(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

nana my mom diff insist i put sock cos like what diana said... the feet get cold 1st and that likely will let to catching cold ...but only when they are sleeping or during day when it is cooler ...i will feel his feet before action cos some days really hot so dun make sense to put on sock


Sharp plasmacluster air purifier : chris, I used in aircon rm so can't advise u. But I guess if never close door, then the purifier will keep working hard to clean the air so will be noisy n use more electricity. For mine, I only use at night in aircon room when sleeping. No significant increase in electric bill even we first started using. Could be due to other factors also (eg only 1 pax at home when start using, etc)


I don't put socks on my girl's feet at home, not even at night. But I put on either long pants or footed long pants (cover feet totally) during night, then cover with blanket up till chest. The other end of blanket is tucked in between cot and mattress, but she would kick blanket off at night when I see her in the morning, haha!

I only put on socks or booties when we go out, but she can still kick them off aft a while!! Then must go hunting for her missing sock or bootie. Haiz!


Yes, I also read somewhere that it's normal for little feet to be a bit cold. As long as tip of nose and abdomen are warm, baby is fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon > ya we same case. Wonder y he grow so slow. :p

ermm >thks. Mayb i will chk w the sales person. Bt my guess is tat it has to b use in enclose area.

my boy is no more on mittens.. I will only wear socks for him during wipe down at night.

gonna start work next wed! somehow feel abit relieved and relax.. Cos i have been taking care my boy since birth solely! It was so tiring..But then i think the feel will change once i go to work

jun > understd wat u mean. Me too. Part of me cant bear leavin bb n wan to b a sahm, the othr part of me lookin forward to b in touch w the outside world. Such a dilemma.

Nana: use booties or the cotton kind like mittens. Socks has elastic; I think that's what your mum meant- will restrict growth of feet or cause injury if too tight.

I am going back to work in 2 wks time and I already feel very sad n miss my baby eventhough he sleeps next door w my maid.

I have a worry. Since I'm working at his most active time, he will be attached to my maid and may think she's his mum. I feel sad and cant help feeling jealous when she talks to him. My baby is bottled fed ebm more than latch. N my maid will be bottle feeding him while I pump.

Feeling kinda worry n sad.

Orangebb: I'm in the same situation as you. Back to work for 1 week. My bb turns 4 mths tmr. Few weeks back I noticed his eyes follow my maid when she walks away or does chores like ironing. Even hubby noticed that so I'm not being overly sensitive. It's bound to happen cuz my maid feeds ebm and fm to him. Plus she wakes up for night feeds and sleeps in the same room as him. I do miss bb at wk everyday. Will look at his photos and videos repeatedly when I have time/having lunch/taking mrt.

I have been coming home early everyday this week. Lucky

I'm in sales and my single male boss is quite understanding.

Doesn't question my whereabouts as long as I bring in the

numbers. In the morning its v rush. I don't even have time to

watch maid shower him sometimes. Don't have time to feed him either. Only quality time is weekends and evenings. Friday nights are date nights with hubby or colleagues or dinner with friend's. By the time I get home, he's asleep too. Super envious of Sahm but I know it's difficult to survive on single income.

orangebb,i believe its a pharse to go thru as a working mum. me too miss my baby.

The day i go back to work,my boss change my job scope,so every day for the past 1 wk,i work OT.


anyway,take wkend to bath him,play with him and try to put bb to slp wif u on wkend? ...

my boy turn 4 mth old today.gona try feeding him purees tml..

I'm looking for Huggies swimpants urgently for 6-7 kg baby. If anyone has it, please sms me 96901450 with price and collection. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherrie: Simmilar to u, my maid wake up for night feed coz they r in same room. For me in my own room I wake up to pump milk twice at nite. If I were to do night feed for baby too, I'll be too tired. Sigh!

I've been asking hubby to move baby to our room, but he doesnt seem to support the idea. N he dun wan baby to get used to aircon too.

Same like u, I did see my baby looking at my maid walking ard or looking for her for bottle milk when he's hungry. I try to bottle fed him but most of the time it clashes with my pumping time. He can take an hr to be bottlefed n I can take almost an hr to pump.

Orangebb: wow how come take so long for bottle feed? Have you changed the teats yet? I have changed to medium for both all medela and pigeon ones. I read somewhere it says ideal feeding time is 15 mins. I always change when I see the teats are cloudy or 'collapse' previously for siz small but we changed to medium few weeks back. Mine can now finish 140ml to 150ml in abt 15-20 mins' time. I only pump for 15

mins each time with Pisa. But my yield is pathetic la. How to

pump 1 hour?

hi mummies, how is everyone doing? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Time flies right...most of our babies are 4 months old already...to think that we were talking about baby being engaged blah blah last year...hehe...


i stop putting booties for my bb in the day time after i realised that she is sweating at the feet and they stink lor...hehe..but at night i will still put on socks for her for bedtime...except when she wears footed sleepsuits...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] going out i will also put on socks for her....

my bb is 6.8 kg now and she has taken 3 jabs so far for 6-in-one/pneumoccocal....so sian have to go for another one next month...i really dread vaccinations!

how much are your babies drinking right now? Mine has been stuck at 120 ml every 3.5 hourly for a long time....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at night she will wake up for one feed...can your babies sleep through already?

Cherrie: I have not change the teats to M. Now still using S. My baby takes very long to drink when he's awake. He'll get distracted, or he wants to talk to u, or he'll push put teats or jump when fed. Latching him was difficult too.

N coz my maid usually bottlefed him, tdy i saw him crying for milk, looking at my maid rather than searching for my breast while I'm carrying him. This makes me think that mayb I shld giv up BF n use FM so that I dun need to pump but can hav the time to bottlefed him

For pump, it's abt half an hr, but plus hot compress, prepare pump, clean pump, almost an hr

...... Just ask hubby again.... he dun support baby sleep same room.... Haiz....

@Nana: I still put on mittens for him to cover his little feet at night as the weather is cooler at night.

@OrangeBB: Same! my baby used to drink for an hour! feed until my hand ache... after I changed to M size teat, its better already. 1/2 hour only, for 200ML feed. I think you can try to change to M size teat. cos' I heard from my aunt (who is a nanny) that sucking for too long is not good for the baby. For pump, sometimes when my baby's milk time clashes with my pump time, I will feed him first, settle him liao then pump. Will delay by an hour, but I think its the only way out for me as I don't have a maid.

As for aircon, my hubby don't want baby to get used to aircon too. So, we didn't sleep in aircon either. Baby sleeping with us every night. Starting cannot get use to it, but after a while okay liao. Got to sacrifice I think.

charlene: i asked hubby few times already, he say no.

Looks like after work, i'll need rush back home n with hope that baby is not asleep yet, still thinking whether i shld wipe fown baby everyday. If its me, the earliest i can do is 7pm or 7.30pm.

OrangeBB> your hubby does not want bb to sleep in same room just because of air-con or he preferred un-disturbed sleep? if he does not want bb sleep in air-con, unless u can "sacrifice" not sleeping in air-con? can understand you are feeling so sad when bb is looking at the maid. but i think u should not give up pumping just because of this if u have the supply. like what charlene said, you can try feeding him first before pumping or try to slowly tune your pumping time in the way that it will not clash exactly the same time? if all these are not possible, think you can only spend more time with bb during weekends then.

My baby's feet are abit damp and if they are covered all time with booties/socks, then they have a rather wrinkled look. So during the day I will expose/dry her feet. Only when cold or at night then wear socks. Booties are abit too tight now.

Going back to work... i'm also counting down the days. Trying to tell myself that although I won't be able to physically be with my baby, but it will make me work more efficiently so I can rush home to be with her each day. I will treasure the time with her more. Also, by working, I can provide better for her. Haiz.. just have to psycho myself lah!


What time does ur bb sleeps? If he don't sleep early then u can do wipe down for him.. At least some bonding, hubby normally do wipe down for baby at around 9 as bb sleeps around 10.. And try to bath bb during weekends? It's actually quite fun bathing bb, my bb loves to be in the water so I always play splashing with him and he very happy..

Hairdropping - i am dropping alot of hair recently! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]( Will it be worse if I go rebond my hair?? Sigh... when I return to work, I won't have much time in the morning to blow dry hair

so was thinking to do rebond for easier maintenance.

enmummy : U r right...time really flies fast before we know it, our bbs are already 4mths old.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Some mommies are even considering another BB soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (Tats very encouraging and courageous..hahah)

Btw, does moomies here give their BBs pacifiers? Haizz...my ger doesn't like it since birth so I was so happy..but for the past weeks when she gets cranky at nite, i tried giving it to her and now she seems stuck with it cos she seems wanting the pacifier when she wants to sleep.. how ah?

Hammie: I normally do morning bath for him. Sometimes he'll scream. If i feed him first, he'll b sleepy so scream. If i dun feed him first, he's hungry, so scream! -__-"!!!

Mummywong: hubby wan undisturbed sleep. Nowadays everynite I already disturb his sleep fr pumping. Hurhur

Looks like I gotta live with it. Will try to handle baby as much when I'm home. N since I cant do morning bath for him, I'll wipe him instead.

JanO> initially i decided to rebond my hair for CNY after "tolerating" not doing any chemical thing to my hair during the whole pregnancy & when bb still breastfeeding. but when i thinking to rebond, i decided to cut short my hair instead as (1) no time to blow dry my hair (2) it gets into the way when i'm bathing bb even though i tied up. so i wondered if u wanted to rebond haa...rebond no need to blow dry?

enmummy> yes totally agree! it's so amazing that our babies are all almost 4mths or bigger..and alot of mummies are starting to get back to work after long ML..

babywonder> initially i'm also one of those who hope not to give pacifier to bb but it really helps to comfort bb & prevents bb from crying loudly or stretching bb feed time longer. i think as bb gets bigger, we can slowly try to wean them from it, say latest 2yrs old? some might wean it off earlier/later.

babywonder -> i only give my bb pacifier when she's going to sleep, she wil look for pacifier by opening and closing her mouth several times.. then i know it's time for her to sleep. as long as don let bb on pacifier throughout the day/all the time, it's ok.. buy those pacifier which promote healthy teeth growing.

thanks mummies for the feedback on socks!

OrangeBB> doesnt your hubby miss seeing & playing with bb? ya i also disturbed hubby & sometimes bb with my pumping, so i tried to minimise & go out of the bedroom to pump, also now i usually wake up 1 time n the night to pump instead of every 3hrs, the next time would be in the morning when i wake up for work. I think as you said, u can do wipe down for bb when you come back for work. and i think the best's u try to tune yr pumping time so that it will not coincide with the feeding time closely, say maybe make your pumping time 1hr later than the feeding time so when bb feed 1hr, at least it just clash slightly into yr pumping time. otherwise, u have to "ren xin" wake yr bb up very early to feed/bathe him to bond which might not be ideal. for me, we leave bb with my PIL maid in the daytime while we go to work. usually we'll wake bb around 7.30am to prepare him, like change his pampers, play with him a while & bring him to PIL place around 8.30am. we usually reach home at 6plus to fetch him (he's usually sleeping). So the next timing that we play with him is usually around 7plus-8plus before he fall asleep. Does yr bb wakes up at night for feeding? If no, then you wont have much disturbed sleep too. Can you ask your maid to prepare/wash the pumps for you to save some time? Will you consider not doing hot compress or you always get engorment if you do not do hot compress? U spent alot of time in pumping that's why you feel like giving up i think. I usually only pump for about 10-15mins.

Mummywong: I cut my hair when preggy cos feeling very hot. But now hair at shoulder always qiao out so I running of rebond.

My hubby deep sleeper. I feed, pump and when he wake he ask me baby feed already or not!

Chris & Jun: Same here... cant wait to get out cause have been single handedly taking care of bb these few months.. yet will miss him when i go back to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chloe: what u making for ur bb? fruit puree? u gotten a blender?

Enmummy: my boi still wake up for one feed after the last week which is abt 11pm. He will wake up at abt 4 plus 5am for a reduced feed.

JanO: i rebonded my hair but still dropped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummywong: think he dun miss baby as much as me. When he comes home, sometimes baby is already asleep. He'll peep at baby cot. If baby awake he'll play w baby a while. But poor hubby do look tired fr whole day stress. Ystd he came back ask me whether he can wake baby up but I say no.

Baby still wake up for nite feed but thats handle by my maid.

N yes I spend a lot of time pumping. Each time I make sure I pump till no milk come out. N I cant go over 5 hrs, if not there'll be lump or plugged ducts. Now I am still trying to get rid of it. Manage to clear one plugged ducts ystd. Squeeze n out came a string of sticky milk. I was shocked. But At least breast not painful now but still bit sore.

My maid now already help me wash my pump parts.

Babywonder: i dun giv baby pacifier. When he feels like it, he'll suck his finger, or the cloth thats his head suppose to lie on. Saw him licking his bolster n fall asleep just now.

Hi mummies, I have a brand new bumbo seat with table to let go @ $62. Coz my boy is too big to fit into the seat. Any one interested please pm me okie? ;)

Same here, my bb prefers his fist to pacifier.. At times when feeding, he will make way for his finger to be in his mouth as well.. Very greedy lor..

Can check if any mummies mix cereals into the milk? Can we actually feed cereal alone?

Jun.. My bb put his thumb into his mouth when feeding too!! If I hold on to his hand the other hand will slowly make way to his mouth.. Very comical!


I think now still too early to start.. Will start when bb about 6 mths old.. Asked hubby about it and he reply "what's the hurry? he will be having solid for the rest of his life!"

JanO : me also rebounded before cny. That time haven't start dropping yet. Now dropping A LOT!! Until I Noticed a bald patch. Dunno is it cos I already clip up n that part got pulled back a lot n strained then drop. Sigh. Very sad! Never imagined that I'll be in this situation cos I'm used to people complaining that I've got too much hair (eg hair wash girl cos gotta blow damn long or stylist cos got a lot to rebond). Sigh. Will grow back one right?

Dunno leh, my mil gonna give him cereal in his milk once he reaches 4 mth.. I was thinking of giving him puree first.. Somemore she bought the nestle rice cereal indicating for 6 mth onwards.. I ask can meh then she said her other grandchildrens also fed this way..

I dun like when she always said she do this do tat when she

took care of them at least 6 years back.. And at times I told her diff parents take care of their kids differently, cannot expect plp do the same.. Haizz, no choice at times since she's gonna help to take care my bb when I back to work next week.

HI mummies!!been busy with wedding this whole week!

Milk Intake:

My boy takes 165ml every 3.5hours.


I started giving him abit of cereal-Nestle brand.like 1 spoon a day mixed with milk.I feed him with spoon though.He seems to be taking it all right.

But like what one mummy mentioned," whole life can eat solids,so what's the hurry":p guess it depends on individuals.dont think there is anything wrong if introduce later..but if earlier,then maybe the digestive system not really developed yet?

Also gave him juice...those heinz kind..As he is a reflux bb,he took out some!hahaz!HEinz also has juice/bb puree for 4months.Ill be trying that out soon. Im experimenting coz of the additional nutitional value i think he might get [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Trying the ready made ones 1st to see his reaction.When im certain,then ill be doing the fresh home made purees.


I only use them for bb when i go out or it's raining n very cold. Even at night,if it is too humid,ill juz wear shorts n short sleeved tee.

Maid & Bb:

I agree with Cherrie that since bb spends quite a bit of time w helper,they tend to be more responsive towards them.This is a limitation that working mums have to face,i guess. Even my helper tends to hug n kiss bb..i cant say no coz that is affection as well..so kinda difficult

My boy used to sleep in the same room as bb.I bought the skiphop playmat from mothercare.put it together yesterday night.So tonite i told my helper to sleep in the other room but take the monitor with her.(as she does the night feeds) Hopefully this will steer Shaan(ooh that's my boy's name) to be more independent in his sleeping habit.


My hair was originally very thin.Now losing SOOOO MUCH HAIR.n i mean SO Much!!WHen i pull,A WHOLE BUNCH COMES OFF!On my clothes also sometimes juz have hair!it's freaking me out!!

Mothercare Sale:

Spend quite a bit..bought couple of leapfrog toys which my boy enjoys!i saw the XLR that one mummy recommended..it's a real good spacious stroller for my big baby.Combi is a total nono for me coz it's compact!shall bring my boy to try it out but haiz..tomz gg for wedding again!no time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Still sourcing for high chair..dunno which brand to buy and how much to invest..stress!

so tired now.........zzzzzzz

re: hair dropping

sigh...me too...dropping a lot of hairs too...freaking me out...bathroom a lot of hairs...and room flr also a lot...

have done my rebonding almost right after confinement...cannot tahan...and really much easier to manage esp when busy taking care of bb also..

also have read that its better not to tie the hair too much since our hair is weak now...

everyday will be asking my hubby to help see if hair really gets thinner from all the dropping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This maid is inhuman. How can she keep hurling big scoops of water at the child's face?!?!?!!!

Has the maid been arrested?!?!!?!? This is child abuse.

Nana (nana17) : Ya I will only give her she wants to sleep..haha i dun a choice..phew! And yes of cos can take bird nest...im taking too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OranGeBB : Ur bb is cute..haha think he mistaken his bolster as something yummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My BB likes to suck her fingers too...faintzzz...


wanna chk wif mommies who r using pigeon btls. i notice tat some of the teats had turned cloudy n hv a funny smell like plastic. at 1st i tot not clean den wash again stil like tis. does it means tat the lifespan of this teat is due n shld be thrown away? i just used it merely 2 mths size M. cos i hv quite a couple of btls, each btls hardly used once a day. if its so, means the lifespan of the teats r v short. the avent ones nvr turn cloudly even i used for yrs...

sucking fists- tink this is the std phase bb goes thr. they prefer fist than pacifier now.

hair droppin-- mine drops a lot too.. std passing phase also. after a while it will be over, so mommies dun fret!

for those bb who dun really like to drink milk, personally i feel better dun feed cereal 1st cos cereals will make bb even more fuller n drag longer feeding time onterval resulting in lesser consumption of milk. i feel too little milk might hinder growth of bb leh..

pumping-- i hv been tryin to reduce no of pumpin session from 4 x to 3 x. 2day i v advertureous tried to drag till 2 x oni. wow.. my breast hard like stones n i pump 870ml out after 11 hrs! i cannot really keep any more stocks of frozen bm cos both my freezer full liao.

someone was asking me abt increase of electrical billsa after 2 freezer but apparently not much leh...


ur hb like mine, deep sleeper. watever i do in the room can nvr wake him up too... but now better liao cos my bb cry v loud he will wake up wen he hears bb cries...

sleepin thr nte-- tink its high time to train bb sleep thr the nte. mine started sleeing thr nte since 3-4 wks old. good for everybody. so mommies start trying ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@JanO: im dropping a lot of hair too! im so scared i'll turn bald! but gynae says its normal...

@babywonder: i will give my baby pacifier when patting him to sleep. somehow, it helps him to sleep better. but nowadays, he prefer to suck his thumb and lick his hands...

@Jun Lim: I intend to feed him cereal once he turns 6 months as the PD says, too early to introduce cereal might causes allergies. I will be buying Happy Bellies brown rice cereal for a start. As recommended by other mummies. it is sold in BPs too.... this is the link:


I chose it because (1) it is organic (2) it contains DHA (3) it has prebiotics

nana: i m taking bird's nest too and still bf...so far no probs..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon: my bb also likes to wake up ard 4-6 am...hoping she will sleep till 6-7 plus soon...heehe...

babywonder: my bb also likes to stuff her fist into her mouth and suck it...we are "training" her not to do so cos' don't want it to be habit in future...just have to be very consistent and say "no"/ "cannot"/ shake our head blah blah..although she very young but she seems to understand now cos' everytime we see her with her hands in the mouth and we say "no" she will put down her hands like "caught in the act" expression...hahaha...actually quite funny to watch...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dropping hair

i also notice my hair drop like crazy while washing oso...and my hair is all over the floor of the house...really scary...wonder when this hairfall will stop? my baby's hairfall seemed to have slowed down...so i thought mummy's should as well?

mummies how to start solids?

do we replace a feed totally with solids or introduce 1-2 tablespoons of solids+milk (reduced or normal amount?) in the same meal?

quite blur about it...hee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My schedule for today: seeing this I find myself very tired

12.30am: sleep

2.45am: alarm ring, press snooze

3.00am: pump milk

4.00am: sleep

7.00am: pump milk

8.00am: sleep

9.30am: baby wakes up, try to latch him, he scream n I got rejected, thus pump milk

10.15am: bottlefeed fresh ebm 40ml, then another 40ml coz he still want milk ( i tried using M size teats, its fast but wasted quite a bit coz flow out fr bb mouth)

11am: bath screaming baby coz sleepy

11.20am: feed balance 50ml to screaming baby for whole hr

12.15pm baby wants to sleep, at last! Hav my breakfast n I took 15min nap

12.45pm: pump milk

1.30pm: lunch

2.15pm baby wakes up n being cranky, try to latch but very difficult

3.00pm: bottled fed ebm 50ml using M size teats to screaming & wriggling baby

3.30pm: bottlefed 80ml to still screaming n wriggling baby

4.30pm: at last feed finish

4.45pm: baby poo

5.00pm: pump milk

5.45pm: play with baby

6.30pm: baby wipe down by maid

7.30pm: went out whole nite

10.00pm: pump some milk in toilet

2.00am: came home, pump milk

N the day starts again....

Miss a sleep seasion b4 2am, I'm going to be supee zombie tml...

Trismom : I asked abt electrical bill after starting to use the chest freezer. May I know what settings are you using for your freezer? I'm using medium I think. Dunno if it's contributing to the huge increase.


dimple yah XLR is more spacious that's why we bought it cos spacious for our big bb though not as big as yours haha

And accordingly to my hairdresser yah we will be dropping hair when in 3-4th month and true enuff my hair also dropping haiz

Woah Orangebb u still wake up at night to pump I stopped doing that ever since bb start to sleep through the night haha

Have to cos going back to work soon

Tris mom despite reducing the pumping x u still have so much envy . I notice every since I reduce the no of x the amt yield also reduce haiz

