(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hammiebao: I manage to switch her to stay awake in the day more after 1 mth. Probably yrs is too early to train.. Infants sleep at least 20 hrs a day.


bb grows so fast. Whn he was jus born, everyone say he lk lik a copy of me. Bt these few days many ppl r sayin tat he lk lik my hubby. And i havnt even taken enough pics of him whn he lk lik me! So regret it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My bb keep on waking up and wanting milk, Especially in day time. How can i solve this habit?? I'm really tired alr.. Want to give up bfing..


I have a tube of 4.8oz desitin cream to let go at $9.50. The expiry date is april 2012. It's blue colour. Anyone interested?

Jen, my girl is seeing dr winston tan from kidslink at CCK. He is v patience n caring. His clinic building is beside lot 1.

PTB, I wish to direct latch on... But now I wil consider ur suggestions.. Thanks. Bb has been v fussy nowadays.. The first few days she's really a guai bao bao.. Mayb I praised her too much.. :p

nana.. as much as i like to latch on too but then come to think about it... when we latch on we dun really know how much they are having and most of the time after 10-15mins they will fall asleep ...too tired from the sucking bah haha..so the best measurement of how much they are having is pump and feed. i notice that we can have better management of their consumption and BB also will be full and rest well...else every 1-1.5hrs they will cry for milk when latch on . for me ... during day time i will latch at least once and feed BM via bottle for other feeds ..this is to ensure he is getting enuff milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nana> my bb is lik tat too. Bt i knw he jus wan2 latch to slp. So whn he wakes up, he wan2 latch to slp again. Bt i cant latch him on demand. Cos he will b overfd n merlion. So no choice, i giv pacifier. Bt it stil doesnt mak him vry pls. Bt better than nothin lor.

Heard fr my sis tat bb will b an angel in the 1st 2 wks. Aftr tat thy will change n shw their temperament. So i guess we hv to learn their pattern n try to cope/tackle w it. Nt easy. Lets all jia you!

PTB, yes u r right, like this not only bb wil feel tired keep on waking up n I'll be exhausted too. At first I did giv bottles feeding but my girl got nipples confusion n don know how to suck my nipples, aft tt I train her again to latch on n no more bottles. But now.. For her own good I think I wil feed her with bottles again. Really demoralizing..

Chris, Yaya!! First 2 weeks she is like an angel!! Now like a monster.. Really hope she can talk and tell me what she wants. Anyway, I bought the book, baby whisperer recommended by the mummies here to understand bb more.

bf mummies wanting to latch on, jiayou!

its tough n demoralising sometimes not knowing if bb is getting enuff or is just treating mummy as pacifier...learning to recognise ur bb's cries is a skill! many times bb wants to suck because they want to b close to mum n be held..if ur bb really is eating at the breast, u will b able to tell by how their lip n cheeks move (ie u try urself to observe how ur lips, cheeks n throat muscles move when u swallow water, vs just moving ur lips no swallowing).

also, if u put bb on a schedule, its easier to read their signals, to see what they want. i know for my girl,her hunger cry is more cranky, coughing kind of sound which escalates to loud "waaa!!" sounds..she will also try to suck on her fingers very hard, with a smacking sound..unless she exhibits these signals, i don't feed her..i also look at the clock, as she feeds every 3 hours or so..it takes time to understand and know ur child, i.e. what i thot was a hunger cry for her, was in fact due to gas in her tummy (was feeding her when what she really needed was to be burped!)

here's a link for u guys, to help u understand ur bb's signals better..hope it can help!



i give pacifier too..but only as a sleep cue so bb doesn't depend on me to fall asleep (since when bb is older i plan to return back to work)..she always spits it out after sucking her fill (for myabe 30 mins max, and she's asleep by then, daytime she sucks for less time)

my #1 was only given paci much later, and he rejected it (he knew by then it wasn't the "real thing" lol!) so we had a lot of trouble w sleeping..had to keep patting him!

Hi mummies,

My bb wants to drink every 1hr plus during the day... I'm feeding ebm...I'm trying to get rid of his habit of using the pacifier. Suspect he wanted the pacifier but we give water instead.. Wonder if he will ever get wean off from the pacifier...hmmm

lilyn> till nw, i cant differentiate the diff cries. I also cant handle bb most of the time at tis moment, cos i suspect i m so close to gettin PND. If i c him cry, i will also cry. I tink my cl n hubby r also misusing it to stop bb cry.

Hello mummies,finally my bb 1st mth celebration ended 24 hours back.Super tired..


Food wise,got postive feedback for its curry and ngor hiang.The noodles is oso ok.The disappointing one is the fried rice.Onli 1/4 of the portion eaten.

Hi Mummies,

I am a first time mum and my boy arrived on the 13 Nov. I am pretty much a silent reader till now. Like most new mother, i am pretty depress by the inability to TBF my child.

My son is already coming to 3 week plus but my supply is as low as 20ml per pump. (Currently do direct latch, supplementing with FM and pump).

Is that normal? I am rather disheartening and not sure how long my milk can last for my child.

Only good thing is that he doesn't seem to have nipple confusion and is still willing to latch. The problem is that I am not sure if he is sucking for comfort or getting enough as he always falls asleep at my breast.

Now in the day i try to latch on demand and pump at night while he drink FM (by the confinement lady). I tried Fenugreek and Sacred Tea but nothing seems to help. I am totally lost.

Are there any other mothers in my shoes? Can tell me what to do?

chow> try massagin, tak more fish, soup, red date tea, use hot compress n etc. I tink drinking lots of hot fluid reall hlp in milk flow. Gd luck!

hi yee faye,

Pls don't feel bad. my baby is 6 week plus now but when i pump even now, same as you, as low as 20ml per side. since birth, I do direct latching as I want to feed her breast milk totally as much as I can. The bad thing is I don't know how much she drink but she gain weight each and every week and she has regular poo and pee. so I feel that it should be ok. hope you feel better now after knowing mine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nana - I also have this problem of bb keep drinking and when's she awake I can't rest cos she don wan be put down.

nana >> same prob here too. sometimes, very tired and want to give up TBF. hope we can hang on until we know how to solve it.

my 2 wk old bb drank 60 ml of EBM just now, n can tahan her for 3 hours, so think that should be enough for her per feed?

for those bb who seem to b wantin to drink more suddenly.could it also be a growth spurt?


i saw on ur fb tt bb is jaundiced rite? if so, letting her feed more is good, cuz the more they feed, the more they poo, which helps her pass out birrulibin, and decreases the jaundice level..jia you ok?


try to relax ok? ur bb could just b wanting to suckle for comfort, so giving paci is not a terrible thing..pacifiers have been around for a long long time, and it doesn't hurt the child, but helps them calm down

Hi Angel,

Can I check whether you pump after u direct latch or when you miss a feed for the 20ml?

My 20ml is 2 side combine and i didnt even latch on...that's how bad it is..

My max ever is 40ml with a gap of 4hrs.

nana: thanks. Saw quite good review on Dr Winston too. However abit far from me too since Im staying in Jurong West. Will try Kidslink Jurong East branch instead.

1st mth DA: Can I check has anyone bring their bb for the 1st mth DA? I went to polyclinic to ask abt it that day, they say 1st mth no need to do DA but i saw in the health booklet 1st mth DA is in there le... can someone please advise?

faye> dont worry too much. Initially i had problem too n wen to c LC in Mt A. She tld me tat if bb latch rt, bb cn suck more than twice the amt we pump.

Just had baby full month today, caterer was angeli too. Lots of food, timely set up. Mee hoon, curry chicken, ngoh hiang were yummy. Fried rice was dry. Like Chloe, lots of remainder. Took the 10menu. Overall good value for the price paid.

Piggydog,mayb last wk the cook is on down mood, hence food is no good..haha..

If any1 gona use angeli, I suggest u make special request to take 2 noodle instead of 1 rice n 1 noodle.

faye, my breast milk is only 50ml per pump for both side.. but now, i tried to pump, totally no flow le, so i think no milk le..

Jen, I am staying at jurong west also, which area u r in? Can ask y go for private when we can go polyclinic? is it bcos of the waiting time or? price wise leh?

Aso had my bb shower today.. Finally over! So tired, my back killing me too. Choose Melrose n Liang Caterer (halal n non-halal). I didnt eat the food, but from the look, The former received better response than the latter. Ang ku keh all finished. Guests carry bb here n there until we "lost" her twice... :eek: overall a busy day but fulfilling day.

Hiya mummies! Hows everyone doing? Hows the babies? Guess everyone is very busy with the newborns now ba. Anyone already started their panda journey? My little Clovis had been torturing us so badly, we r both so deprive of slp nowadays...

Jun: Am staying near Pioneer MRT. What about u? Actually we had gone to Jurong East polyclinic for vaccination(hep b 2nd dose) and 2 times for jaundice blood test and flu consultation already. Queue and price are acceptable and waiting time is definately much more better than the GP at my area. Am quite surprised by the efficiency of the polyclinic too and nurses and docs are quite friendly too. However, my bb's flu has not recovered even after the 2nd visit and his vomiting seems to have increased (accordingly to the docs at the polyclinic it is normal and no further diagnostic) so would like to seek a second opinion on his condition. But the other thing i do not really like is that the doc on duty changes everytime so u need to repeat the story again and again. I will still continue to do the vaccination at polyclinic and do general consultation there first and if neccessary go to a pd only. Btw, gave you bring your bb for the hep b vaccination already? where did you go? polyclinic or pd?

Jewel: haha we had the same experience of losing our bb during the bb shower too... the relatives were like passing him here and there until we were like where's he. haha.

Jun Lim: So your BB now on 100% FM?? You know what might be the reason for the stop in milk flow??

A part of me really feels like giving up. I took epi for my delivery hence to me the whole recovery process and Breastfeeding r actually worse than the labour itself.

Woha, quite a number of mummies ended their confinement.finally we r being release...

Faye - me too feel like giving up bf at 1 stage.I yield as low 30ml for both breast .but with Jo's advice on re-establishment of milk flow, wat I do is to latch bb and gv fm after the latch.and I do it at my own comfy speed(certain feed I mix,certain feeds I give 100% fm. )I feel happier this way.

And I totally dump my breast pump aside.jiayou!

Jen: me staying in west aso, for pd, am Going to kidslink at jurong east too. Heard dr Heng is gd... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe: next after confinement is how to take care of bb ourselves! Duno which is worst.. Haha.

Hi Chloe,

So what is your routine like? Latch then FM? so now totally no pump even if u give FM only? Will that affect supply?

Currently i dun pump if I latch the baby, but I will pump at night while the CL take care of the baby and give FM.

I am worry that when the CL leave how am I going to cope with the baby esp in the night.

My BB last feed will be abt 10-11pm, then wake up at 2-3am and 5-6am in the middle of the night. Then wake up for his morning bath at about 7-8am.

I am worry if I direct latch at night,he will wake up more frequently and then I will be too tired.

Faye your BB routine is the same as mine and i intend to keep it that way ie when it is night time i will feed him FM and when he go back sleep then i pump.. then day time continue BF and sleep when bb also sleep :p BF are not really filling so dun want to let bb wake up too frequently at night so will keep it as FM


I not sure beside TMC where else does sell this supplement coz so far, I did not step out of my house beside gng for check up. I took the large bottle (120 capsules) and think it cost abt $80++ nt sure, coz HB pay for it. We bought it when I discharge so I hv been taking it since the day i discharge till now. Thus, I am nt really sure when it really take effect. But so far, i managed to pump around 70-80 ml every 3 hourly. I think constant pumping also help too.

Jewel-I tink I m lucky.coz my mum did confinement 4 me and after confinement she will continue to help out in looking after bb.. Haha so mine is still a release...but as bb grow, he is getting notti and show his temper ...hard to tc!

Faye- I will latch 1st den gv fm.n for the past 1 wk plus, I totally didn't pump. So as to if supply affected or not, I duno. Mayb later I shall try pumping to c hw much I yield.for nite feed, 100% I gv fm and my mum is the 1 tat will tc of the nite feed. Occasionally, I will wake up myself to feed him,so tat my rest is somehow sufficient to tc of bb in the day...

Rountine for feed is abt the same, but his bath time is btw 10 to 12pm.

Dun worry abt taking care of bb, our mother instinct will work things out... It juz take some time for trial n error to make us perfecting the task[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Faye: im like u. No pump during daytime when i latch bb, n pump to keep at nite while CL feed bb FM. But tdy start i'm going to b more hardworking. Pump after 20min of latching bb. Hopefully this will help increased my BM.

Just started fenugreek ystd. Find that I smell a bit like curry cow, n my throat uncomfortable like a bit nausea n sensitive to certain smell.

OranGeBB:I am also thinking of pumping after BF, but my BB take very long to feed cos he keeps falling asleep, can be up to an hr. N I am too tired to pump after tt. I am already having prob waking up at night to pump due to lack of sleep.

Guess all of us mommy here are Panda le.

Jen, I'm also staying near pioneer mrt and my gals hav been going to pd at jurong east st 21 Anne baby and child clinic.

Diana, my supply abt e same as urs onli but usually I delay pumping till abt 4hrs to see abit more ss. How's ur gal?

bam, if i m not wrong,now wif bio-metric pp.no longer can tag bb into parents pp le. bb muz haf its stand alone pp.


BB passport have to be separate from mum le...no longer can add to our passport le.


My gal is ok....but she is beri sleepy esp when we feed her milk. whenever we feed her she will fall asleep and so she will take about 30 min to finish her feed. then abt an hour or 1 and half hour later she will cry for milk again, but she will nt be able to finish her feed of 80ml lor....tat is if she did not sleep. if she sleep then her feed can last her for 3 hours lor... and in fact at nite, at times she can sleep for a good 4 hours before she wake up for milk lor...

Hello Mummies! Hope all of you are fine.

I have the following Organic Ergo Carrier for sale. It is recently bought from the shop the First Few Years. Used only once. It is in mint condition 9.5/10. Bought at $200plus, selling at $150. It comes with the box and the instruction booklet. Interested parties, please email me at [email protected] or PM me. Self-collection at Jurong Point.

Ergo Organic Carrier Sienna Sunset with Stripe lining


Thank you!

