(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


My gal also waste alot of my EBM lor....there was once she refused to drink anymore after we blurp her after she drink half of 100ml and so in the end we threw away 50ml lor....haiz...

nana, really huh....but still hv to try if nt she will rely on ur all to carry her to sleep.


jollymummy i tot it is just different packing... for me ...which ever is cheaper i buy haha..and normally the one that come in box will have alot of discount :p

runaway maids: they can change name, change passport etc...but they cannot change thumbprint. so even if they do return under a different name, when they do thumbprint, can still be found out.

wasted ebm: my gal also wasted quite a bit of my ebm. haiz. work so hard to pump, only to have her waste it. sianz.

Same my boy oso waste my ebm, but better than he hv tummy upset ltr for drinking reheat ebm..

My gf ask me to gv milk bath lo haa..

But I hate the smell of my bm leh.

Cherrie,keep the docs well eh, don let them know. I hvnt get hers, maybe I shd keep it in my mum hse lekeke...


My gf also told me to give milk bath. But like u, I hate the smell of my BM so I did nt give and rather threw it away lor.

Nana: No more jaundice. Just loves to sleep. The good side to it is she sleeps easily and can sleep thru. The weight of 4.5kg is ok for a 2 month old baby but cos she was already 3.5kg when born, docs see it as very little growth lah. Tmr going PD, so will check really how is her weight gain on PD's scale. PD said we will nto explore formula for now..I know which one u refering to. think its Friso comfort that is thicker.

Wasted BM: for the last 2 weeks, i keep all the wasted BM in a container in fridge. Some as much as a 90ml bottle that she refused to suck as soon as teat gone into mouth. I accumulate and then soaked my feet and fingers inside.....verdict: Not much difference. Smelly and oily only..haha

Hi mummies,

I've sent and email to mom to blacklist the runaway maid and also sent my story to stomp. Going to post my story at the singaporemaid's blog. Today I was so mad cos my agent called me and said they will send the maid back home if she is found. To me this is not a solution what we want is justice to be done or at least do something...

This is the worst thing I wanna hear. So to avoid that I went to the agency to get back the maid's passport and wp. Dun want to risk them sending her back without us knowing. We had also changed our gate lock and bolted our wooden door every night before we sleep since the incident. But

everywhere I go in the hse I seem to see her images....and even the smell of laundry now reminds me of her.

I really need time to get over this incident.. Imagine I kept a thief at home sleeping under the same roof as me for coming 4 mths! I find it hard to accept for now.

We have decided not to get a maid already. I will quit my job and stay at home ft. My elder son will go to half day cc while I care for bb at home.

Hubby, mil and I will do the household chores ourselves

For mummies who have maid's pls do get a safe to keep yr jewelleries. Don't leave it to chance and opportunity like in my case.. I was too lax Liao.

strawberry, actually i has the same experience as you for my 1st maid. she didn't steal that much amt of money, but she stole other stuffs. the most exp item is an old hp. best part, she didn't steal from my home. she stole from my parents' home! just to share so others can have some idea...one of the telling signs was i kay poh, go and open her cupboard. then spotted one of my many notepads in there. i know i didn't give her that notepad...so started to probe a bit more...then spotted a small cartoon-patterned drawstring bag in there too. plus a couple of my ball point pens. these are minor stuffs, so i nvr commented lah. but hb's view is, if she can take these stuff without asking, what else can she take? i mean, i may need that notepad wat...also found my sis' facial mask amongst her things. anyway, there were other incidents that led us to return her. and at the agency, we requested them to do a search. sounds humiliating, yes. but had we not done that, we wouldn't have found out that she had stolen my bro's old hp (he was no longer using it, but he just kept it coz still gd condition). since then, we bought a safe to put at home too. a small safe for the not so valuable stuff.

Hammiebao: The first nite that I try letting her to sleep on own.. She cried v long ~2-3hrs.. But in btw like every 5-8mins we go pat her n briefly console her abit. But in the end see her cry so badly so carry her till she sleep.

She also too used to been carry to sleep every nite.. N even carrying also need ~2hrs to fall asleep.

Now still contd trying to let her sleep on own..

Initially when put down sure cry but no choice just need to contd try n let Bb get used to it..

Ai yo see her cry also v xing teng

Strawberry, Tats commonly wat agent will do to safe the trouble. In this case of urs, do u still nid to bear the airticket? N wat abt yr mom $5k bond?

Understand ur frustration, move on n things will get beta.I believe there will b retribution for bad things done. She will b punish.

Anyway do post a pic of her if u have in the blogspot.so Tat any1 tat saw her on street can report to police.

N by chance do u haf the serial no of the notes stolen? In case she goes to the money changer n dispose her notes. The money changer in this case can play a major role in nabbing her.

Mummies who buy safe. Where do u put the safe? I had thought of buying a safe, but in the end didnt. N wouldnt the maid take the whole safe together w her when she run away or open the safe or ask locksmith or fren to open?

Now i lock my valuables in a 2 drawer in my wardrobe. Until now idun allow my maid to open my wardrobe. All the cloths are folded n put on my bed. My this maid damn smart one. She could take hints one. Sometimes i don even tell her

directly. N her ears are open, probably listening to the conversation in the hse. N she know a bit of hokkien, cantonese n mandarin. If she wan to do anything weird, i also bo pian.

orangebb, yah, if maid wants to, canrun away with the safe. tha's why i put not so valuable stuffs inside. the more valuable ones are with cisco. my mil's safe is those big big v heavy types...

Hi Chloe,

I was so upset that I couldn't sleep well last night after feeling so unjust abt the agent's words. No words can be used to describe my feelings ...

We don't have to pay for the return fare... And luckily I bought the security bond protector/ insurance and hence I don't need to pay $5k to MOM. Thank goodness.

She won't be able to leave the country easily unless she use illegal means.

I'm going to post her latest passport photo in the blog ( cant seems to post the comment to the blog, anyone knows the email to write to the blog owner) and see whether there are other channels for me to post a notice with her picture. Gd thing her wp passport size photo is clipped to her passport cos the maid's bio- data is not very clear.

Hello mummies, it has been a long time since my last log in..very busy with my gal and house moving..

strawberry - sorry to hear about the runaway maid issue..hope she get caught and receive her punishment soon..


My girl is now 9 weeks old and weigh est about 5.5kg. Is drinking 100 ml of ebm and 90ml of fm. She will cry for milk after every 3 hrs during the day. At nite at around 10pm-11pm, i will give her 120ml so she will sleep for around 5-6hrs.

Am i feeding a little to much?


My gal tend to puke milk after every feeding. She has this reflux problem since she was 3 weeks old. Have brought her to see GP and PD. Doctor said it is normal. It is so stressful when feeding her coz have to look after her closely ( cant put her in her cot alone). Not only that, she need to change clothings very often. And mine too. Coz she will puke all over me..


My gal also loves to be rocked to sleep. She refused to be swaddled as she will use all her energy to remove her hands and legs from the nappy cloth. Once she use too much force, she will puke. Therefore, decided not to swaddle her.

During the day, will put her in sarong. At night, will put her in bed. Before putting her down, she need to be carried to sleep. She seems to know that it is night time, and will tend to sleep longer after feed.

There are times when im too tired of rocking her, i will put her down on her bed..she will suck her fingers and play on her own before dozing off..


She loves our attention..if nt she will shout for attention. Whenever i sing or talk to her, she will coo or smile..very sweet.


my safe is inside my cupboard n its super heavy. Plus I use bicycle locks to lock my cupboard. When I go out il normally lock my bedroom door too.

Holly--- we are meeting at novena mrt station at 12 noon. Join us?

Safe --- it's just a deterrent if your safe is not too big. My parents in law's place was burglared twice in the span of one year. The burglars did it in broad daylight. Their flat is the middle of a 'L' shape. The best part was the burglars used my

hubby's single bedsheet to wrap the safe and probably took

the lift or stairs down since it was suspected there were two

of them. Safe only had some certs and title deed etc.

Nothing much. The burglars didn't smash my hubby's camera drybox though. Think if it's 60kg or so two men can still carry it.

My safe is not in my room now. We did think of buying a bigger safe. Saw bio-metric ones but costs easily 1k.

Strawberry --- I think the Chinese saying is right 家贼难防. Harder to prevent the house thief literally. Just gotta move on with it. I went to read the blog yesterday. There are so many horror stories there.

Hi mummies,

STOMP reporter has just contacted me and will publish my story before cny. The agency name may likely be published together as they did not render help to contact the family members of the maid or offer any help to me.

strawberry, i think the blog is getting more popular that the owner removed her own email address and requests that pple click on "add new comment" to put up their stories. you try add new comment...ob the right hand side of the blog...

Hi mummies ...

I have 3 cans of Mamil Gold Stage 2 (900g each)

anyone interested to take over? Expires in Dec 2011.

I got these 3 cans from PD as they were promoting it. But I was using similac.

So I didn't want to waste it by throwing away. Hope that I can let others who can use it..

Pls let me know, thank you!

PS: No charges required. Cans are still in good condition and not opened.

Interested parties, kindly email me :

[email protected]

hi all,

been mia for pretty long time. Have relocated to the states with my boy and hub. Been settled here for 3 weeks already. Cool weather.

My boy is now 11 weeks old. Next week is officially 3mths old. He is now weighing in about 5.2kg and about 57cm. He seems to have a little "milk strike" and "milk surge" on different days. Sometimes he wants 160ml, sometimes he couldnt even finish 60ml. Hmm..but i let him be as long as he is growing and sleeping well.

Now my boy sleeps from 6pm to 2am, then wakes up for 1 feed and then sleeps to 6am. I am pretty happy that my hub and i often have evening and night privacy to ourselves. This can only happen in states where most kids and babies must be in bed by 7pm. My boy in sg hardly sleeps and he only can sleep at 11-12mn as our neighbour is often so noisy and its hot.

Perhaps here is cool at indoor of 21-23 degrees, he sleeps very well, most impt is very quiet.

But of cos, my son does have some temper nowadays, when he cant fall asleep on his own, i have to cuddle , rock or carry him in my arms and walk ard too. But its only for a while, unless he is super cranky.Once he feels drowsy, i put him on the bed next to our bed. We dun co-sleep, he still sleeps on his own bed, but near enough to be able to see him as we are afraid of him flipping or suffocating. SID (Sudden Infant Death) is very common and so we must be very cautious. I am a very light sleeper, any little noise he makes, i immediately wakes up and take a look.

I think those who have my facebook are able to see my pics.

How are the rest of you, seems like many of you are doing pretty well.

Maids: its scary to have maids, Its like a heng or suay thing like CL. If you get a good one then Halleluyah.For me, i think i rather quit my job and be a ft housewife, i rather not risk anything that concerns my boy. Yup, financially might be tougher , but its better this way. At least, the child will have a mummy at home, rather to have someone else be the 'replacement mummy".

strawberry: should published the story EVERYWHERE..haha..stomp, straits times, Lian he zao bao, wan bao...New Paper..blah blah...terrible agent, so irresponsible!

Bluesoda: I totally can identify with you. Change bb clothes and own clothes cos throw up and regurgitate. Just last nite at midnight, my girl merlion out ALL her milk and hubby bathed her at 1am. After that don't even knwo whetehr to feed her or not cos can't imagien her going to bed with an empty stomach. I just latched her on for a short while then she fell asleep. And this morning, PD sees she looks fine. so went ahead with her 6-in-1, pnuemo jab and rotavirus...praying that she will be fine these next few days.

mittens & booties

My gal is still wearing mittens n botties. When can I stoping wearing mitten n botties for her?


anyone feeding Enfalac? I find my gal has some phlegm after drinking the fm these days. Is it normal?


my gal dun like to drink water too. Only like gripe water.


Wow...you are very well-stocked already !!!

Just to check with you. When you open the box, are diapers still packed inside some big packaging (blue/purple) or it's not packed at all, can just open and take 1 diaper? Thanks. hehe.

I might be able to join in for lunch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Put down my name 1st. Removed HPC's name bec she said can't make it on Mon.

Anyone bringing baby plus tot?

Anyone not bringing baby??

Lunch on Monday at 12. Meeting at Novena MRT.

1) cherrie77

2) cin bunny

3) Hammiebao -ok?

4) Jo

5) Shan

6) Diana

7) whim - ok?

8) Jollymummy

11) holly

Sorry for the double posts. I'm using HP to type. Can't copy the names from the post. Can someone help add csi, bam and holly for lunch?

Hi hi, I would like to join too. Most likely I won't be bringing baby. My 1st meetup with all you ladies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) cherrie77

2) cin bunny

3) Hammiebao -ok?

4) Jo

5) Shan

6) Diana

7) whim - ok?

8) Jollymummy

9) csi_fan

10) bam

11) holly

12) piggydog

Blood in poo : hi mummies, anyone's baby has blood streaks in poo which is mucousy? My baby had mucousy poo for whole of yesterday, poo many times also.. Then last night, hubby noticed that there is a couple of streaks of blood in her poo. Ok already today. Is it normal?

Bluesoda: my boi is drinkin enfalac. I asked PD apparently he said is not phelgm but small nostrils. so i let it be. He said will b ok by 4 months.

vallous> seems that u are settling well. and u have time to cook singapore food! saw yr FB pics..so enjoy life...

hpc> i think after yr gal vomit, better not to feed. so think u latch's ok. last time i also try to refeed after my boy merlion end up he merlion again! so i realised better dont refeed, if bb's hungry he/she'll cry automatically after that then you feed.

bluesoda> mine's still wearing mitten & booties too! one thing cos i'm in hk so it's cold now. when i try to remove mitten for him to feel things, he starts to put his hands into his mouth or he'll keep touching his face so end up i let him wear back as i afraid he'll scratch his face...

mummywong, I think our babies are at the stage of putting hands into their mouth... it is a comforting action for them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haiz. Next time outing I can join u all liaoz. Today first day of work. They tell me I redundant due to restructure. Talk abt govt being pro family. Erm....

piggydog and mummywong:

yep my boy yesterday start to munch on his mitten too... very funny. Yesterday, he was crying so hard when we went to KK. Then we went into the doc's room, he went quiet, and got abt 5 female medical students admiring him and said he is handsome. He spread his smile around lol... and there first time he found his mitten so yummy and starting to munch for a good few mins. While the students playing with him and said he is so quai quai. He knows how to work his charm around girls... lol

bluesoda I aso feed my boi enfalac and like what Sharon said I will clear his nose almost every Day.

Jollymummy haha cos cheap mah so stock up together wirh

Fm and get carrefour to deliver to our place haha it

Is packed in 2 separate blue/green packing in the box. So no diff from buying the 48pcs Pack individually. They just make it presentable In a nice box haha and btw warn u 1st. L size run out of stock fast ESP during sales so grab if u see it haha

Piggydog, Mummywong & Nelotte:

Yeah, my lil' princess also found her mittens yummy since a wk ago.

Without mittens she'll suck her lil' fingers.


Sorry to hear abt your job. Maybe you can take it that you have more time with your baby now.

Will they be compensating you? Which ministry is it?? ;p

PTB7476: where u stay? hw much r u buying per tin of enfalac?

Bluesoda: my boi also enjoy putting his hands into his mouth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggydog come come.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] brnging ya princess oso..

Ya cherrie as usual. Me, maid & bb..

ML.. Oh dear.. So hw? They hinting u to quit? Don leh.. They shd gv u a gd reason & compensate u..

I oso feelg a bit of heat from my boss when I tld him I'm extendg 2 more weeks (full 4 mths)


Yap. Guess so. Not ministry. It's mnc. Just can't help feeling that I penalized for taking maternity leave. Last year also no increment. Haiz... Feel unjust also. During my absence they hired a very very very senior person. Then tell me got no headcount for ikan bilis like me. Crappy Loh... Then the hr keep hinting for me to resign on my own. Of course wait for package lah.


They still working out the package. Really crappy Loh. My boss left even before hr finish meeting with me. Ya. They keep hinting for me to resign. Kns lah!

ml > sorry to hear tat. Wat kind of pkg wil thy offer? Usually jus compensate 1 mth only rt? Ya, me too hv the feelin of bein black listed for bein pregnant n takin hospitalisation leave durin pregnancy. Bt i m nt bk to wk till early mar. Wonder wat kind of pattern wil thy show.

baby bath gel :

mummies wat r u usin to bath ur bb? Any recommendation? I m currently usin avent. Bt the fragrance doesnt stay n my bb head is still smelly aftr bathing.

PTB, jollymummy -> where is the promotion for huggies? until when? thanks.

chris, i'm using GAIA. my girl's head not smelly using it.

Hi all, I have Mamil Gold Stage 2 to let go at just $8! Pls PM me if interested. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Yes, I've seen some parents buying boxes and boxes of it during sale!

Your boy wearing size L already ah? Or you just stocking up?

I've not seen the blue/green packaging before. Is it ok for you to see the name of this series and let me know? Like is it Pampers premium active baby or something else?? Hee...



We are discussing Pampers diapers, not Huggies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

