(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

OranGebb: I think you gotta ask your hubby to speak to your mil. Her hygiene standards are no better than developing countries seriously! If I'm you, I will not fang4 xin1 if the caregiver has such notions! You staying with her or she comes to your place? Imagine next time she will also be cooking for your baby etc. Alamak.



Dear all,

I am using this more milk special blend which i bought over the TMC pharmacy counter and I think it is rather effective in boasting more milk lor. Mayb you all want to try.


relax, I think you are too stress. actually it is ok to give baby pacifier de. as long as you only give them only to pacify them. They will not get addicted to it de.


on hyiene issue, perhaps you can tell your MIL tat the nurse in the hospital tell you etc or doctor say so etc to fence off your mil. but still u need ur hb to tell her tat u need to rest.

btw, I dun think u should be pumping for an hour. coz you will only end up hurting ur nipple. u muz massage ur breast before ur pump. and for a start, i tink the pump might nt be able to build up the supply for us. thus i hv been pumping with my hand, so i can massage while i pump. which i tink help to build up my supply too. however, hand will be beri sng lor. since ur CL know how to massage ur breast, ask her to help u massage.

thks gals. Its gd to knw i m nt alone. Actually i also dont wan2 giv pacifier. Bt i cant bear to let bb cry non stop. So i allow cl to use it yesterday. Bt hubby is totally against, esp bb has no problem gettin to slp whn he carry him. I felt so guilty for givin in w/o tryin hard enough. Tis afternoon is anthr episode, bb simply cant gt into deep slp n keep wakin up n cryin n wantin to suck. The struggle within me to giv or nt to giv is too much to bear. I broke dwn. Try calling pd on the eyes n also wan2 ask if its ok to giv pac(cos i really tink i wil giv in vry sn. It hurt to c bb cryin n unable to slp), bt i didnt manage to pick up his rtn call. Will call him again tmr.

Btw, i jus took my 1st bath n the bandage coverin the wound is wet. Shld i tak it off? Its kind of itch, bt i m afraid to lk at my wound.

irene was told to hold back on prawn and crab etc for at least 4 months

chris did the gynae give you extra waterproof plaster if yes better change it cos if bandage is wet ...bacteria can grow and that might affect the wound...

I'm going to tell hubby his mum clean our son with shit water

Diana: ya think i shld reduce the pumping time. Itz each 30min coz i using single pump. Hand express do churn out more milk i agree

Cherrie: she comes to our place. Luckily she din do confinement for me, else i think relationship by now already sour


i remember last time the LC at TMC tell me is each side 15 to 20 min the max nia. Mayb you want to use hand to express then after ur supply establish then used pump again ba.

hmmm......tat how my r/s wif my MIL sour during my #1 confinement when she do for me lor....also hyiene issue but different issue from urs lah.

Nana, i usually dun express or latch my bb after takin ginger, dom or rice wine. I'll wait for 2hours. so takin this time, i usally sleep incase i forget, cos ive accidentally latch my bb once after drinkin the rice wine. ;p

orangebb, ya can try cold pack on ya breast n massage the harden area while expressin. have to cure this fast, else u will get engorged n have fever. dun express soooo long, max i do is 20mins on each side.

Orangebb: I also feel 1 hr is too long.. is ur pump strong enuff or did u swith to stronger mode? Normal pumping time is max 30min. Compress first(use heat) then express (by hand or pump). If lazy, when u pump at the same time, use a hot water bottle & roll it over on the side of your breasts (where the lumps are).

Hi Diana,

Regarding the motherlove milk blend capsules... How much did u pay for at tmc pharmacy? Do u know if I could get it anywhere else? I tot of trying.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how long did u take it before u can feel the increase in milk supply?

Diana: is it? I din know. Coz i yield v little milk thru pump. I did hand express n its more but tired. Breast felt do mutilated. But now bit more milk, can do.

Hi mummies,

I am a July mummy and have bought too much breastfeeding products and wished to sell them off at a discounted price due to stopping breastfeeding soon.

All items are brand new.

Selling the below items:

- Qty: 8 Medela Pump and Save (25pc) at SGD 19.50 each, Buy all at SGD 150.00

- Qty: 3 Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bag (5 pc) at SGD 13, Buy all at SGD 36.00

- Qty: 2 Lansinoh Breast Milk Storage Bag (25 pc) at SGD 10.00 each

- Qty: 2 Breastshield (24mm) at SGD 12.00

- Qty: 1 Medela Ice Pack for Breast Milk Storage at SGD 15.00

- Qty: 2 First Years Easy Milk Storage Bags (25pc) at SGD 12.00 each

Pls sms at 92328946 to deal

All items payable in cash only at Eunos or East Line.

Hmmm ok mummies. I'll do max 20min.

Just told hubby abt my boey shong w MIL on pigeon bottle n bathing bb....

And my maid just told me one pigeon missing....

wah.. thread is moving so fast.. havent been loggin in for the past few days trying to catch up on sleep since CL left.

bb Merlion: i went to doc at polyclinic yesterday and asked abt it too since my bb also merlion quite abit recently. Doc is saying overfeed. He recommended to drink less but increase frequency instead.

Mums who said they are using Water to stretch drinking time, does your bb really take in? I tried leh, but my bb is also he will start drinking then after 2-3 mouthful and he realised it is not milk he will stop and start crying till milk is given. How does your bb react when water is given instead of milk?

ptb: i see. oh 4 mths pretty long hor..guess better to endure in case affecting wound..esp we are c-sect cases..

how abt the insert for vaginal infection? anyone can advise how to insert???

Orangebb: I chuckled when I read abt wat yr MIL did to the bath! It's simple hygiene maybe she was too gan jiong to help. Her first grandchild?

For my parents it is their first grandchild so everything is new and they want to be involved. For my ILs it is not so they seem abit more chill..

Irene warned u first even if we endure for 4 month the wound will or can still get itchy if we eat seafood ESP big prawn and crab many years down the road it is there to stay at least that's my experience with operation lor haha

JanO: ya, her first grandchild. But like i said, i was shouting or saying loudly many times to change the bathtub water coz got shit. N its not the first shit prob! The way she wan to clean bb poo too.

Fr all this n pigeon bottle issue, I told hubby i am angry n that i clash w his mum n she stubborn n doesnt listen to me. Only to him n his dad. Just pratically hinting that more is to come.

Walau i super boey shong w the bath water. Now still angry. If my FIL know I think she jiAlat big time.

Irene: I have never used the insert before but it should be the same as those supository(medicated bullets) for kids when they get fever? The kids' version is dissolvable, just insert into the anus and the heat from fever will "melt" it- that's how it takes effect.

For the vaginal insert, is it a solution or tablet? Wash your hands and the vaginal clean and just insert? Did doc or nurses advise how to use? I suggest you call them up and ask for instructions.

Hi mummies. Can I have referrals of good CL? for my friend who is due in May.

Today 4th day bb no poo poo Liao.. If she still no poo should I bring go PD? But she seems fine to me. Juscthat she farts and pee alot. Is it normal.

OrangeBB: ur mil is really extreme leh.. Maybe u should ask her if she would bath herself with water with shit in it? Then she will realize that it's not normal?

Jo: read that u gonna train ur bb next month for 7-7 schedule and get bb to sleep thru the nite. How do we go about it?

Now mine wake up twice for feed in the nite. In the day she take bm with 3 hrs interval now. At nite with fm, I can stretch 4 hrs interval.. (with 1 hr of pacifier to pacify her) how do we go about letting her sleep thru the nite? And Yr last feed should be 10pm?

Poo: Must be a relief to you Bam!

My bb poo after every single feed (2hrly), sometimes big sometimes small, wipe anus until that area red. When hubby cleans him after work, bb cries big time (guess hubby abit rough on him). So now thinking of reducing the no. of times I feed bb EBM to reduce rate of pooing till his bottom not so red.

If not bb see daddy = bottom pain = cry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yoke chee..did you apply desitin ? that should reduce the redness...

reducing bb feed to cut down the poo...err...not right to me

I find desitin need rough on his skin, so using Angel baby Bottom Balm.

PTB, no worries, I CANNOT reduce feed cos he's a milk monster ;P

He has changed from 3-hrly feed to 2-hrly feed. And he's quite smart too, he prefers to eat frequently rather than over eat. Am just changing strategy, feed him FM, give his 'batok' a rest than latch / feed EBM at later part of the day.

Bam: what time is your last feed? Now your 2xs night feed can try to ccombine to one? Do you wake her up or she wakes up for the feeds?

Hi mummies,

Weekend is like a battlefield for me with no1 at home.

He's resisting sleep and finally fall asleep at ard 2pm.

No2 has learnt to get our attention both my mom and I ignore him cos he had just taken his milk and diaper is still clean. Now I'm trying not to give in to him wanting the pacifier.... Cos I'm afraid once he goes to no1's nanny, she will keep giving to him like what happened to no1. Now he is so addicted to his pacifier he cannot do without it.

I feel a bit gulity now cos I gave the pacifier to no2 during his first mth and when he got addicted I decided to cut him off from it. I decided not to give already cos the more I think abt it the more I dun feel gd about letting him have the pacifier becos nanny sure abuse the use of it.

Recently my mood not very good also mummies... I'm afraid I'll sink into depression... I feel quite down and just previously day I think I was so stressed abt things that I got a very terrible headache for 1 whole day. I tot the pain was worse than contractions! Feel like leaving the house and dun bother about things....

strawberry> I had the same tots too. Bt whn I lk at bb I can't do tat. Anyway I decide to giv myself a little brk next tue since I m going to gynae. Asking mum over to watch over bb n cl while I go to gynae. Probably jus 2-3 hrs away. Hope I will feel better after tat.

Jus wen to c pd today. BB nose is vry congested. Suspect eye discharge is bcos of this. given anthr eye drop n a nostril spray. BB seems better now. A nurse also suspects tat bb choke while latching is alos bcos of nose congestion. If tats the truth, I feel better liao. Jaundice is still there, hv to monitor.

Hi Chris... I also think I need a little break. Think my Hb knows that I'm feeling down cos he suggested we go on a date to catch a movie. But then I'm worried that nobody to

look after the kids... But he said shld be fine.. And I shouldn't worry. I'm still doing the remaining days of confinement as I'm doing total 40 days....

Jo: my last feed is usually 9 or 10pm. Depends cos if my mum cannot meet my 3 hr feed. Then will affect my last feed lo.

She wakes up to be feed. I only wakes up when I hear her cry for feed. And for past few days she wakes at 1plus and 5plus for her 2 feeds. And she is actually still sleeping when I feed. She jus makes the cranky noise to tell me she's hungry.

strawberry: ur hubby so nice. Mine doesnt even knw. Sm more kp tellin me he is sleepin early, wan2 go out to buy his fav fd, eat fd tat i cant eat in front of me and etc. Tld him last nite tat i hv bn cryin almost every day. Thn he realise smthin is wrong n still ask mi, "thn shld i go out n buy my fd?" so insensitive hor.

My 2 weeks old bb is now sleeping lesser in the day, he is awake like 4-5hrs straight after feed. Is it norm? He does sleep at night.

i think my breast milk flow totally stopped le.. I tried to pump just now, but no flow at all..

mine too. He jus turn 2 wks. He cant gt to slp, even w pacifier. He gt really fussy. Bt for my case, i suspect its bcos of his congested airway.

Anyone usin nostrils suction here? Any mummies who is also facin problem of congested airway?

my bb also abit nose blocked cos he is breathing quite loud.. these days he gets startled easily.. though i know its their normal reaction, but then the frequency is too much.. i swaddle him will be better, but then he always wakes up sweating and feeling warm though we sleep in aircon room.

Chris: I brought my bb to pd yesterday night. Pd at Sbcc at Amk. Think you can google. Bb's cheeks were a bit red. Issue persisted for two days. Pd said it's eczema. She also removed the snot from baby's nose. So much 'pii sai'. Costs us 118. First time consultation is 80 dollars. On the way back, I 'told' baby that he should be pd next time. Can make 118 within 5 mins. Pd suggested we change to enfalac with ha the next time. I didn't know there's a difference between our normal and the ha (hypo allergenic) one in case the fm triggered it. Nose is much better now. Also glad to know he is now 4.7kg up from birth weight at 3.15kg.

More CL woes... Now my #2 CL told me that her fingers are hurting. We suspect she had touched bleach or some strong cleaning agents that caused this rawness in her fingers. She says when she cut Ginger it hurts and she feel bad to continue as we may find it rather unhygienic.

We called the agent and she said she can get our #1 to come back to continue. #1 left after workg 2days cos she said she needed to settle some home issues.

We r quite fed up with all these changes. It's very disruptive. Also, as my MIL was the one making all these arrangements. I feel very paiseh to put her thru such angst.

Am really considering ditching the whole idea of a CL. Do any mummies cope without CL? Any advice?

Jan, I did confinement w/o a CL but had a maid who does the cooking & cleaning an MIL does de marketing. I took care baby on my own frm burping, changing diaper, bathing... at the same time manage to find some time to FB & log into SMH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hehehe kinda proud of myself.

For cooking I solely depend on maid to cook all de confinement food, prepare daily tonic & red date tea. I gave her de confinement recipe book to follow. Everything turns out well. Myself I tried to be strict with myself on bathing, food, drinks, clothing etc restrictions. Me can't depend in MIL to cook coz (1) she's working... (2) her cooking sucks :p

I guess for you so long u hav someone to help wif cooking, then you shud be able to get along fine...

I seem to be feeding bb the whole day today. Whenever she awake will ask for milk even though not feeding time yet. Am so tired lei, today hb ard and it's still tough. I tik next yr can't take care of 2 le must continue put #1 at nanny place.

thinkin of usin nostrils suction on my own, bt i dont dare. Lk quite dangerous.

Cherrie> i brght bb to pd today. Pd put sm sea water in his nose n manage to remov sm mucus. Bt whn we gt bk, he seems to hv quite bad congested airway. Worry it may gt worse.

ptb: ya think seafood pretty "poison". shall "test water" on smaller amt after 4 mths...cannot resist seafood as its my fav [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jo: hmmm ya i also tot to just insert to vaginal but it comes w "finger stall" whh i don't noe how to use it thus checking out if anyone know here.

ya guess i'll chk out w gynae again..tks thou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jun lim: ya my bb also..these few days been staying awake for straight 4-5 hrs or even longer during day, but at least able to sleep at nite...but does not sleep v early too...say sleep only at 12am...thus when i calculate her total sleeping hrs, seems she only sleep ~12hrs a day...tot 7 weeks old bb need ~16-18hrs sleep too rite???


Got ask your Pd for nose drops? My boy is better after using it. Even after the Pd remove the mucus, it will still come back. Use saline only if the mucus has dried up. U can buy the suction thingy from pigeon. My Pd says my boy prob has sensitive nose. Bo bianz. If u supp with fm better to use the ha kind. If bf, u need to cut down on dairy and eggs. But honestly, doesn't seem to help much for my case. Don't be too stress abt it


Dunno abt the finger stall thing. But to do the inserts, make sure your hands are clean and then push it in with your index finger. Have to push it deep enough to prevent it from dropping out

I'm happy to see my bb learn n grow!! He would cry for milk in every 1:45 for the pass 2 days.. I was totally exhausted as I'm doing tbf.. Today much better.. Bb cry for milk in abt 3 hours.. And I had to wake him up for milk as he slept more than 3 hours..

My friend suggested that I shd try to keep bb awake more so he will sleep at night, hubby was complaining that bb always wake up at night.. Is it too early to do so? When shd I train him to sleep more at night? Now he's 9 days old..

Oh.. For those using iPhone, can try the app "Total Baby" u can record down every feed, diapers change and bath time.. I find it useful as a FTM and I keep track of my feeding time

