(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Bluesoda, I'm taking care of my bb alone, my MIL only helps like in the morning for an hour and she will go out after that.. I find it diff to take care of bb n express bm.. i do direct latch on.. only pump occasionally and when hubby is around to help.. take care of your health!


bluesoda I look after my boi alone since CL left. Guess it is all about time management . I expressed when bb is sleeping or playing by himself thus wont be able to stick to the 3-4 hrs. Sometime I can only express after 5-6 hrs no choice boi cranky

Bluesoda - I takes care of bb alone. It's tough cos need express milk also and do housework. There seems to be endless chores waiting to be done. Had to do things really fast like when bd sleeps and near pump schedule gotto quickly pump. I cooked simple meal for myself cos lazy bring bb down to tabao. I also fell sick few times cos of engorgement fever not sure if due to not enough rest. I try rest while bb sleeps but sometimes impossible unless she sleeps longer after I get all the chores done. Take care.

Yes I agree. All is abt time management. After putting her to sleep, I quickly express milk, bathe, haf my meals . Now, my parents came and help me. With them around, really help me alot. At least now I can rest and have proper meals.

Koori > u must b superwoman! U still able to do hsework! Tats amazing! My girl tends to puke milk after feeding n likes to be cuddled to sleep. So really make me very tiring. There was once I changed her clothings 3 times within an hr.


Ya Loh. Really feel unjust but can do nothing abt it. Haiz. Wonder if that will happen if I have no 2.


I took care of bb alone too. Very tiring ESP when he wants to be carried all the time. So I do housework when he is sleeping and stop when he wakes up and gets cranky. I express milk after I feed him. Will place him on the bed beside me and play with him when I express. For lunch will cook something simple but will prepare the ingredients the night before. Sometimes I will only eat bread cause I can't cook as he wants to be in the sling when he sleeps. I think because of this I lost more than I gained. Think I lost 17 kg while I gained only 10 during preg.. Haha. Not a bad way to slim down but very tiring

Bluesoda, I take care of bb alone for 10days last month and I lost 4kg.. Haha. No time to eat and only eat one meal per day. After tt I found out that it's useful to buy some music toys/gym for my girl to play alone so I got time to do my stuff n eat, she can amaze the blinking lights for At least half and hour. I'll only pick her up and patt her sleep when she cries coz tired or sianz. I rent the toys online, so no need to take up space in the house, bb wil grow up v fast n some toys wil no longer suitable for them. I really salute those full time mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When can we resume belly dance? I totally not in the mood..

Bluesoda : sure sure will be gg to buy FM either by today or 2molo. So will give u the address soon. Sorri coz ONI know how to drive there but 4got wat is the exact address. Heee ;-)

Tks evelyn!!

Nana- can u provide the website for toy renting?

Though I only take care of my gal alone for only 1 wk, I lost 4kg. I was already back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Yes agree with u that is a gd n fast way to slim down. Haha


scalding--> websites said, put the milk in saucepan, and heat it up just enuf till u see bubbles forming around the sides. Must not let it boil though. But using this method will surely kill some nutrients too...

hammiebao: cool! I'm actually looking for that kind of bath net. Unfortunately, I cant join u guys for Monday lunch coz I had to be in KK for the whole day they said, they going to do some more test on my boy.. haiz.. it's called HIDA scan, very expensive some more, $400+ . They gonna inject radio-isotopes into my boy's vein. Wanna see if there is liver blockage. Haiz poor boy...

I got an idea though, dunno if cherrie77 can help or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] , since she is going to meet u all during lunch maybe hammiebao can pass to her the net? She lives very near to me.

So, cherrie.... possible? :p

Thx so much hammiebao!

Nelotte, y need to do this test to see if there is liver blockage? Poor boy. Have you done blood test before this to find out whether it's bm jaundice or liver blockage? For NUH, My gal did blood test to see if there is a blockage. Mayb u can try a less invasive method first?

the specialist doc in nuh said if bb is gaining weight well, it's unlikely due to liver blockage. What is Ur boy's jaundice reading now? My girl is Stil having jaundice too, now 60 something. From the liver test doc said it's good jaundice, which is caused by bm. She said some bb even hav jaundice Up till 6 months old. But from the test results doc found out one of the liver enzymes is higher than normal range, so need to repeat this test again next week.

bluesoda> i'm also working mum taking care of bb myself with help of hubby. hubby really plays a big part. the first thing we're back at home from PIL place for dinner, hubby'll help to wash & sterilise the bottles & breast pump & i quickly pump then go shower as it takes time for me to dry my hair. once i'm done with shower i have to latch my bb to sleep then hubby'll settle his stuff. i remember when i had engorement i have to stay in shower for very long then hubby help to look after the bb...it's really tiring..

ML: Same here, I was on HL before and that time my boss already made alot of noise though painted s nice picture infront of me but he sent alot of smses to me' saying this n that.... I knew he won't give me' take leave so I told him I be taking 4 mths ML in one shot as I dun like later he short change me.


Am lately switched to Enfalac from Similac due to bb can't poo for more than 3-4 days.....my milk supply is decreasing hence FM is taking over soon...funny thing is bb seems to like my nipples these days... Few occasions searching for milk...or perhaps suckle only ...

Hi mummies

I have made reservations for grandma's kitchen for tomorrow's lunch. Hope it's ok with everyone since time is running short and it's difficult to reach a consensus. Reservation is under my name Sherrie lim. I booked for 1215.

In case mummies wanna go directly here's the address:

101 Thomson Road #B1-17 United Square Singapore

woah those who look after bb alone still have time to cook I applaud .. For me simply no time cos too much washing or carrying or pumping so lunch for me is quite sandwich. I envy those who lost weight . For me I din lose much maybe because I snack bah cos I get hungry easily ESP tea break time 3-4pm haiz but still managed to go back pre pregnancy weight but I am aiming pre marriage weight wahaha . And yes if someone can help look after that would make my days easier. But my boi naughty when my mom came or I bring him to my mom's place he behave himself and he will play himself and my mom always wonder why I said no time to cook But when I am alone at hm, he always bully me want to be carries haiz

cherrie, thanks for organising! I'll go to the restaurent directly. Won't be bringing my gal..tot about it, still have no guts to bring her out alone with a stroller.

Hi mommies, I have nt been here for sometime too.. Ya indeed its nt easy to handle bb alone and time managing is really impt. Me too gotta do housework/cook, express milk, feedn look after bb and before u know it, ur whole day is gone. So usually i will feed bb then let her lie down with some rattles and gym toys to keep her entertain else i can't do anything le... will only carry her when she makes noise..no choice.. let them listen to some music... im hoping she can learn to be more independent soon :p

wow mummies, realli salute u all... think i have been taking care of bb alone, not enough sleep so BM supply dropped and hence i stopped. Too Tiring le...

My boi has been vomitting milk after feed since the total switch from BM to FM. I remain the volume of 140ml every 3 hrs. I wonder am i overfeeding my 8 weeks old Boi but he was ok with BM?

bluesoda: i am also taking care of bb alone ..and alone in USA. Hubby will be out of house from 8-6pm so i be the one that will cook hubby's packet lunch box in the morning too. And i have to prepare dinner as well. Its lot of work but with time management , it can be handle as bb's time will sort of fixed after a while. You can estimate about how much time you can do housework. I do housework as well and I dont have a HDB flat, I have a sort of semi detached house in states and its impossible to clean everyday, so i divided it by 1st floor on Mon-Tue, 2nd floor on Thur and Fri. Wash clothes daily. Cook my own lunch.

For my baby, I will do feeding, mine is FM. As its far easier. PLus diaper change, playtime, educational time, bathing time and napping time. I will take the afternoon nap with my son.

It was tough in the beginning, but soon will get used to it. I tot i will lose weight which i did in the first week, but now gain back liao..cham..cos i tend to snack a lot during my boy is sleeping hahahaha...

Anyway, sometimes when bb gets cranky, you will go nuts, so its impt to have educational dvds, music, toys and rockers..I invest in Amazon quite a lot as its cheaper to buy here in states.

My hub will help out once he is home but he will mia to study from 7-10pm..and sometimes i still take night shift...xiong is xiong but i love the bond...

Chloe: wow your baby really drinks a lot. Mine still only 90-120ml..sometimes more sometimes less...depends on mood...sometimes even 60..sometimes 160ml..weird..now i tend to vary depending on his demand..so dun really bother how and when he drinks..he seems to drop the late night feed and only wakes for 1 wee hr feed..which is fine for me..

Ya, like me' too, taking care alone not easy. But I still try to maintain 1-2 feed on EBM if possible, otherwise will be on FM.

Sharon: every 3 hrs 140ml on FM? Will it be too much? Cos as I know FM takes awhile to digest unlike BM digest easily. My boy is on 150-160ml per feed for FM, drag abt 4-5hrs or to 6hrs (the furtherest), for EBM will be 160-170ml per feed. But frankly speaking sometimes he can't finish also... Esp early evening hours... Hope I'm not overfeeding him also.

Diapers online:

Hi mummies: hv anyone of u bought diapers from GMarket Singapore??

Bluesoda - I usually feed bb then burp her and leave her inside rocker or bed then let her amuse herself. She was used to much carrying but since alone with her I can't afford carrying her all the time. She so far have gotten used to lying on rocker or bed but sometimes she needs carrying will carry a whole then put down again. I gotto hsewk if not no one do lei... Stagger the chores lo like today wash bb clothes, tmr adult clothing then clean floor etc. I did very minimum only house still messy it's tough. Sometimes I get irritated will scold hb for not helping.

Actually I 'hate' now as cny very near, house still messy ....haizzz

Mummies: wanted to check, if planning for rabbit bb, would it be okay? I meant health issue...as after confinement my bones are like old n fragile...aches here n there... Anyone plan for rabbit baby??

hi mummies, have fun for lunch! ha its near my office but i am extending my maternity so not going back to work yet, if not will join ual.

Yes i really agree its very very tough to take care of the kids and manage the house... i feel very moody and upset recently coz i really feel i cannot handle the kids and the never ending housework. But my family and hubby side never had maid before so we are not so open to having domestic help, coz i think alot of privacy lost.... but i dunno how long more i can tahan. Yday was really home alone with my 2 boys coz hubby out of town for work. I was so man zhang with my #1 that i punished him so much yday (beat his butt, sit notti chair etc).... he cried so much till i feel so bad...

Frozen ebm : I had a few packets of ebm which turned bad I think. Baby refused to take. Too a little taste by dipping my finger in and I also cannot take it. So trial and error see which packets r spoilt. Noticed that they r the packets which r nearer to the front of freezer. Back of freezer and newer ones r ok. Since then, baby doesn't seem to mind them already. Also, got a chest freezer for then too. I will usually replace 1 of her feeds with frozen ebm daily.

Vallous> u manage very well alone! Salute you! Wat kind of educational time do you engage your baby? I just sing and talk to my girl whenever she is awake. When she is in her playpen, I will put those clothbook for her to see. At night, usually will put her on our bed and play with her eg phototaking, tummytime etc.

cherrie: thanks for ur help! Whats ur number again? hehe

Nana: yah my boy had undergone so many bloodtests. Jaundice level abt 70. Last week KK did ultrasound scan to have a look inside. The result: everything normal. Doc pretty happy with it, but then he said he wants to do that HIDA scan. If he can see the fluid inserted able to pass thru the liver, he said he will be happy with it. And will stop all treatment and let bb's system heal himself. Of coz we feel a bit reluctant doing that HIDA scan, but doc kept insisting, he wants to make sure everytg ok. Haiz... I guess no choice.

Cherrie & Mon Lunch Mummies:

Sure, will meet you gals directly at Grandma's Kitchen.

Cherrie, can you pls PM me your number? Thanks!

I'll be bringing my baby and 29mth old tot. Hope I can cope with them both.... Was thinking of leaving tot with MIL, but thought that my tot would love to go out and experience new stuff.


Thanks a lot! No worries abt late reply. But got your reply in time though! I went Giant on Sat morning to buy 2 boxes of size M diapers for my baby, hehe! Giant was like a mad house, trolleys everywhere!


I haven't eaten the bak kwa but will definitely eat during CNY. I'm on TBF. Why do you ask? You mean we are not supposed to eat or something??

hi mummies!

wow another outing..wish i could join but should rest up cuz just got back fr a trip..

MIA as we went on family holiday to KL to see my family then up to genting for holiday..so tiring at genting but fun! so cute to see my lil girl in thick jacket n hat..all wrapped up like a snow bunny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] was quite cold there tho, very foggy! only 17 degrees max, and the wind was strong, good thing we didn't go outdoors. would definitely recommend the indoor theme park to tho mummies with toddlers..my 3 year old enjoyed himself so much! unfortunately he got sick w tonsilitis just before we left for genting (not that it stopped him from playing a lot!), but poor daddy took care of him so was super tired..

a lot of ppl were quite surprised when they asked baby's age, guess they think she was too young to be traveling....but i found it quite fun! ;p but my maid also came with us, so could care for bb in the room whilst we took #1 out to the theme park

re: shopping for diapers

FYI malaysia is not nec cheaper..was buying fr giant and comparing prices of mummy poko, its more ex in KL. must calculate cost per pc cuz they sell smaller pack of mummy poko there..cheaper to buy fr NTUC when got promotion


cannot eat bak kwa issit? i ate already leh..i'm only limiting myself in terms of alcohol and herbal stuff

Michele, he can drink though. i reduce to 130ml and reduce the milk powder cause i scare too thick cant digest...

Mummywong10: am planning for a dragon bb cause rabbit bb not in time le....

Bak Kwa: I ate too... Infact I only limit to liquior, the rest I eat normally... No restriction, but food like salted veg, curry I won't eat alot just moderate....

Cherrie: Goon diapers? Good or not? Compare to drypers n pampers, is the cutting of Goon bigger? My boy weighs 6kg n 2mths plus still wearing size S now...I have some size M in stocks already ...

Mummywong10: seriously I doubt I could cope if planning for rabbit baby ... Unless got it by accident..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not ready then will be baby dragon...

Michele, Sharon> which month u gals planning for dragon baby? my hubby & myself might consider a mid-year dragon baby as I do not want a year-end baby again BUT see if mentally/physically ready then also...

Re: tomorrow's outing

Sighs, I can't join you ladies liao... Sad Sad Sad. My mum's got a medical appt, so there's nobody to take care of the baby.

I ate bah kwa too. Actually I eat everything including canned food, salted eggs, coffee etc. The only thing I avoid is alcohol.

Wow i really salute to u mommies planning for another Bb so soon..phew! My gynae told me C-sect gotta wait for 9mths to a yr.. Any mommies who had c-sect n decided to plan for another?

Scubababe - i had the same situation as u, no domestic help + coping with 2 + chores and really no.1 got beaten by me once on her thigh. I duno why nowadays she so irritating, little bit kept crying so much tat i buay tahan. My mom say once bb comes, no.1 surely kena big time, sigh. Tried to accompany her cos feel bad but hard to split myself into 2~ : (

nelotte: hope ur boy will be well soon! take care

vallous: *thumb up* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also finding taking care bb alone not easy initially...now better...for the 1st week alone with her...i lost 2kgs too...but still has not yet gone back to pre-preggy weight..haiz...

how many of u have gone back to pre-preggy weight or even lesser liao??? so envy...

btw if gone back to pre-preggy weight...can fit into pre-preggy clothes??

michele: wow so fast planning for next one liao? why so fast? ya why not plan for dragon..give ur body some time to gain back first..better for u n next bb.

Babywonder my gynae told me if dun mind c sect again 6mth can try again unless you wan vbac then have to wait at least a year

So fast some of you planning next one. IMHO taking care of one is already alot of hard work. I dare not even plan :x

Irene> yes I'm haf gone back to my pre preg weight n can fit in to my pre preg clothes. Hope to slim down further.

As I'm so used to wearing flats, I haf abit of prob wearing heels. That day, I wore heels n walked very slow. Think need to practice more

planning for another baby>

wow so fast that some if you decided to plan for another baby! I dun dare to even think of hving another one though hubby wan to try for a boy. Told him to wait for 5 years later. I hope that the age gap for my kids are not too close or else is quite difficult to handle.

Vallous- lol! Ya n wat's more ... Pple who see him say he is a 4 to 5 mth old bb. Haha! He follow his dad's gene-big size! And my son seem to be on the express train as he can luff real loud when we play wif him.. My bb share the same bday as urs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

So ur cny, u will be celebrating it in states?or returning to sg..

Pre preg weight- with the arrival of my helper, my weight went up again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must b more time now, I tend to rest well n eat well! Lol!my jeans seem tight!

Cherrie, sorry I can't join this Monday.. Coz Bringing my bb to pd. He recently got a bad cough & pleghm again. Thinkg of gg to tk some medications, scare cny wanna c d pd but nt open.

Re : weight

i have gone back to my pre-preg weight or rather less than pre-preg but hor my tummy is still big! I just tried some new dresses i kept since bought long ago, most are too loose but those clothes that fit tummy looks obvious, tummy really a killer lei, so sianzzzz.

Re : flip

anyone bb flip liao? my bb started flipping last week, now gotto close monitor her cos she flip and rest on tummy tend to vomit...Zzz


Piggydog and Shan: no prob. Another time then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Michele: yeah goon cutting is big. The small size is similar to drypers medium size. I can't compare with pampers cuz I haven used pampers small size before. If u want I can mail tp you to try. I have both goon small and medium size now.

