(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Lunch on Friday --- bunny --- lunch on fri is still on. I'm ok with Thursday (tmr) or Monday too if more mummies can join esp those who are going for jabs/massage. But mon is close to cny. Dunno if the mummies are free? Of course the more the merrier.

So far we have

1) cherrie77

2) cin bunny

3) hammie 1230 noon

4) Jo

5) Shan - tbc

6) Diana - tbc

7) whim - tbc

What say the rest of you? Wanna bring forward to tmr or postpone to mon?

Strawberry tats v bad.. I oso v trustg towards my helper coz I c her kwai kwai leh.

Hope she get caught soon..

Y u don want put ya #1 in fullday CC... Easier for u...

I ok w postpone lunch.. Coz my fren coming my hse at 4pm fri, scare rush

Strawberry --- I showed my hubby your post. He's now scared too. It's our first time with maid too. My maid will be alone with my boy when I resume wk. Mil will occasionally come over but limited cuz she's working part time. She's with us for coming 3 mths. She lately asked me abt her wk permit and passport too but my hubby is lazy to go down. She ran away without passport?? Scary leh. I thought they wouldn't run away without passport.

My maid has not taken public transport so far. When we go out we drive so I don't think she can travel independently. But who knows??

Now I'm worried after your experience. Plus I'm going to Bangkok for 4 days next mth. She will be alone though we have two web cams.

Strawberry: oh that's bad.. Ya my fren maid also ran away before.. Stole her jewellery worth ar 5k n on top of that she lugi the agent fee of 5k too. She had made police report but till today already >5yrs still cannot find.. Wonder where they hide..

hope the police can find ur maid..

sorry, just remembered my sister is back from korea this weekend and Monday I can't do lunch already....sorry!

strawberry, if u have time, do email the blog owner with the maid's pic...singaporemaidcomments.blogspot.com/

better be prepared, in case she turns ard and complain that she was abused etc so have to run away...

lunch on mon - i'm ok. er, anyone bringing maid along? mine still new with me so am wondering what to do with her if i want to go out. bb will be with me though...

Missing maid:

They either take the stolen $ to "buy" a fake passport or pay smugglers to bring them back to Indo or they can stay/work in Spore illegally until they get caught & get deported. But by the time they get caught, they wld have spent every cent of the money. Chances of getting the $$ is v low.

strawberry, sorry to hear that. my colleagues they also encountered their maids ran away.

Do you need to pay for the $5K insured amt from the agency?

Chloe: I look after bb myself when i return work. If i am going home late. i told my maid to leave my bb to sleep in my room and she will sleep on the floor (with mattress) and wait for me to return. then she will return to her room to sleep. So far i only tried once with returning home late...

Hpc --- nvm. Another time then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hammie --- noted.

Csi --- I think Shan will bring her Myanmar maid? I don't think I'm bringing my maid. Is yours filippino? Mine is indon. Will see you then.

Chloe --- I'm the lazy mum and one who doesn't believe in co-sleeping. My baby sleeps alone with maid in the other room. Maid wakes up for his night feed. Hubby and I sleep thru. Previously cl slept with bb and maid slept alone in the 3rd room. Hubby and I will ask maid to leave bb alone when

he's bigger and can sleep thru. I don't latch so it's alright so far.

Jo --- I'm going w/o hubby but he needs to work on 3 working days (my trip is sun to wed). He's in IT so hopefully he can try to work more from home than visit customers' sites. I daren't ask my mil since I'm going on a personal trip. Not so nice. Heh. She will think I abandon my baby for fun.

Wor, all e horror stories of maids.

My SIL just got a maid, her baby was born 5 weeks after mine. I had to teach e maid how to tell when e baby is hungry, feels like I have 2 babies instead of 1!

Getting baby to sleep... I also try to make e environment diff at night. Daytime, if it s rainy and dim, I ll make sure e lights are on. Forbid my SO to talk to baby after 8.30 pm. But she s not really sleeping as long as I ll like, tho'.

What kind of hours do ur babies keep?

Thanks for all mummies sharing how ur bb sleeps..

My bb sleeps late wake up late! He sleep at 10+ 11pm then he wake at 11am.. Haha.. I tried to put him on EASY these 2 days but quite difficult.. Cos he don't sleep much in the day.. Only manage to nap less than 30mins everytime.. N he sleeps well from 4pm to 6+pm..

Sometime very diff to make bb sleep.. Yesterday took me like 1 hour! That's why wanna know how u mummies make bb sleep..

mummies lately my boi has not been able to finish her milk? any idea hw i can improve tis? suddendly for no apparent reason? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sharon, not sure abt u but there are days when my baby goes on nursing strike. Refuses to take e breast no matter what and fussed a lot. I just stop feeding her and let her take a break (she s usually asleep) and try again later.

Is urs formula, EBM or totally latchng?


my bb sleeps from 7-7.


I will nurse him then put him in his cot. Usually he's awake n il just leave him, strictly no patting or rocking. It's impt that they fall asleep on their own.


yr helper is from Myanmar too? Ex sin?

Hi mummies, do beware of ur maids. Frm this experience I've, i urge u not to trust yr maids. The maid that ran away never argue with me, she seems forgetful but come to think of it she could be just act blur. What i told her to do, she does it without complaints..

However just now my mil told me she complained abt me to her before, saying baby cry but I dun allow her to carry. I'm very pissed when I heard this becos firstly baby is mine I decide who to allow to carry, secondly I did

Let her try to carry before but she carry until going to drop him as a mom would I still dare to let her carry him? Thirdly

Her t shirt always stink with perspiration for hygiene sake I wouldn't let her touch him lor.

I hope she'll get caught soon but I really shouldn't keep my hopes high. For all I know she may had paid smugglers to bring her back Liao even though I'm her only employer in spore. What I can do is to make sure she can't work in spore as maid ever again and find other victims.

Mummies w helpers at home- must make it a pt to lock up all valuables n cash. I have a safe at home n on top of that I used bicycle locks to lock the cupboards. Don't leAve it to chances. There was only 1 time I forgetfully left my solitare earrings on the dressing table totally forgot abt it until I got home n saw them. Really thank God my previous helper was honest. I always make it a pt to count how much cash ihave in my bag so that I know if any is missing.

Wow! So much stories.. I thgt of getting a maid if planning a second bb... No maid's salary also increased ...plus horrible maid's stories... Esp that hougang case.. I dun know how to tackle also..

Haiz.. Think my gal cannot go for her jab this Friday Liao. She is still having block nose and cough. Have to call polyclinic to change appt.

Can I bring my gal to do the physical assessment first? At pd prior to the jab?

Ueno.. Mine is consider new from Myanmar, she worked w 1 employer for 3mths then got xtr.

Strawberrys, sound so familiar. Mine oso lidat. Blur blur & forgetful, but hardworking. But she ratted on me oso, tld MIL tat I bathe bb, bb always cry. Hello, it's nt always hor, juz sometimes.. Well I dunno y oso, maybe I was too slow? I want to Mk it bonding time mah relaxing one. But always when i was gg to fin putting on his clothes, this lil tigger wailed so loudly Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my maid dono babycare somtimes I oso thinking y i got her haa.. :p

yes, bb caring part put the idea of having #3 off, I am quite frightened w current situation...

Ueno & those able to let bb slp on their own, u all rally v good leh!! I pat rock pacifier swaddle all sort of thing.. Bb still can't slp well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ueno, thanks, sometime I wonder how bb know it's time to sleep.. "good night" is a magic word? Haha.. I try to carry him till he's drowsy then put him in his cot but he cry very loud when put down.. Then I let him use pacifier.. Will monitor the use of pacifier..

hammiebao, i read from somewhere says that bb wil know it's night time bcos the surrounding env is very quite. there's a topic on this, mayb u can make reference from there http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/809116.html?1251901457

ueno, i understand y u said must let bb learn to sleep on their own coz like this they wil learn to be independent, for now and in future.

my bb also need to be carried around to fall asleep. both me and mil love to carry her walking around though.. haha. but hope when she gets bigger she wil learn how to sleep on her own, if not wil be too heavy for us to carry..

Nana, how about try just to carry but don't walk around? Not so tiring.. I will carry my bb to sleep.. But I don't walk.. Think I'm just too lazy to walk around haha.. Anyway thanks for the link! Are things getting better in ur house with ur hubby's family?

she wil cry if we stop moving lo.. when i got my beco carrier i wil try to join u all for lunch ok!

ya, now relationship with mil has improved aft taking care of bb together. got ppl help me to tk of bb and cook for me, i shdnt complain liao haha.

Talking about helper, i am so mad at mine this morning...when bb and i woke up at 7.40am, she was still in bed!!

Usually when she helps to take care of bb at night, i let her sleep till 8am..however i have been taking care myself through the night these few nights, i expect her to wake up by 7am as this is the time my girl will wake up for milk....

I realised we cannot be too nice...they will really start to climb all over ur head...i am so mad...when i start work i have to leave the house by 7.45am, imagine she is still in bed!

Good morning ladies.

Ya, I do agreed and think tat bb does know it is nite time de. For my gal, at nite, she will tend to drink more milk lor. Like the day, she can take a long time to finish 100 to 110 ml. But at nite, during her 8pm plus feed, she can finish 120ml rather fast and after tat she still seem not enough. Then 2 hours later, she will wan her milk again....another 110 to 120ml. Then after tat, we will swaddle her and put her on her bed. Usually, she will be able to fall asleep on her own and will sleep thru till 6 plus but there are times where she will wake up at 4 plus for milk.

nana, I will suggest tat u dun alway carry ur bb to sleep, coz if it become a habit, then even when she grow up, she will need to be carry then she will fall asleep.

Maid- my maid has been here for the 2nd day. N she is smart. When we open the gate, she will follow swiftly behind us, carrying bb n jalan jalan at the corridor. Caught her once testing if the gate is lock, but I nv voice out. Juz stand at 1 side sliently watching her moves..

As for taking care of bb, she seems ok and able to handle.I pray she will continue to behave well n dun so any stunts.i m goin back to work end of feb.Will b a big headache if she show stunts.

Whitecookies- wake her up. The more u let them b, the more lazy they will b..as long as they have 8 hrs of rest.

good morning mummies....

my baby loves to sleep so much that I think she is not getting enough milk. Always drink and then goes to sleep and refuses to wake up even when I want to burp her, pull adn tickle her leg, wipe her face with wet cloth etc. She was born 3.49kg, at full month, she only weighed 3.96kg which PD says its little. Then now close to 2 months, she is around 4.5kg (my own weighing scale). I did a calculation which means she is putting on less than average weight gain per week for a total bfg baby. Then somemore got reflux, jialat....how ah?

hpc> did u bottle feed her ebm or u latch her? my boy also always sleep initially when i latch him thus i chose to bottle feed him in the end to ensure he drinks enough. u can also try change her diapers or taking off her clothes to wake her?

mummywong, i have been doing both latch on and bottlefeed but recently due to her relfux i think,. she usually rejects bottle and sometimes drinks but finish like half or slightly more than wanna choke liao....then it becomes a struggle. I see she cry till so poor thing that I just latch her on to give her comfort. U can imagine I waste a lot of EBM liao.

Just left the maid agency after collecting my maid's passport and wk permit. They have also increased the pay. Maids like mine (worked in Malaysia before) now cost 430 whereas I'm paying 370 now.

Pls note that the employer has to bear the costs of her return fare if one's maid runs away to the embassy. But i told her strawberry's maid stole money and has made a police report. She said the maid will then be blacklisted and can never wk in sgp.

Mummies using Pampers:

May I know the difference between "Pampers Premium Active Baby Diapers" (blue/purple packaging) and "Pampers Stages Active Baby Diapers" (comes in a box)?



Diana, today i told my mil we don carry her to sleep liao.. seems like she knows our plan!! she refused to sleep since this morning alto she's v sleepy, finally fall asleep aft i swaddle her at 2pm just now. poor girl.

hpc, your girl stil got jaundice? doc said jaundice bb tends to sleep more. did u giv her fm for reflux? some mummies here recommend a few brand of fm to solve reflux prob, mayb u can try? 4.5 kg is quite a good weight, as long as she's gaining weight you don have to worry ya.

