(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


I check with my hr friend. They didn't do anything wrong contractually. So I got no case. But I heard a rumor that this is ongoing. Got another 2 colleagues due soon. See if it happens to them or not Loh.

Sharon, I stay Sengkang. Most of the time we bought enfalac from carrefour at $43.10 with everyday card so add 5% rebate so equivalent to $40.90

Yah my boi aso put finger into mouh and I notice he does that more when it is feeding time so that is one tell tale sign he is hungry other than crying haha

Nana both Jollymummy and I are talking about pamper not buggies but today I passed by guardian seem like thy having promotion for dryers just in case you would like to know

Jollymummy if you have everyday card grab pamper when carrefour having sales cos on net net basis when compares with giant, carrefour cheaper cos of the 5% rebate.

Paiseh was at my mom place so can't check the packing. It is purple green pack - pampers active baby. And no no my boi still wearing m size but me just stocking up L size only hehe it is only a matter time he need to change to L size haha

ML: oh ur co. is bad leh..how come like tat...

my boss also not too supportive when i told her im taking full 4 mths...she already up front told me will affect this yr increment/performance..and i will be place one of the last in term of whole team performace and get the least increment...

chris: ya same here, im using pigeon 2in1 for my girl but find her head smell after a while from bathing...

bluesoda: oh so JJ is good? is it very soapy? dun like it too soapy...

Any mummies living in Punggol area? I find this whole area and my house indoor very dusty, I think due to the recent increased construction. My girl's nose is always very dirty inside, got a lot of pi sai and PD today said it looks deep in that she can't clean too, so gave a nasal spray made of sea water that is supposed to cleanse the nose. My windows are not wide open everyday and yet staying at home, I find myself cleaning my nose a few times a day, more than when I work outside.

johnson n johnson bb bath is it gd? The fragrance wil stay? Cny visitin, scare ppl say my boy so smelly. Cos he perspire alot even whn weather is cooling. Bt so scare to on fan for him, cos i find it rather cold, esp at nite.

ML: wah... did you sense anything before you went on maternity leave? Seems so unfair.. hope they work out something good for you.. so will u consider to be SAHM?

Sharon: U go to those medical hall to buy enfalac.. usually it is cheaper.. near my place (jurong west) it is selling $39 for enfalac.

bluesoda: My boy also feeding on enfalac... yes. got phlegm after drinking.. but i check with PD before he said very common cos throat is weak, they will grow out of it...but true enough as my boy grows older it seems lesser now already.

gathering at novena sq: Where are u gals lunching? 12pm rite at novena? I will be back at work on monday, if there is no team lunch then i can pop over to lunch together... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummywong: yup still got time to whip up sg food as hubby is home sick..i am ok..i love western even i was in sg.

fingers in the mouth: yup its the stage now..my boy now smudges his saliva everywhere on his fingers and drools a lot.

Diapers: i buy from amazon, pampers package in 180 pces in a box.

Work: i will have to resume job after my 1 yr of leave too..but now i already heard from office that the new boss is not very pro-family, she hates part time staff that needs to care for young kids, says they are lazy at work and cannot dedicate full potential. CRAP..i cant stand it as she herself is a women, how can she not understand. Its totally unforgivable, women should support women. I am now thinking of totally not returning to work. And mind you, I am in the govt sector. How pro-family is that?

Vallous, I thought u were a teacher? Or perhaps it was someone else.

Work, my boss when I was in my last tri, told me in front of my dept that I am heading that I should take only 3 months of maternity leave as I should be away for too long. So what can I say? Just smile and say OK. Anyway I don't mind to spread out the last month as a first time mother. Then when I asked her how does she want me to spread last month......work 4 day week or add to annual leave to clear and allow to carry over to next yr just in case...her reply was "Come back from leave then say...its too early to talk about this now"

Win already lor..... Again, I chin chye, fine with both. The good thing is I found out that people in my company when go on maternityleave take months, not weeks. So I told HR, it should be the same for me: Take 4 months, and not 16 weeks, so I sort of get an extra week. Wasted Feb so short month, else I can stay home a bit longer.

Irene> j&j nt very soapy. So far, I find it quite ok.

Chris> My gal din perspire alot. Find her hair still smell nice after few hrs. Maybe u like to apply calendula cream after bathe.

Jen> ur place sell even cheaper! I bot the enfalac fm and drypers from neighbourhood supermarket. Enfalac sell at $39.50, drypers s size sell at $11.50.

How much of fm are you all feeding now? I'm feeding 90ml. I dunno when to increase the intake as she tend to puke milk after every feeding.

O my son now drinking 160 to 180ml/ feed. He is 11wk plus.he is a giant eater.drinking every 3 hrs. At night, the max he can slp after the last feed btw 10pm to 12am is4.5hrs.

I will increase his milk volume when he show sign of hunger jus after milk after 1 to 2 days of monitoring. Increase by 10 ml to 20 ml. Every bb is different. So if the bb Is growing well,I think its Alrite for not increasing the volume.

Enfalac, the cheapest I can find in amk is $41.50. So Nw I juz order online. The price is btw 38 to 39. N I order in bulk.6 tins ea time.

Diapers --- watsons has promotions for mamy poko now. Buy 2 for the price of 26 plus in case some mummies are using that. I daren't buy anymore. I have 14 pkts now on the top shelf of my cupboard. My hubby keeps saying I'm v kiasu cuz I buy each time I see promotions be it Ntuc, guardian or watsons.

Shampoo --- I think babies' all smell nice even if they are sweaty. We dont use talcum powder but we did try the liquid powder from kodomo. Smells alright to me. Calendula cream smells nice on babies but I guess the ru yi oil overpowers it. I think the smell of the oil is nice personally. Hehe.

Bluesoda --- mine is taking 120ml per feed now though we are flexible. Max he took was 140ml. Minimum is 100ml. We noticed he drinks lesser at night. Prob that's why he still wakes up once for night feed? If daytime 120ml can last him for 2 hours mostly but he was only asking for milk after 3 hours after one afternoon nap.

Baby wipes --- my supply is running low. Any idea where to get cheaper ones other than Malaysia? I see it's 10.50 for pkt of 3 pigeon wipes mostly. Or are cheaper brands equally ok?

Chloe --how to order online for enfalac? So far I have been buying from Ntuc or cold storage cuz I use my vouchers. V exp at 43.50. Can gimme the link!

cherrie, robinsons / isetan / taka has the big pack of 6 pkt of wipes at 19.50. otherwise, ntuc sells the wipes at 3 pkts for 9.80 i think.


I was on abt 2.5 mths mc and hospitalization for my preg and last tri i rested at home for 6 weeks using my maternity leave. Based on my co financial year, I was only away for 1 mth for that year. Then they penalized me say that due to my probs, I get no increment and bonus also cut. Crap Loh. But nothing I can say cause I was waiting to go maternity leave Liao at that time.


I even checked with my boss after I gave birth what is my role moving forward. He said don't worry there are plenty of projs and I will be deployed to them. Now tell me this. Kns loh


I heard my fren's company allow them to clear maternity leave in days so they don't lugi on ph.


Your new boss no kids is it? Anyway some women with kids also like that. Work is more impt. Got 1 colleague of mine would rather work and climb the corporate ladder that she forfeit 2 mths of her maternity leave

Bluesoda : My boy oso feeding on enfalac and have like throaty issues too. Not sure if its phelgm. But he seems to be better now.

My bb oso do not like to drink water. What i do is give bb 1/2-1oz water before his feed using another bottle. Then give him his milk in another bottle. Coz when he is hungry he will juz take anything even if its water. Haa

Chris : My bb using J&J but coz he have quite alot of hair. I find that the smell dun stay and his hair and kinds of stinks with his perspiration after a few hrs. So I have changed to Sudzy baby & kids bath (brand Amway). Smell can stay till the next day. :)

Enfalac purchase ~~

If in central I will buy from Bukit Purmei @ $40.00 from a provision shop.

If in East area I will buy from Tampines @ $39.00 from a medical hall.

I dun remember wat is the name and the exact block locations. If mummies staying ard this area and need the exact location. I will go check out the full address the next time I go buy the FM.

chloe > I also wan the link. Last time I bgt in watson, cos ntuc run out of stk. Wah, super ex. I think it was more than 45!

Bluesoda > The calendula cream cn b applied daily? Cos I tot it is only use for repairing purposes, eg. rashes? Bt the cream only apply on skin rt? It is usually the hair tat smell leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My boy nw drinks 130-140ml. Daily consumption is ard 800-900ml.

Chris- Wah! Waston daylight robbery! Refer to my abv post for the link [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe: I asked milk milk supply b4, they selling 39 for enflac stage 1. Where can u get at 38?

Wetwipes : till nw i haven't finished even 1 pack of wet wipe..... been using water to wash his bottom ..... maybe can switch to this method to save $$ n mre environment friendly n best it wont dry Bb skin compared to the chemical on wet wipes...lolx

Jen- there was once she increase the price to 39. If I m not wrong, it's in dec10.

Den early Jan, she told me she gt a new supplier n she goes back to the old price.

Mummies,b4 ordering,do check with her the price 1st [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Even at 39, I still buy 6 tins frm her coz it's cheaper as compare to shops near my area.

In nov10, I have been getting frm her at the price of $38.

Using water to wash bb butt,

My MIL don't allow me to do that.. I don't know why.. I guess she don't want to dirty her sink? Haiz.. So I use wipes.. My friend bought me 10packets of the one which contains 6 packs inside can last me a year!! Haha

Lunch on Mon,

I guess it's better to decide a restaurant first n make booking cos lunch time at Novena can be quite packed!

chris: yes yes.... when bb shit, put him on bed to remove the sticky part of the diaper first then after that carrying him and holding the diaper portion bring him to the sink and wash off the shit. I will bring a nappy cloth and wipe his backside in the toilet first then bring him back to cot to dress up.

Chloe: Oh .. yah i asked ard dec... ok will check with her again..thks.

Lunch on Mon: hammiebao is right, I work ard novena and it can be quite pack during lunch and not alot of resturant is big enough to hold so many pple and pram.. so must make booking.

Suggestion on resturants that can hope big group and prams ..

1) Xin Wan (at United sq)

2) grandma's kitchen (United sq)

3) Fish & co (Novena sq)

4) Korean rest (Sq 2)

5) Bali Thai (Novena sq - abit small if the group is too big)

Can't stand my maid, always like to carry my gal and rock her. My gal not crying or wat leh, told her so many times dun everytime carry her for nothing, she will get use to it de...haiz, she like dun understand wat i'm talking abt...angry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Baby Wipes

I will use water to wash my gal's butt only when she poo. Will still use baby wipes to clean when she urine. Have been using Pureen. Find that it contain more moisture than any other brand. Previously, I use Pigeon brand. But my gal get nappy rash after using this brand. So we switch to Pureen. So far, no nappy rash

Lunch on Monday --- good idea to make reservations. Jen since u wk ard that area which one would u recommend?

Cny and maid --- if my maid receives red pkts from us and relatives, is it a good idea to let her keep the money or I keep on her behalf? Dunno what's the practice.


Yesterday was my first time thawing my frozen EBM, was going to give it to my boy but smelled funny and I tasted it, taste like soap. I googled and it said its ok for frozen EBM to taste like that, becoz of our enzymes. It has not gone bad. But I dont have the heart to give to my boy... coz taste yucky. Didnt know that I was supposed to scald the milk before freezing to prevent the soapy taste. Haiz... thinking to throw away all of them now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any mommy experience the same thing? Or still give the milk to bb anyway?

Nelotte, I still give it to my gal cos I didn't taste it myself. How do u scald the milk before freezing it? I do notice that my gal didn't seem to like the thawed EBM cos she will fuss a lot when drinking.

Nelotte, ya, my frozen ebm has a funny plastic smell. My gal drank 1/3 of it cos she was very hungry, after that she refused to drink anymore of that.

"Luckily" for me, I only froze 2 packs of ebm, cos of my low supply. So no heart pain for me.


for me, i let my helper keep everything cos she has off days n she will need the money for her own use or send home. the same applies for her salary so i guess it depends on what is yr current arrangement


angbao money i will let her keep,but mutual agreement for salary will be deposit it in bank.dun wan to let her carry to much money.

anyway,my helper do not haf an off day.

cherrie77: I think Xin Wan (at United sq) and grandma's kitchen (United sq) is better the crowd is lesser during lunch and also they resturant much bigger... hence definately can arrange for it .... they have those long tables at the end of resturant.

jen - was at grandma's just last week and agree with u, not so crowded and they hv set lunch promo - soup, main, dessert and coffee/tea. good deal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

frozen ebm - yes, smells terrible cos of all the fish we eat during confinement. what i do is mix half with fresh ebm and my baby seems to be able to take that. if i give her only the forzen ebm, she will refuse too.

jen > hmm, i cant wash my boy butt w water. Too risky. Cos i hv to change diaper fast, he lik to treat me his special brew of tea whnever his diaper is removed. :p

bluesoda > is pureen wipes cheaper than pigeon? Mayb i wil try tat too.

Frozen ebm : i hv nvr taste b4 bt it does smell fishy. My boy tak anything we fd him. Frozen ebm, fridged ebm, fm or water.

Re : Frozen ebm

It does smell and has a metallic taste. My ger also doesnt like frozen ones and will fuss but i will make her finish it hahaa. I been training her to take frozen ebm cos i be away 1 week she cant drink fresh ebm so no choice, now training starts.

Chris - good~! ur boy is a good drinker like my elder ger, drink anything.

Ok I will try to make reservations for grandma's kitchen for Monday's lunch since it's less crowded. Maybe those mummies taking cabs or driving can meet directly at united sq or the restaurant instead of walking over from novena sq. Weather is v erratic lately.

Anyone here is full time mum ie taking care of baby alone? I tried taking care of my girl alone for 4 days. It was very tiring that I fell sick for 2 days. I find it was quite impossible to take care of my girl alone without anyone's help ESP when I need to express bm once every few hours.


chloe: wow ur bb drink a lot...my bb only drinking 140-150ml at 15wks...thou can see that she still can take more...but we stop at this amt in case too much and puke and also after monitoring..this can last her for ~3hrs or more every time thus this amt shld be just nice for her..

btw to know whether ur bb is taking enough milk or not..just monitor her next feeding time..if always less than 3hrs thus think u need to increase her intake liao...like try 10ml more first and add on if still not enough..

ML: but even if taking mc/hospitalization leaves, these are official leaves with documents to prove mah..thus shld not penalized ppl in this way.

ai yo...govt still keep encouraging ppl to have more bb...but see how our co./bosses treating us..how to have more bb????!!!!

