(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

wah.....$500 is very good price. Mine like really very ex.... The rest leh? Anyone has any idea on nanny price?

hpc > i hv heard nanny rate is ard 600 to 800 wor.

Parents or pil takin care of bb : for those who r havin parents or in-laws takin care of bb, wil u b givin thm $? paiseh, bt hw much u guys givin huh? My parents gona tak care of my bb. Bt i nt sure hw much i shld giv thm n shld i giv individually or as a lump sum?

hpc, I think the rate of $450 to 500 is long time back de....coz when during my son time tat is in 2008, the rate I know is about $550 to 800 for 7 am to 7 pm daily (mon to fri). For my son, we start at $ 600 from 7 am to 7 pm (mon to fri) and when he start solid, we top another $50. Then this time for my gal, the rate is still $600 but we top another $50 for my son's dinner (mon to fri) and so when my gal start solid, we will just top another $50.

I will check if I can join for Friday lunch ok....let u all know ok...

Cherrie, will pm u my hp number later ok.


How come top $100 when bb take solid? thot bb when they take solid also nt eating alot? but hor, ur nanny start off rate is rather cheap.

tks mummies for the input on nanny price. I asked mine just now and she said market rate now is $800 and she already charging me cheaper. But when she starts solid, there wouldn't be increase in price. I will buy my own fish and meat. In a way, the ball is in her court and perhaps she knows that. I live in PUnggol and the demand here is very high, plus she is recommended by my friend who used her before. She is clean and loves kids etc lah. So I can't bargain much too..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i read those books w a few lines, more colorful pics. I'm using those I read to # 1. U can also do flash cards to yr bb. S loves it


I'm sahm so I do everything myself ESP when it comes to the kids. If u can try n make time to massage bb as it creates special bond.

Lunch on fri- I can't join u mummies, enjoy!

HPC: i checked prior and i was quoted at abt 500. But end up my parents helping me so i give my mum $800.

Cherie77: thanks but i think tat's too exp will walk around to source for cheaper alternative. BTW i cant make it for lunch this friday as i alrady have a hair appt for CNY. sorry.

cherrie - thanks.tats the bad point when its cheap,we cant use bb bonus.

Nanny - since salary of maid increase after the news announce.now nanny oso start to hike price?so sad.

Chris - my mum will be supervising the maid to take care of bb. So more or less i will give abit.$200 to $300.depends on finacially m i tight. Mths that i m tight,will gv lesser.i belive parents who is taking care of our bb will understand.so gv more or less,i tink its ok. its the tots that counts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CSI, I think massaging bb best is to do it urself, it really helps to bond with bb.. I have no choice to do everything myself cos no one to help me at all!

Diana: usually top up Is $80.. According to nanny she say she will buy ngor fish for bb So I dun mind la, as long she take gd care of bb, extra 20 is ok.

Hammie: massage is until 4.30pm. Think I can't join 2nd round liao. Show u the massage when we meet for lunch again. ;)

my bb start to hold his hands in front of him n look for vry long time. Tis mak his eyes cross. Wonder if it is of any concern. Anybody has the same experience?

re massage for baby...yah, true...it's probably our only time to bond with bb when we get back to work. problem is, haiz, by the time I get back home, bb is probably going to zzz already. oh well.

Diana and jolyn -- you've mail. I have changed my settings.

Flashcards --- I also bgt the set of 4 from agape babies but mine is Winnie and friends series. But not v diligent if flashing yet. Only did the colors and shapes series so far.

Chris --- it's normal. My baby was looking at both his clenched fists for a long time too. I find it's v cute. I read that it's better to let them look at the cot mobile from the side rather than centre in case they get cross eyed though.


yes u can start the flashcards. I started using black, white n red colored cards. Cos these r the colors they can see now

Making Bb sleeping at night,

Wanna ask mummies how u all make bb sleep? Takes how long? Sometime really difficult to make bb sleep.. Thanks


$80 is the normal rate meh? My nanny tat time only say bb dun eat alot so yi shi yi shi $50 will do, heehee... then she also will cook ngor yee for my boy lor. In fact, she will cook different nutritional food for him, like today is zhen zhu dou with pork porridge then the next day she will cook pumpkin with pork porridge etc...not everyday ngor yee, coz she know and understand that kids need to absord nutrients from various type of food....

But the main ting abt nanny is tat they muz love kids / bb lor.....haha...


will check my email later...thks!

hammiebao: i try to create a conducive environment for bb to sleep...typically turn the volume of tv down...don't talk loudly...dim the lights...and swaddle bb (with arms free)..i also give a last feed around 10-11 so that she can sleep all the way at least 5-7 am and not wake up at 2-3 am...but i also carry her lah (i'm sure this is not recommended by all mummies...haha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) usually my bb falls asleep quite fast in my arms...if she is already sleeping b4 the last feed..sometimes she will snooze off directly after drinking...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hammiebao: ai yo..my bb also take v long to sleep and somemore she need rocking...and need to change alot of positions until she is satisfy that she will go to sleep..but read from babycenter that we shld let bb to learn to self-comfort themselves to sleep..

try rocking her, or feed her and when see that she is feeling sleepy..shld put her down when she is still awake and let her learn to sleep on own.

i have been trying out since yday...its not easy as she is used to rocking...but telling hubby no choice need to ren xing to let her learn to sleep on own...see her crying so hard n so long...really v ke lian..

So envious that your bb can sleep thru the night. I think my boi has a habit to wake up at 3-4 am regardless how early or how late the late feed is haiz

Diana: Not sure when was ur rate.. but have asked ard & frens also said now rate is $80 when bb take solid.. Anyway like u said, most impt is that we find her gd. Else even if her rate is v v cheap also no use.

Hammie, when he cant sleep he'll cry isit? Mine cry like we bully her when we tried to put her to sleep. So we let her sit at the rocker in the living room until she show signs of tireness then we put her back in bed with some patting & pacifier. For quite a while, we dun rock her to sleep in our arms liao. Cos whenever we put her down & she wakes up, she will scream even louder.

Hi Diana,

When my elder son went to new nanny last yr, he was already one and started solid food. Nanny charges me $650 from 7 to 7.30pm mon to fri.

If I let her care for bb as well she will charge me

$1k plus maid goes over cos age gap too close won't be able to cope alone. But we have since decided that I am to resign

and care for our kids myself with maid.

Who knows... Yest my maid ran away when we took our bb to see pd. We left her at home to cook lunch and when we return 2 hrs later... She and her belongings just gone. Made a

Police report and went to agency to select new maid. Was so busy for the whole day yesterday. Fresh indo maid's salary also gone up and limited choices too. Managed to select one whose salary is still $380, 24 yo with a 3 yo kid.The few other choices are all asking $400 and above and are mature. Some even 41 yrs old. Not sure if this new maid can work but after this incident with the maid , my heart feels dead I just anyhow select this new one base on her low Pay and has taken care of her own kid before. Hopefully it will work out well for me.


Oh dear, ur maid run away, but police still cannot find her yet? Understand ur stress and unhappiness over this incident. But try to cheer up ok.

Sigh.. Think bb patang cannot say one.. I said bb can slp from 11pm to 6am but this week keep waking up.. Last nite is the worst.. 1.50am, 330am, 630am wake up.. No matter hw I pat can't slp unles I latch him on, n only 5 mins he don wan.. Routine mess ip again. N I super tired lo no slp... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh dear strawberry ya maid run away u got buy insurance hor? She ex-sg? I wonderg if new maid run, run where they dunno place... Y u din consider Myanmar maid? Indon maid nw ex eh.. But quality nt as gd fillippines's...

mummies, where can i buy cheaper california calendula cream? thanks!

shan, haha, ya i think got pantang, better don praise them.

I just found out that she opened my drawer and took my $1k new notes meant for ang pao......

I've a nagging feeling so this morning I went to check my drawer... The money is all gone


oh dear! Hope ucan recover yr money. U didn't lock yr drawer? Her passport is still w u rite? She wouldn't be able to leave the country. Don't worry

Oh no strawberry! Thats bad! Hope police can find her soon.

I also told my hubby my maid v smart one, so must be careful. Sigh!

If maid run away, can they still work for another employer in SG?

Strawberry, u r scaring me! I m going to pick my indo maid later at 2pm. $1k is alot! Hope ur next maid is good. I paid my indo maid with no ex-sin $350.

I locked my drawer and put the key in a small pouch in my bag. She managed to find the key and took the cash. All new notes. Luckily I went to the bank to start an acct for hk for his ang pao money from full mth amt $1070. His money also was in the drawer. It seems like I've a feeling way before but I didn't heed the feeling inside. If I didn't open his acct, I would have lost $2k. Ive also put all my wedding gold in cisco safebox previously... If not I can't imagine my losses.

strawberry - did yr maid indicate she was unhappy? how long u had her for? i also need to start locking up my $ and jewellery..cannot be too complacent.

bbsitter - i called up an agency and the rate is about $600 and with food, $650-$680. agent fees is $150. now i am trying to see if i can get one who will come to the house - save me on travelling time and my helper can keep an eye on bbsitter..hahaha :p

lunch friday - is this ON? if not many mummies can make it, maybe we move to Monday?

shan - my baby can hi 5 with yours last nite..midnite wake, 230, 430 and 630. the 430 wake up was bcos her nose was stuck with nose dirt so i spent like 30 minutes tryin to get it out. hubby out of town too. needless to say, i am a walking zombie today.

I dunno if I want another maid after this...

This is my first time getting a maid and this happened.

I really fear now...

Now thinking whether to put my elder son in half day cc and care for the young one myself. Then get part time maid to do cleaning.

Its a gd thing Her passport and wp are with agency it will make her harder to go back. I will have to report her case to

mom to blacklist her and make sure she never come in to

harm other people anymore. Hope she will be charged and

never see her family in indonesia again.

Never trust yr maids no matter how nice they are. They have no conscience. I give her lotsa food and she eats what I eat never know I kept such an evil person at home for coming 4 mths. It's so frightening.

Cin, open a safe box at cisco it's cheap and good. Dun ever put money at home. Just look at my experience, she can find the key and take it. Furthermore locks are fake... Easily can open.


Oh that's v upsetting. I also changed notes yest and they are at home. My cupboards all not come with drawers or locks! Your maid keeps her own passport?

