..

OrangeBB : we are going back to work on the same day. Good luck to us.. Gottten my increment and bonus. Relatively good figure. Hopefully is a good year for me.

Enmummy: so sad i just saw wat u post on the steam and blend Avent pdt. Went taka today and got it at 179 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sharon: don't be sad... that is for members only and got to get it on the day of the private sale...so if you are not a member there is nothing to lose...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what are you preparing for your little one with the blender?

ueno: bt timah ntuc finest has rafferty garden cereals? that's good cos' i didn't notice it the last time...will go look for it the next time i am there...only bought the rafferty garden puree then...

mummies...anyone started to give solids already? i am so tempted cos' my gal likes to drink water from spoon...tink she will prob enjoy eating cereal from spoon too...but i am trying to tahan till she is at least 5 months...hee...

Mummywong, Neolette: the cereal that they mentioned is Rafferty's garden.

Jolyn: healthytimes is available at major supermarkets in Singapore. I know Cold storage and the market place have. Don't think I've seen it at NTUC finest. Four seasons organic store at great world city has healthy times and other also not bad brands.

Whitecookies: you can try Pat's schoolhouse at lim ah pin road- near kovan MRT station. Raffles place has learning vision that you can check it out. Not sure the exact location of LV, but there is one in town.

Enmummy: I saw the rafferty's garden range- cereals to purees, baby snack, except pasta at the NTUC finest at Bt timah and Clementi but they are individually packed- single serving and more expensive compared to the ones Ueno bought from Aussie. Price range is from $2.75-$5.75 if I didn't remember wrongly.

Jo: thanks. Will check it out.

Sterilizing bottles when traveling: Can I check when you are traveling overseas with baby, do you use sterilize tablets to sterilize your bottle? Or how do you do that?

Jen: I used sterilization tablets. Alternatively, use kettle in hotel to boil hot water and rinse bottle with it.

Jen> how many days are un travelling with bb? and will u be expressing while walking outside say in public toilet etc? if in hotel easiest, like what Jo said, u boil hot water to rinse bottle. U can use normal tap water to wash & rinse off first round first then use boiled hot water to rinse again and put in zip lock bag. if you are expressing outside, then maybe wait till u go back hotel then wash loh? first rinse off with tap water. do consider about power supply (batt/ac adaptor) if you are pumping outside.

jus read the story of the baby w cancer. It is really really vry sad. My heart really goes out to the family. It will tak a really strong parents to go through this. Poor baby. He must b suffering much. He is also vry strong. Still try to stay cheerful. It is so cruel to tak the baby away fr the parents in this way. So sad. Hope the baby is happy wherever he is nw. Will put him in my prayers.

Jo: thanks..will go see the next time i'm there...these two ntuc very near me...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i got healthy times cereal from ntuc dawson...prob the other "bigger" ntuc might stock it too...

Enmummy: haha very headache... u know wat i am a member myself but just receive the brochure onli

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] me haven start preparing yet... most likely to start with some fruit purees at 5 months. My boi is onli 3 months plus.. am thinking to start him on cereal when he reaches 4.5 months...

wah, really sad leh. Suddenly I feel tat we r so blessed. One of my fren also vry sad. Her baby's heart beat jus stop in her 7th month of preggy. It was devastating.

Enmummy: pleasure. Then they must have HealthyTimes, I probably missed it the last time I went to NTUC finest.

Jen: no problem. Bring a small tin of milk powder for your stay and loose ones for feeds on board. Remember to include check-in times and traveling time to hotel or airport.

Re: milk bleb

I also get milk bleb recently. Not cleared yet, real sickening. Breast was so engorged and I thought was clogged within. Only after frequent and long pumping, I caught the culprit! The bleb showed up. I burst it and cleared the breast. Was a relief. But the white bubble still there. Sigh.

enmummy : Im already giving my ger apple puree and rice cereal (Healthy Times and Happy Bellies) Im intending to alternate btwn apple puree and pear puree now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U can try too

(Start from a little at a time)

Haizz was so sadden by the little baby who had cancer and its making my heart sunk to the deepest..

wan2 try cereals n puree, bt my mum strongly discourage. She sy giv whn bb turns 6 mths. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Wan2 let bb sit bumbo seat. Mum also sy no. Mus wait for spine to b strong first. Hmm...bt I tot this is to train bb to hv strong spine n neck muscles?

Bb super cranky today. Nvr seen him cry for so long n so hard b4. Can c big tear drop. Heart pain. After reading the story on the cancer baby n my bb cry so hard, I think I m going to b a sahm. According to my mum, bb also cry so hard whn he is at my parents' pl. He use to b such a chatty n cheearful boy, always ready to smile n laugh. Somehw nw I feel tat he is nt tat happy anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hi all

kiddy palace hving 20% disc storewide for members n 15% for public.

they r selling avent steamer cum blender at $159 after disc cheaper than taka. FOC items r the same

